
Combined transcriptomics and proteomics analysis of Perk toxicity pathways

General information

This pipeline relates to data included in Figures 2 to 7, as well as in supplementary tables, part of the supplementary materials, from our study titled Combined transcriptomics and proteomics analysis of Perk toxicity pathways,
by Rebeka Popovic, Ivana Celardo, Yizhou Yu, Ana C. Costa, Samantha H. Y. Loh and L. Miguel Martins at the MRC Toxicology Unit, University of Cambridge.

Aims and objectives

AIM: Analyse transcriptomics and proteomics data from UASdPERK overexpressing flies:

1) Define targets: Compare mRNA and protein upregulation/downregulation, obtain gene lists (R/R Studio)

2) Perform upstream analysis on the obtained gene list (iRegulon)

3) Perform pathway enrichment analysis on the obtained lists (ClueGO)

Experimental background


  • tubgal80,daGal4>+
  • tubgal80,daGal4>UASPERK

Transcriptomics: Crosses were kept at 18C and moved to 29C for 15h following eclosion, 4 biological replicates were used. RNA was extracted using the TRIZOL method and analysed by microarray analysis.

Proteomics: Crosses were kept at 18C and moved to 29C for 15h following eclosion, males, 5 biological replicates were used. The samples were frozen after collection, the protein extraction was performed with RIPA, and analysed by Tandem Mass Tagging (TMT) proteomics analysis.

Define targets

The chosen FC value is 1.6 (or for logged values 0.7).

Load packages and preprocess data

## Warning: package 'tidyverse' was built under R version 3.5.2
## Warning: package 'tidyr' was built under R version 3.5.2
## Warning: package 'purrr' was built under R version 3.5.2
## Warning: package 'stringr' was built under R version 3.5.2
## Warning: package 'forcats' was built under R version 3.5.2
## Warning: package 'ggthemes' was built under R version 3.5.2
# install.packages("ggpubr")
## Warning: package 'ggrepel' was built under R version 3.5.2
# Load dataset with inner joined dPERK transcripts and proteins (matched only) # Supplementary Table 12
dPERK_inner_join <- read.delim("1.6_data/dPERK_inner_join.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",") 

# Define thresholds for transcripts: FC=1.6 and FDR=0.05 
dPERK_inner_join$trans_reg <- ifelse(dPERK_inner_join$trans_FC >= 1.6 & dPERK_inner_join$trans_FDR <= 0.05, 1, ifelse(dPERK_inner_join$trans_FC <= -1.6 & dPERK_inner_join$trans_FDR <= 0.05, -1, 0))

# Define thresholds for proteins: FC=0.7 (the values are loged) and FDR=0.05 
dPERK_inner_join$prot_reg <- ifelse(dPERK_inner_join$prot_FC >= 0.7 & dPERK_inner_join$prot_FDR <= 0.05, 1, ifelse(dPERK_inner_join$prot_FC <= -0.7 & dPERK_inner_join$prot_FDR <= 0.05, -1, 0))

# Save
write.csv(dPERK_inner_join, "1.6_data_output/dPERK_inner_join_FC1.6.csv")

# Load the dataset with all transcripts (not all matched to proteins)  # Supplementary Table 1
dPERK_full_join <- read.delim("1.6_data/dPERK_full_join.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",") 

# Define thresholds for transcripts and proteins  
dPERK_full_join$trans_reg <- ifelse(dPERK_full_join$trans_FC >= 1.6 & dPERK_full_join$trans_FDR <= 0.05, 1, ifelse(dPERK_full_join$trans_FC <= -1.6 & dPERK_full_join$trans_FDR <= 0.05, -1, 0))
dPERK_full_join$prot_reg <- ifelse(dPERK_full_join$prot_FC >= 0.7 & dPERK_full_join$prot_FDR <= 0.05, 1, ifelse(dPERK_full_join$prot_FC <= -0.7 & dPERK_full_join$prot_FDR <= 0.05, -1, 0))

write.csv(dPERK_full_join, "1.6_data_output/dPERK_full_join_FC1.6.csv")

# no of unique proteins
count_proteomics <- dPERK_inner_join$Protein.ID %>% unique() # 5,739
count_gene <- dPERK_inner_join$ %>% unique() # 5,586

# no of unique transcripts 
count_transcriptomics <- dPERK_full_join$Transcript.ID %>% unique() #32,503

# no of unique genes, based on all transcripts 
dPERK_full_join_unique_genes2 <- dPERK_full_join  %>% select( %>% unique() # 15,635 

Visualise groups: MS plot DEA (equal scale)

This figure is related to Figure 4.

yy <- dPERK_inner_join # creating another object to avoid changing original data

# Transforming the transcriptomics values so they can be logged and more equally represented

# The data was transformed previously by the person who processed this data via inverse or reciprocal transformation, meaning all the FCvalue < 1 were -1/FCvalue. Whilst this does convert the expression ratio into a fold change, the problem with this method is that the mapping space is discontinuous between -1 and 1 & hence becomes a problem for most mathematical steps downstream of this step...

# Convert the values that have been transformed in trans_FC in this inner join dataset too, so I can log2 transform them 
yy$trans_FC_true = case_when (yy$trans_FC <= 0 ~ -1/yy$trans_FC, TRUE ~ as.numeric(yy$trans_FC))

# Define different subgroups 
yy$ind <- "Not regulated"
for (i in 1:dim(yy)[1]){
  if (yy$prot_reg[i] > 0 & yy$trans_reg[i] == 0) {
    yy$ind[i] <- "Up in proteomics, no change in transcriptomics"
  if (yy$prot_reg[i] < 0 & yy$trans_reg[i] == 0) {
    yy$ind[i] <- "Down in proteomics, no change in transcriptomics"
  if (yy$trans_reg[i] > 0 & yy$prot_reg[i] == 0) {
    yy$ind[i] <- "Up in transcriptomics, no change in proteomics"
  if (yy$trans_reg[i] < 0 & yy$prot_reg[i] == 0) {
    yy$ind[i] <- "Down in transcriptomics, no change in proteomics"
  if (yy$prot_reg[i] > 0 & yy$trans_reg[i] > 0) {
    yy$ind[i] <- "Up in proteomics and transcriptomics"
  if (yy$prot_reg[i] < 0 & yy$trans_reg[i] < 0) {
    yy$ind[i] <- "Down in proteomics and transcriptomics"
  if (yy$prot_reg[i] > 0 & yy$trans_reg[i] < 0) {
    yy$ind[i] <- "Up in proteomics and down in transcriptomics"
  if (yy$prot_reg[i] < 0 & yy$trans_reg[i] > 0) {
    yy$ind[i] <- "Down in proteomics and up in transcriptomics"
  if (yy$prot_reg[i] > 0 & yy$trans_reg[i] < 0) {
    yy$ind[i] <- "Up in proteomics and down in transcriptomics"

 #yy <- yy %>% arrange((ind))

yy_transFDR = subset(yy, trans_FDR <= 0.05)
yy_bothFDR = subset(yy_transFDR, prot_FDR <= 0.05)

# PERK label  
yy_bothFDR$genelabels <- ""
yy_bothFDR$genelabels <- ifelse(yy_bothFDR$ == "PEK", TRUE,FALSE)

# Plot
ggplot(yy_bothFDR, aes(x = log2(trans_FC_true), y = prot_FC)) + 
  geom_point(data = yy_bothFDR, size = 1, alpha = 0.6, aes(colour = factor(ind))) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm")+
  geom_vline(xintercept = log2(1.6), colour="#990000", linetype="dashed") + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = -log2(1.6), colour="#990000", linetype="dashed") + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = log2(1.6), colour="#990000", linetype="dashed") + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = -log2(1.6), colour="#990000", linetype="dashed") + 
  theme_classic(base_size = 14) + 
  ylab(expression(log[2]("Proteome FC"))) + 
  xlab(expression(log[2]("Transcriptome FC"))) + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-8, 8), ylim = c(-8, 8)) + 
  #theme(legend.position = "none") + 
  scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(-8,8,2)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(-8,8,2)) + scale_colour_tableau(name = "") + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=2))) +
  geom_text_repel(aes(x = log2(trans_FC_true), y = prot_FC, label = ifelse(genelabels == TRUE, as.character(,""))) + theme(legend.title = element_text(size = 6), legend.text = element_text(size = 6))
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'

ggsave("1.6_figure_output/MA_transformed1.6_2_yy.pdf", scale = 1, limitsize = TRUE, width = 11, height = 6)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
# Correlation 
##  Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data:  log2(yy_bothFDR$trans_FC_true) and yy_bothFDR$prot_FC
## t = 32.631, df = 3140, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  0.4766447 0.5288871
## sample estimates:
##       cor 
## 0.5032256

Gene lists

1) Upregulated transcripts

Count: 977 transcripts, 517 genes

This table is related to Supplementary Table 2.

# Filter rows which have FC bigger or equal to 1.6 and FDR value smaller or equal to 0.05, as predefined earlier 
TUP_full_FC1.6 <- dPERK_full_join %>% filter (trans_reg == 1)
# Create another list without duplicates 
TUP_full_FC1.6_unq <- TUP_full_FC1.6  %>% dplyr::select( %>%  unique()
write.csv(TUP_full_FC1.6, "1.6_data_output/TUP_full_FC1.6.csv")
write.csv(TUP_full_FC1.6_unq, "1.6_data_output/TUP_full_FC1.6_unq.csv")

Table 1: Upregulated transcripts
Transcript ID Gene ID Transcript FC
FBtr0073252 Cpr64Ac 119.00
FBtr0087451 Cyp6a17 117.00
FBtr0345527 Cyp6a17 117.00
FBtr0088591 Cyp4p2 115.00
FBtr0100559 Hsp22 74.60
FBtr0078596 Osi6 74.30
FBtr0346344 Osi6 74.30
FBtr0077958 MFS3 70.50
FBtr0302379 CG5999 69.40
FBtr0100655 Hsp67Bb 29.20
FBtr0100558 Hsp22 29.20
FBtr0113169 CG12520 27.80
FBtr0343628 CG12520 27.80
FBtr0086774 Dgp-1 25.80
FBtr0086773 Dgp-1 21.20
FBtr0082657 CG5724 21.00
FBtr0330026 PEK 16.90
FBtr0330027 PEK 16.90
FBtr0078770 PEK 16.60
FBtr0077008 ImpL3 16.30
FBtr0332066 ImpL3 16.20
FBtr0332067 ImpL3 16.10
FBtr0332065 ImpL3 16.00
FBtr0334132 CG44006 13.10
FBtr0332623 CG12057 9.59
FBtr0071304 CG12057 9.41
FBtr0084870 CG10420 8.58
FBtr0091787 CG33786 8.08
FBtr0091786 CG33785 8.08
FBtr0343000 CG4269 8.01
FBtr0306924 CG43320 7.85
FBtr0071854 CG4269 7.77
FBtr0343001 CG4269 7.73
FBtr0289990 CG30022 7.58
FBtr0082569 GstD2 7.49
FBtr0086749 CG10916 7.12
FBtr0273384 CG8213 7.10
FBtr0273385 CG8213 7.10
FBtr0339307 CG8213 7.10
FBtr0332853 CG10916 7.09
FBtr0089055 Cyp9b2 6.96
FBtr0078098 CG11911 6.96
FBtr0343842 CG43402 6.77
FBtr0308745 CG43402 6.77
FBtr0085210 CG5646 6.11
FBtr0089049 Gadd45 5.89
FBtr0345581 CG3264 5.84
FBtr0071781 CG3264 5.84
FBtr0079299 Aatf 5.73
FBtr0331433 CG10778 5.41
FBtr0340400 cactin 5.39
FBtr0082334 Tpc1 5.36
FBtr0336761 Nmdmc 5.34
FBtr0081996 Nmdmc 5.33
FBtr0301935 Sfp26Ad 5.32
FBtr0333233 Sfp26Ad 5.32
FBtr0086133 Cyp6a2 5.32
FBtr0082333 Tpc1 5.30
FBtr0071131 CG10778 5.01
FBtr0339391 Aats-asp 4.91
FBtr0342608 JhI-21 4.87
FBtr0344927 CR45141 4.87
FBtr0300233 Uhg8 4.84
FBtr0074730 CG14205 4.84
FBtr0305089 JhI-21 4.83
FBtr0087784 Aats-asp 4.83
FBtr0332882 Aats-asp 4.82
FBtr0087735 Aats-val 4.81
FBtr0089656 JhI-21 4.80
FBtr0089655 JhI-21 4.78
FBtr0346427 JhI-21 4.76
FBtr0087734 Aats-val 4.75
FBtr0333148 Aats-val 4.75
FBtr0081997 Nmdmc 4.74
FBtr0084035 CG7044 4.65
FBtr0085849 FeCH 4.60
FBtr0085850 FeCH 4.58
FBtr0080912 Ugt36Bc 4.58
FBtr0080911 Ugt36Bc 4.58
FBtr0085851 FeCH 4.57
FBtr0344850 Ugt36Bc 4.53
FBtr0347325 CR46092 4.47
FBtr0100353 ade3 4.45
FBtr0075665 CG12310 4.44
FBtr0342974 wus 4.35
FBtr0074418 wus 4.35
FBtr0078066 CG2789 4.35
FBtr0089463 asparagine-synthetase 4.30
FBtr0079253 CG9505 4.28
FBtr0077721 daw 4.28
FBtr0077720 daw 4.26
FBtr0335151 daw 4.26
FBtr0084511 Aats-glupro 4.24
FBtr0273217 CG17751 4.23
FBtr0086828 POSH 4.22
FBtr0075120 rpr 4.20
FBtr0089056 Cyp9b1 4.19
FBtr0089419 Cyp12d1-p 4.13
FBtr0073729 CG32641 4.12
FBtr0079442 CG15818 4.12
FBtr0086325 CG16898 4.11
FBtr0303763 rempA 4.07
FBtr0074739 Shawn 4.01
FBtr0334308 Irbp 3.98
FBtr0081981 Aats-trp 3.97
FBtr0081953 CG9773 3.96
FBtr0080288 Qtzl 3.96
FBtr0074979 CG9451 3.94
FBtr0333845 CG9451 3.94
FBtr0087547 Arc2 3.92
FBtr0339524 Qtzl 3.89
FBtr0344263 GstD9 3.87
FBtr0082608 GstD9 3.87
FBtr0073061 Drsl4 3.87
FBtr0078235 trbl 3.86
FBtr0301717 CG42588 3.85
FBtr0082385 Irbp 3.84
FBtr0084047 CG17278 3.82
FBtr0078500 Aats-ile 3.80
FBtr0078499 Aats-ile 3.80
FBtr0078498 Aats-ile 3.79
FBtr0345800 CG12164 3.79
FBtr0088963 CG12164 3.79
FBtr0345640 CG33123 3.77
FBtr0077562 CG33123 3.77
FBtr0301144 CG5953 3.77
FBtr0079486 Uro 3.73
FBtr0304053 CG42588 3.72
FBtr0089418 Cyp12d1-d 3.72
FBtr0334282 Rgk1 3.71
FBtr0334284 Rgk1 3.71
FBtr0084828 CG13659 3.71
FBtr0080615 NimC1 3.67
FBtr0074736 Tyler 3.66
FBtr0074737 Shawn 3.66
FBtr0332909 asrij 3.66
FBtr0079431 ade3 3.66
FBtr0339663 ade3 3.66
FBtr0346617 Tyler 3.65
FBtr0074738 Shawn 3.65
FBtr0346616 Tyler 3.65
FBtr0344069 Shawn 3.65
FBtr0321281 CG7632 3.63
FBtr0086842 Uhg1 3.61
FBtr0333558 Uhg1 3.61
FBtr0344740 Skp2 3.61
FBtr0078339 CG7632 3.57
FBtr0071902 asrij 3.54
FBtr0344998 CG44004 3.53
FBtr0344997 CG44004 3.53
FBtr0086912 l(2)k01209 3.52
FBtr0113321 Ugt86Dd 3.48
FBtr0070272 b6 3.43
FBtr0081095 CG10336 3.43
FBtr0084512 Aats-glupro 3.42
FBtr0086913 l(2)k01209 3.39
FBtr0086914 l(2)k01209 3.39
FBtr0080402 CG15483 3.39
FBtr0111206 CG14636 3.38
FBtr0078988 CG14636 3.38
FBtr0086915 l(2)k01209 3.36
FBtr0074593 Aats-his 3.36
FBtr0333805 Aats-his 3.34
FBtr0070777 CG15784 3.34
FBtr0302360 Lectin-galC1 3.34
FBtr0075904 CG32115 3.33
FBtr0340460 CG15784 3.33
FBtr0333804 Aats-his 3.32
FBtr0273194 CG10336 3.31
FBtr0302027 Mrp4 3.29
FBtr0086813 CG5773 3.28
FBtr0345472 CG5773 3.28
FBtr0340281 CG5773 3.28
FBtr0333806 Aats-his 3.26
FBtr0302331 Cyp6a14 3.26
FBtr0081201 Lectin-galC1 3.26
FBtr0310075 NimC1 3.24
FBtr0343644 NimC1 3.24
FBtr0072013 eIF2B-delta 3.23
FBtr0290232 InR 3.22
FBtr0290231 InR 3.22
FBtr0079925 Cyp4e3 3.22
FBtr0082438 CG6834 3.21
FBtr0084121 InR 3.21
FBtr0345575 Cyp6a14 3.20
FBtr0290230 InR 3.20
FBtr0086675 GstE7 3.19
FBtr0079722 Aats-ala 3.18
FBtr0302315 eIF2B-delta 3.18
FBtr0072014 eIF2B-delta 3.16
FBtr0087677 CG13334 3.16
FBtr0081162 Aats-asn 3.13
FBtr0079721 Aats-ala 3.12
FBtr0306923 CG43319 3.12
FBtr0332578 Aats-asn 3.11
FBtr0304877 CG43095 3.09
FBtr0073520 CG1703 3.09
FBtr0343647 CG1703 3.09
FBtr0333357 Pbgs 3.08
FBtr0076011 Pbgs 3.08
FBtr0073777 CG1673 3.08
FBtr0083792 tRNA:V3b:92Bb 3.07
FBtr0073249 ImpL2 3.07
FBtr0333569 ImpL2 3.07
FBtr0072015 eIF2B-delta 3.06
FBtr0076457 aay 3.06
FBtr0073172 CG12766 3.05
FBtr0083354 CG14907 3.05
FBtr0087139 JhI-26 3.02
FBtr0331609 CG10802 3.02
FBtr0076894 CG14820 3.02
FBtr0081276 CG10337 3.02
FBtr0340614 Ranbp21 3.01
FBtr0082420 Elp1 3.01
FBtr0335447 Elp1 3.01
FBtr0335448 Elp1 3.01
FBtr0074759 Ranbp21 3.00
FBtr0113093 CG10924 3.00
FBtr0071326 c11.1 2.98
FBtr0343368 c11.1 2.98
FBtr0085172 CG3348 2.97
FBtr0070568 CG10802 2.96
FBtr0073250 ImpL2 2.95
FBtr0082600 lig3 2.95
FBtr0073248 ImpL2 2.94
FBtr0305955 CG13334 2.92
FBtr0303475 Fdxh 2.91
FBtr0076498 Fdxh 2.91
FBtr0088360 JhI-1 2.90
FBtr0079891 CG5846 2.90
FBtr0346717 CG5846 2.90
FBtr0345628 GstE11 2.90
FBtr0086697 GstE11 2.90
FBtr0339359 slbo 2.90
FBtr0078099 CG11912 2.90
FBtr0077547 CG16713 2.87
FBtr0335480 CG17259 2.87
FBtr0077667 CG17259 2.87
FBtr0072272 slbo 2.87
FBtr0305607 CG43155 2.87
FBtr0082570 GstD3 2.86
FBtr0077165 CG4611 2.84
FBtr0078226 CG11796 2.82
FBtr0078225 CG11796 2.81
FBtr0086855 snoRNA:U31:54Ed 2.81
FBtr0070283 CG3740 2.79
FBtr0078663 CG2017 2.78
FBtr0345440 CR43358 2.78
FBtr0307108 CR43358 2.78
FBtr0086911 Prosalpha5 2.75
FBtr0300127 Cyp6a20 2.74
FBtr0345939 CG42362 2.74
FBtr0345940 CG42363 2.74
FBtr0299962 CG42363 2.74
FBtr0299961 CG42362 2.74
FBtr0084913 CG14545 2.73
FBtr0088834 CG1882 2.73
FBtr0345697 CG1882 2.73
FBtr0339120 CG1882 2.73
FBtr0070625 CG6428 2.72
FBtr0087121 CG8311 2.71
FBtr0333962 RhoGEF3 2.70
FBtr0086676 GstE8 2.70
FBtr0345798 GstE8 2.70
FBtr0082338 Ugt86Da 2.69
FBtr0345543 CG31955 2.69
FBtr0087684 CG33156 2.69
FBtr0339606 DNApol-iota 2.67
FBtr0077540 CG31955 2.67
FBtr0345639 CG31955 2.67
FBtr0088836 CG1882 2.66
FBtr0335167 Cyp309a1 2.66
FBtr0335166 Cyp309a1 2.66
FBtr0333961 RhoGEF3 2.65
FBtr0080587 Cyp28a5 2.65
FBtr0332960 CG2004 2.65
FBtr0339598 tx 2.63
FBtr0085009 tx 2.63
FBtr0086699 CG10924 2.63
FBtr0081797 DNApol-iota 2.62
FBtr0081729 Neurochondrin 2.62
FBtr0089643 CG11710 2.62
FBtr0089642 CG11710 2.62
FBtr0339682 CG11710 2.62
FBtr0075159 CG5535 2.61
FBtr0273277 CG5535 2.61
FBtr0078661 CG2017 2.60
FBtr0114518 CG2017 2.60
FBtr0078664 CG2017 2.60
FBtr0078662 CG2017 2.60
FBtr0113450 CG33156 2.59
FBtr0087683 CG33156 2.58
FBtr0075968 eIF-2beta 2.57
FBtr0081798 DNApol-iota 2.56
FBtr0347257 CG5791 2.56
FBtr0084180 CG5791 2.56
FBtr0070714 Proc-R 2.55
FBtr0080333 Aats-thr 2.55
FBtr0088564 Dbp45A 2.54
FBtr0088928 CG1942 2.54
FBtr0332957 CG2004 2.53
FBtr0346167 CG2004 2.53
FBtr0332958 CG2004 2.53
FBtr0071281 CG2004 2.53
FBtr0335196 CG5791 2.53
FBtr0070713 Proc-R 2.52
FBtr0345320 Proc-R 2.52
FBtr0077306 mal 2.52
FBtr0100551 Proc-R 2.51
FBtr0100552 Proc-R 2.51
FBtr0089941 scf 2.50
FBtr0344987 mal 2.50
FBtr0345350 CG10638 2.50
FBtr0089321 CG10638 2.50
FBtr0075632 Aats-gly 2.49
FBtr0333934 Aats-gly 2.49
FBtr0088835 CG1882 2.49
FBtr0331342 CD98hc 2.48
FBtr0332157 CD98hc 2.48
FBtr0081824 CD98hc 2.48
FBtr0331344 CD98hc 2.48
FBtr0337091 CG5953 2.48
FBtr0080873 CG5953 2.48
FBtr0089942 scf 2.47
FBtr0080914 CG13272 2.47
FBtr0345053 CR45176 2.47
FBtr0346428 l(2)37Cc 2.46
FBtr0081164 l(2)37Cc 2.46
FBtr0075633 Aats-gly 2.46
FBtr0300251 Uhg5 2.46
FBtr0343672 CG33307 2.46
FBtr0080565 CG33307 2.46
FBtr0336814 CG44194 2.46
FBtr0082721 CG17327 2.46
FBtr0345503 CG3746 2.46
FBtr0071929 CG3746 2.46
FBtr0081165 l(2)37Cc 2.43
FBtr0080331 Aats-thr 2.43
FBtr0073264 RfC4 2.43
FBtr0112724 CG34423 2.43
FBtr0344419 CG45061 2.43
FBtr0088837 CG1882 2.42
FBtr0339119 CG1882 2.42
FBtr0302518 CG13793 2.42
FBtr0346436 Aats-thr 2.41
FBtr0080332 Aats-thr 2.41
FBtr0073105 CG32271 2.41
FBtr0079389 CG3476 2.41
FBtr0299617 CG42272 2.40
FBtr0301854 CG34423 2.40
FBtr0080892 ChLD3 2.39
FBtr0300231 Uhg5 2.38
FBtr0088838 phr 2.37
FBtr0087452 Cyp6a23 2.37
FBtr0080874 CG5953 2.37
FBtr0339979 CG33469 2.36
FBtr0113458 CG33282 2.36
FBtr0088980 az2 2.35
FBtr0343971 CR43730 2.35
FBtr0070146 Rbf 2.34
FBtr0333952 RhoGEF3 2.34
FBtr0342583 CG31870 2.34
FBtr0087504 CG33469 2.34
FBtr0084216 CG18596 2.34
FBtr0080138 CG31870 2.33
FBtr0342584 CG31870 2.33
FBtr0080137 CG31870 2.33
FBtr0339924 CG40002 2.33
FBtr0344448 CG44194 2.32
FBtr0336813 CG17327 2.32
FBtr0086627 CG15100 2.31
FBtr0086674 GstE6 2.30
FBtr0336735 CR44168 2.30
FBtr0076946 Prat2 2.30
FBtr0078101 galectin 2.29
FBtr0339167 CG7720 2.29
FBtr0332459 NTPase 2.28
FBtr0112379 Rpb12 2.28
FBtr0343642 NimA 2.28
FBtr0344056 CR44990 2.28
FBtr0332460 NTPase 2.27
FBtr0333956 RhoGEF3 2.27
FBtr0300625 CG42496 2.27
FBtr0071672 Ppcdc 2.27
FBtr0342959 Ppcdc 2.27
FBtr0342958 CG42496 2.27
FBtr0331621 CG13272 2.27
FBtr0304720 NimA 2.27
FBtr0304719 NimA 2.27
FBtr0088839 phr 2.27
FBtr0074794 Alr 2.26
FBtr0299616 CG42272 2.26
FBtr0336486 CG14906 2.26
FBtr0331680 galectin 2.25
FBtr0336848 CG17107 2.25
FBtr0336847 CG17107 2.25
FBtr0080107 CG17107 2.25
FBtr0088494 CG1648 2.25
FBtr0077682 NTPase 2.24
FBtr0077683 NTPase 2.24
FBtr0077680 NTPase 2.24
FBtr0301200 CG7720 2.24
FBtr0301199 CG7720 2.24
FBtr0083678 CG7720 2.24
FBtr0343706 CG15282 2.23
FBtr0302946 CG15282 2.23
FBtr0078218 CG5059 2.23
FBtr0077389 CG3008 2.23
FBtr0089573 CG6686 2.22
FBtr0089572 CG6686 2.22
FBtr0301171 CG6686 2.22
FBtr0302164 galectin 2.22
FBtr0331567 CG5059 2.22
FBtr0300460 CG31909 2.22
FBtr0078219 CG5059 2.20
FBtr0078217 CG5059 2.20
FBtr0084405 CG31457 2.19
FBtr0100537 bocksbeutel 2.19
FBtr0113214 CG12945 2.18
FBtr0334685 CG12945 2.18
FBtr0308094 Mp 2.18
FBtr0081138 CG31793 2.18
FBtr0083679 CG7720 2.18
FBtr0078216 CG5059 2.17
FBtr0301735 CG12868 2.17
FBtr0086669 GstE1 2.17
FBtr0344942 f 2.16
FBtr0344220 CG32280 2.16
FBtr0073031 CG32280 2.16
FBtr0073030 CG32280 2.16
FBtr0300561 Atg1 2.16
FBtr0340318 CG31793 2.16
FBtr0305960 dia 2.16
FBtr0301201 CG7720 2.16
FBtr0073032 CG32280 2.15
FBtr0100669 CG14457 2.15
FBtr0331774 CG14457 2.15
FBtr0075945 Atg1 2.15
FBtr0070350 eIF2B-epsilon 2.15
FBtr0077524 Thor 2.15
FBtr0345289 Thor 2.15
FBtr0339974 CG42402 2.14
FBtr0081693 Ccp84Ac 2.14
FBtr0086214 GNBP-like3 2.14
FBtr0333958 RhoGEF3 2.13
FBtr0088831 mus205 2.13
FBtr0080547 CenG1A 2.13
FBtr0070351 eIF2B-epsilon 2.13
FBtr0080548 CenG1A 2.12
FBtr0086706 CG5323 2.12
FBtr0085456 CG15506 2.11
FBtr0082105 bocksbeutel 2.11
FBtr0087450 Cyp6a22 2.11
FBtr0345526 Cyp6a22 2.11
FBtr0339983 Cyp6a22 2.11
FBtr0110796 CG13624 2.10
FBtr0084674 CG13624 2.10
FBtr0084673 CG13624 2.10
FBtr0084054 ETHR 2.10
FBtr0334869 Orct2 2.10
FBtr0084598 Orct2 2.10
FBtr0112863 Phb2 2.09
FBtr0086615 Phb2 2.09
FBtr0086614 Phb2 2.09
FBtr0113248 Ire1 2.09
FBtr0306540 galectin 2.09
FBtr0110795 CG13624 2.09
FBtr0084672 CG13624 2.09
FBtr0339194 ETHR 2.09
FBtr0078611 Osi18 2.09
FBtr0076945 Prat2 2.09
FBtr0345204 CG13624 2.08
FBtr0084675 CG13624 2.08
FBtr0301733 galectin 2.08
FBtr0347271 CR43132 2.08
FBtr0086616 Phb2 2.07
FBtr0345716 CG2658 2.07
FBtr0070502 CG2658 2.07
FBtr0078484 CG7130 2.07
FBtr0087336 eIF2B-gamma 2.06
FBtr0077429 Traf4 2.06
FBtr0078517 CG14457 2.05
FBtr0080546 CenG1A 2.05
FBtr0301252 CG42553 2.03
FBtr0340059 Hmgs 2.03
FBtr0087149 Hmgs 2.03
FBtr0084182 CG5778 2.03
FBtr0344052 CR44987 2.02
FBtr0084304 Cyp6d4 2.02
FBtr0086677 GstE9 2.02
FBtr0337048 CG3999 2.02
FBtr0082225 CG3999 2.02
FBtr0344597 CR43130 2.02
FBtr0344598 CR43130 2.02
FBtr0112861 Phb2 2.01
FBtr0071827 Mes4 2.01
FBtr0301243 Mes4 2.01
FBtr0077586 CG3285 2.01
FBtr0339547 CG3285 2.01
FBtr0084403 unk 2.01
FBtr0079561 spz3 2.01
FBtr0081697 agt 2.01
FBtr0305571 unk 2.00
FBtr0075251 CG6512 1.99
FBtr0301455 Nipped-B 1.99
FBtr0301456 Nipped-B 1.99
FBtr0301454 Nipped-B 1.99
FBtr0083700 Xrp1 1.99
FBtr0345625 CR45311 1.99
FBtr0345624 CR45310 1.99
FBtr0290268 Sur 1.98
FBtr0335467 CG44140 1.98
FBtr0305998 bor 1.97
FBtr0083276 bor 1.97
FBtr0111118 Nipped-B 1.97
FBtr0111119 Nipped-B 1.97
FBtr0273232 CG10625 1.97
FBtr0332210 kek1 1.96
FBtr0307394 CG33969 1.96
FBtr0100010 CG33969 1.96
FBtr0084402 unk 1.96
FBtr0305572 unk 1.96
FBtr0273233 CG10625 1.96
FBtr0087518 pea 1.96
FBtr0075252 CG6512 1.95
FBtr0075656 CG16959 1.95
FBtr0087148 Hmgs 1.95
FBtr0335197 CG5778 1.95
FBtr0307520 CG5151 1.94
FBtr0300248 CG42458 1.94
FBtr0081690 Ccp84Ad 1.94
FBtr0083600 CG7142 1.94
FBtr0329896 mthl8 1.94
FBtr0301492 olf413 1.93
FBtr0085508 eIF2B-alpha 1.93
FBtr0074873 HLH106 1.93
FBtr0333877 HLH106 1.93
FBtr0074875 HLH106 1.93
FBtr0083542 sr 1.93
FBtr0330050 sr 1.93
FBtr0273231 CG10625 1.93
FBtr0345048 CR45171 1.93
FBtr0080656 CG15282 1.92
FBtr0112862 Phb2 1.92
FBtr0333219 olf413 1.92
FBtr0334994 Nipped-B 1.92
FBtr0074874 HLH106 1.92
FBtr0079477 Tep3 1.92
FBtr0081692 Ccp84Ab 1.92
FBtr0333935 CG16959 1.92
FBtr0305573 unk 1.92
FBtr0337052 unk 1.92
FBtr0071610 cv-2 1.92
FBtr0076193 Cpr67Fb 1.92
FBtr0075655 CG16959 1.91
FBtr0088463 GstT1 1.91
FBtr0301942 CG42402 1.91
FBtr0336454 CG42402 1.91
FBtr0072321 Cyp9c1 1.91
FBtr0073217 Ero1L 1.90
FBtr0346702 kek1 1.90
FBtr0303782 CG31955 1.90
FBtr0308925 CR31781 1.89
FBtr0308929 CR31781 1.89
FBtr0308926 CR31781 1.89
FBtr0346590 CR31781 1.89
FBtr0086906 Ns2 1.89
FBtr0331957 CR43787 1.89
FBtr0344633 sr 1.89
FBtr0083543 sr 1.89
FBtr0336664 Dpit47 1.89
FBtr0334401 Traf4 1.89
FBtr0342785 CR44691 1.89
FBtr0308927 CR31781 1.88
FBtr0346508 CG32152 1.88
FBtr0346525 CG5151 1.88
FBtr0307519 CG5151 1.88
FBtr0346507 CG32152 1.88
FBtr0307521 CG5151 1.88
FBtr0086146 Dpit47 1.88
FBtr0086820 CG30110 1.88
FBtr0300128 Cyp6a9 1.88
FBtr0303378 CG16959 1.87
FBtr0080891 CG17904 1.87
FBtr0078194 CG5872 1.87
FBtr0344821 CG5872 1.87
FBtr0075143 CG7402 1.87
FBtr0304797 CG13887 1.86
FBtr0331981 CG13565 1.86
FBtr0072605 CG13895 1.86
FBtr0331771 CG13895 1.86
FBtr0344053 CR44987 1.86
FBtr0081284 CG10189 1.86
FBtr0071038 CG3040 1.85
FBtr0072584 CG13887 1.85
FBtr0345588 CG13887 1.85
FBtr0087146 Hmgs 1.85
FBtr0087147 Hmgs 1.85
FBtr0087682 CG33156 1.85
FBtr0110781 CG11598 1.85
FBtr0071250 CG1785 1.85
FBtr0088957 Drat 1.85
FBtr0080290 CG12264 1.84
FBtr0087560 Arc1 1.84
FBtr0301109 Mp 1.84
FBtr0301106 Mp 1.84
FBtr0301107 Mp 1.84
FBtr0309957 Mp 1.84
FBtr0301114 Mp 1.84
FBtr0301105 Mp 1.84
FBtr0306638 Mp 1.84
FBtr0301113 Mp 1.84
FBtr0301111 Mp 1.84
FBtr0301108 Mp 1.84
FBtr0081541 Nlg1 1.84
FBtr0331327 CG10189 1.84
FBtr0301615 sr 1.84
FBtr0343270 Nxt1 1.84
FBtr0072241 Nxt1 1.84
FBtr0303445 CG31808 1.84
FBtr0084874 Cad96Ca 1.83
FBtr0072583 CG13887 1.83
FBtr0072129 ken 1.83
FBtr0301839 Ppn 1.83
FBtr0300337 Ppn 1.83
FBtr0301837 Ppn 1.83
FBtr0086892 P32 1.83
FBtr0072694 rho 1.83
FBtr0333207 rho 1.83
FBtr0073908 CG1461 1.83
FBtr0305969 Nlg1 1.83
FBtr0072563 Kah 1.83
FBtr0333578 mib1 1.83
FBtr0332144 ltl 1.82
FBtr0304066 f 1.82
FBtr0342730 CG11409 1.82
FBtr0340363 Bx 1.82
FBtr0301838 Ppn 1.82
FBtr0085410 ligatin 1.82
FBtr0339497 CG1461 1.82
FBtr0077366 CG12576 1.82
FBtr0339904 Mp 1.82
FBtr0113590 snoRNA:Psi28S-3405c 1.82
FBtr0075520 mib1 1.82
FBtr0299667 CG42287 1.81
FBtr0344235 CG16959 1.81
FBtr0339903 Mp 1.81
FBtr0301958 Mp 1.81
FBtr0343750 pre-mod(mdg4)-C 1.81
FBtr0339905 Mp 1.81
FBtr0340393 CG42306 1.80
FBtr0340392 Gint3 1.80
FBtr0332781 CR43868 1.80
FBtr0081200 CG31798 1.80
FBtr0334163 CG31798 1.80
FBtr0070763 XRCC1 1.80
FBtr0081374 La 1.80
FBtr0073202 Rcd5 1.80
FBtr0301110 Mp 1.80
FBtr0321322 snRNA:LU 1.80
FBtr0083779 CG17752 1.80
FBtr0088958 Drat 1.80
FBtr0299688 CG42306 1.79
FBtr0086654 Gint3 1.79
FBtr0299689 CG42306 1.79
FBtr0086655 Gint3 1.79
FBtr0076793 ltl 1.79
FBtr0113773 CG40002 1.79
FBtr0084116 CG6353 1.79
FBtr0086266 CG30148 1.79
FBtr0342706 CG30148 1.79
FBtr0073696 CG4407 1.79
FBtr0087456 Cyp6a21 1.79
FBtr0081218 CG17544 1.79
FBtr0088923 CG2064 1.79
FBtr0075394 mbf1 1.78
FBtr0344373 sima 1.78
FBtr0334300 CG33978 1.78
FBtr0310437 CG33978 1.78
FBtr0310435 CG33978 1.78
FBtr0084492 CG31142 1.78
FBtr0082074 P58IPK 1.78
FBtr0070366 Pgam5 1.78
FBtr0339601 Pgam5 1.78
FBtr0091708 scaRNA:MeU5-U42 1.78
FBtr0306159 CG43218 1.78
FBtr0080909 Ugt36Ba 1.78
FBtr0305570 mbf1 1.77
FBtr0075393 mbf1 1.77
FBtr0330137 mbf1 1.77
FBtr0080959 CG6115 1.77
FBtr0345447 CG6115 1.77
FBtr0075969 Gcn5 1.77
FBtr0070431 bcn92 1.77
FBtr0088146 sprt 1.77
FBtr0333151 CG4630 1.77
FBtr0305569 mbf1 1.76
FBtr0113494 snoRNA:Psi28S-2949 1.76
FBtr0075344 CG9674 1.76
FBtr0333608 CG9674 1.76
FBtr0305916 CG9674 1.76
FBtr0089699 Tim17b2 1.76
FBtr0343734 Tim17b2 1.76
FBtr0100653 Hsp67Bb 1.76
FBtr0087765 CG4630 1.76
FBtr0088863 Odc1 1.76
FBtr0072447 tRNA:CR30200 1.76
FBtr0081216 CG17544 1.76
FBtr0300822 CG17544 1.76
FBtr0081217 CG17544 1.76
FBtr0332780 CR43868 1.75
FBtr0345074 CG9674 1.75
FBtr0070961 CG14438 1.75
FBtr0072357 CG15873 1.75
FBtr0075519 mRpS31 1.75
FBtr0339539 babos 1.75
FBtr0071845 babos 1.75
FBtr0080104 CG31871 1.75
FBtr0088956 Drat 1.75
FBtr0336939 Drat 1.75
FBtr0080074 CG5604 1.74
FBtr0088882 CG8728 1.74
FBtr0078716 Atg17 1.74
FBtr0334946 Atg17 1.74
FBtr0345807 HBS1 1.74
FBtr0072866 HBS1 1.74
FBtr0070962 CG14438 1.74
FBtr0339464 CG14438 1.74
FBtr0078277 CG11399 1.74
FBtr0077580 CG15406 1.74
FBtr0303000 CG13062 1.74
FBtr0304481 mir-966 1.74
FBtr0309684 mir-4943 1.74
FBtr0077483 CG3714 1.73
FBtr0077482 CG3714 1.73
FBtr0310440 CG34422 1.73
FBtr0306541 CG11374 1.73
FBtr0300583 CG42494 1.73
FBtr0081205 CG9987 1.73
FBtr0340181 CR44396 1.73
FBtr0113020 CG3714 1.72
FBtr0336619 CG13077 1.72
FBtr0303473 Hsp67Bb 1.72
FBtr0072300 CG13581 1.72
FBtr0085370 Atg14 1.72
FBtr0085470 CG31041 1.72
FBtr0305483 CG43145 1.72
FBtr0307592 CG43386 1.72
FBtr0079868 CG17633 1.72
FBtr0345629 oys 1.71
FBtr0073763 Jafrac1 1.71
FBtr0339700 Jafrac1 1.71
FBtr0073764 Jafrac1 1.71
FBtr0339699 Jafrac1 1.71
FBtr0345161 Jafrac1 1.71
FBtr0302272 mtTFB1 1.71
FBtr0302271 Ccdc56 1.71
FBtr0303474 Hsp67Bb 1.71
FBtr0080837 CaBP1 1.71
FBtr0345544 CaBP1 1.71
FBtr0305619 CG10178 1.71
FBtr0072462 mthl8 1.71
FBtr0082765 CG9813 1.70
FBtr0335460 CG9813 1.70
FBtr0082768 CG9813 1.70
FBtr0082769 CG9813 1.70
FBtr0082766 CG9813 1.70
FBtr0082770 CG9813 1.70
FBtr0082767 CG9813 1.70
FBtr0302045 qm 1.70
FBtr0070141 Sec22 1.70
FBtr0310162 Sec22 1.70
FBtr0335046 CG12576 1.70
FBtr0077365 CG12576 1.70
FBtr0079464 santa-maria 1.70
FBtr0346571 santa-maria 1.70
FBtr0346429 CG12576 1.70
FBtr0075067 CG6843 1.70
FBtr0084053 ETHR 1.70
FBtr0081068 CG10178 1.70
FBtr0344041 CR44977 1.70
FBtr0331620 Ugt36Ba 1.70
FBtr0083724 CG14291 1.69
FBtr0332729 qm 1.69
FBtr0083703 Xrp1 1.69
FBtr0334523 Xrp1 1.69
FBtr0076846 qm 1.69
FBtr0302490 lft 1.69
FBtr0080002 lft 1.69
FBtr0333954 RhoGEF3 1.69
FBtr0333960 RhoGEF3 1.69
FBtr0333953 RhoGEF3 1.69
FBtr0081257 CG13077 1.69
FBtr0075240 Cad74A 1.69
FBtr0075239 Cad74A 1.69
FBtr0078631 CG10979 1.69
FBtr0335518 CG10979 1.69
FBtr0072966 CG16758 1.69
FBtr0081468 CG9253 1.69
FBtr0077481 CG3714 1.68
FBtr0345630 oys 1.68
FBtr0339416 oys 1.68
FBtr0088434 oys 1.68
FBtr0075341 CG9674 1.68
FBtr0333609 CG9674 1.68
FBtr0305915 CG9674 1.68
FBtr0333957 RhoGEF3 1.68
FBtr0333959 RhoGEF3 1.68
FBtr0333955 RhoGEF3 1.68
FBtr0302212 Kr-h2 1.68
FBtr0310365 CG34422 1.68
FBtr0345932 CG13565 1.68
FBtr0087681 CG33156 1.68
FBtr0347189 CG46025 1.68
FBtr0305649 CG33267 1.68
FBtr0307593 CG43386 1.68
FBtr0308759 CR43414 1.68
FBtr0086057 CG7791 1.67
FBtr0088901 Nop17l 1.67
FBtr0079602 CG14275 1.67
FBtr0334145 CG44009 1.67
FBtr0089767 gukh 1.66
FBtr0084368 CenB1A 1.66
FBtr0086893 CCHa1-R 1.66
FBtr0343126 Kr-h2 1.66
FBtr0079192 Kr-h2 1.66
FBtr0305961 dia 1.66
FBtr0086212 CG15237 1.66
FBtr0081157 l(2)37Ce 1.66
FBtr0087206 Rrp42 1.66
FBtr0075548 CG7272 1.66
FBtr0333614 CG5895 1.66
FBtr0100317 gukh 1.65
FBtr0083852 Xport 1.65
FBtr0310518 CG42508 1.65
FBtr0300643 CG42508 1.65
FBtr0113246 Xrp1 1.65
FBtr0343991 gukh 1.65
FBtr0070238 CG11409 1.65
FBtr0074095 Rhp 1.65
FBtr0088906 Cyt-b5 1.65
FBtr0309231 Cad74A 1.65
FBtr0303864 CR31144 1.65
FBtr0088349 Ndg 1.65
FBtr0339459 Ndg 1.65
FBtr0071108 Gclc 1.65
FBtr0340139 Gclc 1.65
FBtr0300775 CG1319 1.65
FBtr0339739 CR44340 1.65
FBtr0345052 CR45175 1.65
FBtr0076145 CG33268 1.65
FBtr0087205 CG8389 1.65
FBtr0336738 LysB 1.65
FBtr0072628 LysB 1.65
FBtr0346292 CR45611 1.65
FBtr0299668 CG42288 1.64
FBtr0307217 CG42288 1.64
FBtr0091659 CG33679 1.64
FBtr0084237 CG5382 1.64
FBtr0080358 CG6583 1.64
FBtr0084743 CG5805 1.64
FBtr0339255 CG5805 1.64
FBtr0074031 CG11655 1.64
FBtr0088212 Elp2 1.64
FBtr0087145 Hmgs 1.64
FBtr0308928 CR31781 1.64
FBtr0083277 mtSSB 1.64
FBtr0081438 RPA2 1.64
FBtr0333011 RPA2 1.64
FBtr0081449 CG14400 1.64
FBtr0083711 CG14285 1.64
FBtr0076347 Dronc 1.64
FBtr0273278 CG12379 1.64
FBtr0089768 gukh 1.63
FBtr0334283 Rgk1 1.63
FBtr0084017 meigo 1.63
FBtr0074096 Rhp 1.63
FBtr0088902 Nop17l 1.63
FBtr0077374 CG32500 1.63
FBtr0343751 pre-mod(mdg4)-AB 1.63
FBtr0343749 pre-mod(mdg4)-E 1.63
FBtr0343748 pre-mod(mdg4)-E 1.63
FBtr0076098 CG7394 1.63
FBtr0076604 CG7083 1.63
FBtr0310018 haf 1.63
FBtr0310020 haf 1.63
FBtr0310017 haf 1.63
FBtr0310019 haf 1.63
FBtr0082883 Nsf2 1.63
FBtr0344767 Nsf2 1.63
FBtr0344766 Nsf2 1.63
FBtr0073591 Sclp 1.63
FBtr0332672 CNMa 1.63
FBtr0300713 CNMa 1.63
FBtr0088592 Cyp4p1 1.63
FBtr0079429 CG31908 1.62
FBtr0345638 CG31908 1.62
FBtr0077480 CG3714 1.62
FBtr0077479 CG3714 1.62
FBtr0334792 CG3714 1.62
FBtr0083701 Xrp1 1.62
FBtr0334524 Xrp1 1.62
FBtr0331763 Alr 1.62
FBtr0113259 meigo 1.62
FBtr0304285 mir-281-1 1.62
FBtr0344846 brat 1.62
FBtr0081159 brat 1.62
FBtr0082347 RpL3 1.62
FBtr0081160 brat 1.62
FBtr0074989 Bet1 1.62
FBtr0332705 CG42575 1.62
FBtr0084279 CG33107 1.62
FBtr0081411 dia 1.62
FBtr0302658 CG42666 1.62
FBtr0340109 CG4313 1.62
FBtr0333409 CG31717 1.62
FBtr0334034 CG6769 1.62
FBtr0074493 CG6769 1.62
FBtr0344146 haf 1.62
FBtr0088789 Gasz 1.62
FBtr0340064 CG8303 1.62
FBtr0074799 Nup205 1.62
FBtr0301275 Larp7 1.62
FBtr0082679 Hsp70Ba 1.62
FBtr0079430 CG31908 1.61
FBtr0074300 eIF-2alpha 1.61
FBtr0343016 eIF-2alpha 1.61
FBtr0070425 Nmd3 1.61
FBtr0305648 CG7394 1.61
FBtr0333215 CG7394 1.61
FBtr0082410 CG10898 1.61
FBtr0302222 CG42615 1.61
FBtr0301134 CG5521 1.61
FBtr0085069 CG5521 1.61
FBtr0070460 gt 1.61
FBtr0081410 dia 1.61
FBtr0335145 dia 1.61
FBtr0344848 CG17104 1.61
FBtr0071107 Gclc 1.61
FBtr0340138 Gclc 1.61
FBtr0309969 CG42666 1.61
FBtr0331204 CG4213 1.61
FBtr0078093 CG4213 1.61
FBtr0072965 CG16758 1.61
FBtr0079977 CG31717 1.61
FBtr0340107 CG4313 1.61
FBtr0340162 p115 1.61
FBtr0071089 p115 1.61
FBtr0084201 CG7084 1.61
FBtr0085356 wdn 1.61
FBtr0072963 CG16758 1.61
FBtr0075437 CG5895 1.61
FBtr0087204 CG8389 1.61
FBtr0088760 Cyp4ad1 1.61
FBtr0334458 B-H2 1.61
FBtr0074429 B-H2 1.61
FBtr0074798 Nup205 1.61
FBtr0070140 CG16989 1.60
FBtr0343325 CG16989 1.60
FBtr0082325 Leash 1.60
FBtr0075338 Rh4 1.60
FBtr0085241 ALiX 1.60
FBtr0080105 CG17104 1.60
FBtr0336846 CG17104 1.60
FBtr0087418 CG8089 1.60
FBtr0079423 Pvf2 1.60
FBtr0075965 CG4069 1.60
FBtr0300863 List 1.60
FBtr0304745 CG7342 1.60
FBtr0083777 CG7342 1.60
FBtr0072964 CG16758 1.60
FBtr0301190 CG7084 1.60
FBtr0071928 Cyp6d2 1.60
FBtr0340065 CG8303 1.60
FBtr0071179 Corp 1.60
FBtr0307283 Corp 1.60
FBtr0085895 His-Psi:CR31614 1.60

2) Downregulated transcripts

Count: 1022 transcripts, matching to 642 genes

This table is related to Supplementary Table 3.

TDOWN_full_FC1.6 <- dPERK_full_join %>% filter (trans_reg == -1)
TDOWN_full_FC1.6_unq <- TDOWN_full_FC1.6  %>% dplyr::select( %>%  unique()
write.csv(TDOWN_full_FC1.6, "1.6_data_output/TDOWN_full_FC1.6.csv")
write.csv(TDOWN_full_FC1.6_unq, "1.6_data_output/TDOWN_full_FC1.6_unq.csv")

Table 2: Downregulated transcripts
Transcript ID Gene ID Transcript FC
FBtr0332792 syd -1.60
FBtr0332789 syd -1.60
FBtr0300412 syd -1.60
FBtr0332787 syd -1.60
FBtr0332790 syd -1.60
FBtr0343591 CG2145 -1.60
FBtr0073387 CG2145 -1.60
FBtr0100323 fabp -1.60
FBtr0100464 sea -1.60
FBtr0345804 CG12974 -1.60
FBtr0332860 CG12974 -1.60
FBtr0078411 CG12974 -1.60
FBtr0086286 CG16739 -1.60
FBtr0071773 CG11291 -1.60
FBtr0339625 Chrac-16 -1.60
FBtr0073642 Chrac-16 -1.60
FBtr0302446 CG13492 -1.60
FBtr0075471 CG4962 -1.60
FBtr0299776 CG42323 -1.60
FBtr0086917 Lhr -1.60
FBtr0086634 l(2)08717 -1.60
FBtr0290062 CG31812 -1.60
FBtr0073362 CG7509 -1.60
FBtr0114521 CG30051 -1.60
FBtr0344914 CR45133 -1.60
FBtr0100870 mt:ND3 -1.60
FBtr0113082 CG12963 -1.60
FBtr0302458 CG42658 -1.60
FBtr0085025 CG6503 -1.60
FBtr0302899 CG6503 -1.60
FBtr0309031 CG6503 -1.60
FBtr0081237 CG10026 -1.60
FBtr0081238 CG10026 -1.60
FBtr0332317 CG10026 -1.60
FBtr0080213 mre11 -1.60
FBtr0339415 CR44297 -1.60
FBtr0339251 CG13627 -1.60
FBtr0110944 CG34136 -1.60
FBtr0089324 Lsp2 -1.60
FBtr0345352 Lsp2 -1.60
FBtr0100860 mt:tRNA:Y -1.60
FBtr0333382 CG6910 -1.61
FBtr0290130 CG6910 -1.61
FBtr0301707 Men-b -1.61
FBtr0332788 syd -1.61
FBtr0345912 syd -1.61
FBtr0332791 syd -1.61
FBtr0086258 qsm -1.61
FBtr0074961 Oat -1.61
FBtr0074509 Dhc16F -1.61
FBtr0079526 CG14537 -1.61
FBtr0088579 GstE13 -1.61
FBtr0335462 CG9886 -1.61
FBtr0331355 CG15522 -1.61
FBtr0082290 Fdh -1.61
FBtr0309986 CR43629 -1.61
FBtr0332394 CG8028 -1.61
FBtr0332393 CG8028 -1.61
FBtr0100321 fabp -1.61
FBtr0086635 l(2)08717 -1.61
FBtr0345426 l(2)08717 -1.61
FBtr0300184 CG7231 -1.61
FBtr0304902 CG13203 -1.61
FBtr0334105 CG7255 -1.61
FBtr0304119 Lip4 -1.61
FBtr0344047 CR44982 -1.61
FBtr0332817 CG43896 -1.61
FBtr0345688 CG43896 -1.61
FBtr0110814 CG15661 -1.61
FBtr0076589 CG13311 -1.61
FBtr0305612 CR43158 -1.61
FBtr0070866 CG5966 -1.61
FBtr0343294 CG5966 -1.61
FBtr0079058 mRpL24 -1.62
FBtr0080212 Ppt2 -1.62
FBtr0343011 CG13516 -1.62
FBtr0100554 CG13516 -1.62
FBtr0077751 CG4267 -1.62
FBtr0081550 alpha-Est7 -1.62
FBtr0085503 CG15522 -1.62
FBtr0100320 fabp -1.62
FBtr0306336 CG7231 -1.62
FBtr0079531 CG7231 -1.62
FBtr0073473 CG15199 -1.62
FBtr0344246 CR45024 -1.62
FBtr0084918 CG31380 -1.62
FBtr0071624 CG15661 -1.62
FBtr0083140 Spn88Eb -1.62
FBtr0078025 Lsp1beta -1.62
FBtr0345738 Lsp1beta -1.62
FBtr0084317 CG4721 -1.63
FBtr0073555 m -1.63
FBtr0344884 CR9284 -1.63
FBtr0070558 CG3603 -1.63
FBtr0299774 CG42323 -1.63
FBtr0345485 Cyp6w1 -1.63
FBtr0085987 Cyp6w1 -1.63
FBtr0113197 CG1208 -1.63
FBtr0084038 r-l -1.63
FBtr0088176 dare -1.63
FBtr0083615 CG14313 -1.63
FBtr0089608 Dup99B -1.63
FBtr0347179 CR11538 -1.63
FBtr0076769 syd -1.64
FBtr0300413 syd -1.64
FBtr0087906 CG30049 -1.64
FBtr0344893 LRP1 -1.64
FBtr0304022 CG42806 -1.64
FBtr0082715 CG7966 -1.64
FBtr0082776 CG15887 -1.64
FBtr0343596 CG5321 -1.64
FBtr0084548 Npc2f -1.64
FBtr0305053 Dup99B -1.64
FBtr0344894 LRP1 -1.65
FBtr0306574 CG6805 -1.65
FBtr0084101 CG3301 -1.65
FBtr0100481 CG9510 -1.65
FBtr0340263 CG9510 -1.65
FBtr0299780 CG9510 -1.65
FBtr0085213 CG5402 -1.65
FBtr0100088 CG34033 -1.65
FBtr0079857 Mtpalpha -1.65
FBtr0308944 CR9284 -1.65
FBtr0309648 mir-4954 -1.65
FBtr0331635 CG5853 -1.65
FBtr0345347 CG13026 -1.65
FBtr0113405 CG31414 -1.65
FBtr0334767 CG31414 -1.65
FBtr0081321 fbp -1.65
FBtr0084292 CG5376 -1.65
FBtr0340008 CR44370 -1.65
FBtr0340009 CR44370 -1.65
FBtr0075187 CG7460 -1.66
FBtr0074445 CG8664 -1.66
FBtr0339779 CG8664 -1.66
FBtr0075895 AdenoK -1.66
FBtr0346531 AdenoK -1.66
FBtr0086299 CG11200 -1.66
FBtr0339195 CG3301 -1.66
FBtr0344185 CG11200 -1.66
FBtr0079858 Mtpalpha -1.66
FBtr0332040 CG12182 -1.66
FBtr0072255 Dat -1.66
FBtr0072393 CG3770 -1.66
FBtr0299542 CG13026 -1.66
FBtr0342721 CG16799 -1.66
FBtr0086249 CG16799 -1.66
FBtr0343856 fbp -1.66
FBtr0309068 CR43434 -1.66
FBtr0307213 ventrally-expressed-protein-D -1.66
FBtr0082625 CG4830 -1.66
FBtr0331991 CG13397 -1.66
FBtr0303856 CR42836 -1.66
FBtr0340638 CR44511 -1.66
FBtr0332816 CG43896 -1.66
FBtr0075744 CG13482 -1.66
FBtr0339240 CG14245 -1.66
FBtr0089685 CRMP -1.67
FBtr0070115 CG13369 -1.67
FBtr0078504 CG11438 -1.67
FBtr0345586 CG11438 -1.67
FBtr0075637 CG13458 -1.67
FBtr0087702 arr -1.67
FBtr0086300 CG11200 -1.67
FBtr0079894 CG5853 -1.67
FBtr0345615 CG5853 -1.67
FBtr0343502 CG3770 -1.67
FBtr0080937 CG17996 -1.67
FBtr0088467 CG1773 -1.67
FBtr0113583 snoRNA:Psi18S-301 -1.67
FBtr0086853 snoRNA:U31:54Eb -1.67
FBtr0079711 CG13397 -1.67
FBtr0343003 CR42868 -1.67
FBtr0073405 Ork1 -1.67
FBtr0079469 CG5149 -1.67
FBtr0345642 CR43239 -1.67
FBtr0339798 CR43239 -1.67
FBtr0306294 CR43239 -1.67
FBtr0100553 CG14245 -1.67
FBtr0310393 CR43669 -1.67
FBtr0089686 CRMP -1.68
FBtr0114453 CRMP -1.68
FBtr0075017 CG9629 -1.68
FBtr0333692 CG7460 -1.68
FBtr0086966 CG6805 -1.68
FBtr0091697 snoRNA:Psi28S-3186 -1.68
FBtr0073015 CG12093 -1.68
FBtr0075223 qjt -1.68
FBtr0079242 Ugt37b1 -1.68
FBtr0307037 fusl -1.68
FBtr0079078 fusl -1.68
FBtr0084259 CG7046 -1.68
FBtr0100862 mt:tRNA:L:UUR -1.68
FBtr0113334 CG14132 -1.69
FBtr0330647 Amnionless -1.69
FBtr0079485 CG7191 -1.69
FBtr0343400 CG7191 -1.69
FBtr0332493 CG3603 -1.69
FBtr0078195 CG5910 -1.69
FBtr0302854 Phae2 -1.69
FBtr0345718 Phae2 -1.69
FBtr0301483 CG7046 -1.69
FBtr0077557 odd -1.69
FBtr0088133 CG7759 -1.69
FBtr0113596 snoRNA:Psi18S-1377c -1.69
FBtr0072062 Dcp-1 -1.70
FBtr0346480 CG16772 -1.70
FBtr0081302 CG16772 -1.70
FBtr0289953 alpha-Est10 -1.70
FBtr0072955 CG12182 -1.70
FBtr0077973 CG5011 -1.70
FBtr0335382 CG5011 -1.70
FBtr0075459 l(3)72Dp -1.70
FBtr0339901 CG32320 -1.70
FBtr0310142 CG12910 -1.70
FBtr0310469 CG42790 -1.70
FBtr0082026 CG8129 -1.70
FBtr0076832 Cyp4d8 -1.70
FBtr0303855 CR42836 -1.70
FBtr0346624 bgm -1.70
FBtr0080590 bgm -1.70
FBtr0114456 Hr51 -1.70
FBtr0306697 CG12224 -1.70
FBtr0335436 CG12224 -1.70
FBtr0075127 CG7330 -1.70
FBtr0332861 CG7330 -1.70
FBtr0077863 CG15353 -1.71
FBtr0075040 CG18136 -1.71
FBtr0307504 CG18814 -1.71
FBtr0075896 AdenoK -1.71
FBtr0075465 CG13067 -1.71
FBtr0087622 CG16935 -1.71
FBtr0073208 CG14990 -1.71
FBtr0077770 CG9886 -1.71
FBtr0073284 CG11594 -1.71
FBtr0083370 CG3534 -1.71
FBtr0071779 Oatp58Da -1.71
FBtr0113196 CG1208 -1.71
FBtr0078454 CG14567 -1.71
FBtr0346304 Ork1 -1.71
FBtr0073404 Ork1 -1.71
FBtr0343584 Ork1 -1.71
FBtr0087291 CG8299 -1.71
FBtr0346492 CR45712 -1.72
FBtr0077884 CG31937 -1.72
FBtr0085215 CG5590 -1.72
FBtr0100833 CG34056 -1.72
FBtr0339954 CG16935 -1.72
FBtr0346795 CG33082 -1.72
FBtr0300818 CG17324 -1.72
FBtr0075190 Adgf-A -1.72
FBtr0075191 Adgf-A -1.72
FBtr0081734 CG1041 -1.72
FBtr0086821 CG30325 -1.72
FBtr0114353 snoRNA:Me18S-G962 -1.72
FBtr0321259 CG5322 -1.72
FBtr0342643 CG42876 -1.72
FBtr0304142 CG42876 -1.72
FBtr0080224 CG31867 -1.72
FBtr0080539 CAH1 -1.73
FBtr0300691 Kdm2 -1.73
FBtr0077542 CG31777 -1.73
FBtr0081881 CG8036 -1.73
FBtr0334521 CG14298 -1.73
FBtr0083695 CG14298 -1.73
FBtr0347031 Ccy -1.73
FBtr0078134 Amnionless -1.73
FBtr0347061 CG11241 -1.73
FBtr0079491 LanB1 -1.73
FBtr0110774 CG1041 -1.73
FBtr0344293 CG1041 -1.73
FBtr0347005 CG1041 -1.73
FBtr0087463 NaPi-T -1.73
FBtr0343768 yellow-b -1.73
FBtr0080894 yellow-b -1.73
FBtr0082101 Fst -1.73
FBtr0084100 CG3301 -1.74
FBtr0113389 CG31103 -1.74
FBtr0336758 Kdm2 -1.74
FBtr0072561 Reg-2 -1.74
FBtr0332429 CG15515 -1.74
FBtr0300411 CG5910 -1.74
FBtr0345717 Phae1 -1.74
FBtr0300301 CG42465 -1.74
FBtr0088337 CG12910 -1.74
FBtr0076510 GNBP3 -1.74
FBtr0308768 CR43419 -1.74
FBtr0329884 NaPi-T -1.74
FBtr0310051 qjt -1.74
FBtr0339534 ventrally-expressed-protein-D -1.74
FBtr0071826 ventrally-expressed-protein-D -1.74
FBtr0110771 Spn75F -1.74
FBtr0080042 CG5322 -1.74
FBtr0336759 Kdm2 -1.75
FBtr0336760 Kdm2 -1.75
FBtr0081882 CG8036 -1.75
FBtr0304891 CG43103 -1.75
FBtr0087420 Obp51a -1.75
FBtr0112749 CG34445 -1.75
FBtr0076316 CG14160 -1.75
FBtr0336865 CR44182 -1.75
FBtr0299856 CG42336 -1.75
FBtr0079751 CG9289 -1.75
FBtr0346275 CG2444 -1.75
FBtr0073531 CG2444 -1.75
FBtr0305896 CG43167 -1.75
FBtr0070913 Spat -1.75
FBtr0343627 CG31867 -1.75
FBtr0087014 tef -1.75
FBtr0307596 CG13827 -1.76
FBtr0076905 CG14823 -1.76
FBtr0086640 CG15093 -1.76
FBtr0082902 CG9649 -1.76
FBtr0342844 CR44705 -1.76
FBtr0081077 Cyp310a1 -1.76
FBtr0078556 slif -1.76
FBtr0310046 CG11594 -1.76
FBtr0082027 CG8129 -1.76
FBtr0346572 CG31821 -1.76
FBtr0080809 CG31821 -1.76
FBtr0340252 CR44413 -1.76
FBtr0085307 CG9989 -1.76
FBtr0087954 CG8834 -1.76
FBtr0082969 BigH1 -1.76
FBtr0344540 SclB -1.77
FBtr0344543 SclA -1.77
FBtr0344541 SclB -1.77
FBtr0344544 SclA -1.77
FBtr0334005 CG10062 -1.77
FBtr0086522 CG10062 -1.77
FBtr0088502 CG12926 -1.77
FBtr0086639 CG15093 -1.77
FBtr0303846 CG15093 -1.77
FBtr0078555 slif -1.77
FBtr0078206 CG18281 -1.77
FBtr0080255 Vha100-5 -1.77
FBtr0335471 Vha100-5 -1.77
FBtr0307189 CG15199 -1.77
FBtr0075975 CG10657 -1.77
FBtr0336709 TwdlG -1.77
FBtr0084486 CG10182 -1.77
FBtr0334006 CG10062 -1.78
FBtr0309192 CR43458 -1.78
FBtr0081883 CG8036 -1.78
FBtr0080334 Phae1 -1.78
FBtr0078557 slif -1.78
FBtr0073283 CG11594 -1.78
FBtr0086292 Obp57c -1.78
FBtr0113516 snoRNA:Psi28S-3316a -1.78
FBtr0305591 CG3775 -1.78
FBtr0073690 CG3775 -1.78
FBtr0303218 CG14607 -1.78
FBtr0078005 CG13947 -1.78
FBtr0346432 CR45682 -1.78
FBtr0079055 Jon25Bii -1.78
FBtr0345335 Jon25Bii -1.78
FBtr0113436 CG32425 -1.79
FBtr0303818 CG42808 -1.79
FBtr0084376 CG13827 -1.79
FBtr0073237 Hexo1 -1.79
FBtr0071338 su(r) -1.79
FBtr0081251 CG13082 -1.79
FBtr0300655 CG42514 -1.79
FBtr0299610 CG42269 -1.79
FBtr0086986 Gbp -1.79
FBtr0335458 CG14377 -1.79
FBtr0344542 SclB -1.80
FBtr0344539 SclB -1.80
FBtr0078204 CG32425 -1.80
FBtr0300774 Hexo1 -1.80
FBtr0333776 CR43964 -1.80
FBtr0070175 CG14630 -1.80
FBtr0309791 CG11594 -1.80
FBtr0303377 CG31664 -1.80
FBtr0334829 CG31664 -1.80
FBtr0081439 Mtp -1.80
FBtr0080273 CG31704 -1.80
FBtr0333421 CG31704 -1.80
FBtr0345152 CR45192 -1.80
FBtr0345151 CR45192 -1.80
FBtr0086935 CG4847 -1.80
FBtr0086934 CG4847 -1.80
FBtr0086933 CG4847 -1.80
FBtr0086937 CG4847 -1.80
FBtr0334151 CG44013 -1.80
FBtr0334150 CG44013 -1.80
FBtr0346519 CG42512 -1.81
FBtr0342579 CG16964 -1.81
FBtr0080282 CG16964 -1.81
FBtr0084863 CG31098 -1.81
FBtr0077700 CG9879 -1.81
FBtr0077671 CG17224 -1.81
FBtr0308618 eas -1.81
FBtr0333189 CG40198 -1.81
FBtr0301809 CG40198 -1.81
FBtr0086854 snoRNA:U31:54Ec -1.81
FBtr0344126 CR45013 -1.81
FBtr0077997 CG4375 -1.82
FBtr0079984 CG4953 -1.82
FBtr0333820 CG1969 -1.82
FBtr0330296 CG1969 -1.82
FBtr0085474 CG1969 -1.82
FBtr0345371 CG13321 -1.82
FBtr0087792 CG13321 -1.82
FBtr0082259 Irp-1B -1.82
FBtr0300761 CG12560 -1.82
FBtr0310267 CG1969 -1.82
FBtr0083790 CG11407 -1.82
FBtr0083278 CG6126 -1.82
FBtr0300815 CG17224 -1.82
FBtr0300656 CG42514 -1.82
FBtr0100007 CG33966 -1.82
FBtr0080006 CG5096 -1.83
FBtr0071611 CG17974 -1.83
FBtr0333567 Hexo1 -1.83
FBtr0073235 Hexo1 -1.83
FBtr0077672 CG17224 -1.83
FBtr0310457 CG43679 -1.83
FBtr0310456 CG43679 -1.83
FBtr0309300 CR43471 -1.83
FBtr0300657 CG42514 -1.83
FBtr0085755 CG1544 -1.83
FBtr0078221 ZnT77C -1.83
FBtr0077544 CG10031 -1.83
FBtr0079768 Toll-4 -1.83
FBtr0083780 CG16727 -1.83
FBtr0091959 pncr015:3L -1.83
FBtr0343908 CR44938 -1.83
FBtr0072254 Dat -1.84
FBtr0078298 CG10512 -1.84
FBtr0112403 CG34210 -1.84
FBtr0085475 CG1969 -1.84
FBtr0333821 CG1969 -1.84
FBtr0085766 CG11340 -1.84
FBtr0077942 NLaz -1.84
FBtr0343844 NLaz -1.84
FBtr0329947 NLaz -1.84
FBtr0331629 CG17224 -1.84
FBtr0332297 CG11816 -1.84
FBtr0332774 CR43872 -1.84
FBtr0310470 CG42790 -1.84
FBtr0085649 CDase -1.84
FBtr0290201 CG15553 -1.84
FBtr0344545 SclA -1.85
FBtr0071625 CG4302 -1.85
FBtr0306104 CG1969 -1.85
FBtr0343383 CG12560 -1.85
FBtr0347182 mdy -1.85
FBtr0332298 CG11816 -1.85
FBtr0082025 CG18473 -1.85
FBtr0085647 CDase -1.85
FBtr0085648 CDase -1.85
FBtr0085101 TwdlT -1.85
FBtr0331816 Spn77Bc -1.85
FBtr0078172 Spn77Bc -1.85
FBtr0072091 CG5532 -1.86
FBtr0345535 CG5532 -1.86
FBtr0333446 CG1246 -1.86
FBtr0072938 CG1246 -1.86
FBtr0303022 CG1246 -1.86
FBtr0310141 CG12910 -1.86
FBtr0072556 Gale -1.87
FBtr0078297 CG10512 -1.87
FBtr0302718 Cpr47Ef -1.87
FBtr0302719 Cpr47Ef -1.87
FBtr0345027 CG1246 -1.87
FBtr0085646 CDase -1.87
FBtr0078220 ZnT77C -1.87
FBtr0085861 CG2187 -1.87
FBtr0300408 CG34043 -1.87
FBtr0306917 Gale -1.88
FBtr0100356 Spn43Ab -1.88
FBtr0077588 CG8838 -1.88
FBtr0070186 CG3699 -1.88
FBtr0345610 CG16712 -1.88
FBtr0077546 CG16712 -1.88
FBtr0074212 eas -1.88
FBtr0339106 CG44251 -1.88
FBtr0085645 CDase -1.88
FBtr0075942 CG10960 -1.88
FBtr0075942 CG10960 -1.88
FBtr0334776 CR44054 -1.88
FBtr0073474 ssp7 -1.88
FBtr0344128 CR43936 -1.88
FBtr0083026 CG3987 -1.88
FBtr0302527 CG33346 -1.88
FBtr0083510 Lgr1 -1.89
FBtr0073322 CG32243 -1.89
FBtr0347018 CR45925 -1.89
FBtr0340495 Vsx1 -1.89
FBtr0070781 Vsx1 -1.89
FBtr0078300 CG10512 -1.89
FBtr0075076 CG3902 -1.89
FBtr0080566 mRpS23 -1.89
FBtr0077310 GstT3 -1.89
FBtr0075699 bmm -1.89
FBtr0300190 bmm -1.89
FBtr0334830 CR44076 -1.89
FBtr0100857 mt:ND2 -1.89
FBtr0289973 CG13905 -1.89
FBtr0078299 CG10512 -1.90
FBtr0070844 CG33080 -1.90
FBtr0342971 CG33080 -1.90
FBtr0308619 eas -1.90
FBtr0080917 mdy -1.90
FBtr0073785 CG11816 -1.90
FBtr0331357 CDase -1.90
FBtr0345735 CR45341 -1.90
FBtr0303376 CG2187 -1.90
FBtr0075750 Fbp1 -1.90
FBtr0339515 Fbp1 -1.90
FBtr0075749 Fbp1 -1.90
FBtr0332135 CG7201 -1.90
FBtr0076527 Tequila -1.91
FBtr0303835 CG42828 -1.91
FBtr0080915 mdy -1.91
FBtr0302029 CG14946 -1.91
FBtr0070088 arg -1.91
FBtr0339107 CG44251 -1.91
FBtr0345617 CG7300 -1.91
FBtr0336849 CR44181 -1.91
FBtr0080125 CG7300 -1.91
FBtr0088184 TpnC47D -1.91
FBtr0345540 TpnC47D -1.91
FBtr0339346 CG42326 -1.91
FBtr0079438 gudu -1.91
FBtr0071600 CG9485 -1.92
FBtr0300394 CG9485 -1.92
FBtr0071599 CG9485 -1.92
FBtr0343519 eas -1.92
FBtr0074211 eas -1.92
FBtr0074214 eas -1.92
FBtr0080916 mdy -1.92
FBtr0080095 CG18302 -1.92
FBtr0087935 CG8550 -1.92
FBtr0339398 AdamTS-A -1.92
FBtr0334629 AdamTS-A -1.92
FBtr0331736 CG11816 -1.92
FBtr0335261 CR42646 -1.92
FBtr0302350 CR42646 -1.92
FBtr0084853 CG10553 -1.92
FBtr0080549 CG7916 -1.92
FBtr0086667 CG15065 -1.92
FBtr0083509 Lgr1 -1.93
FBtr0071601 CG9485 -1.93
FBtr0300395 CG9485 -1.93
FBtr0310327 CG9485 -1.93
FBtr0343520 eas -1.93
FBtr0308617 eas -1.93
FBtr0305265 CG14946 -1.93
FBtr0342607 CG14946 -1.93
FBtr0308830 CG6294 -1.93
FBtr0083160 AdamTS-A -1.93
FBtr0332794 CR43893 -1.93
FBtr0273320 CG13024 -1.93
FBtr0340430 CG44426 -1.93
FBtr0074444 CG8661 -1.93
FBtr0082981 CG8066 -1.94
FBtr0309193 CR43458 -1.94
FBtr0334312 tsl -1.94
FBtr0084164 tsl -1.94
FBtr0309099 CG9837 -1.94
FBtr0336680 St3 -1.95
FBtr0113345 CG18748 -1.95
FBtr0346481 CR45701 -1.95
FBtr0084352 CG6733 -1.95
FBtr0083755 CG3734 -1.95
FBtr0083329 CG17562 -1.96
FBtr0070201 CG11380 -1.96
FBtr0345506 CG11380 -1.96
FBtr0343860 scw -1.96
FBtr0081261 scw -1.96
FBtr0079466 CG5958 -1.96
FBtr0339152 CG3734 -1.96
FBtr0334331 CG9837 -1.96
FBtr0076716 CG7201 -1.96
FBtr0080573 adat -1.97
FBtr0300132 CG11891 -1.97
FBtr0300959 fa2h -1.97
FBtr0113188 CG11241 -1.97
FBtr0072599 CG13898 -1.97
FBtr0345489 Mal-A7 -1.98
FBtr0088757 Mal-A7 -1.98
FBtr0086972 CG9640 -1.98
FBtr0078536 CG11241 -1.98
FBtr0070806 CG15773 -1.98
FBtr0081303 CG10680 -1.99
FBtr0332182 CG10680 -1.99
FBtr0072635 CG9119 -1.99
FBtr0084165 tsl -1.99
FBtr0113344 CG18748 -1.99
FBtr0339631 Cpr49Ac -1.99
FBtr0086807 CG10912 -1.99
FBtr0084056 CG17298 -1.99
FBtr0075091 Cyp12c1 -2.00
FBtr0345812 Cyp12c1 -2.00
FBtr0085737 CG15556 -2.00
FBtr0071733 CG13494 -2.00
FBtr0334571 Ela -2.00
FBtr0084708 Ela -2.00
FBtr0309098 CG9837 -2.00
FBtr0087514 Cpr51A -2.01
FBtr0345306 sxe2 -2.01
FBtr0087916 Cpr49Ac -2.01
FBtr0299788 CG42326 -2.01
FBtr0344981 Tequila -2.02
FBtr0076525 Tequila -2.02
FBtr0309195 CG15556 -2.02
FBtr0332253 CR43810 -2.02
FBtr0071240 CG12116 -2.02
FBtr0083225 sxe2 -2.02
FBtr0343666 CG7953 -2.02
FBtr0080550 CG7953 -2.02
FBtr0334959 CG8066 -2.03
FBtr0309194 CG15556 -2.03
FBtr0079607 Mur29B -2.03
FBtr0086123 CG3270 -2.03
FBtr0080093 Lip4 -2.03
FBtr0088204 CG13230 -2.03
FBtr0339104 CG44250 -2.03
FBtr0339105 CG44250 -2.03
FBtr0301372 Cpr49Ac -2.03
FBtr0344129 CR43936 -2.03
FBtr0339490 CG44303 -2.03
FBtr0347095 CR45978 -2.03
FBtr0075943 CG10960 -2.04
FBtr0075941 CG10960 -2.04
FBtr0087917 Cpr49Ac -2.04
FBtr0339630 Cpr49Ac -2.04
FBtr0074843 Spn77Bb -2.04
FBtr0078315 CG33056 -2.05
FBtr0078311 CG33056 -2.05
FBtr0084824 CG31300 -2.05
FBtr0079339 CG11236 -2.05
FBtr0309812 CG11236 -2.05
FBtr0078312 CG33056 -2.06
FBtr0336460 CG14526 -2.06
FBtr0071607 Acox57D-d -2.06
FBtr0084709 Ela -2.06
FBtr0078314 CG33056 -2.07
FBtr0075511 CG17032 -2.07
FBtr0308817 CG8249 -2.07
FBtr0080127 CG17108 -2.07
FBtr0347273 CR46058 -2.07
FBtr0071472 Gip -2.08
FBtr0340044 GstT3 -2.08
FBtr0300210 GstT3 -2.08
FBtr0100230 CG18003 -2.08
FBtr0302916 Ir60c -2.08
FBtr0071832 CG4752 -2.09
FBtr0089053 Spn43Ad -2.09
FBtr0070423 CG18031 -2.09
FBtr0330695 CG43755 -2.10
FBtr0333574 CG17032 -2.10
FBtr0309709 mir-4914 -2.10
FBtr0112396 CG34203 -2.10
FBtr0077163 CG15212 -2.10
FBtr0331672 Lip4 -2.10
FBtr0305913 CG13024 -2.10
FBtr0078313 CG33056 -2.11
FBtr0075321 CG9701 -2.11
FBtr0300308 CG42470 -2.11
FBtr0309185 CR43452 -2.11
FBtr0080564 CG33306 -2.11
FBtr0084255 Pebp1 -2.11
FBtr0304880 CG43092 -2.12
FBtr0300709 CG13795 -2.13
FBtr0343407 CG13795 -2.13
FBtr0082323 CG6465 -2.13
FBtr0084634 CG5715 -2.13
FBtr0344980 Tequila -2.14
FBtr0082179 CG3940 -2.14
FBtr0344391 CG3940 -2.14
FBtr0344392 CG3940 -2.14
FBtr0343602 CG12715 -2.14
FBtr0073750 CG12715 -2.14
FBtr0072768 Gk -2.14
FBtr0072767 Gk -2.14
FBtr0345817 Gk -2.14
FBtr0085966 CG7882 -2.14
FBtr0335266 CG7882 -2.14
FBtr0087117 Amyrel -2.14
FBtr0079495 LKR -2.14
FBtr0343404 LKR -2.14
FBtr0300805 CG18284 -2.15
FBtr0339130 CG18284 -2.15
FBtr0343380 CG9509 -2.15
FBtr0073978 CG9509 -2.15
FBtr0084151 dnd -2.16
FBtr0070845 CG33080 -2.16
FBtr0072769 Gk -2.16
FBtr0088759 Mal-A1 -2.17
FBtr0079322 Galt -2.17
FBtr0333352 Galt -2.17
FBtr0305959 CG17374 -2.17
FBtr0342972 CG33080 -2.17
FBtr0083106 CG6125 -2.17
FBtr0082506 CG18547 -2.18
FBtr0345120 TpnC73F -2.18
FBtr0089585 TpnC73F -2.18
FBtr0332548 CR43846 -2.18
FBtr0307187 CG15202 -2.18
FBtr0083105 CG6125 -2.18
FBtr0346109 CG6125 -2.18
FBtr0070490 w -2.19
FBtr0091499 lectin-37Db -2.19
FBtr0302362 lectin-37Db -2.19
FBtr0100869 mt:tRNA:G -2.19
FBtr0307505 CG31076 -2.20
FBtr0082111 CG9396 -2.21
FBtr0073438 CG15202 -2.21
FBtr0110768 Acp54A1 -2.21
FBtr0072770 Gk -2.22
FBtr0333800 CG4020 -2.22
FBtr0070824 CG4020 -2.22
FBtr0073651 Lsp1alpha -2.22
FBtr0082143 CG8534 -2.22
FBtr0310421 alpha-Est2 -2.23
FBtr0071560 CG9993 -2.23
FBtr0334683 CR44035 -2.23
FBtr0081540 alpha-Est2 -2.24
FBtr0077791 CG3609 -2.24
FBtr0331441 CG3609 -2.24
FBtr0303027 CG3609 -2.25
FBtr0100144 pug -2.25
FBtr0082264 pug -2.25
FBtr0308753 CR43411 -2.25
FBtr0300296 Sfp24Ba -2.25
FBtr0082565 CG17738 -2.25
FBtr0308818 CG8249 -2.26
FBtr0079073 TotM -2.26
FBtr0085329 CG14528 -2.27
FBtr0336635 CG9864 -2.27
FBtr0086320 CG9864 -2.27
FBtr0084431 CG4408 -2.27
FBtr0339619 CG4408 -2.27
FBtr0113600 snoRNA:Psi18S-110 -2.27
FBtr0307036 TotM -2.27
FBtr0336678 St3 -2.28
FBtr0078848 CG14661 -2.29
FBtr0305965 CG14661 -2.29
FBtr0079066 Cyp4ac1 -2.29
FBtr0082265 pug -2.29
FBtr0082266 pug -2.29
FBtr0305662 pug -2.29
FBtr0074559 Tsf1 -2.29
FBtr0346625 Tsf1 -2.29
FBtr0299796 CG42329 -2.29
FBtr0343671 CG8997 -2.29
FBtr0080563 CG8997 -2.29
FBtr0071123 CG2233 -2.30
FBtr0072929 CG16985 -2.30
FBtr0302992 CG9465 -2.31
FBtr0336679 St3 -2.31
FBtr0087310 CG8249 -2.31
FBtr0080693 dyn-p25 -2.32
FBtr0332601 CR43866 -2.32
FBtr0075157 CG5506 -2.32
FBtr0304645 CG43061 -2.32
FBtr0076914 CG8628 -2.32
FBtr0301218 CG8628 -2.32
FBtr0330696 CG43755 -2.33
FBtr0076003 Est-6 -2.33
FBtr0333383 Est-6 -2.33
FBtr0085472 CG7567 -2.33
FBtr0078644 CG1213 -2.34
FBtr0307274 alpha-Est5 -2.34
FBtr0074494 CG12985 -2.34
FBtr0344411 CG31517 -2.34
FBtr0078642 CG1213 -2.35
FBtr0072771 Gk -2.35
FBtr0079741 CG9468 -2.35
FBtr0082864 CG31517 -2.35
FBtr0088752 Mal-A8 -2.36
FBtr0340616 CG5162 -2.36
FBtr0074393 CG5162 -2.36
FBtr0347303 CR46074 -2.36
FBtr0077212 Cyp6t1 -2.36
FBtr0081547 alpha-Est5 -2.37
FBtr0082651 Gnmt -2.37
FBtr0087399 Hex-C -2.38
FBtr0332376 UK114 -2.38
FBtr0083330 CG17560 -2.39
FBtr0086134 CG9436 -2.39
FBtr0305954 CG1213 -2.40
FBtr0078643 CG1213 -2.40
FBtr0087171 CG7997 -2.40
FBtr0080746 UK114 -2.40
FBtr0336977 CG3679 -2.40
FBtr0078656 Obp83a -2.40
FBtr0309293 CR43468 -2.41
FBtr0087172 CG7997 -2.42
FBtr0300902 CG18563 -2.42
FBtr0087042 CG6426 -2.43
FBtr0346581 CG3604 -2.43
FBtr0079230 Gal -2.43
FBtr0332603 Gal -2.43
FBtr0345251 Obp83a -2.43
FBtr0079282 CG9498 -2.43
FBtr0114541 St1 -2.44
FBtr0077689 CG18557 -2.45
FBtr0339575 CG16704 -2.46
FBtr0077550 CG16704 -2.46
FBtr0081102 CG17325 -2.47
FBtr0299687 CG42305 -2.47
FBtr0087813 CG3814 -2.47
FBtr0077141 CG13285 -2.48
FBtr0073961 dob -2.48
FBtr0075434 CG13043 -2.49
FBtr0345443 CG17325 -2.49
FBtr0299685 CG17325 -2.49
FBtr0345444 CG42305 -2.49
FBtr0299686 CG42305 -2.49
FBtr0077545 CG3604 -2.49
FBtr0075221 CG7589 -2.49
FBtr0333690 CG7589 -2.49
FBtr0087814 CG3814 -2.49
FBtr0333710 CG3819 -2.49
FBtr0075048 CG3819 -2.49
FBtr0070776 CG16756 -2.49
FBtr0084028 CG10824 -2.50
FBtr0086733 Spn55B -2.53
FBtr0086215 CG30154 -2.54
FBtr0087279 CG30090 -2.55
FBtr0306384 CG4019 -2.55
FBtr0072103 CG4019 -2.55
FBtr0072105 CG4019 -2.55
FBtr0336929 CG4019 -2.55
FBtr0072102 CG4019 -2.55
FBtr0081107 CG17322 -2.56
FBtr0081108 CG17322 -2.56
FBtr0081106 CG17322 -2.56
FBtr0345382 CG32191 -2.56
FBtr0307509 CG32191 -2.56
FBtr0332884 CG3814 -2.57
FBtr0072104 CG4019 -2.57
FBtr0083538 DNaseII -2.57
FBtr0332885 CG3814 -2.58
FBtr0071782 CG3290 -2.58
FBtr0077063 CG10467 -2.59
FBtr0307099 CG43351 -2.59
FBtr0113597 snoRNA:Psi18S-1377b -2.59
FBtr0306841 CG11034 -2.62
FBtr0342609 CG11034 -2.62
FBtr0344769 CG11034 -2.62
FBtr0079063 TpnC25D -2.64
FBtr0346458 TpnC25D -2.64
FBtr0345250 Obp83a -2.64
FBtr0345621 CG34457 -2.67
FBtr0112763 CG34457 -2.67
FBtr0346059 CG9914 -2.67
FBtr0074240 CG9914 -2.67
FBtr0085510 CG31202 -2.67
FBtr0081105 CG17322 -2.67
FBtr0084825 CG31104 -2.68
FBtr0290287 CG12917 -2.69
FBtr0346058 CR45485 -2.69
FBtr0071745 lox2 -2.70
FBtr0086752 CG14500 -2.73
FBtr0079240 Vm26Ac -2.74
FBtr0100081 CG34026 -2.75
FBtr0343410 CG34026 -2.75
FBtr0342931 TpnC25D -2.76
FBtr0079275 Tig -2.78
FBtr0343152 Tig -2.78
FBtr0331962 CG43789 -2.81
FBtr0083967 CG15695 -2.82
FBtr0306593 CG13285 -2.82
FBtr0080162 Art8 -2.85
FBtr0077239 Npc1b -2.85
FBtr0085305 CG9988 -2.86
FBtr0310441 CG7322 -2.89
FBtr0074654 CG7322 -2.89
FBtr0346018 CG7322 -2.89
FBtr0343681 CG42682 -2.92
FBtr0078370 CG33290 -2.92
FBtr0082726 CG7381 -2.94
FBtr0078207 CG17637 -2.95
FBtr0076314 CG32054 -2.95
FBtr0072011 yellow-d -2.96
FBtr0076084 CG10361 -2.98
FBtr0087956 CG13155 -2.98
FBtr0301219 CG7381 -2.99
FBtr0310149 CG16965 -3.00
FBtr0071740 CG4363 -3.04
FBtr0300456 Cyp4ac2 -3.04
FBtr0342846 phm -3.04
FBtr0074603 phm -3.04
FBtr0331428 CG7381 -3.06
FBtr0080336 CG17211 -3.07
FBtr0331429 CG7381 -3.07
FBtr0082727 CG7381 -3.07
FBtr0332034 CG9259 -3.11
FBtr0083038 CG6912 -3.13
FBtr0332033 CG9259 -3.14
FBtr0081464 CG9259 -3.14
FBtr0075348 PGRP-SB1 -3.16
FBtr0087732 AGBE -3.17
FBtr0088758 Mal-A3 -3.18
FBtr0085977 CG7849 -3.19
FBtr0080450 CG5945 -3.20
FBtr0334754 CG5945 -3.20
FBtr0085077 CG6295 -3.25
FBtr0076906 CG14823 -3.27
FBtr0344119 CG31091 -3.29
FBtr0076908 CG14823 -3.31
FBtr0306838 CR43304 -3.32
FBtr0073334 CG11345 -3.35
FBtr0078591 Osi24 -3.38
FBtr0078424 CG32444 -3.40
FBtr0306299 CR43242 -3.40
FBtr0077803 CG17242 -3.41
FBtr0335162 CG17242 -3.41
FBtr0087406 CG12853 -3.49
FBtr0085511 Jon99Ci -3.57
FBtr0073073 Drs -3.59
FBtr0080639 l(2)34Fd -3.66
FBtr0081472 CG9246 -3.67
FBtr0347058 CR45955 -3.69
FBtr0089560 Sardh -3.69
FBtr0074436 CG8568 -3.75
FBtr0074028 Cyp4s3 -3.75
FBtr0303833 CG42825 -3.82
FBtr0300297 Sfp24Bb -3.84
FBtr0309041 CG31091 -3.87
FBtr0088562 CG8083 -3.88
FBtr0088561 CG8083 -3.88
FBtr0088560 CG8083 -3.88
FBtr0304879 CG43093 -3.91
FBtr0112514 CG34316 -3.98
FBtr0335233 CG31087 -4.10
FBtr0084855 CG31087 -4.10
FBtr0077025 CG5568 -4.14
FBtr0081517 CG8665 -4.16
FBtr0346232 CR45600 -4.17
FBtr0084847 tobi -4.20
FBtr0346185 CG42807 -4.27
FBtr0303819 CG42807 -4.27
FBtr0305582 Ag5r -4.33
FBtr0333658 Ag5r -4.33
FBtr0310321 CG10073 -4.38
FBtr0083025 CG3984 -4.39
FBtr0330667 CG3597 -4.40
FBtr0077792 CG3597 -4.40
FBtr0086523 CG10073 -4.52
FBtr0081350 CG10659 -4.53
FBtr0088798 CG30371 -4.57
FBtr0086903 CG6484 -4.57
FBtr0083017 smp-30 -4.58
FBtr0083016 smp-30 -4.60
FBtr0336878 smp-30 -4.61
FBtr0336877 smp-30 -4.61
FBtr0088747 Mal-A2 -4.62
FBtr0073937 Ag5r -4.64
FBtr0303828 CG42821 -4.82
FBtr0084441 CG31148 -4.85
FBtr0074392 CG18258 -4.95
FBtr0085626 CG15533 -4.95
FBtr0088707 PGRP-SC1a -5.07
FBtr0335216 CG4757 -5.18
FBtr0082339 CG4757 -5.18
FBtr0343688 CG31832 -5.34
FBtr0073916 CG9411 -5.37
FBtr0083971 TotA -5.37
FBtr0340492 CG15096 -5.38
FBtr0086632 CG15096 -5.53
FBtr0332756 Cpr76Bd -5.55
FBtr0113181 Cpr76Bd -5.55
FBtr0332755 Cpr76Bd -5.55
FBtr0077024 Cpr65Av -5.74
FBtr0086633 CG15096 -5.75
FBtr0071739 CG4377 -5.76
FBtr0112391 CG34198 -5.76
FBtr0088709 PGRP-SC2 -5.81
FBtr0345752 CG9466 -5.84
FBtr0079742 CG9466 -5.84
FBtr0343173 CG9572 -6.29
FBtr0077047 CG6602 -6.34
FBtr0303428 CG42782 -6.42
FBtr0347196 CG42782 -6.42
FBtr0070006 CG9572 -6.56
FBtr0303256 CG9572 -6.56
FBtr0080729 CG15263 -6.60
FBtr0072633 LysP -6.76
FBtr0339932 Sodh-1 -6.88
FBtr0081627 Sodh-1 -6.88
FBtr0080275 Mal-B1 -6.98
FBtr0339153 CG3739 -7.34
FBtr0085007 CR31084 -7.51
FBtr0112487 CG34291 -8.02
FBtr0088748 Mal-A4 -8.65
FBtr0339748 CG13325 -8.96
FBtr0087722 CG13325 -10.00
FBtr0310455 CG43680 -10.10
FBtr0300448 Cp38 -10.30
FBtr0339997 CG8093 -10.70
FBtr0087401 CG8093 -10.70
FBtr0345931 CG13325 -11.40
FBtr0345194 CG13325 -11.40
FBtr0340230 CG9463 -12.20
FBtr0079744 CG9463 -12.50
FBtr0086475 CG15126 -13.20
FBtr0085150 CG6277 -13.70
FBtr0076810 CG7409 -14.10
FBtr0076388 CG18179 -15.80
FBtr0077128 CG10591 -17.20
FBtr0345611 CG16826 -20.90
FBtr0080464 CG16826 -20.90
FBtr0289974 CG14325 -25.20
FBtr0085151 CG6283 -25.50
FBtr0084153 fit -29.70
FBtr0083985 TotX -31.70
FBtr0346383 CG1678 -36.70
FBtr0077219 CG1678 -36.70
FBtr0100095 CG34040 -39.20
FBtr0335461 CG44142 -41.20
FBtr0075099 CG32198 -59.00
FBtr0077220 lcs -63.20
FBtr0302826 CG34212 -76.20
FBtr0082900 CG33109 -77.50
FBtr0344451 CG45080 -79.10
FBtr0112405 CG34212 -116.00

3) Upregulated proteins

Count: 100 proteins

This table is related to Supplementary Table 4.

protein FC values are logged

PUP_inner_FC1.6 <- dPERK_inner_join %>% filter (prot_reg == 1)
PUP_inner_FC1.6_unq <- PUP_inner_FC1.6  %>% dplyr::select(Protein.ID, %>%  unique()
write.csv(PUP_inner_FC1.6, "1.6_data_output/PUP_inner_FC1.6.csv")
write.csv(PUP_inner_FC1.6_unq, "1.6_data_output/PUP_inner_FC1.6_unq.csv")

Table 3: Upregulated proteins
Transcript ID Gene ID Protein FC
FBtr0299943 Jabba 4.84
FBtr0100558 Hsp22 4.82
FBtr0100559 Hsp22 4.82
FBtr0087451 Cyp6a17 4.25
FBtr0345527 Cyp6a17 4.25
FBtr0302379 CG5999 3.73
FBtr0081201 Lectin-galC1 3.28
FBtr0302360 Lectin-galC1 3.28
FBtr0078098 CG11911 3.22
FBtr0078770 PEK 2.32
FBtr0347257 CG5791 1.97
FBtr0084180 CG5791 1.97
FBtr0335196 CG5791 1.97
FBtr0082569 GstD2 1.88
FBtr0070337 CG4199 1.87
FBtr0113321 Ugt86Dd 1.74
FBtr0077065 CG13295 1.64
FBtr0079925 Cyp4e3 1.57
FBtr0330618 CG6191 1.43
FBtr0112408 CG34215 1.43
FBtr0303445 CG31808 1.39
FBtr0084832 rha 1.39
FBtr0304903 Taf1 1.39
FBtr0113104 Vrp1 1.38
FBtr0077460 CG3652 1.29
FBtr0085992 bin3 1.28
FBtr0336519 bin3 1.28
FBtr0346718 bin3 1.28
FBtr0085993 bin3 1.28
FBtr0077059 Lcp65Ag2 1.27
FBtr0077058 Lcp65Ag1 1.27
FBtr0301735 CG12868 1.24
FBtr0084407 Rassf 1.24
FBtr0082195 gammaSnap2 1.24
FBtr0086774 Dgp-1 1.20
FBtr0086773 Dgp-1 1.20
FBtr0089463 asparagine-synthetase 1.20
FBtr0089055 Cyp9b2 1.19
FBtr0074255 Tob 1.19
FBtr0310446 Tob 1.19
FBtr0087105 RpLP2 1.18
FBtr0343842 CG43402 1.14
FBtr0308745 CG43402 1.14
FBtr0073544 CG1572 1.12
FBtr0073543 CG1572 1.12
FBtr0339693 CG1572 1.12
FBtr0339694 CG1572 1.12
FBtr0088020 SkpB 1.12
FBtr0113204 CG7900 1.09
FBtr0086676 GstE8 1.06
FBtr0345798 GstE8 1.06
FBtr0079424 Nuf2 1.04
FBtr0072954 Pxn 1.04
FBtr0072950 Pxn 1.04
FBtr0072951 Pxn 1.04
FBtr0072953 Pxn 1.04
FBtr0072952 Pxn 1.04
FBtr0332594 CG10543 1.04
FBtr0086673 GstE5 1.02
FBtr0072150 Fmo-1 1.02
FBtr0087601 Prosap 1.02
FBtr0337049 CG43143 1.01
FBtr0070434 CG16903 1.01
FBtr0086807 CG10912 1.00
FBtr0331535 CG10089 0.99
FBtr0085498 CG31038 0.99
FBtr0085494 CG31038 0.99
FBtr0070429 wapl 0.98
FBtr0344159 wapl 0.98
FBtr0301854 CG34423 0.97
FBtr0344361 CG45049 0.97
FBtr0078507 CG11425 0.97
FBtr0344358 CG45049 0.97
FBtr0078339 CG7632 0.96
FBtr0302646 axo 0.96
FBtr0290243 NimC3 0.96
FBtr0078868 atms 0.96
FBtr0334899 atms 0.96
FBtr0085652 Jon99Fi 0.96
FBtr0089324 Lsp2 0.93
FBtr0345352 Lsp2 0.93
FBtr0073034 CG32281 0.92
FBtr0079388 Pcp 0.91
FBtr0078752 CG2926 0.91
FBtr0331303 CG3711 0.91
FBtr0079996 CG31715 0.89
FBtr0113149 CG10274 0.88
FBtr0087455 Cyp6a8 0.88
FBtr0345816 Spn77Ba 0.87
FBtr0074841 Spn77Ba 0.87
FBtr0074842 Spn77Ba 0.87
FBtr0340576 CG5758 0.87
FBtr0081035 CG5758 0.87
FBtr0340577 CG5758 0.87
FBtr0081036 CG5758 0.87
FBtr0340575 CG5758 0.87
FBtr0081037 CG5758 0.87
FBtr0087157 CG4398 0.86
FBtr0084434 GILT3 0.86
FBtr0075944 CG10754 0.86
FBtr0084870 CG10420 0.85
FBtr0309880 dila 0.85
FBtr0079486 Uro 0.84
FBtr0084809 CG11852 0.84
FBtr0336634 Ate1 0.84
FBtr0081974 St2 0.84
FBtr0346096 St2 0.84
FBtr0087406 CG12853 0.83
FBtr0083609 mTerf5 0.83
FBtr0076567 Cpr66D 0.83
FBtr0086255 Hil 0.83
FBtr0086256 Hil 0.83
FBtr0081692 Ccp84Ab 0.82
FBtr0333095 baf 0.80
FBtr0079535 baf 0.80
FBtr0083779 CG17752 0.79
FBtr0088760 Cyp4ad1 0.78
FBtr0113248 Ire1 0.77
FBtr0089254 MED26 0.77
FBtr0089253 MED26 0.77
FBtr0086476 Obp56a 0.77
FBtr0078661 CG2017 0.76
FBtr0080592 NimC4 0.75
FBtr0076089 Tim13 0.75
FBtr0072012 yellow-d2 0.74
FBtr0111043 sns 0.73
FBtr0073499 HP5 0.73
FBtr0086699 CG10924 0.72
FBtr0346348 RpII15 0.72
FBtr0082925 RpII15 0.72
FBtr0309995 RpII15 0.72
FBtr0082648 Dtg 0.72
FBtr0083164 CG5399 0.71
FBtr0334027 CG5399 0.71
FBtr0075020 nes 0.70
FBtr0075019 nes 0.70
FBtr0075021 nes 0.70
FBtr0333351 Spn27A 0.70
FBtr0079321 Spn27A 0.70
FBtr0076421 CG3088 0.70
FBtr0080326 Pex19 0.70
FBtr0342602 Pex19 0.70

4) Downregulated proteins

Count: 145 genes

This table is related to Supplementary Table 5.

protein FC values are logged

PDOWN_inner_FC1.6 <- dPERK_inner_join %>% filter (prot_reg == -1)
PDOWN_inner_FC1.6_unq <- PDOWN_inner_FC1.6  %>% dplyr::select(Protein.ID) %>%  unique()
write.csv(PDOWN_inner_FC1.6, "1.6_data_output/PDOWN_inner_FC1.6.csv")

Table 4: Downregulated proteins
Transcript ID Gene ID Protein FC
FBtr0346624 bgm -0.70
FBtr0080590 bgm -0.70
FBtr0071670 CG10306 -0.70
FBtr0081347 vls -0.70
FBtr0084186 CG6028 -0.71
FBtr0300956 CG30427 -0.71
FBtr0300957 CG30427 -0.71
FBtr0072414 CG30427 -0.71
FBtr0075512 CG10516 -0.71
FBtr0100081 CG34026 -0.72
FBtr0343410 CG34026 -0.72
FBtr0079507 CG13794 -0.72
FBtr0082504 CG3397 -0.72
FBtr0304888 CG43101 -0.72
FBtr0079062 Cyp28d1 -0.72
FBtr0073723 CG15717 -0.73
FBtr0344608 CG15717 -0.73
FBtr0084210 Sar1 -0.73
FBtr0084206 Sar1 -0.73
FBtr0084208 Sar1 -0.73
FBtr0084209 Sar1 -0.73
FBtr0339676 CG15717 -0.73
FBtr0086903 CG6484 -0.74
FBtr0077212 Cyp6t1 -0.74
FBtr0084879 CG5107 -0.74
FBtr0086935 CG4847 -0.74
FBtr0345706 Vha36-3 -0.74
FBtr0339401 Vha36-3 -0.74
FBtr0080101 CG17097 -0.74
FBtr0082651 Gnmt -0.75
FBtr0089608 Dup99B -0.75
FBtr0332091 dop -0.75
FBtr0075562 dop -0.75
FBtr0075207 Jon74E -0.75
FBtr0082179 CG3940 -0.76
FBtr0344391 CG3940 -0.76
FBtr0344392 CG3940 -0.76
FBtr0345027 CG1246 -0.76
FBtr0333446 CG1246 -0.76
FBtr0072938 CG1246 -0.76
FBtr0303022 CG1246 -0.76
FBtr0100088 CG34033 -0.76
FBtr0332538 CG14606 -0.76
FBtr0081603 CG14606 -0.76
FBtr0080452 CG16820 -0.76
FBtr0083850 CG4462 -0.76
FBtr0113171 Zip71B -0.76
FBtr0347146 Zip71B -0.76
FBtr0071739 CG4377 -0.77
FBtr0332755 Cpr76Bd -0.77
FBtr0079878 CG4594 -0.77
FBtr0331631 CG4594 -0.77
FBtr0300805 CG18284 -0.78
FBtr0339130 CG18284 -0.78
FBtr0112350 CG34159 -0.78
FBtr0084255 Pebp1 -0.78
FBtr0079829 CG31883 -0.78
FBtr0331223 Cpr -0.79
FBtr0082625 CG4830 -0.79
FBtr0331224 Cpr -0.79
FBtr0079250 Cpr -0.79
FBtr0335171 CG15394 -0.79
FBtr0335172 CG15394 -0.79
FBtr0076758 nmo -0.80
FBtr0076756 nmo -0.80
FBtr0333223 nmo -0.80
FBtr0076759 nmo -0.80
FBtr0070006 CG9572 -0.81
FBtr0078297 CG10512 -0.81
FBtr0306695 mtd -0.81
FBtr0334320 Mkk4 -0.81
FBtr0081892 Mkk4 -0.81
FBtr0300443 Mkk4 -0.81
FBtr0077547 CG16713 -0.82
FBtr0302944 CG9331 -0.82
FBtr0302945 CG9331 -0.82
FBtr0081420 CG9331 -0.82
FBtr0345687 CG9331 -0.82
FBtr0078089 CG11885 -0.82
FBtr0087444 hui -0.82
FBtr0087445 hui -0.82
FBtr0342615 CG9029 -0.83
FBtr0089105 CG1970 -0.83
FBtr0333676 CG1970 -0.83
FBtr0088158 CG30025 -0.83
FBtr0089712 CG1677 -0.83
FBtr0339819 CG1677 -0.83
FBtr0303415 CG1677 -0.83
FBtr0334297 CG9922 -0.84
FBtr0082870 CG9922 -0.84
FBtr0340319 RpL30 -0.84
FBtr0302491 RpL30 -0.84
FBtr0081181 RpL30 -0.84
FBtr0346715 Sfp35C -0.84
FBtr0300311 Sfp35C -0.84
FBtr0084149 CG6690 -0.84
FBtr0079076 H15 -0.85
FBtr0343225 H15 -0.85
FBtr0084847 tobi -0.86
FBtr0072029 CG3530 -0.86
FBtr0076591 CG5804 -0.86
FBtr0074712 CG12203 -0.86
FBtr0082656 CG12279 -0.86
FBtr0071091 CG1444 -0.86
FBtr0072172 eIF-5A -0.86
FBtr0072173 eIF-5A -0.86
FBtr0071014 CG4607 -0.87
FBtr0071013 CG4607 -0.87
FBtr0082437 CG6908 -0.87
FBtr0290280 CG8736 -0.88
FBtr0087783 bic -0.88
FBtr0113049 CG1701 -0.88
FBtr0332995 CG1701 -0.88
FBtr0087782 bic -0.88
FBtr0345637 CG31872 -0.89
FBtr0080099 CG31872 -0.89
FBtr0300296 Sfp24Ba -0.90
FBtr0074843 Spn77Bb -0.90
FBtr0082980 Cys -0.90
FBtr0346168 CG3106 -0.91
FBtr0071403 CG3106 -0.91
FBtr0336877 smp-30 -0.92
FBtr0081107 CG17322 -0.92
FBtr0081108 CG17322 -0.92
FBtr0081106 CG17322 -0.92
FBtr0081105 CG17322 -0.92
FBtr0080557 CG16884 -0.92
FBtr0075284 CG7724 -0.93
FBtr0085001 Ald -0.93
FBtr0306657 Ald -0.93
FBtr0310661 Ald -0.93
FBtr0076810 CG7409 -0.94
FBtr0113196 CG1208 -0.94
FBtr0078848 CG14661 -0.95
FBtr0305965 CG14661 -0.95
FBtr0346813 CG14974 -0.96
FBtr0304879 CG43093 -0.97
FBtr0331816 Spn77Bc -0.97
FBtr0078172 Spn77Bc -0.97
FBtr0110802 CG14034 -0.97
FBtr0346459 CG14034 -0.97
FBtr0088746 Cyp4e1 -0.98
FBtr0110771 Spn75F -0.99
FBtr0078511 CG11523 -0.99
FBtr0079624 Spn28F -1.01
FBtr0079741 CG9468 -1.02
FBtr0075115 Met75Ca -1.04
FBtr0082727 CG7381 -1.05
FBtr0331634 CG42367 -1.05
FBtr0344123 CG45011 -1.05
FBtr0344124 CG45011 -1.05
FBtr0088748 Mal-A4 -1.06
FBtr0079042 Rtnl1 -1.06
FBtr0332034 CG9259 -1.07
FBtr0332033 CG9259 -1.07
FBtr0081464 CG9259 -1.07
FBtr0075033 CG10424 -1.08
FBtr0076003 Est-6 -1.09
FBtr0333383 Est-6 -1.09
FBtr0088380 CG30008 -1.09
FBtr0334715 Syp -1.12
FBtr0331931 Cyt-b5-r -1.12
FBtr0080932 Cyt-b5-r -1.12
FBtr0087420 Obp51a -1.13
FBtr0306923 CG43319 -1.13
FBtr0300489 CG13585 -1.13
FBtr0300488 CG13585 -1.13
FBtr0072303 CG13585 -1.13
FBtr0072304 CG13585 -1.13
FBtr0301928 CG31624 -1.13
FBtr0343874 CG31624 -1.13
FBtr0081491 CG31624 -1.13
FBtr0305959 CG17374 -1.14
FBtr0085616 CecC -1.14
FBtr0303818 CG42808 -1.15
FBtr0336680 St3 -1.16
FBtr0072164 PebIII -1.18
FBtr0343340 PebIII -1.18
FBtr0343341 PebIII -1.18
FBtr0339932 Sodh-1 -1.19
FBtr0081627 Sodh-1 -1.19
FBtr0100353 ade3 -1.20
FBtr0083025 CG3984 -1.21
FBtr0340616 CG5162 -1.23
FBtr0074393 CG5162 -1.23
FBtr0343490 CG33228 -1.27
FBtr0301037 CG33228 -1.27
FBtr0333037 Gbs-70E -1.30
FBtr0075724 Gbs-70E -1.30
FBtr0301934 Sfp24Bc -1.30
FBtr0083712 NP15.6 -1.30
FBtr0306288 CG43235 -1.33
FBtr0078207 CG17637 -1.35
FBtr0345752 CG9466 -1.35
FBtr0079742 CG9466 -1.35
FBtr0074392 CG18258 -1.55
FBtr0082248 Rrp46 -1.55
FBtr0300313 Sfp60F -1.59
FBtr0072096 CG4091 -1.62
FBtr0072097 CG4091 -1.62
FBtr0072098 CG4091 -1.62
FBtr0072937 CG1143 -1.64
FBtr0333445 CG1143 -1.64
FBtr0088928 CG1942 -1.71
FBtr0304645 CG43061 -1.71
FBtr0303828 CG42821 -1.74
FBtr0083972 TotC -1.77
FBtr0077803 CG17242 -1.80
FBtr0335162 CG17242 -1.80
FBtr0336732 l(2)06496 -1.94
FBtr0071985 l(2)06496 -1.94
FBtr0079499 CG7214 -2.08
FBtr0340230 CG9463 -2.11
FBtr0079744 CG9463 -2.11
FBtr0309866 CanB2 -2.59
FBtr0088930 CanB2 -2.59
FBtr0080275 Mal-B1 -2.66
FBtr0290272 CG7203 -2.83
FBtr0346499 CG7203 -2.83
FBtr0079500 Acp1 -2.87
FBtr0073937 Ag5r -3.12
FBtr0305582 Ag5r -3.12
FBtr0333658 Ag5r -3.12
FBtr0082900 CG33109 -3.52
FBtr0088592 Cyp4p1 -3.90
FBtr0345611 CG16826 -5.02
FBtr0080464 CG16826 -5.02

5) Upregulated transcripts and proteins (Group 1)

Count: 27 genes

This table is related to Supplementary Table 13.

protein FC values are logged

TUP_PUP_FC1.6 <- dPERK_inner_join %>% filter (trans_reg == 1, prot_reg == 1)
TUP_PUP_FC1.6_unq <- TUP_PUP_FC1.6 %>% dplyr::select( %>%  unique() # for the count 
write.csv(TUP_PUP_FC1.6, "1.6_data_output/TUP_PUP_FC1.6.csv")

Table 5: Upregulated transcripts and upregulated proteins
Transcript ID Gene ID Transcript FC Protein FC
FBtr0087451 Cyp6a17 117.00 4.25
FBtr0345527 Cyp6a17 117.00 4.25
FBtr0100559 Hsp22 74.60 4.82
FBtr0302379 CG5999 69.40 3.73
FBtr0100558 Hsp22 29.20 4.82
FBtr0086774 Dgp-1 25.80 1.20
FBtr0086773 Dgp-1 21.20 1.20
FBtr0078770 PEK 16.60 2.32
FBtr0084870 CG10420 8.58 0.85
FBtr0082569 GstD2 7.49 1.88
FBtr0089055 Cyp9b2 6.96 1.19
FBtr0078098 CG11911 6.96 3.22
FBtr0343842 CG43402 6.77 1.14
FBtr0308745 CG43402 6.77 1.14
FBtr0089463 asparagine-synthetase 4.30 1.20
FBtr0079486 Uro 3.73 0.84
FBtr0078339 CG7632 3.57 0.96
FBtr0113321 Ugt86Dd 3.48 1.74
FBtr0302360 Lectin-galC1 3.34 3.28
FBtr0081201 Lectin-galC1 3.26 3.28
FBtr0079925 Cyp4e3 3.22 1.57
FBtr0086676 GstE8 2.70 1.06
FBtr0345798 GstE8 2.70 1.06
FBtr0086699 CG10924 2.63 0.72
FBtr0078661 CG2017 2.60 0.76
FBtr0347257 CG5791 2.56 1.97
FBtr0084180 CG5791 2.56 1.97
FBtr0335196 CG5791 2.53 1.97
FBtr0301854 CG34423 2.40 0.97
FBtr0301735 CG12868 2.17 1.24
FBtr0113248 Ire1 2.09 0.77
FBtr0081692 Ccp84Ab 1.92 0.82
FBtr0303445 CG31808 1.84 1.39
FBtr0083779 CG17752 1.80 0.79
FBtr0088760 Cyp4ad1 1.61 0.78

6) Upregulated transcripts and no change in proteins (Group 2)

Count: 102 genes

This table is related to Supplementary Table 14.

protein FC values are logged

TUP_PZERO_FC1.6 <- dPERK_inner_join %>% filter (trans_reg == 1, prot_reg == 0, prot_FDR <= 0.05 )
TUP_PZERO_FC1.6_unq <- TUP_PZERO_FC1.6  %>% dplyr::select( %>%  unique()
write.csv(TUP_PZERO_FC1.6, "1.6_data_output/TUP_PZERO_FC1.6.csv")

Table 8: Upregulated transcripts and no change in proteins
Transcript ID Gene ID Transcript FC Protein FC
FBtr0100655 Hsp67Bb 29.20 -0.42
FBtr0077008 ImpL3 16.30 0.33
FBtr0332066 ImpL3 16.20 0.33
FBtr0332067 ImpL3 16.10 0.33
FBtr0332065 ImpL3 16.00 0.33
FBtr0289990 CG30022 7.58 -0.23
FBtr0086749 CG10916 7.12 0.67
FBtr0332853 CG10916 7.09 0.67
FBtr0079299 Aatf 5.73 0.29
FBtr0082334 Tpc1 5.36 0.21
FBtr0336761 Nmdmc 5.34 0.59
FBtr0081996 Nmdmc 5.33 0.59
FBtr0301935 Sfp26Ad 5.32 0.44
FBtr0333233 Sfp26Ad 5.32 0.44
FBtr0082333 Tpc1 5.30 0.21
FBtr0081997 Nmdmc 4.74 0.59
FBtr0084035 CG7044 4.65 0.51
FBtr0085849 FeCH 4.60 0.33
FBtr0085850 FeCH 4.58 0.33
FBtr0080912 Ugt36Bc 4.58 0.12
FBtr0080911 Ugt36Bc 4.58 0.12
FBtr0085851 FeCH 4.57 0.33
FBtr0344850 Ugt36Bc 4.53 0.12
FBtr0089056 Cyp9b1 4.19 0.25
FBtr0344263 GstD9 3.87 0.34
FBtr0082608 GstD9 3.87 0.34
FBtr0073061 Drsl4 3.87 -0.61
FBtr0084828 CG13659 3.71 0.33
FBtr0332909 asrij 3.66 0.17
FBtr0086913 l(2)k01209 3.39 0.29
FBtr0086914 l(2)k01209 3.39 0.29
FBtr0086915 l(2)k01209 3.36 0.29
FBtr0310075 NimC1 3.24 -0.36
FBtr0343644 NimC1 3.24 -0.36
FBtr0082438 CG6834 3.21 0.16
FBtr0086675 GstE7 3.19 0.22
FBtr0073777 CG1673 3.08 0.66
FBtr0073249 ImpL2 3.07 0.16
FBtr0333569 ImpL2 3.07 0.16
FBtr0076457 aay 3.06 0.67
FBtr0076894 CG14820 3.02 0.48
FBtr0335448 Elp1 3.01 0.14
FBtr0070568 CG10802 2.96 0.15
FBtr0073250 ImpL2 2.95 0.16
FBtr0073248 ImpL2 2.94 0.16
FBtr0335480 CG17259 2.87 -0.37
FBtr0077667 CG17259 2.87 -0.37
FBtr0082570 GstD3 2.86 0.30
FBtr0077165 CG4611 2.84 0.30
FBtr0078225 CG11796 2.81 0.64
FBtr0086911 Prosalpha5 2.75 -0.44
FBtr0300127 Cyp6a20 2.74 0.11
FBtr0088834 CG1882 2.73 0.22
FBtr0345697 CG1882 2.73 0.22
FBtr0339120 CG1882 2.73 0.22
FBtr0335167 Cyp309a1 2.66 -0.46
FBtr0335166 Cyp309a1 2.66 -0.46
FBtr0080587 Cyp28a5 2.65 -0.30
FBtr0346428 l(2)37Cc 2.46 0.14
FBtr0081164 l(2)37Cc 2.46 0.14
FBtr0343672 CG33307 2.46 0.24
FBtr0080565 CG33307 2.46 0.24
FBtr0081165 l(2)37Cc 2.43 0.14
FBtr0346436 Aats-thr 2.41 0.16
FBtr0080332 Aats-thr 2.41 0.16
FBtr0079389 CG3476 2.41 -0.30
FBtr0087452 Cyp6a23 2.37 -0.61
FBtr0070146 Rbf 2.34 0.23
FBtr0339924 CG40002 2.33 0.11
FBtr0332460 NTPase 2.27 0.17
FBtr0336848 CG17107 2.25 0.38
FBtr0336847 CG17107 2.25 0.38
FBtr0080107 CG17107 2.25 0.38
FBtr0077389 CG3008 2.23 0.58
FBtr0100537 bocksbeutel 2.19 0.20
FBtr0081138 CG31793 2.18 0.39
FBtr0078216 CG5059 2.17 0.53
FBtr0086669 GstE1 2.17 0.52
FBtr0082105 bocksbeutel 2.11 0.20
FBtr0087450 Cyp6a22 2.11 -0.19
FBtr0345526 Cyp6a22 2.11 -0.19
FBtr0339983 Cyp6a22 2.11 -0.19
FBtr0334869 Orct2 2.10 0.17
FBtr0084598 Orct2 2.10 0.17
FBtr0345716 CG2658 2.07 0.14
FBtr0070502 CG2658 2.07 0.14
FBtr0078484 CG7130 2.07 0.49
FBtr0087336 eIF2B-gamma 2.06 -0.31
FBtr0301252 CG42553 2.03 0.43
FBtr0086677 GstE9 2.02 -0.58
FBtr0337048 CG3999 2.02 -0.15
FBtr0082225 CG3999 2.02 -0.15
FBtr0077586 CG3285 2.01 0.50
FBtr0339547 CG3285 2.01 0.50
FBtr0075251 CG6512 1.99 0.16
FBtr0111118 Nipped-B 1.97 0.21
FBtr0111119 Nipped-B 1.97 0.21
FBtr0088463 GstT1 1.91 0.16
FBtr0336664 Dpit47 1.89 0.22
FBtr0086146 Dpit47 1.88 0.22
FBtr0088957 Drat 1.85 0.14
FBtr0080290 CG12264 1.84 -0.35
FBtr0087560 Arc1 1.84 0.63
FBtr0301839 Ppn 1.83 0.49
FBtr0300337 Ppn 1.83 0.49
FBtr0301837 Ppn 1.83 0.49
FBtr0073908 CG1461 1.83 0.42
FBtr0332144 ltl 1.82 0.28
FBtr0301838 Ppn 1.82 0.49
FBtr0339497 CG1461 1.82 0.42
FBtr0340393 CG42306 1.80 0.23
FBtr0340392 Gint3 1.80 0.21
FBtr0081374 La 1.80 0.58
FBtr0088958 Drat 1.80 0.14
FBtr0299688 CG42306 1.79 0.23
FBtr0086654 Gint3 1.79 0.21
FBtr0299689 CG42306 1.79 0.23
FBtr0086655 Gint3 1.79 0.21
FBtr0076793 ltl 1.79 0.28
FBtr0113773 CG40002 1.79 0.11
FBtr0088923 CG2064 1.79 0.33
FBtr0082074 P58IPK 1.78 -0.14
FBtr0330137 mbf1 1.77 0.16
FBtr0080959 CG6115 1.77 0.41
FBtr0345447 CG6115 1.77 0.41
FBtr0070431 bcn92 1.77 0.28
FBtr0100653 Hsp67Bb 1.76 -0.42
FBtr0075519 mRpS31 1.75 0.30
FBtr0339539 babos 1.75 0.28
FBtr0071845 babos 1.75 0.28
FBtr0081205 CG9987 1.73 0.15
FBtr0303473 Hsp67Bb 1.72 -0.42
FBtr0079868 CG17633 1.72 0.19
FBtr0073763 Jafrac1 1.71 -0.33
FBtr0339700 Jafrac1 1.71 -0.33
FBtr0073764 Jafrac1 1.71 -0.33
FBtr0339699 Jafrac1 1.71 -0.33
FBtr0345161 Jafrac1 1.71 -0.33
FBtr0303474 Hsp67Bb 1.71 -0.42
FBtr0080837 CaBP1 1.71 -0.09
FBtr0345544 CaBP1 1.71 -0.09
FBtr0335460 CG9813 1.70 0.20
FBtr0079464 santa-maria 1.70 0.34
FBtr0346571 santa-maria 1.70 0.34
FBtr0345630 oys 1.68 0.32
FBtr0339416 oys 1.68 0.32
FBtr0088434 oys 1.68 0.32
FBtr0088901 Nop17l 1.67 0.26
FBtr0079602 CG14275 1.67 0.30
FBtr0087206 Rrp42 1.66 0.33
FBtr0088349 Ndg 1.65 0.28
FBtr0339459 Ndg 1.65 0.28
FBtr0071108 Gclc 1.65 -0.16
FBtr0340139 Gclc 1.65 -0.16
FBtr0300775 CG1319 1.65 -0.46
FBtr0080358 CG6583 1.64 0.21
FBtr0083277 mtSSB 1.64 0.27
FBtr0083711 CG14285 1.64 0.52
FBtr0076347 Dronc 1.64 0.50
FBtr0088902 Nop17l 1.63 0.26
FBtr0334792 CG3714 1.62 0.37
FBtr0331763 Alr 1.62 0.42
FBtr0082347 RpL3 1.62 -0.21
FBtr0071107 Gclc 1.61 -0.16
FBtr0340138 Gclc 1.61 -0.16
FBtr0072963 CG16758 1.61 -0.22
FBtr0074798 Nup205 1.61 0.16
FBtr0075338 Rh4 1.60 0.56
FBtr0075965 CG4069 1.60 0.16

7) Upregulated transcripts and no change/downregulation in proteins

Count: 107 genes

protein FC values are logged

TUP_PZERO_DOWN_FC1.6 <- dPERK_inner_join %>% filter (trans_reg == 1, prot_reg <= 0, prot_FDR <= 0.05 )
TUP_PZERO_DOWN_FC1.6_unq <- TUP_PZERO_DOWN_FC1.6  %>% dplyr::select( %>%  unique()
write.csv(TUP_PZERO_DOWN_FC1.6, "1.6_data_output/TUP_PZERO_DOWN_FC1.6.csv")

Table 9: Upregulated transcripts and no change/downregulation in proteins
Transcript ID Gene ID Transcript FC Protein FC
FBtr0100655 Hsp67Bb 29.20 -0.42
FBtr0077008 ImpL3 16.30 0.33
FBtr0332066 ImpL3 16.20 0.33
FBtr0332067 ImpL3 16.10 0.33
FBtr0332065 ImpL3 16.00 0.33
FBtr0289990 CG30022 7.58 -0.23
FBtr0086749 CG10916 7.12 0.67
FBtr0332853 CG10916 7.09 0.67
FBtr0079299 Aatf 5.73 0.29
FBtr0082334 Tpc1 5.36 0.21
FBtr0336761 Nmdmc 5.34 0.59
FBtr0081996 Nmdmc 5.33 0.59
FBtr0301935 Sfp26Ad 5.32 0.44
FBtr0333233 Sfp26Ad 5.32 0.44
FBtr0082333 Tpc1 5.30 0.21
FBtr0081997 Nmdmc 4.74 0.59
FBtr0084035 CG7044 4.65 0.51
FBtr0085849 FeCH 4.60 0.33
FBtr0085850 FeCH 4.58 0.33
FBtr0080912 Ugt36Bc 4.58 0.12
FBtr0080911 Ugt36Bc 4.58 0.12
FBtr0085851 FeCH 4.57 0.33
FBtr0344850 Ugt36Bc 4.53 0.12
FBtr0100353 ade3 4.45 -1.20
FBtr0089056 Cyp9b1 4.19 0.25
FBtr0344263 GstD9 3.87 0.34
FBtr0082608 GstD9 3.87 0.34
FBtr0073061 Drsl4 3.87 -0.61
FBtr0084828 CG13659 3.71 0.33
FBtr0332909 asrij 3.66 0.17
FBtr0086913 l(2)k01209 3.39 0.29
FBtr0086914 l(2)k01209 3.39 0.29
FBtr0086915 l(2)k01209 3.36 0.29
FBtr0310075 NimC1 3.24 -0.36
FBtr0343644 NimC1 3.24 -0.36
FBtr0082438 CG6834 3.21 0.16
FBtr0086675 GstE7 3.19 0.22
FBtr0306923 CG43319 3.12 -1.13
FBtr0073777 CG1673 3.08 0.66
FBtr0073249 ImpL2 3.07 0.16
FBtr0333569 ImpL2 3.07 0.16
FBtr0076457 aay 3.06 0.67
FBtr0076894 CG14820 3.02 0.48
FBtr0335448 Elp1 3.01 0.14
FBtr0070568 CG10802 2.96 0.15
FBtr0073250 ImpL2 2.95 0.16
FBtr0073248 ImpL2 2.94 0.16
FBtr0077547 CG16713 2.87 -0.82
FBtr0335480 CG17259 2.87 -0.37
FBtr0077667 CG17259 2.87 -0.37
FBtr0082570 GstD3 2.86 0.30
FBtr0077165 CG4611 2.84 0.30
FBtr0078225 CG11796 2.81 0.64
FBtr0086911 Prosalpha5 2.75 -0.44
FBtr0300127 Cyp6a20 2.74 0.11
FBtr0088834 CG1882 2.73 0.22
FBtr0345697 CG1882 2.73 0.22
FBtr0339120 CG1882 2.73 0.22
FBtr0335167 Cyp309a1 2.66 -0.46
FBtr0335166 Cyp309a1 2.66 -0.46
FBtr0080587 Cyp28a5 2.65 -0.30
FBtr0088928 CG1942 2.54 -1.71
FBtr0346428 l(2)37Cc 2.46 0.14
FBtr0081164 l(2)37Cc 2.46 0.14
FBtr0343672 CG33307 2.46 0.24
FBtr0080565 CG33307 2.46 0.24
FBtr0081165 l(2)37Cc 2.43 0.14
FBtr0346436 Aats-thr 2.41 0.16
FBtr0080332 Aats-thr 2.41 0.16
FBtr0079389 CG3476 2.41 -0.30
FBtr0087452 Cyp6a23 2.37 -0.61
FBtr0070146 Rbf 2.34 0.23
FBtr0339924 CG40002 2.33 0.11
FBtr0332460 NTPase 2.27 0.17
FBtr0336848 CG17107 2.25 0.38
FBtr0336847 CG17107 2.25 0.38
FBtr0080107 CG17107 2.25 0.38
FBtr0077389 CG3008 2.23 0.58
FBtr0100537 bocksbeutel 2.19 0.20
FBtr0081138 CG31793 2.18 0.39
FBtr0078216 CG5059 2.17 0.53
FBtr0086669 GstE1 2.17 0.52
FBtr0082105 bocksbeutel 2.11 0.20
FBtr0087450 Cyp6a22 2.11 -0.19
FBtr0345526 Cyp6a22 2.11 -0.19
FBtr0339983 Cyp6a22 2.11 -0.19
FBtr0334869 Orct2 2.10 0.17
FBtr0084598 Orct2 2.10 0.17
FBtr0345716 CG2658 2.07 0.14
FBtr0070502 CG2658 2.07 0.14
FBtr0078484 CG7130 2.07 0.49
FBtr0087336 eIF2B-gamma 2.06 -0.31
FBtr0301252 CG42553 2.03 0.43
FBtr0086677 GstE9 2.02 -0.58
FBtr0337048 CG3999 2.02 -0.15
FBtr0082225 CG3999 2.02 -0.15
FBtr0077586 CG3285 2.01 0.50
FBtr0339547 CG3285 2.01 0.50
FBtr0075251 CG6512 1.99 0.16
FBtr0111118 Nipped-B 1.97 0.21
FBtr0111119 Nipped-B 1.97 0.21
FBtr0088463 GstT1 1.91 0.16
FBtr0336664 Dpit47 1.89 0.22
FBtr0086146 Dpit47 1.88 0.22
FBtr0088957 Drat 1.85 0.14
FBtr0080290 CG12264 1.84 -0.35
FBtr0087560 Arc1 1.84 0.63
FBtr0301839 Ppn 1.83 0.49
FBtr0300337 Ppn 1.83 0.49
FBtr0301837 Ppn 1.83 0.49
FBtr0073908 CG1461 1.83 0.42
FBtr0332144 ltl 1.82 0.28
FBtr0301838 Ppn 1.82 0.49
FBtr0339497 CG1461 1.82 0.42
FBtr0340393 CG42306 1.80 0.23
FBtr0340392 Gint3 1.80 0.21
FBtr0081374 La 1.80 0.58
FBtr0088958 Drat 1.80 0.14
FBtr0299688 CG42306 1.79 0.23
FBtr0086654 Gint3 1.79 0.21
FBtr0299689 CG42306 1.79 0.23
FBtr0086655 Gint3 1.79 0.21
FBtr0076793 ltl 1.79 0.28
FBtr0113773 CG40002 1.79 0.11
FBtr0088923 CG2064 1.79 0.33
FBtr0082074 P58IPK 1.78 -0.14
FBtr0330137 mbf1 1.77 0.16
FBtr0080959 CG6115 1.77 0.41
FBtr0345447 CG6115 1.77 0.41
FBtr0070431 bcn92 1.77 0.28
FBtr0100653 Hsp67Bb 1.76 -0.42
FBtr0075519 mRpS31 1.75 0.30
FBtr0339539 babos 1.75 0.28
FBtr0071845 babos 1.75 0.28
FBtr0081205 CG9987 1.73 0.15
FBtr0303473 Hsp67Bb 1.72 -0.42
FBtr0079868 CG17633 1.72 0.19
FBtr0073763 Jafrac1 1.71 -0.33
FBtr0339700 Jafrac1 1.71 -0.33
FBtr0073764 Jafrac1 1.71 -0.33
FBtr0339699 Jafrac1 1.71 -0.33
FBtr0345161 Jafrac1 1.71 -0.33
FBtr0303474 Hsp67Bb 1.71 -0.42
FBtr0080837 CaBP1 1.71 -0.09
FBtr0345544 CaBP1 1.71 -0.09
FBtr0335460 CG9813 1.70 0.20
FBtr0079464 santa-maria 1.70 0.34
FBtr0346571 santa-maria 1.70 0.34
FBtr0345630 oys 1.68 0.32
FBtr0339416 oys 1.68 0.32
FBtr0088434 oys 1.68 0.32
FBtr0088901 Nop17l 1.67 0.26
FBtr0079602 CG14275 1.67 0.30
FBtr0087206 Rrp42 1.66 0.33
FBtr0088349 Ndg 1.65 0.28
FBtr0339459 Ndg 1.65 0.28
FBtr0071108 Gclc 1.65 -0.16
FBtr0340139 Gclc 1.65 -0.16
FBtr0300775 CG1319 1.65 -0.46
FBtr0080358 CG6583 1.64 0.21
FBtr0083277 mtSSB 1.64 0.27
FBtr0083711 CG14285 1.64 0.52
FBtr0076347 Dronc 1.64 0.50
FBtr0088902 Nop17l 1.63 0.26
FBtr0088592 Cyp4p1 1.63 -3.90
FBtr0334792 CG3714 1.62 0.37
FBtr0331763 Alr 1.62 0.42
FBtr0082347 RpL3 1.62 -0.21
FBtr0071107 Gclc 1.61 -0.16
FBtr0340138 Gclc 1.61 -0.16
FBtr0072963 CG16758 1.61 -0.22
FBtr0074798 Nup205 1.61 0.16
FBtr0075338 Rh4 1.60 0.56
FBtr0075965 CG4069 1.60 0.16

8) Downregulated transcripts & proteins (group 3)

Count: 75 transcripts, matching to 51 genes

This table is related to Supplementary Table 15.

TDOWN_PDOWN_FC1.6 <- dPERK_full_join %>% filter (trans_reg == -1, prot_reg == -1)
TDOWN_PDOWN_FC1.6_unq <- TDOWN_PDOWN_FC1.6  %>% dplyr::select( %>%  unique()
write.csv(TDOWN_PDOWN_FC1.6 , "1.6_data_output/TDOWN_PDOWN_FC1.6 .csv")
write.csv(TDOWN_PDOWN_FC1.6_unq, "1.6_data_output/TDOWN_PDOWN_FC1.6_unq.csv")

Table 10: Downregulated transcripts and proteins
Transcript ID Gene ID Transcript FC Protein FC
FBtr0089608 Dup99B -1.63 -0.75
FBtr0100088 CG34033 -1.65 -0.76
FBtr0082625 CG4830 -1.66 -0.79
FBtr0346624 bgm -1.70 -0.70
FBtr0080590 bgm -1.70 -0.70
FBtr0113196 CG1208 -1.71 -0.94
FBtr0110771 Spn75F -1.74 -0.99
FBtr0087420 Obp51a -1.75 -1.13
FBtr0303818 CG42808 -1.79 -1.15
FBtr0086935 CG4847 -1.80 -0.74
FBtr0331816 Spn77Bc -1.85 -0.97
FBtr0078172 Spn77Bc -1.85 -0.97
FBtr0333446 CG1246 -1.86 -0.76
FBtr0072938 CG1246 -1.86 -0.76
FBtr0303022 CG1246 -1.86 -0.76
FBtr0078297 CG10512 -1.87 -0.81
FBtr0345027 CG1246 -1.87 -0.76
FBtr0336680 St3 -1.95 -1.16
FBtr0074843 Spn77Bb -2.04 -0.90
FBtr0084255 Pebp1 -2.11 -0.78
FBtr0082179 CG3940 -2.14 -0.76
FBtr0344391 CG3940 -2.14 -0.76
FBtr0344392 CG3940 -2.14 -0.76
FBtr0300805 CG18284 -2.15 -0.78
FBtr0339130 CG18284 -2.15 -0.78
FBtr0305959 CG17374 -2.17 -1.14
FBtr0300296 Sfp24Ba -2.25 -0.90
FBtr0078848 CG14661 -2.29 -0.95
FBtr0305965 CG14661 -2.29 -0.95
FBtr0304645 CG43061 -2.32 -1.71
FBtr0076003 Est-6 -2.33 -1.09
FBtr0333383 Est-6 -2.33 -1.09
FBtr0079741 CG9468 -2.35 -1.02
FBtr0340616 CG5162 -2.36 -1.23
FBtr0074393 CG5162 -2.36 -1.23
FBtr0077212 Cyp6t1 -2.36 -0.74
FBtr0082651 Gnmt -2.37 -0.75
FBtr0081107 CG17322 -2.56 -0.92
FBtr0081108 CG17322 -2.56 -0.92
FBtr0081106 CG17322 -2.56 -0.92
FBtr0081105 CG17322 -2.67 -0.92
FBtr0100081 CG34026 -2.75 -0.72
FBtr0343410 CG34026 -2.75 -0.72
FBtr0078207 CG17637 -2.95 -1.35
FBtr0082727 CG7381 -3.07 -1.05
FBtr0332034 CG9259 -3.11 -1.07
FBtr0332033 CG9259 -3.14 -1.07
FBtr0081464 CG9259 -3.14 -1.07
FBtr0077803 CG17242 -3.41 -1.80
FBtr0335162 CG17242 -3.41 -1.80
FBtr0304879 CG43093 -3.91 -0.97
FBtr0084847 tobi -4.20 -0.86
FBtr0305582 Ag5r -4.33 -3.12
FBtr0333658 Ag5r -4.33 -3.12
FBtr0083025 CG3984 -4.39 -1.21
FBtr0086903 CG6484 -4.57 -0.74
FBtr0336877 smp-30 -4.61 -0.92
FBtr0073937 Ag5r -4.64 -3.12
FBtr0303828 CG42821 -4.82 -1.74
FBtr0074392 CG18258 -4.95 -1.55
FBtr0332755 Cpr76Bd -5.55 -0.77
FBtr0071739 CG4377 -5.76 -0.77
FBtr0345752 CG9466 -5.84 -1.35
FBtr0079742 CG9466 -5.84 -1.35
FBtr0070006 CG9572 -6.56 -0.81
FBtr0339932 Sodh-1 -6.88 -1.19
FBtr0081627 Sodh-1 -6.88 -1.19
FBtr0080275 Mal-B1 -6.98 -2.66
FBtr0088748 Mal-A4 -8.65 -1.06
FBtr0340230 CG9463 -12.20 -2.11
FBtr0079744 CG9463 -12.50 -2.11
FBtr0076810 CG7409 -14.10 -0.94
FBtr0345611 CG16826 -20.90 -5.02
FBtr0080464 CG16826 -20.90 -5.02
FBtr0082900 CG33109 -77.50 -3.52

iRegulon: Upstream analysis

I will be using iRegulon, a Cytoscape app for upstream analysis. Before submitting IDs, I converted the transcript IDs by FlyBase converter into most recent gene names. This conversion allows optimal results in iRegulon (most recognised IDs).

Reference: Janky R, Verfaillie A, Imrichová H, Van de Sande B, Standaert L, Christiaens V, et al. (2014) iRegulon: From a Gene List to a Gene Regulatory Network Using Large Motif and Track Collections. PLoS Comput Biol 10(7): e1003731.

iRegulon results: Upregulated transcripts

This figure is related to Figure 2 and Supplementary Table 6.

# Load the transcription factor table 
iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/iRegulon_short_TUP_full_FC1.6_unq.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",") 
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote =
## quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'Analysis/
## iRegulon_short_TUP_full_FC1.6_unq.csv'
iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6 <-
iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6$NES <- as.numeric(iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6$NES)
iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6 <- iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6 %>% arrange(desc(NES)) # Arrage the data how you want it in the plot 
iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6  <- iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6 %>% mutate(TF = fct_reorder(TF, (NES))) # Lock in factor level order

# Make the plot 
iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6_plot <- ggplot(iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6, aes(x = NES, y = TF, fill=TF)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdBu") +  theme_classic() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("NES score") + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(vjust=-0.5))  + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(face = "plain", colour = "black"))  + theme(axis.ticks = element_blank()) + theme(legend.position="none", text = element_text(size=25, color = "black")) + geom_text(aes(label=Targets ), size=6, nudge_x = .4, color = "black" )  + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 9), breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 6))  


# Save 
ggsave("1.6_figure_output/iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320,  limitsize = TRUE)
## Saving 7 x 5 in image

iRegulon results:Upregulated proteins

This figure is related to Figure 2 and Supplementary Table 7.

iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/iRegulon_short_PUP_inner_FC1.6_unq.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",") 
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote =
## quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'Analysis/
## iRegulon_short_PUP_inner_FC1.6_unq.csv'
iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6 <-
iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6$NES <- as.numeric(iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6$NES)
iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6 <- iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6 %>% arrange(desc(NES)) # arrage the data how you want it in the plot 
iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6  <- iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6 %>% mutate(TF = fct_reorder(TF, (NES))) # lock in factor level order

iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6_plot <- ggplot(iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6, aes(x = NES, y = TF, fill=TF)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdBu") +  theme_classic() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("NES score") + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(vjust=-0.5))  + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(face = "plain", colour = "black"))  + theme(axis.ticks = element_blank()) + theme(legend.position="none", text = element_text(size=25, color = "black")) + geom_text(aes(label=Targets ), size=6, nudge_x = .4, color = "black" )  + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 5), breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 6))  


ggsave("1.6_figure_output/iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320,  limitsize = TRUE)
## Saving 7 x 5 in image


ClueGo: Pathway enrichment analysis

I will be using ClueGO analysis, a Cytoscape application for pathway enrichment analysis. I will use protein Uniprot IDs or Gene names as identifiers.

Reference: Bindea G, Mlecnik B, Hackl H, et al. ClueGO: a Cytoscape plug-in to decipher functionally grouped gene ontology and pathway annotation networks. Bioinformatics. 2009;25(8):1091-1093. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btp101

ClueGo results: Upregulated transcripts

This table is related to Supplementary Table 8.

# Import table into R 
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_TUP_full_1.6.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",")
# Arrange based on adjucted Term p-value
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6 = ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6 %>% arrange(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)

Table 11: ClueGO Results Table: Upregulated transcripts
GO ID GO Term Ontology Term P-value corrected Group P-value corrected % Associated Genes No. Genes Associated Genes
GO:0006399 tRNA metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000000 0 18.18 26 Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10189, CG10802, CG12264, CG17259, CG18596, CG33123, CG33785, CG33786, CG4611, CG6353, CG9987, Elp1, Elp2, JhI-1, MetRS, Rrp42
GO:0004812 aminoacyl-tRNA ligase activity GO_MF 0.0000000 0 35.90 14 Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10802, CG17259, CG33123, MetRS
GO:0006418 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation GO_BP 0.0000000 0 35.90 14 Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10802, CG17259, CG33123, MetRS
GO:0004812 aminoacyl-tRNA ligase activity GO_BP 0.0000000 0 35.90 14 Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10802, CG17259, CG33123, MetRS
GO:0006418 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation GO_BP 0.0000000 0 35.90 14 Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10802, CG17259, CG33123, MetRS
GO:0020037 heme binding GO_MF 0.0000001 0 16.11 24 CG10337, CG13077, Cyp12d1-d, Cyp12d1-p, Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp4ad1, Cyp4e3, Cyp4p1, Cyp4p2, Cyp6a14, Cyp6a17, Cyp6a2, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a21, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp6a9, Cyp6d2, Cyp6d4, Cyp9b1, Cyp9b2, Cyp9c1, Cyt-b5
KEGG:00982 Drug metabolism KEGG 0.0000002 0 23.53 16 CG10178, CG5724, CG5999, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, Ugt36Ba, Ugt36Bc, Ugt86Dd
KEGG:00980 Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome P450 KEGG 0.0000003 0 23.19 16 CG10178, CG5724, CG5999, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, Ugt36Ba, Ugt36Bc, Ugt86Dd
GO:0005506 iron ion binding GO_MF 0.0000020 0 14.11 23 CG30022, CG32500, Cyp12d1-d, Cyp12d1-p, Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp4ad1, Cyp4e3, Cyp4p1, Cyp4p2, Cyp6a14, Cyp6a17, Cyp6a2, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a21, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp6a9, Cyp6d2, Cyp6d4, Cyp9b1, Cyp9b2, Cyp9c1
GO:0034660 ncRNA metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000038 0 9.89 35 Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10189, CG10802, CG12264, CG14906, CG17259, CG1785, CG18596, CG3008, CG33123, CG33785, CG33786, CG4611, CG6353, CG6686, CG9253, CG9987, Dbp45A, Elp1, Elp2, Gasz, JhI-1, MetRS, Rrp42, mtTFB1, tx
KEGG:00983 Drug metabolism KEGG 0.0000063 0 17.71 17 CG10178, CG5724, CG5999, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, Ugt36Ba, Ugt36Bc, Ugt86Dd, l(2)k01209
GO:0006749 glutathione metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000083 0 23.64 13 CG30022, Gclc, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, MetRS
GO:0006520 cellular amino acid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000093 0 12.57 24 Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, AsnS, CG10802, CG11796, CG1461, CG1673, CG17259, CG33123, CG3999, CG6428, CG9674, MetRS, Odc1, Ppn, aay
GO:0006450 regulation of translational fidelity GO_BP 0.0000099 0 47.06 8 Aats-ala, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-val, CG10802, CG33123, CG33785, CG33786
R-DME:72731 Recycling of eIF2:GDP REACTOME 0.0000126 0 75.00 6 eIF-2alpha, eIF-2beta, eIF2B-alpha, eIF2B-delta, eIF2B-epsilon, eIF2B-gamma
KEGG:00970 Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis KEGG 0.0000562 0 20.31 13 Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG17259, CG33123, MetRS
GO:0140101 catalytic activity, acting on a tRNA GO_BP 0.0000616 0 16.16 16 Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10802, CG17259, CG17327, CG18596, CG33123, MetRS
GO:0005851 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B complex GO_CC 0.0000829 0 83.33 5 eIF-2alpha, eIF2B-alpha, eIF2B-delta, eIF2B-epsilon, eIF2B-gamma
GO:0006518 peptide metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000944 0 7.50 46 Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10802, CG17259, CG2017, CG30022, CG33123, CG7791, Dgp-1, Gclc, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, HBS1, JhI-1, MetRS, P32, PEK, RpL3, Thor, brat, eIF-2alpha, eIF-2beta, eIF2B-alpha, eIF2B-delta, eIF2B-epsilon, eIF2B-gamma, eIF2D, mRpS31, mtTFB1, rho
GO:0006518 peptide metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000944 0 7.50 46 Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10802, CG17259, CG2017, CG30022, CG33123, CG7791, Dgp-1, Gclc, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, HBS1, JhI-1, MetRS, P32, PEK, RpL3, Thor, brat, eIF-2alpha, eIF-2beta, eIF2B-alpha, eIF2B-delta, eIF2B-epsilon, eIF2B-gamma, eIF2D, mRpS31, mtTFB1, rho
GO:0043603 cellular amide metabolic process GO_BP 0.0001904 0 7.04 50 Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, AsnS, CG10802, CG17259, CG2017, CG30022, CG33123, CG7791, CG8303, Dgp-1, Gclc, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, HBS1, Hmgs, JhI-1, MetRS, P32, PEK, RpL3, Thor, Uro, brat, eIF-2alpha, eIF-2beta, eIF2B-alpha, eIF2B-delta, eIF2B-epsilon, eIF2B-gamma, eIF2D, mRpS31, mtTFB1, rho
GO:0004364 glutathione transferase activity GO_MF 0.0001940 0 25.00 10 GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1
GO:0006575 cellular modified amino acid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0002006 0 15.79 15 CG30022, CG34423, Gclc, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, MetRS, Nmdmc
GO:0002161 aminoacyl-tRNA editing activity GO_BP 0.0003630 0 50.00 6 Aats-ala, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-val, CG10802, CG33123
GO:0016765 transferase activity, transferring alkyl or aryl (other than methyl) groups GO_MF 0.0005750 0 18.18 12 CG10778, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, qm
GO:0098827 endoplasmic reticulum subcompartment GO_CC 0.0006440 0 8.25 33 CG11796, CG13887, CG1942, CG42508, CG8311, Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp4ad1, Cyp4e3, Cyp4p1, Cyp4p2, Cyp6a14, Cyp6a17, Cyp6a2, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a21, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp6a9, Cyp6d2, Cyp6d4, Cyp9b1, Cyp9b2, Cyp9c1, Cyt-b5, Ero1L, Ire1, PEK, SREBP, Sec22, Vti1b, meigo, p115
GO:0005737 cytoplasm GO_CC 0.0010501 0 4.31 212 ALiX, Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, Alr, Arc1, AsnS, Atg1, Atg14, Atg17, Bet1, CD98hc, CG10189, CG10336, CG10420, CG10638, CG10778, CG10924, CG11796, CG12264, CG12379, CG12766, CG13887, CG15483, CG1673, CG16758, CG17259, CG17327, CG17544, CG17904, CG1942, CG2658, CG30022, CG3008, CG32280, CG32500, CG33123, CG33156, CG33785, CG33786, CG34423, CG3476, CG3714, CG3740, CG3999, CG42496, CG42508, CG43319, CG43320, CG44194, CG4611, CG5059, CG5323, CG5382, CG5521, CG5805, CG6512, CG6583, CG6769, CG7083, CG7272, CG7394, CG7791, CG8303, CG8311, CG8728, CG9773, CaBP1, Ccdc56, Cyp12d1-d, Cyp12d1-p, Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp4ad1, Cyp4e3, Cyp4p1, Cyp4p2, Cyp6a14, Cyp6a17, Cyp6a2, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a21, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp6a9, Cyp6d2, Cyp6d4, Cyp9b1, Cyp9b2, Cyp9c1, Cyt-b5, DCTN6-p27, Dpit47, Dronc, Elp1, Elp2, Ero1L, Fdx1, Fdx2, FeCH, Gadd45, Gasz, Gclc, Gcn5, Gint3, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, HBS1, Hsp22, Hsp70Ba, ImpL3, Ire1, Jafrac1, JhI-1, Kr-h2, Leash, MFS3, MetRS, ND-AGGG, NTPase, Nmd3, Nmdmc, Nop17l, Nsf2, Nxt1, Odc1, P32, P58IPK, PEK, POSH, Pbgs, Pgam5, Phb2, Ppcdc, Ppn, Prosalpha5, Qtzl, REPTOR, Ranbp21, Rbf, RpL3, Rrp42, SREBP, Sec22, Shawn, Thor, Tim17b2, Tpc1, Traf4, Tspo, Uro, Vti1b, Xport, aay, ade3, asrij, bcn92, bor, brat, c11.1, cactin, daw, dia, eIF-2alpha, eIF-2beta, eIF2B-alpha, eIF2B-delta, eIF2B-epsilon, eIF2B-gamma, eIF2D, f, galectin, gt, gukh, l(2)37Cc, l(2)k01209, lft, lig3, mRpS31, mal, mbf1, meigo, mib1, mtSSB, mtTFB1, olf413, p115, rempA, rho, rpr, santa-maria, scf, sima, trbl, tx, unk, wus
R-DME:8949664 Processing of SMDT1 REACTOME 0.0015576 0 55.56 5 CG2658, CG6512, CG8728, Phb2, l(2)37Cc
GO:0006790 sulfur compound metabolic process GO_BP 0.0016522 0 10.70 20 CG12264, CG17904, CG30022, CG32500, CG8303, Gclc, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, Hmgs, MetRS, Qtzl, bcn92
GO:0046914 transition metal ion binding GO_MF 0.0024232 0 6.49 49 Aats-ala, B-H2, CG10916, CG10924, CG11710, CG12379, CG14820, CG17633, CG2658, CG30022, CG31457, CG32500, CG33785, CG42496, CG5382, CG6512, CG6769, CG8089, Cyp12d1-d, Cyp12d1-p, Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp4ad1, Cyp4e3, Cyp4p1, Cyp4p2, Cyp6a14, Cyp6a17, Cyp6a2, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a21, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp6a9, Cyp6d2, Cyp6d4, Cyp9b1, Cyp9b2, Cyp9c1, POSH, Pbgs, Rpb12, Traf4, az2, brat, mal, mib1, olf413, unk
KEGG:00480 Glutathione metabolism KEGG 0.0039490 0 15.19 12 Gclc, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, Odc1
GO:0048280 vesicle fusion with Golgi apparatus GO_BP 0.0058077 0 66.67 4 Bet1, Sec22, Vti1b, p115
KEGG:00860 Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism KEGG 0.0060275 0 19.57 9 Aats-glupro, CG10178, CG5724, CG5999, FeCH, Pbgs, Ugt36Ba, Ugt36Bc, Ugt86Dd
R-DME:196849 Metabolism of water-soluble vitamins and cofactors REACTOME 0.0060836 0 12.73 14 CG11912, CG12264, CG17751, CG17752, CG3714, CG4407, CG7084, CG7342, CG7720, Cyt-b5, Nmdmc, Ppcdc, Tpc1, mal
GO:0006082 organic acid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0064924 0 7.49 32 Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, AsnS, CG10802, CG10924, CG11796, CG13334, CG1461, CG1673, CG17259, CG17544, CG33123, CG3999, CG5805, CG6428, CG9674, ImpL3, MetRS, Nmdmc, Odc1, Ppn, SREBP, Uro, aay
R-DME:8949215 Mitochondrial calcium ion transport REACTOME 0.0138688 0 38.46 5 CG2658, CG6512, CG8728, Phb2, l(2)37Cc
GO:0005739 mitochondrion GO_CC 0.0158553 0 5.80 55 Aats-ala, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-thr, Alr, CG10924, CG12264, CG12379, CG1673, CG17327, CG2658, CG30022, CG32500, CG34423, CG3476, CG3740, CG3999, CG42496, CG44194, CG4611, CG5059, CG5805, CG6512, CG7394, CG7791, CG8728, Ccdc56, Cyp12d1-d, Cyp12d1-p, Fdx1, Fdx2, FeCH, Gasz, Hsp22, JhI-1, ND-AGGG, Nmdmc, P32, Pgam5, Phb2, Ppn, Qtzl, Shawn, Tim17b2, Tpc1, Tspo, bcn92, bor, l(2)37Cc, lig3, mRpS31, mal, mtSSB, mtTFB1, rpr
GO:0019752 carboxylic acid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0198820 0 7.28 30 Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, AsnS, CG10802, CG10924, CG11796, CG13334, CG1461, CG1673, CG17259, CG17544, CG33123, CG3999, CG6428, CG9674, ImpL3, MetRS, Nmdmc, Odc1, Ppn, SREBP, aay
GO:0005783 endoplasmic reticulum GO_CC 0.0204861 0 6.32 42 CG10420, CG10778, CG11796, CG13887, CG1942, CG3740, CG42508, CG8311, CaBP1, Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp4ad1, Cyp4e3, Cyp4p1, Cyp4p2, Cyp6a14, Cyp6a17, Cyp6a2, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a21, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp6a9, Cyp6d2, Cyp6d4, Cyp9b1, Cyp9b2, Cyp9c1, Cyt-b5, Ero1L, Ire1, Kr-h2, P58IPK, PEK, SREBP, Sec22, Vti1b, Xport, gt, meigo, p115, scf
R-DME:381119 Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) REACTOME 0.0250343 0 50.00 4 Ire1, PEK, eIF-2alpha, eIF-2beta
GO:0045182 translation regulator activity GO_BP 0.0257336 0 11.82 13 CG2017, Dgp-1, P32, PEK, Thor, brat, eIF-2alpha, eIF-2beta, eIF2B-alpha, eIF2B-delta, eIF2B-epsilon, eIF2B-gamma, eIF2D
GO:0008033 tRNA processing GO_BP 0.0277313 0 12.50 12 Aats-ala, CG10189, CG12264, CG18596, CG33785, CG33786, CG4611, CG6353, CG9987, Elp1, Elp2, JhI-1
GO:0031984 organelle subcompartment GO_CC 0.0307778 0 6.37 39 Bet1, CG11796, CG13887, CG1942, CG42508, CG7083, CG7272, CG8311, CG9773, Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp4ad1, Cyp4e3, Cyp4p1, Cyp4p2, Cyp6a14, Cyp6a17, Cyp6a2, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a21, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp6a9, Cyp6d2, Cyp6d4, Cyp9b1, Cyp9b2, Cyp9c1, Cyt-b5, Ero1L, Ire1, Nsf2, PEK, SREBP, Sec22, Vti1b, meigo, p115, rho
GO:0034982 mitochondrial protein processing GO_BP 0.0432995 0 44.44 4 CG2658, CG6512, CG7791, CG8728
GO:0015803 branched-chain amino acid transport GO_BP 0.0456372 0 75.00 3 CD98hc, CG5805, JhI-21
R-DME:381042 PERK regulates gene expression REACTOME 0.0456372 0 75.00 3 PEK, eIF-2alpha, eIF-2beta

This figure is related to Figure 3a

I removed overlapping or similar terms for figure simplicity.

ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_TUP_full_1.6_curated.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr  <- )
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr  <- ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr  %>% arrange((Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)) # arrage the data how you want it in the plot 
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr  <- ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr  %>% mutate(GOTerm = fct_reorder(GOTerm, desc(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down))) # lock in factor level order

ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr_plot <- ggplot( ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr , aes(x = -log10(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down), y = GOTerm, fill= OS_short)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdBu") +  theme_bw() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("-log10(term adjusted p value)") + theme(legend.position="right", text = element_text(size=15)) + geom_text(aes(label=Nr_Genes ), size=3, nudge_x = .7, color = "black" ) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 12)) + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Ontology")) 


ggsave("1.6_figure_output/ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 11, height = 6, limitsize = TRUE)

ClueGo results: Downregulated transcripts

This table is related to Supplementary Table 10.

ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_full_FC1.6.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6 = ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6 %>% arrange(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)

Table 12: ClueGO Results Table: Downregulated transcripts
GO ID GO Term Ontology Term P-value corrected Group P-value corrected % Associated Genes No. Genes Associated Genes
GO:0016798 hydrolase activity, acting on glycosyl bonds GO_MF 0.0000000 0.0000000 30.09 34 AGBE, Amyrel, CG13397, CG14823, CG15533, CG16756, CG16799, CG16965, CG31148, CG31414, CG33056, CG33080, CG6426, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, alpha-Man-Ic, tobi
GO:0004553 hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds GO_MF 0.0000000 0.0000000 34.41 32 AGBE, Amyrel, CG13397, CG14823, CG16756, CG16799, CG16965, CG31148, CG31414, CG33080, CG6426, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, alpha-Man-Ic, tobi
GO:0016798 hydrolase activity, acting on glycosyl bonds GO_MF 0.0000000 0.0000000 30.09 34 AGBE, Amyrel, CG13397, CG14823, CG15533, CG16756, CG16799, CG16965, CG31148, CG31414, CG33056, CG33080, CG6426, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, alpha-Man-Ic, tobi
GO:0004553 hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds GO_MF 0.0000000 0.0000000 34.41 32 AGBE, Amyrel, CG13397, CG14823, CG16756, CG16799, CG16965, CG31148, CG31414, CG33080, CG6426, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, alpha-Man-Ic, tobi
GO:0004553 hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds GO_MF 0.0000000 0.0000000 34.41 32 AGBE, Amyrel, CG13397, CG14823, CG16756, CG16799, CG16965, CG31148, CG31414, CG33080, CG6426, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, alpha-Man-Ic, tobi
GO:0016798 hydrolase activity, acting on glycosyl bonds GO_MF 0.0000000 0.0000000 30.09 34 AGBE, Amyrel, CG13397, CG14823, CG15533, CG16756, CG16799, CG16965, CG31148, CG31414, CG33056, CG33080, CG6426, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, alpha-Man-Ic, tobi
GO:0004553 hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds GO_MF 0.0000000 0.0000000 34.41 32 AGBE, Amyrel, CG13397, CG14823, CG16756, CG16799, CG16965, CG31148, CG31414, CG33080, CG6426, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, alpha-Man-Ic, tobi
R-DME:1430728 Metabolism REACTOME 0.0000000 0.0000000 9.62 117 Acox57D-d, AdenoK, Amnionless, CAH1, CDase, CG10026, CG11200, CG11236, CG11241, CG11438, CG12926, CG13369, CG13397, CG13898, CG14946, CG15093, CG1544, CG15553, CG16727, CG16756, CG16799, CG16935, CG16985, CG17224, CG18003, CG18258, CG18814, CG2187, CG31103, CG31414, CG33966, CG3534, CG3902, CG3940, CG42269, CG42514, CG4267, CG4752, CG4757, CG5162, CG5321, CG5958, CG5966, CG6126, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6465, CG6805, CG6910, CG7322, CG7882, CG7997, CG8028, CG8036, CG8534, CG8665, CG9509, CG9510, CG9629, CG9701, CG9886, CG9914, CRAT, CRMP, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Est-6, Fdh, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gk, Gnmt, GstT3, Hex-C, LKRSDH, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Oat, Oatp58Da, Ppt2, Sardh, Spat, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, St1, UK114, arg, bgm, bmm, dare, dob, eas, fa2h, fabp, fbp, mdy, phm, pug, r-l, sea, su(r), sxe2
GO:0005615 extracellular space GO_CC 0.0000000 0.0000000 9.88 73 Adgf-A, Ag5r, CG14132, CG14661, CG14990, CG15065, CG15199, CG15202, CG15533, CG16756, CG16799, CG17242, CG17974, CG18258, CG18284, CG18557, CG18563, CG2444, CG31148, CG31414, CG31704, CG31832, CG34033, CG34457, CG3534, CG3604, CG42326, CG4267, CG4408, CG4757, CG4847, CG5162, CG5402, CG5945, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6426, CG7509, CG8093, CG9572, Cpr51A, Drs, Dup99B, Est-6, Fst, Gbp, IM33, Lsp1alpha, Lsp1beta, Lsp2, LysP, NLaz, Obp51a, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, TotA, TotM, TotX, Tsf1, l(3)72Dp, scw, ssp7, sxe2, tsl
GO:0005975 carbohydrate metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000000 0.0000000 14.48 42 AGBE, Adgf-A, Amyrel, CG10467, CG11594, CG13369, CG1544, CG16965, CG32444, CG33080, CG3534, CG6805, CG6910, CG7322, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gk, Gnmt, Hex-C, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, Sodh-1, alpha-Man-Ic, fbp, smp-30, tobi
GO:0005975 carbohydrate metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000000 0.0000000 14.48 42 AGBE, Adgf-A, Amyrel, CG10467, CG11594, CG13369, CG1544, CG16965, CG32444, CG33080, CG3534, CG6805, CG6910, CG7322, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gk, Gnmt, Hex-C, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, Sodh-1, alpha-Man-Ic, fbp, smp-30, tobi
GO:0005975 carbohydrate metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000000 0.0000000 14.48 42 AGBE, Adgf-A, Amyrel, CG10467, CG11594, CG13369, CG1544, CG16965, CG32444, CG33080, CG3534, CG6805, CG6910, CG7322, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gk, Gnmt, Hex-C, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, Sodh-1, alpha-Man-Ic, fbp, smp-30, tobi
GO:0005975 carbohydrate metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000000 0.0000000 14.48 42 AGBE, Adgf-A, Amyrel, CG10467, CG11594, CG13369, CG1544, CG16965, CG32444, CG33080, CG3534, CG6805, CG6910, CG7322, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gk, Gnmt, Hex-C, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, Sodh-1, alpha-Man-Ic, fbp, smp-30, tobi
KEGG:00052 Galactose metabolism KEGG 0.0000000 0.0000000 41.67 15 CG10467, CG32444, CG7997, CG9436, Gal, Gale, Galt, Hex-C, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1
KEGG:00052 Galactose metabolism KEGG 0.0000000 0.0000000 41.67 15 CG10467, CG32444, CG7997, CG9436, Gal, Gale, Galt, Hex-C, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1
KEGG:00052 Galactose metabolism KEGG 0.0000000 0.0000000 41.67 15 CG10467, CG32444, CG7997, CG9436, Gal, Gale, Galt, Hex-C, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1
R-DME:556833 Metabolism of lipids REACTOME 0.0000000 0.0000000 12.00 48 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11438, CG14946, CG16935, CG16985, CG18003, CG18258, CG18814, CG31414, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG7997, CG8534, CG9701, CRAT, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Est-6, Gal, Gk, Mtpalpha, Ppt2, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, bgm, bmm, dob, eas, fa2h, fabp, mdy, phm, sea, sxe2
R-DME:556833 Metabolism of lipids REACTOME 0.0000000 0.0000000 12.00 48 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11438, CG14946, CG16935, CG16985, CG18003, CG18258, CG18814, CG31414, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG7997, CG8534, CG9701, CRAT, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Est-6, Gal, Gk, Mtpalpha, Ppt2, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, bgm, bmm, dob, eas, fa2h, fabp, mdy, phm, sea, sxe2
R-DME:556833 Metabolism of lipids REACTOME 0.0000000 0.0000000 12.00 48 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11438, CG14946, CG16935, CG16985, CG18003, CG18258, CG18814, CG31414, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG7997, CG8534, CG9701, CRAT, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Est-6, Gal, Gk, Mtpalpha, Ppt2, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, bgm, bmm, dob, eas, fa2h, fabp, mdy, phm, sea, sxe2
R-DME:556833 Metabolism of lipids REACTOME 0.0000000 0.0000000 12.00 48 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11438, CG14946, CG16935, CG16985, CG18003, CG18258, CG18814, CG31414, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG7997, CG8534, CG9701, CRAT, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Est-6, Gal, Gk, Mtpalpha, Ppt2, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, bgm, bmm, dob, eas, fa2h, fabp, mdy, phm, sea, sxe2
GO:0015926 glucosidase activity GO_MF 0.0000000 0.0000000 62.50 10 CG16965, CG9485, CG9701, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1
GO:0015926 glucosidase activity GO_MF 0.0000000 0.0000000 62.50 10 CG16965, CG9485, CG9701, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1
GO:0044282 small molecule catabolic process GO_BP 0.0000001 0.0000000 15.47 28 Acox57D-d, Adgf-A, CG10361, CG10467, CG11236, CG13369, CG15093, CG32444, CG3699, CG6805, CG6910, CG8129, CG8665, CRAT, Cp38, Dat, Fdh, Gale, Galt, Gk, LKRSDH, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Sodh-1, Spat, arg, dare
GO:0090599 alpha-glucosidase activity GO_MF 0.0000007 0.0000000 66.67 8 CG9485, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1
GO:0006082 organic acid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000020 0.0000000 10.07 43 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG10361, CG11236, CG11407, CG15093, CG1544, CG16935, CG31076, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG6465, CG6733, CG8129, CG8534, CG8665, CG8834, CG9510, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, Cp38, FASN3, Gip, Gnmt, Hex-C, Irp-1B, LKRSDH, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg, bgm, fa2h, mdy, phm, pug, smp-30, su(r)
GO:0006082 organic acid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000020 0.0000000 10.07 43 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG10361, CG11236, CG11407, CG15093, CG1544, CG16935, CG31076, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG6465, CG6733, CG8129, CG8534, CG8665, CG8834, CG9510, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, Cp38, FASN3, Gip, Gnmt, Hex-C, Irp-1B, LKRSDH, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg, bgm, fa2h, mdy, phm, pug, smp-30, su(r)
GO:0019752 carboxylic acid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000021 0.0000000 10.19 42 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG10361, CG11236, CG11407, CG15093, CG1544, CG16935, CG31076, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG6465, CG6733, CG8129, CG8534, CG8665, CG8834, CG9510, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, Cp38, FASN3, Gip, Gnmt, Hex-C, Irp-1B, LKRSDH, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg, bgm, fa2h, mdy, pug, smp-30, su(r)
GO:0019752 carboxylic acid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000021 0.0000000 10.19 42 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG10361, CG11236, CG11407, CG15093, CG1544, CG16935, CG31076, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG6465, CG6733, CG8129, CG8534, CG8665, CG8834, CG9510, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, Cp38, FASN3, Gip, Gnmt, Hex-C, Irp-1B, LKRSDH, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg, bgm, fa2h, mdy, pug, smp-30, su(r)
GO:0043436 oxoacid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000026 0.0000000 10.12 42 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG10361, CG11236, CG11407, CG15093, CG1544, CG16935, CG31076, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG6465, CG6733, CG8129, CG8534, CG8665, CG8834, CG9510, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, Cp38, FASN3, Gip, Gnmt, Hex-C, Irp-1B, LKRSDH, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg, bgm, fa2h, mdy, pug, smp-30, su(r)
GO:0043436 oxoacid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000026 0.0000000 10.12 42 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG10361, CG11236, CG11407, CG15093, CG1544, CG16935, CG31076, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG6465, CG6733, CG8129, CG8534, CG8665, CG8834, CG9510, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, Cp38, FASN3, Gip, Gnmt, Hex-C, Irp-1B, LKRSDH, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg, bgm, fa2h, mdy, pug, smp-30, su(r)
GO:0005996 monosaccharide metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000030 0.0000000 20.99 17 CG10467, CG13369, CG32444, CG3534, CG7322, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gnmt, Hex-C, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, fbp, smp-30
GO:0005996 monosaccharide metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000030 0.0000000 20.99 17 CG10467, CG13369, CG32444, CG3534, CG7322, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gnmt, Hex-C, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, fbp, smp-30
GO:0005996 monosaccharide metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000030 0.0000000 20.99 17 CG10467, CG13369, CG32444, CG3534, CG7322, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gnmt, Hex-C, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, fbp, smp-30
GO:0000023 maltose metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000049 0.0000000 70.00 7 Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1
GO:0032450 maltose alpha-glucosidase activity GO_BP 0.0000049 0.0000000 70.00 7 Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1
GO:0004558 alpha-1,4-glucosidase activity GO_MF 0.0000049 0.0000000 70.00 7 Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1
R-DME:71387 Metabolism of carbohydrates REACTOME 0.0000050 0.0000000 15.23 23 CG13369, CG13397, CG13898, CG16756, CG16799, CG3534, CG7322, CG7882, CG8036, CG9886, CG9914, Gal, Gale, Galt, Hex-C, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, fbp, sea
R-DME:8963743 Digestion and absorption REACTOME 0.0000054 0.0000000 20.24 17 Amyrel, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG7882, CG8093, CG9701, Lip4, Npc1b, sxe2
KEGG:00500 Starch and sucrose metabolism KEGG 0.0000055 0.0000000 34.38 11 AGBE, Amyrel, CG9485, Hex-C, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1
KEGG:00500 Starch and sucrose metabolism KEGG 0.0000055 0.0000000 34.38 11 AGBE, Amyrel, CG9485, Hex-C, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1
GO:0004867 serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity GO_BP 0.0000065 0.0000000 20.00 17 CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
GO:0004867 serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity GO_BP 0.0000065 0.0000235 20.00 17 CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
GO:0016042 lipid catabolic process GO_BP 0.0000068 0.0000000 14.46 24 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG15533, CG18258, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG3699, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG7997, CG8093, CRAT, Lip4, Mtpalpha, bmm, dare, dob, sxe2
GO:0016042 lipid catabolic process GO_BP 0.0000068 0.0000000 14.46 24 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG15533, CG18258, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG3699, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG7997, CG8093, CRAT, Lip4, Mtpalpha, bmm, dare, dob, sxe2
GO:0016042 lipid catabolic process GO_BP 0.0000068 0.0000000 14.46 24 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG15533, CG18258, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG3699, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG7997, CG8093, CRAT, Lip4, Mtpalpha, bmm, dare, dob, sxe2
GO:0004806 triglyceride lipase activity GO_MF 0.0000073 0.0000000 22.73 15 CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG8093, Lip4, bmm, dob, sxe2
GO:0004806 triglyceride lipase activity GO_MF 0.0000073 0.0000000 22.73 15 CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG8093, Lip4, bmm, dob, sxe2
GO:0017171 serine hydrolase activity GO_BP 0.0000132 0.0000235 10.31 37 CG10031, CG11034, CG14298, CG14990, CG16704, CG17242, CG1773, CG18179, CG18557, CG18563, CG30090, CG30371, CG31777, CG31821, CG34457, CG3604, CG3734, CG3739, CG42465, CG42828, CG8299, CG9649, IM33, Jon25Bii, Jon99Ci, Phae1, Phae2, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, Tequila
GO:0008236 serine-type peptidase activity GO_BP 0.0000132 0.0000235 10.31 37 CG10031, CG11034, CG14298, CG14990, CG16704, CG17242, CG1773, CG18179, CG18557, CG18563, CG30090, CG30371, CG31777, CG31821, CG34457, CG3604, CG3734, CG3739, CG42465, CG42828, CG8299, CG9649, IM33, Jon25Bii, Jon99Ci, Phae1, Phae2, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, Tequila
GO:0004866 endopeptidase inhibitor activity GO_BP 0.0000190 0.0000235 17.65 18 CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
GO:0061135 endopeptidase regulator activity GO_BP 0.0000258 0.0000235 17.31 18 CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
GO:0030414 peptidase inhibitor activity GO_BP 0.0000300 0.0000235 17.14 18 CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
GO:0010951 negative regulation of endopeptidase activity GO_BP 0.0000300 0.0000235 17.14 18 CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
KEGG:00511 Other glycan degradation KEGG 0.0000313 0.0000000 39.13 9 CG31148, CG31414, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI
KEGG:00511 Other glycan degradation KEGG 0.0000313 0.0000000 39.13 9 CG31148, CG31414, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI
GO:0052689 carboxylic ester hydrolase activity GO_MF 0.0000330 0.0000000 14.29 22 CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG8093, Est-6, Lip4, alpha-Est10, alpha-Est2, alpha-Est5, alpha-Est7, bmm, dob, smp-30, sxe2
GO:0010466 negative regulation of peptidase activity GO_BP 0.0000466 0.0000235 16.67 18 CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
R-DME:192456 Digestion of dietary lipid REACTOME 0.0000494 0.0000000 23.21 13 CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG8093, Lip4, sxe2
GO:0006629 lipid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000529 0.0000000 8.25 51 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11200, CG11407, CG11438, CG15533, CG16935, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG3603, CG3699, CG4020, CG4267, CG4830, CG5162, CG5568, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG7997, CG8093, CG8534, CG8834, CG9509, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, FASN3, Gk, Lip4, Mtpalpha, NLaz, Npc1b, bgm, bmm, dare, dob, eas, fa2h, mdy, phm, sxe2
GO:0006629 lipid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000529 0.0000000 8.25 51 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11200, CG11407, CG11438, CG15533, CG16935, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG3603, CG3699, CG4020, CG4267, CG4830, CG5162, CG5568, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG7997, CG8093, CG8534, CG8834, CG9509, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, FASN3, Gk, Lip4, Mtpalpha, NLaz, Npc1b, bgm, bmm, dare, dob, eas, fa2h, mdy, phm, sxe2
GO:0006629 lipid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000529 0.0000000 8.25 51 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11200, CG11407, CG11438, CG15533, CG16935, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG3603, CG3699, CG4020, CG4267, CG4830, CG5162, CG5568, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG7997, CG8093, CG8534, CG8834, CG9509, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, FASN3, Gk, Lip4, Mtpalpha, NLaz, Npc1b, bgm, bmm, dare, dob, eas, fa2h, mdy, phm, sxe2
GO:0006629 lipid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000529 0.0000000 8.25 51 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11200, CG11407, CG11438, CG15533, CG16935, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG3603, CG3699, CG4020, CG4267, CG4830, CG5162, CG5568, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG7997, CG8093, CG8534, CG8834, CG9509, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, FASN3, Gk, Lip4, Mtpalpha, NLaz, Npc1b, bgm, bmm, dare, dob, eas, fa2h, mdy, phm, sxe2
R-DME:8935690 Digestion REACTOME 0.0000639 0.0000000 19.48 15 Amyrel, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG8093, CG9701, Lip4, sxe2
GO:0061134 peptidase regulator activity GO_BP 0.0000817 0.0000235 16.07 18 CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
GO:0044262 cellular carbohydrate metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000927 0.0000000 15.20 19 AGBE, CG11594, CG13369, CG3534, CG6805, CG6910, CG9485, Gk, Gnmt, Hex-C, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, Sodh-1, fbp
GO:0044262 cellular carbohydrate metabolic process GO_BP 0.0000927 0.0000000 15.20 19 AGBE, CG11594, CG13369, CG3534, CG6805, CG6910, CG9485, Gk, Gnmt, Hex-C, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, Sodh-1, fbp
KEGG:00040 Pentose and glucuronate interconversions KEGG 0.0001012 0.0000026 24.00 12 CG15661, CG17322, CG17324, CG3534, CG3597, CG3609, CG4302, CG7322, CG9436, CG9914, Sodh-1, Ugt37b1
GO:0019318 hexose metabolic process GO_BP 0.0001400 0.0000000 19.72 14 CG10467, CG32444, CG7322, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gnmt, Hex-C, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, fbp
GO:0019318 hexose metabolic process GO_BP 0.0001400 0.0000000 19.72 14 CG10467, CG32444, CG7322, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gnmt, Hex-C, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, fbp
GO:0019318 hexose metabolic process GO_BP 0.0001400 0.0000000 19.72 14 CG10467, CG32444, CG7322, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gnmt, Hex-C, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, fbp
GO:0005984 disaccharide metabolic process GO_BP 0.0002111 0.0000000 38.10 8 Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, fbp
KEGG:00260 Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism KEGG 0.0002168 0.0000050 32.14 9 CG10361, CG11236, CG11241, CG8129, CG9629, CG9886, Gnmt, Sardh, Spat
GO:0046394 carboxylic acid biosynthetic process GO_BP 0.0002220 0.0000000 13.79 20 CDase, CG11407, CG16935, CG3603, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9510, CG9993, FASN3, Gnmt, LKRSDH, Oat, Spat, bgm, fa2h, pug, smp-30, su(r)
GO:0004252 serine-type endopeptidase activity GO_BP 0.0002339 0.0000235 9.79 33 CG10031, CG14298, CG14990, CG16704, CG17242, CG1773, CG18179, CG18557, CG18563, CG30090, CG30371, CG31777, CG34457, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8299, CG9649, IM33, Jon25Bii, Jon99Ci, Phae1, Phae2, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, Tequila
KEGG:04142 Lysosome KEGG 0.0002624 0.0000000 14.88 18 CG13397, CG13516, CG31148, CG31414, CG4847, CG7997, DNaseII, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, Lip4, Npc1b, Ppt2, Vha100-5
GO:0045861 negative regulation of proteolysis GO_BP 0.0002964 0.0000235 14.75 18 CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
GO:0016053 organic acid biosynthetic process GO_BP 0.0003807 0.0000000 13.33 20 CDase, CG11407, CG16935, CG3603, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9510, CG9993, FASN3, Gnmt, LKRSDH, Oat, Spat, bgm, fa2h, pug, smp-30, su(r)
GO:1901575 organic substance catabolic process GO_BP 0.0005840 0.0000000 6.84 67 Acox57D-d, Adgf-A, CDase, CG10361, CG10467, CG11236, CG12917, CG13369, CG15093, CG1544, CG15533, CG17224, CG18258, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG32444, CG33346, CG3699, CG3819, CG4267, CG4847, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG6910, CG7997, CG8093, CG8129, CG8665, CG9485, CRAT, CRMP, Cp38, DNaseII, Dat, Dcp-1, Est-6, Fdh, Gale, Galt, Gk, Gnmt, Hex-C, Kdm2, LKRSDH, Lip4, Mtpalpha, Oat, PGRP-SB1, PGRP-SC1a, PGRP-SC2, Sardh, Sid, Sodh-1, Spat, UK114, arg, bmm, dare, dob, su(r), sxe2
GO:1901575 organic substance catabolic process GO_BP 0.0005840 0.0000000 6.84 67 Acox57D-d, Adgf-A, CDase, CG10361, CG10467, CG11236, CG12917, CG13369, CG15093, CG1544, CG15533, CG17224, CG18258, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG32444, CG33346, CG3699, CG3819, CG4267, CG4847, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG6910, CG7997, CG8093, CG8129, CG8665, CG9485, CRAT, CRMP, Cp38, DNaseII, Dat, Dcp-1, Est-6, Fdh, Gale, Galt, Gk, Gnmt, Hex-C, Kdm2, LKRSDH, Lip4, Mtpalpha, Oat, PGRP-SB1, PGRP-SC1a, PGRP-SC2, Sardh, Sid, Sodh-1, Spat, UK114, arg, bmm, dare, dob, su(r), sxe2
R-DME:8853383 Lysosomal oligosaccharide catabolism REACTOME 0.0005867 0.0000000 71.43 5 LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI
GO:0016614 oxidoreductase activity, acting on CH-OH group of donors GO_MF 0.0006674 0.0000139 13.38 19 CG11200, CG12116, CG14946, CG15093, CG18003, CG18814, CG3301, CG3603, CG3699, CG7322, CG9436, CG9509, CG9914, FASN3, Fdh, Hex-C, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Sodh-1
GO:0016298 lipase activity GO_MF 0.0007767 0.0000000 15.24 16 CG15533, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG8093, Lip4, bmm, dob, sxe2
GO:0016298 lipase activity GO_MF 0.0007767 0.0000000 15.24 16 CG15533, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG8093, Lip4, bmm, dob, sxe2
GO:0032787 monocarboxylic acid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0008206 0.0000000 11.50 23 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11407, CG1544, CG16935, CG31076, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, FASN3, Gip, Hex-C, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Spat, bgm, fa2h
GO:0009410 response to xenobiotic stimulus GO_BP 0.0009185 0.0000169 38.89 7 CG17322, CG17324, Cyp6t1, Cyp6w1, St1, St3, phm
GO:0006805 xenobiotic metabolic process GO_BP 0.0009185 0.0000169 38.89 7 CG17322, CG17324, Cyp6t1, Cyp6w1, St1, St3, phm
GO:0071466 cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus GO_BP 0.0009185 0.0000169 38.89 7 CG17322, CG17324, Cyp6t1, Cyp6w1, St1, St3, phm
GO:0016616 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-OH group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor GO_MF 0.0009292 0.0000139 14.29 17 CG11200, CG12116, CG14946, CG15093, CG18814, CG3301, CG3603, CG3699, CG7322, CG9436, CG9914, FASN3, Fdh, Hex-C, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Sodh-1
R-DME:196071 Metabolism of steroid hormones REACTOME 0.0013614 0.0000000 19.05 12 CG14946, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
R-DME:196071 Metabolism of steroid hormones REACTOME 0.0013614 0.0000235 19.05 12 CG14946, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
GO:0004175 endopeptidase activity GO_BP 0.0017231 0.0000235 7.88 43 AdamTS-A, CG10031, CG14298, CG14526, CG14528, CG14990, CG16704, CG17242, CG1773, CG18179, CG18557, CG18563, CG30090, CG30371, CG31777, CG34457, CG3604, CG3775, CG42465, CG42828, CG4721, CG4847, CG5715, CG8066, CG8299, CG8550, CG9649, Dcp-1, IM33, Jon25Bii, Jon99Ci, Phae1, Phae2, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, Tequila
GO:0004857 enzyme inhibitor activity GO_BP 0.0019638 0.0000235 12.95 18 CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
GO:0051346 negative regulation of hydrolase activity GO_BP 0.0024017 0.0000235 12.77 18 CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
GO:0052548 regulation of endopeptidase activity GO_BP 0.0024017 0.0000235 12.77 18 CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
GO:0004559 alpha-mannosidase activity GO_MF 0.0025232 0.0000000 42.86 6 LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, alpha-Man-Ic
GO:0035337 fatty-acyl-CoA metabolic process GO_BP 0.0027452 0.0000016 24.32 9 CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993
GO:0035337 fatty-acyl-CoA metabolic process GO_BP 0.0027452 0.0000000 24.32 9 CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993
R-DME:8957322 Metabolism of steroids REACTOME 0.0027944 0.0000000 14.56 15 Acox57D-d, CG14946, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, fabp, phm
R-DME:8957322 Metabolism of steroids REACTOME 0.0027944 0.0000000 14.56 15 Acox57D-d, CG14946, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, fabp, phm
R-DME:8957322 Metabolism of steroids REACTOME 0.0027944 0.0000235 14.56 15 Acox57D-d, CG14946, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, fabp, phm
R-DME:1483206 Glycerophospholipid biosynthesis REACTOME 0.0031450 0.0000000 14.42 15 CG18258, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, Est-6, Mtpalpha, bmm, dob, eas, mdy, sxe2
R-DME:1483206 Glycerophospholipid biosynthesis REACTOME 0.0031450 0.0000000 14.42 15 CG18258, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, Est-6, Mtpalpha, bmm, dob, eas, mdy, sxe2
GO:0015923 mannosidase activity GO_MF 0.0040271 0.0000000 40.00 6 LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, alpha-Man-Ic
GO:0052547 regulation of peptidase activity GO_BP 0.0046761 0.0000235 12.16 18 CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
GO:1901568 fatty acid derivative metabolic process GO_BP 0.0053783 0.0000016 22.50 9 CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993
GO:0009311 oligosaccharide metabolic process GO_BP 0.0053783 0.0000000 22.50 9 CG7997, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, fbp
GO:1901568 fatty acid derivative metabolic process GO_BP 0.0053783 0.0000000 22.50 9 CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993
R-DME:8939242 RUNX1 regulates transcription of genes involved in differentiation of keratinocytes REACTOME 0.0054760 0.0000000 25.81 8 CG4847, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
R-DME:8939242 RUNX1 regulates transcription of genes involved in differentiation of keratinocytes REACTOME 0.0054760 0.0000235 25.81 8 CG4847, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
GO:0006013 mannose metabolic process GO_BP 0.0061010 0.0000000 50.00 5 LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI
GO:0006631 fatty acid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0061557 0.0000000 12.41 17 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11407, CG16935, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, FASN3, Mtpalpha, bgm, fa2h
GO:0006631 fatty acid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0061557 0.0000000 12.41 17 Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11407, CG16935, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, FASN3, Mtpalpha, bgm, fa2h
R-DME:425407 SLC-mediated transmembrane transport REACTOME 0.0070223 0.0000965 10.09 23 CG10960, CG1208, CG1213, CG13795, CG15096, CG16727, CG2187, CG31103, CG42269, CG6126, CG6484, CG7255, CG7882, CG8028, CG8083, CG8249, CG9864, MFS14, Mal-A2, NaPi-T, Oatp58Da, ZnT77C, slif
GO:0046395 carboxylic acid catabolic process GO_BP 0.0085313 0.0000000 13.27 15 Acox57D-d, CG10361, CG11236, CG15093, CG3699, CG8129, CG8665, CRAT, Cp38, LKRSDH, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg
GO:0046395 carboxylic acid catabolic process GO_BP 0.0085313 0.0000000 13.27 15 Acox57D-d, CG10361, CG11236, CG15093, CG3699, CG8129, CG8665, CRAT, Cp38, LKRSDH, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg
GO:0044283 small molecule biosynthetic process GO_BP 0.0089933 0.0000000 9.09 27 Adgf-A, CDase, CG11407, CG12116, CG16935, CG17224, CG3603, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9510, CG9993, FASN3, Gnmt, LKRSDH, Npc1b, Oat, Spat, bgm, dare, fa2h, fbp, phm, pug, smp-30, su(r)
R-DME:8979227 Triglyceride metabolism REACTOME 0.0106881 0.0001184 45.45 5 Gk, bmm, dob, fabp, mdy
GO:0006012 galactose metabolic process GO_BP 0.0106881 0.0000000 45.45 5 CG10467, CG32444, Gal, Gale, Galt
GO:0006012 galactose metabolic process GO_BP 0.0106881 0.0000000 45.45 5 CG10467, CG32444, Gal, Gale, Galt
GO:0006012 galactose metabolic process GO_BP 0.0106881 0.0000000 45.45 5 CG10467, CG32444, Gal, Gale, Galt
R-DME:2022377 Metabolism of Angiotensinogen to Angiotensins REACTOME 0.0107758 0.0000000 13.73 14 CG14526, CG14528, CG3775, CG4721, CG4757, CG8550, Est-6, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
R-DME:2022377 Metabolism of Angiotensinogen to Angiotensins REACTOME 0.0107758 0.0000235 13.73 14 CG14526, CG14528, CG3775, CG4721, CG4757, CG8550, Est-6, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
R-DME:1482801 Acyl chain remodelling of PS REACTOME 0.0111505 0.0000000 23.53 8 CG18258, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, sxe2
GO:0016054 organic acid catabolic process GO_BP 0.0127703 0.0000000 12.82 15 Acox57D-d, CG10361, CG11236, CG15093, CG3699, CG8129, CG8665, CRAT, Cp38, LKRSDH, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg
GO:0016054 organic acid catabolic process GO_BP 0.0127703 0.0000000 12.82 15 Acox57D-d, CG10361, CG11236, CG15093, CG3699, CG8129, CG8665, CRAT, Cp38, LKRSDH, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg
R-DME:196854 Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors REACTOME 0.0142894 0.0001201 11.18 18 Amnionless, CG10026, CG11200, CG12926, CG13898, CG15553, CG16727, CG2187, CG31103, CG33966, CG42269, CG42514, CG5958, CG6126, CG7882, CG8665, fabp, pug
GO:0008233 peptidase activity GO_BP 0.0150124 0.0000235 6.85 49 AdamTS-A, CG10031, CG11034, CG14298, CG14526, CG14528, CG14990, CG16704, CG17242, CG1773, CG18179, CG18557, CG18563, CG30090, CG30371, CG31777, CG31821, CG34457, CG3604, CG3734, CG3739, CG3775, CG42465, CG42828, CG4408, CG4721, CG4847, CG5715, CG8066, CG8299, CG8550, CG9649, Dcp-1, IM33, Jon25Bii, Jon99Ci, Phae1, Phae2, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, Tequila, l(3)72Dp
GO:0016788 hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds GO_MF 0.0166178 0.0000000 7.10 44 Alp2, CG11291, CG11438, CG12917, CG15533, CG16985, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG18473, CG2145, CG31091, CG31812, CG32191, CG33082, CG33346, CG3819, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG8093, CG9119, DNaseII, Est-6, FASN3, LanB1, Lip4, Ppt2, Sid, alpha-Est10, alpha-Est2, alpha-Est5, alpha-Est7, bmm, dob, fbp, mre11, smp-30, sxe2
R-DME:1474290 Collagen formation REACTOME 0.0170197 0.0000000 19.57 9 CG4847, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, lox2
R-DME:1474290 Collagen formation REACTOME 0.0170197 0.0000235 19.57 9 CG4847, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, lox2
GO:0006633 fatty acid biosynthetic process GO_BP 0.0181162 0.0000016 14.81 12 CDase, CG11407, CG16935, CG3603, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9993, FASN3, bgm, fa2h
GO:0006633 fatty acid biosynthetic process GO_BP 0.0181162 0.0000000 14.81 12 CDase, CG11407, CG16935, CG3603, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9993, FASN3, bgm, fa2h
R-DME:1483257 Phospholipid metabolism REACTOME 0.0184855 0.0000000 11.85 16 CG18258, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, Est-6, Mtpalpha, bmm, dob, eas, mdy, sxe2
R-DME:1483257 Phospholipid metabolism REACTOME 0.0184855 0.0000000 11.85 16 CG18258, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, Est-6, Mtpalpha, bmm, dob, eas, mdy, sxe2
GO:0006066 alcohol metabolic process GO_BP 0.0186299 0.0001062 12.40 15 CDase, CG11200, CG12116, CG18814, CG6805, CG6910, Dat, Fdh, Gbp, Gk, Npc1b, Sodh-1, dare, mdy, phm
R-DME:1482883 Acyl chain remodeling of DAG and TAG REACTOME 0.0190705 0.0001184 100.00 3 bmm, dob, mdy
GO:0035383 thioester metabolic process GO_BP 0.0234473 0.0000016 16.95 10 CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993, LKRSDH
GO:0006637 acyl-CoA metabolic process GO_BP 0.0234473 0.0000016 16.95 10 CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993, LKRSDH
GO:0035383 thioester metabolic process GO_BP 0.0234473 0.0000000 16.95 10 CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993, LKRSDH
GO:0006637 acyl-CoA metabolic process GO_BP 0.0234473 0.0000000 16.95 10 CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993, LKRSDH
GO:0016620 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor GO_MF 0.0254699 0.0000016 21.05 8 CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG31076, CG4020, CG8665, CG9629, Fdh
GO:0072330 monocarboxylic acid biosynthetic process GO_BP 0.0256621 0.0000016 14.29 12 CDase, CG11407, CG16935, CG3603, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9993, FASN3, bgm, fa2h
GO:0072330 monocarboxylic acid biosynthetic process GO_BP 0.0256621 0.0000000 14.29 12 CDase, CG11407, CG16935, CG3603, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9993, FASN3, bgm, fa2h
R-DME:1474244 Extracellular matrix organization REACTOME 0.0287875 0.0000000 14.12 12 AdamTS-A, CG4847, LanB1, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, lox2, scw
R-DME:1474244 Extracellular matrix organization REACTOME 0.0287875 0.0000235 14.12 12 AdamTS-A, CG4847, LanB1, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, lox2, scw
R-DME:2980736 Peptide hormone metabolism REACTOME 0.0295000 0.0000000 12.50 14 CG14526, CG14528, CG3775, CG4721, CG4757, CG8550, Est-6, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
R-DME:2980736 Peptide hormone metabolism REACTOME 0.0295000 0.0000235 12.50 14 CG14526, CG14528, CG3775, CG4721, CG4757, CG8550, Est-6, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
GO:0006790 sulfur compound metabolic process GO_BP 0.0315648 0.0000016 10.16 19 CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4752, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993, Cp38, Gnmt, GstE13, GstT3, LKRSDH, Sardh, St1, St3, pug
GO:0016052 carbohydrate catabolic process GO_BP 0.0348944 0.0000000 14.86 11 CG10467, CG13369, CG1544, CG32444, CG6910, CG9485, Gale, Galt, Gk, Hex-C, Sodh-1
GO:0016052 carbohydrate catabolic process GO_BP 0.0348944 0.0000000 14.86 11 CG10467, CG13369, CG1544, CG32444, CG6910, CG9485, Gale, Galt, Gk, Hex-C, Sodh-1
R-DME:194002 Glucocorticoid biosynthesis REACTOME 0.0355662 0.0000000 23.33 7 Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
R-DME:194002 Glucocorticoid biosynthesis REACTOME 0.0355662 0.0000235 23.33 7 Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
GO:0046514 ceramide catabolic process GO_BP 0.0434632 0.0001275 50.00 4 CDase, CG31148, CG31414, CG7997
GO:0019388 galactose catabolic process GO_BP 0.0434632 0.0000000 50.00 4 CG10467, CG32444, Gale, Galt
GO:0033499 galactose catabolic process via UDP-galactose GO_BP 0.0434632 0.0000000 50.00 4 CG10467, CG32444, Gale, Galt
GO:0019388 galactose catabolic process GO_BP 0.0434632 0.0000000 50.00 4 CG10467, CG32444, Gale, Galt
GO:0033499 galactose catabolic process via UDP-galactose GO_BP 0.0434632 0.0000000 50.00 4 CG10467, CG32444, Gale, Galt
GO:0019388 galactose catabolic process GO_BP 0.0434632 0.0000000 50.00 4 CG10467, CG32444, Gale, Galt
GO:0033499 galactose catabolic process via UDP-galactose GO_BP 0.0434632 0.0000000 50.00 4 CG10467, CG32444, Gale, Galt
R-DME:140837 Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation REACTOME 0.0441913 0.0000000 22.58 7 Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
R-DME:140875 Common Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation REACTOME 0.0441913 0.0000000 22.58 7 Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
R-DME:140877 Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) REACTOME 0.0441913 0.0000000 22.58 7 Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
R-DME:140837 Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation REACTOME 0.0441913 0.0000235 22.58 7 Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
R-DME:140875 Common Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation REACTOME 0.0441913 0.0000235 22.58 7 Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
R-DME:140877 Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) REACTOME 0.0441913 0.0000235 22.58 7 Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb
GO:0016903 oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors GO_MF 0.0444580 0.0000016 17.31 9 CG1544, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG31076, CG4020, CG8665, CG9629, Fdh

This figure is related to Figure 3c

ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_full_FC1.6_curated.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr <-
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr<- ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr %>% arrange((Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)) # arrage the data how you want it in the plot 
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr<- ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr %>% mutate(GOTerm = fct_reorder(GOTerm, desc(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down))) # lock in factor level order

ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr_plot <- ggplot( ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr, aes(x = -log10(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down), y = GOTerm, fill= OS_short)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdBu") +  theme_bw() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("-log10(term adjusted p value)") + theme(legend.position="right", text = element_text(size=15)) + geom_text(aes(label= Nr_Genes ), size=3, nudge_x = .7, color = "black" )  + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 25)) + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Ontology"))


 ggsave("1.6_figure_output/ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 11, height = 6, limitsize = TRUE)

ClueGo results: Upregulated proteins

This table is related to Supplementary Table 9.

ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_PUP_results.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6 = ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6 %>% arrange(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)

Table 13: ClueGO Results Table: Upregulated proteins
GO ID GO Term Ontology Term P-value corrected Group P-value corrected % Associated Genes No. Genes Associated Genes
KEGG:00982 Drug metabolism KEGG 0.0002751 0.0006024 8.82 6 CG5999, Fmo-1, GstD2, GstE5, GstE8, Ugt86Dd
KEGG:00980 Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome P450 KEGG 0.0038868 0.0006024 7.25 5 CG5999, GstD2, GstE5, GstE8, Ugt86Dd
GO:0035009 Negative regulation of melanization defense response GO_BP 0.0039896 0.0049293 66.67 2 Spn27A, Spn77Ba
KEGG:00983 Drug metabolism KEGG 0.0166977 0.0006024 5.21 5 CG5999, GstD2, GstE5, GstE8, Ugt86Dd
R-DME:196071 Metabolism of steroid hormones REACTOME 0.0269267 0.0049293 6.35 4 Cyp4ad1, Cyp4e3, Spn27A, Spn77Ba
R-DME:381119 Unfolded Protein Response REACTOME 0.0319907 0.0058165 25.00 2 Ire1, PEK
GO:0006368 Transcription elongation from RNA polymerase II promoter GO_BP 0.0347940 0.0347940 5.00 2 RpII15, atms
GO:0006414 Translational elongation GO_BP 0.0390224 0.0039022 8.82 3 CG2017, Dgp-1, RpLP2
GO:0035007 Regulation of melanization defense response GO_BP 0.0390736 0.0049293 22.22 2 Spn27A, Spn77Ba

This figure is related to Figure 3b

ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_PUP_results_curated.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr <-
ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr <- ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr %>% arrange((Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)) # arrage the data how you want it in the plot 
ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr <- ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr %>% mutate(GOTerm = fct_reorder(GOTerm, desc(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down))) # lock in factor level order

ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr_plot <- ggplot( ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr, aes(x = -log10(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down), y = GOTerm, fill= OS_short)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdBu") +  theme_bw() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("-log10(term adjusted p value)") + theme(legend.position="right", text = element_text(size=15)) + geom_text(aes(label=No_Genes ), size=3, nudge_x = .7, color = "black" )  + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 6)) + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Ontology"))


ggsave("1.6_figure_output/ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 11, height = 6, limitsize = TRUE)

ClueGo results: Downregulated proteins

This table is related to Supplementary Table 11.

ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_results.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6 = ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6 %>% arrange(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)

Table 14: ClueGO Results Table: Downregulated proteins
GO ID GO Term Ontology Term P-value corrected Group P-value corrected % Associated Genes No. Genes Associated Genes
GO:0005615 extracellular space GO_CC 0.0000000 0.000000 4.47 33 Ag5r, CG14034, CG14661, CG16820, CG1701, CG17097, CG17242, CG18258, CG18284, CG31872, CG31883, CG34033, CG43319, CG4847, CG5162, CG6690, CG9029, CG9572, CecC, Cys, Dup99B, Est-6, Met75Ca, Obp51a, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Sfp35C, Sfp60F, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, TotC
GO:0004866 endopeptidase inhibitor activity GO_BP 0.0001106 0.000029 8.82 9 CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar
GO:0061135 endopeptidase regulator activity GO_BP 0.0001290 0.000029 8.65 9 CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar
GO:0030414 peptidase inhibitor activity GO_BP 0.0001384 0.000029 8.57 9 CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar
GO:0010951 negative regulation of endopeptidase activity GO_BP 0.0001384 0.000029 8.57 9 CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar
GO:0010466 negative regulation of peptidase activity GO_BP 0.0001736 0.000029 8.33 9 CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar
GO:0061134 peptidase regulator activity GO_BP 0.0002329 0.000029 8.04 9 CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar
R-DME:196071 Metabolism of steroid hormones REACTOME 0.0003627 0.000029 11.11 7 CG1444, Cyp4e1, Cyp4p1, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
R-DME:556833 Metabolism of lipids REACTOME 0.0003800 0.000029 4.00 16 CG14034, CG1444, CG18258, CG1942, CG30008, CG3530, CG5162, Cyp4e1, Cyp4p1, Est-6, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, bgm, sigmar
GO:0045861 negative regulation of proteolysis GO_BP 0.0004582 0.000029 7.38 9 CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar
GO:0004857 enzyme inhibitor activity GO_BP 0.0013110 0.000029 6.47 9 CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar
R-DME:8939242 RUNX1 regulates transcription of genes involved in differentiation of keratinocytes REACTOME 0.0013867 0.000029 16.13 5 CG4847, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
GO:0051346 negative regulation of hydrolase activity GO_BP 0.0014375 0.000029 6.38 9 CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar
GO:0052548 regulation of endopeptidase activity GO_BP 0.0014375 0.000029 6.38 9 CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar
R-DME:192456 Digestion of dietary lipid REACTOME 0.0020873 0.001302 10.71 6 CG14034, CG17097, CG18258, CG18284, CG31872, CG5162
GO:0052547 regulation of peptidase activity GO_BP 0.0020928 0.000029 6.08 9 CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar
GO:0004867 serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity GO_BP 0.0024417 0.000029 8.24 7 CG16713, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
R-DME:8853383 Lysosomal oligosaccharide catabolism REACTOME 0.0031390 0.001999 42.86 3 LManIII, LManV, LManVI
GO:0004806 triglyceride lipase activity GO_MF 0.0051737 0.001302 9.09 6 CG14034, CG17097, CG18258, CG18284, CG31872, CG5162
R-DME:8957322 Metabolism of steroids REACTOME 0.0080892 0.000029 6.80 7 CG1444, Cyp4e1, Cyp4p1, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
R-DME:189200 Cellular hexose transport REACTOME 0.0082248 0.000514 16.67 4 CG1208, CG14606, CG4607, CG6484
R-DME:1474290 Collagen formation REACTOME 0.0088586 0.000029 10.87 5 CG4847, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
GO:0043086 negative regulation of catalytic activity GO_BP 0.0091051 0.000029 4.97 9 CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar
GO:0006013 mannose metabolic process GO_BP 0.0097572 0.001999 30.00 3 LManIII, LManV, LManVI
R-DME:8935690 Digestion REACTOME 0.0113927 0.001302 7.79 6 CG14034, CG17097, CG18258, CG18284, CG31872, CG5162
GO:0005996 monosaccharide metabolic process GO_BP 0.0148740 0.001999 7.41 6 Gbs-70E, Gnmt, LManIII, LManV, LManVI, smp-30
GO:0052689 carboxylic ester hydrolase activity GO_MF 0.0154597 0.001302 5.19 8 CG14034, CG17097, CG18258, CG18284, CG31872, CG5162, Est-6, smp-30
GO:0005975 carbohydrate metabolic process GO_BP 0.0166610 0.001999 3.79 11 Ald, Gbs-70E, Gnmt, LManIII, LManV, LManVI, Mal-A4, Mal-B1, Sodh-1, smp-30, tobi
R-DME:8963743 Digestion and absorption REACTOME 0.0171912 0.001302 7.14 6 CG14034, CG17097, CG18258, CG18284, CG31872, CG5162
GO:0016836 hydro-lyase activity GO_MF 0.0174234 0.001610 9.26 5 CG10424, CG3940, CG4594, CG6028, FASN3
R-DME:194002 Glucocorticoid biosynthesis REACTOME 0.0176812 0.000029 13.33 4 Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
R-DME:140837 Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation REACTOME 0.0198495 0.000029 12.90 4 Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
R-DME:140875 Common Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation REACTOME 0.0198495 0.000029 12.90 4 Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
R-DME:140877 Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) REACTOME 0.0198495 0.000029 12.90 4 Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
GO:0044092 negative regulation of molecular function GO_BP 0.0241268 0.000029 4.29 9 CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar
GO:0004559 alpha-mannosidase activity GO_MF 0.0246031 0.001999 21.43 3 LManIII, LManV, LManVI
R-DME:3000178 ECM proteoglycans REACTOME 0.0246642 0.000029 12.12 4 Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
R-DME:375276 Peptide ligand-binding receptors REACTOME 0.0269002 0.000029 11.76 4 Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
GO:0004553 hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds GO_MF 0.0269177 0.001999 6.45 6 LManIII, LManV, LManVI, Mal-A4, Mal-B1, tobi
GO:0015923 mannosidase activity GO_MF 0.0291322 0.001999 20.00 3 LManIII, LManV, LManVI
GO:0016835 carbon-oxygen lyase activity GO_MF 0.0332794 0.001610 7.81 5 CG10424, CG3940, CG4594, CG6028, FASN3
R-DME:1650814 Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes REACTOME 0.0389050 0.000029 10.53 4 Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
GO:0009410 response to xenobiotic stimulus GO_BP 0.0478194 0.001621 16.67 3 CG17322, Cyp6t1, St3
GO:0006805 xenobiotic metabolic process GO_BP 0.0478194 0.001621 16.67 3 CG17322, Cyp6t1, St3
GO:0071466 cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus GO_BP 0.0478194 0.001621 16.67 3 CG17322, Cyp6t1, St3
GO:0016298 lipase activity GO_MF 0.0481179 0.001302 5.71 6 CG14034, CG17097, CG18258, CG18284, CG31872, CG5162

This figure is related to Figure 3d

ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_results_curated.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr <-
ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr <- ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr %>% arrange((Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)) # arrage the data how you want it in the plot 
ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr<- ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr %>% mutate(GOTerm = fct_reorder(GOTerm, desc(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down))) # lock in factor level order

ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr_plot <- ggplot( ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr, aes(x = -log10(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down), y = GOTerm, fill= OS_short)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdBu") +  theme_bw() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("-log10(term adjusted p value)") + theme(legend.position="right", text = element_text(size=15)) + geom_text(aes(label=No_Genes ), size=3, nudge_x = .7, color = "black" )  + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 12)) + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Ontology"))


ggsave("1.6_figure_output/ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 11, height = 6, limitsize = TRUE)

ClueGo results: Upregulated transcripts and proteins (Group 1)

This table is related to Table 1

Table 16: Summary Table

webshot::install_phantomjs() # need this for save_kable
## phantomjs has been installed to /Users/rp636/Library/Application Support/PhantomJS
brief_summary <-  read.csv("1.6_data/Table1_Brief_summary.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",")
brief_summary2 <- brief_summary[c(2:5, 7:8, 10:17, 19:21, 23:24, 26:33), ]
write.csv(brief_summary2, "1.6_data_output/brief_summary2.csv") # need to remove the first column with numbers 
brief_summary3 <-  read.csv("1.6_data_output/brief_summary3.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",")

Summary <- kable(brief_summary3[, 1:4], booktabs = TRUE, col.names = gsub("[.]", " ", names(brief_summary3)), "html") %>% pack_rows(index = c("UPR-related molecules" = 4, "Translation" = 2 , "Detoxification" = 8, "Mitochondrial proteins" = 3, "Immunity-related proteins" = 2, "Other" = 7 )) %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", "scale_down", full_width = F, font_size = 10) %>% row_spec(0, font_size=11, bold = T) %>%
  kable_classic_2  %>% save_kable("1.6_figure_output/Summary.pdf")
## Note that HTML color may not be displayed on PDF properly.
## save_kable will have the best result with magick installed.
Gene name Brief summary Transcript FC Protein FC
UPR-related molecules
PERK UPR kinase 16.60 4.99
Sil1 Nucleotide exchange factor required for protein translocation and folding in the endoplasmic reticulum 8.58 1.80
AsnS Asparagine synthase 4.30 2.30
Ire1 UPR kinase and endoribonuclease 2.09 1.71
Dgp-1 Translational GTPase predicted to be involved in translational elongation 21.20 2.30
CG2017 Translational GTPase predicted to be involved in translational elongation 2.60 1.69
Cyp6a17 Cytochrome P450 enzyme 117.00 19.03
Cyp9b2 Cytochrome P450 enzyme 6.96 2.28
Cyp4e3 Cytochrome P450 enzyme 3.22 2.97
Cyp4ad1 Cytochrome P450 enzyme 1.61 1.72
Ugt37A3 UDP-glycosyltransferase 69.40 13.27
Ugt86Dd UDP-glycosyltransferase 3.48 3.34
GstD2 Glutathione S transferase 7.49 3.68
GstE8 Glutathione S transferase 2.70 2.08
Mitochondrial proteins
Hsp22 Mitochondrial molecular chaperone 29.20 28.25
Pepck2 Mitochondrial and cytoplasmic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, plays a role in gluconeogenesis 2.63 1.65
CG34423 Mitochondrial ATPase inhibitor 2.40 1.96
Immunity-related proteins
Lectin-galC1 Galactose binding protein involved in the induction of bacterial agglutination and cell-cell adhesion 3.26 9.71
BomBc3 Member of the Bombamin family of small, secreted immune-induced peptides that are induced by Toll signalling and may function to confer resistance to bacterial infection 2.56 3.92
CG11911 Predicted to have serine-type endopeptidase activity and be involved in proteolysis 6.96 9.32
Uro Urate oxidase, involved in allantoin biosynthetic process 3.73 1.79
Ccp84Ab Predicted to be a structural constituent of chitin-based larval cuticle 1.92 1.77
CG17752 A member of the Solute carrier family 22 (SLC22), predicted to have transmembrane transporter activity 1.80 1.73
CG7632 Predicted to have hydrolase activity 3.57 1.95
CG43402 Uncharacterized protein 6.77 2.20
CG12868 Uncharacterized protein 2.17 2.36
CG31808 Uncharacterized protein 1.84 2.62

ClueGo results: Upregulated transcripts and no change in proteins (Group 2)

ClueGO: Molecular Function & Biological Process

This table is related to Supplementary Table 20 .

ClueGOResultTable_raw_TUP_PZERO_1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6_R.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",")

Table 17: ClueGO Results Table: Upregulated transcripts and no change in proteins
GO ID GO Term Ontology Term P-value corrected Group P-value corrected % Associated Genes No. Genes Associated Genes
GO:0015695 Organic cation transport GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0018548 0.0006451 25.00 3 CG3476, Orct2, Tpc1
GO:0097190 Apoptotic signaling pathway GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0422428 0.0253457 5.26 3 CG5059, Dronc, Rbf
KEGG:00270 Cysteine and methionine metabolism KEGG_15.01.2021 0.0028284 0.0009428 11.11 4 CG1461, CG1673, Gclc, ImpL3
GO:0001666 Response to hypoxia GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0362782 0.0147623 4.62 3 Drat, eIF2B-gamma, l(2)37Cc
GO:0036293 Response to decreased oxygen levels GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0147623 0.0147623 4.29 3 Drat, eIF2B-gamma, l(2)37Cc
R-DME:1362409 Mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis REACTOME_Pathways_15.01.2021 0.0014593 0.0082155 27.27 3 CG12264, Fdx2, bcn92
GO:0051536 Iron-sulfur cluster binding GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0252045 0.0082155 4.55 3 CG12264, Fdx2, FeCH
KEGG:00240 Pyrimidine metabolism KEGG_15.01.2021 0.0343269 0.0262478 7.50 3 CG16758, NTPase, l(2)k01209
R-DME:15869 Metabolism of nucleotides REACTOME_Pathways_15.01.2021 0.0393091 0.0262478 5.77 3 CG16758, NTPase, l(2)k01209
R-DME:8949215 Mitochondrial calcium ion transport REACTOME_Pathways_15.01.2021 0.0022941 0.0054885 23.08 3 CG2658, CG6512, l(2)37Cc
R-DME:8949664 Processing of SMDT1 REACTOME_Pathways_15.01.2021 0.0007822 0.0054885 33.33 3 CG2658, CG6512, l(2)37Cc
GO:0007006 Mitochondrial membrane organization GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0411042 0.0054885 6.00 3 CG2658, CG5059, CG6512
GO:0004497 Monooxygenase activity GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0056805 0.0071724 4.84 6 Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp9b1
GO:0046906 Tetrapyrrole binding GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0123261 0.0071724 4.00 6 Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp9b1
GO:0020037 Heme binding GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0126962 0.0071724 4.03 6 Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp9b1
GO:0005506 Iron ion binding GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0038858 0.0071724 4.29 7 CG30022, Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp9b1
KEGG:00480 Glutathione metabolism KEGG_15.01.2021 0.0000506 0.0000107 8.86 7 Gclc, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1
KEGG:00980 Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome P450 KEGG_15.01.2021 0.0000214 0.0000107 10.14 7 GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1, Ugt36Bc
KEGG:00982 Drug metabolism KEGG_15.01.2021 0.0000199 0.0000107 10.29 7 GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1, Ugt36Bc
KEGG:00983 Drug metabolism KEGG_15.01.2021 0.0000163 0.0000107 8.33 8 GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1, Ugt36Bc, l(2)k01209
GO:0006790 Sulfur compound metabolic process GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0000330 0.0000107 5.35 10 CG12264, CG30022, Gclc, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1, bcn92
GO:0016765 Transferase activity, transferring alkyl or aryl (other than methyl) groups GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0002397 0.0000107 9.09 6 GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1
GO:0006575 Cellular modified amino acid metabolic process GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0000010 0.0000107 9.47 9 CG30022, Gclc, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1, Nmdmc
GO:0004364 Glutathione transferase activity GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0000143 0.0000107 15.00 6 GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1
GO:0006749 Glutathione metabolic process GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0000002 0.0000107 14.55 8 CG30022, Gclc, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1
GO:0016875 Ligase activity, forming carbon-oxygen bonds GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0348229 0.0000005 7.69 3 Aats-thr, CG10802, CG17259
GO:0070279 Vitamin B6 binding GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0350078 0.0000005 7.89 3 CG12264, CG1461, CG3999
GO:0004812 Aminoacyl-tRNA ligase activity GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0348229 0.0000005 7.69 3 Aats-thr, CG10802, CG17259
GO:0006520 Cellular amino acid metabolic process GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0002844 0.0000005 4.71 9 Aats-thr, CG10802, CG11796, CG1461, CG1673, CG17259, CG3999, Ppn, aay
GO:0030170 Pyridoxal phosphate binding GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0350078 0.0000005 7.89 3 CG12264, CG1461, CG3999
GO:0043038 Amino acid activation GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0368601 0.0000005 6.82 3 Aats-thr, CG10802, CG17259
GO:1901605 Alpha-amino acid metabolic process GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0284431 0.0000005 4.10 5 CG11796, CG1461, CG3999, Ppn, aay
GO:0009063 Cellular amino acid catabolic process GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0463814 0.0000005 4.69 3 CG1461, CG3999, Ppn
GO:0009069 Serine family amino acid metabolic process GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0072076 0.0000005 15.00 3 CG3999, Ppn, aay
GO:1901606 Alpha-amino acid catabolic process GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0119169 0.0000005 7.27 4 CG11796, CG1461, CG3999, Ppn
GO:0043039 tRNA aminoacylation GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0334922 0.0000005 7.32 3 Aats-thr, CG10802, CG17259
GO:0006399 tRNA metabolic process GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0002689 0.0000005 5.59 8 Aats-thr, CG10802, CG12264, CG17259, CG4611, CG9987, Elp1, Rrp42
GO:0006418 tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0348229 0.0000005 7.69 3 Aats-thr, CG10802, CG17259
GO:0008033 tRNA processing GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0434607 0.0000005 4.17 4 CG12264, CG4611, CG9987, Elp1

This figure is related to Figure 7 (left)

ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6_curated.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6 <-
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6 <- ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6 %>% arrange((Term_Pvalue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)) # arrage the data how you want it in the plot 
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6 <- ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6 %>% mutate(GOTerm = fct_reorder(GOTerm, desc(Term_Pvalue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down))) # lock in factor level order

ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6_plot <- ggplot( ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6, aes(x = -log10(Term_Pvalue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down), y = GOTerm, fill= OS_short)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdBu") +  theme_bw() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("-log10(term adjusted p value)") + theme(legend.position="right", text = element_text(size=15)) + geom_text(aes(label=No_Genes ), size=3, nudge_x = .7, color = "black" )  + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 8)) + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Ontology"))


ggsave("1.6_figure_output/ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 9, limitsize = TRUE)
## Saving 9 x 5 in image

ClueGO: Cellular component

This table is related to Supplementary Table 19.

ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6_R.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",")
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote =
## quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'Analysis/
## ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6_R.csv'

Table 18: ClueGO Results Table: GO Cellular Component: Upregulated transcripts and no change in proteins
GO ID GO Term Ontology Term P-value corrected Group P-value corrected % Associated Genes No. Genes Associated Genes
GO:0005739 mitochondrion GO_CellularComponent-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0000640 0.0000427 2.11 20 Aats-thr, Alr, CG12264, CG1673, CG2658, CG30022, CG3476, CG3999, CG4611, CG5059, CG6512, Fdx2, FeCH, Nmdmc, Ppn, Tpc1, bcn92, l(2)37Cc, mRpS31, mtSSB
GO:0019866 organelle inner membrane GO_CellularComponent-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0176714 0.0088357 2.27 7 CG2658, CG3476, CG6512, FeCH, Tpc1, bocks, l(2)37Cc
GO:0005743 mitochondrial inner membrane GO_CellularComponent-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 0.0234936 0.0088357 2.05 6 CG2658, CG3476, CG6512, FeCH, Tpc1, l(2)37Cc

This figure is related to Figure 7 (left)

ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6_curr <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6_curated.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",")
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote =
## quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'Analysis/
## ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6_curated.csv'
ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6_plot <- ggplot( ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6_curr, aes(x = -log10(Term_Pvalue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down), y = GOTerm, fill= GOTerm)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +  theme_bw() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("-log10(term adjusted p value)") + theme(legend.position="none", text = element_text(size=20)) + geom_text(aes(label=No_Genes ), size=6, nudge_x = .7, color = "black" )  + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 8)) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(face = "plain", colour = "black"))


ggsave("1.6_figure_output/ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 9, limitsize = TRUE)
## Saving 9 x 5 in image

Looking into mitochondrial genes (from FlyBase unless otherwise specified)

  • I also found some additional mitochondrial genes (or at least thought of as mitochondrial or related to mitochondrial function) not picked up by this analysis.

  • TPC1: Thiamine pyrophosphate carrier protein 1 (Tpc1) encodes an important protein for mitochondrial metabolism located at the inner mitochondrial membrane. Exhibits antiporter activity and thiamine transmembrane transporter activity. Its main role is to import thiamine pyrophosphate (ThPP) into mitochondria. ThPP is an essential coenzyme for the E1 components of pyruvate dehydrogenase and oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, which are located in the mitochondrial matrix. Orthologous to human SLC25A19 (solute carrier family 25 member 19).The solute carrier family 25 (SLC25) or mitochondrial carrier family (MCF) members shuttle metabolites, nucleotides and cofactors across the inner mitochondrial membrane. (Adapted from FBrf0212481, FBrf0212949 and PMID:23266187).

  • CG4611: Predicted to have RNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in tRNA 3’-end processing. Predicted to localize to mitochondrion. Orthologous to several human genes including PTCD1 (pentatricopeptide repeat domain 1). Mammalian PTCD1 was shown to be required for the proper assembly of the ETC. Loss of PTCD1 function strongly diminishes energy generation by mitochondria, forcing cells to rely on glycolysis (Fleck et al., 2019).

  • CG30022: Predicted to have hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds; iron ion binding activity; and sulfur dioxygenase activity. Predicted to be involved in glutathione metabolic process and hydrogen sulfide metabolic process. Predicted to localize to mitochondrion and nucleoplasm. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in ethylmalonic encephalopathy. Orthologous to human ETHE1 (ETHE1 persulfide dioxygenase) (FlyBase). This gene encodes a member of the metallo beta-lactamase family of iron-containing proteins involved in the mitochondrial sulfide oxidation pathway. The encoded protein catalyzes the oxidation of a persulfide substrate to sulfite (Entrez Gene Summary for ETHE1 Gene). Sulfur dioxygenase that plays an essential role in hydrogen sulfide catabolism in the mitochondrial matrix. Hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S) is first oxidized by SQRDL, giving rise to cysteine persulfide residues. ETHE1 consumes molecular oxygen to catalyze the oxidation of the persulfide, once it has been transferred to a thiophilic acceptor, such as glutathione (R-SSH). Plays an important role in metabolic homeostasis in mitochondria by metabolizing hydrogen sulfide and preventing the accumulation of supraphysiological H(2)S levels that have toxic effects, due to the inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Summary for ETHE1 Gene).

  • FECH: Ferrochelatase. Ferrochelatases catalyze the synthesis of protoheme by inserting ferrous iron into the protoporphyrin. Predicted to be involved in protoporphyrinogen IX biosynthetic process. Predicted to localize to mitochondrial inner membrane. Is expressed in several structures, including adult head; adult heart; embryonic/larval midgut; embryonic/larval muscle system; and presumptive embryonic/larval digestive system. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in cutaneous porphyria and erythropoietic protoporphyria. Orthologous to human FECH (ferrochelatase). Last step of Heme Biosynthesis.

  • L(2)37CC: nvolved in cellular response to hypoxia. Localizes to mitochondrion. Is expressed in several structures, including embryonic/larval muscle system; extended germ band embryo; gut section; spermatozoon; and visceral muscle primordium. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in breast cancer and sporadic breast cancer. Orthologous to human PHB (prohibitin). Required for larval metabolism or for the progression of the larva into a pupa (FlyBase). Mammalian prohibitin is evolutionarily conserved, and its product is proposed to play a role in human cellular senescence and tumor suppression. Antiproliferative activity is reported to be localized to the 3’ UTR, which is proposed to function as a trans-acting regulatory RNA. Several pseudogenes of this gene have been identified. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants (Entrez Gene Summary for PHB Gene). Regulates mitochondrial respiration activity and in aging (PubMed:11302691). In neurons, regulates the protein turnover of OMA1 in a cardiolipin-binding manner (By similarity). Inhibits DNA synthesis (By similarity) (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Summary for PHB Gene).

  • CG6512: Predicted to have metalloendopeptidase activity. ATP-dependent metalloendopeptidases belong to MEROPS family M41 and catalyse the hydrolysis of proteins in the presence of ATP. They are localized to mitochondria and are involved in protein turnover and respiratory chain complex assembly. Predicted to be involved in mitochondrial protein processing; mitochondrion organization; and protein-containing complex assembly. Predicted to localize to mitochondrial inner membrane. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior endoderm; anterior endoderm anlage; embryonic/larval muscle system; extended germ band embryo; and gut section. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in optic atrophy; spastic ataxia; spastic ataxia 5; and spinocerebellar ataxia type 28. Orthologous to human AFG3L2 (AFG3 like matrix AAA peptidase subunit 2). ts molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; metalloendopeptidase activity; ATP binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrial protein processing; mitochondrial fusion; proteolysis; cristae formation; protein-containing complex assembly. 8 alleles are reported. Human AFG3L2 is an ATP-dependent protease which is essential for axonal and neuron development. In neurons, mediates degradation of SMDT1/EMRE before its assembly with the uniporter complex, limiting the availability of SMDT1/EMRE for MCU assembly and promoting efficient assembly of gatekeeper subunits with MCU (PubMed:27642048). Required for the maturation of paraplegin (SPG7) after its cleavage by mitochondrial-processing peptidase (MPP), converting it into a proteolytically active mature form (By similarity). Required for the maturation of PINK1 into its 52kDa mature form after its cleavage by mitochondrial-processing peptidase (MPP) (PubMed:22354088) (UniProtKB).

  • THRRS (Aats-thr): Threonyl-tRNA synthetase. Predicted to have threonine-tRNA ligase activity. Predicted to be involved in threonyl-tRNA aminoacylation. Dual-localized aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are encoded by single genes and catalyze the ligation of amino acids to their cognate tRNAs in the cytoplasmic and mitochondrial compartments (Adapted from FBrf0230668.). Aminoacyl-tRNA editing hydrolases catalyze the hydrolysis of an incorrectly aminoacylated tRNA. Predicted to localize to mitochondrion. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior endoderm anlage; embryonic/larval digestive system; embryonic/larval muscle system; germ layer; and presumptive embryonic/larval digestive system. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency 21 and nonphotosensitive trichothiodystrophy 7. Orthologous to several human genes including TARS3 (threonyl-tRNA synthetase 3). Its molecular function is described by: ATP binding; aminoacyl-tRNA editing activity; threonine-tRNA ligase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: threonyl-tRNA aminoacylation.

  • CG3476: Mitochondrial Magnesium Exporter 1 (MME1). Exhibits magnesium ion transmembrane transporter activity. Involved in cellular magnesium ion homeostasis and magnesium ion export from mitochondrion. Predicted to localize to mitochondrial inner membrane. Is expressed in several structures, including adult head; anterior endoderm anlage; embryonic/larval midgut; embryonic/larval midgut primordium; and posterior endoderm. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase deficiency. Orthologous to human SLC25A20 (solute carrier family 25 member 20). The solute carrier family 25 (SLC25) or mitochondrial carrier family (MCF) members shuttle metabolites, nucleotides and cofactors across the inner mitochondrial membrane. (Adapted from FBrf0212481, FBrf0212949 and PMID:23266187). Its molecular function is described by: carnitine:acyl carnitine antiporter activity; magnesium ion transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with 6 unique terms, many of which group under: cation transport; transport; nitrogen compound transport; establishment of localization; organic cation transport.

  • CG2658: Spg7 or Paraplegin. Predicted to have ATPase activity and metallopeptidase activity. ATP-dependent metalloendopeptidases belong to MEROPS family M41 and catalyse the hydrolysis of proteins in the presence of ATP. They are localized to mitochondria and are involved in protein turnover and respiratory chain complex assembly. Predicted to be involved in mitochondrial protein processing; mitochondrion organization; and protein-containing complex assembly. Localizes to mitochondrion. Is expressed in adult head and spermatozoon. Used to study hereditary spastic paraplegia 7. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in hereditary spastic paraplegia 7. Orthologous to human SPG7 (SPG7 matrix AAA peptidase subunit, paraplegin). Its molecular function is described by: ATPase activity; metalloendopeptidase activity; ATP binding; metallopeptidase activity; zinc ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrial fusion; mitochondrial protein processing; proteolysis; cristae formation; protein-containing complex assembly.

  • CG12264: Nfs1 cysteine desulfurase. Exhibits cysteine desulfurase activity. Involved in iron-sulfur cluster assembly. Localizes to L-cysteine desulfurase complex and nucleus. Is expressed in adult head; adult heart; embryonic/larval midgut; embryonic/larval visceral muscle; and organism. Orthologous to human NFS1 (NFS1 cysteine desulfurase).Sulfurtransferases catalyze the transfer of sulfur-containing groups.Catalyzes the removal of elemental sulfur from cysteine to produce alanine. It supplies the inorganic sulfur for iron-sulfur (Fe-S) clusters.

  • BCN92: Involved in iron-sulfur cluster assembly. Localizes to L-cysteine desulfurase complex and mitochondrion. Is expressed in adult head. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency 19. Orthologous to human LYRM4 (LYR motif containing 4). Interacts with Nfs1 (Marelja et al., 2018, Guruharsha et al., 2011).

  • ALR: Augmenter of liver regeneration. Predicted to have flavin adenine dinucleotide binding activity; flavin-linked sulfhydryl oxidase activity; and protein disulfide oxidoreductase activity. Involved in tissue regeneration. Predicted to localize to mitochondrion. Is expressed in adult head; ectoderm; organism; and prothoracic leg disc. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in kidney failure and renal fibrosis. Orthologous to human GFER (growth factor, augmenter of liver regeneration). Sulfur oxidoreductases with oxygen as acceptor, include dehydrogenases that oxidize sulfur-containing group with the reduction of oxygen molecule. Disulfide oxidoreductases include dehydrogenases that catalyze the oxidation of substrate with reduced sulfide groups into substrate with oxidized disulfide bonds.

  • CG40002: ND-AGGG. NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) AGGG subunit. Predicted to localize to mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I (NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 beta subcomplex subunit 2). Is expressed in adult head and adult heart. Mitochondrial Complex I is the first and largest holoenzyme of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. It oxidizes NADH from the tricarboxylic acid cycle and β oxidation of fatty acids, reduces ubiquinone and transports protons across the inner membrane, contributing to the proton-motive force. It is also involved in the cellular production of reactive oxygen species. ‘Accessory’ or ‘supernumerary’ subunits are all encoded by nuclear DNA and are not directly involved in catalysis.

  • NMDMC: NAD-dependent methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase. Predicted to have several functions, including magnesium ion binding activity; methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase activity; and methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity. Predicted to be involved in 10-formyltetrahydrofolate metabolic process; carbohydrate metabolic process; and tetrahydrofolate interconversion. Predicted to localize to mitochondrion. Is expressed in adult head; amnioserosa; embryonic rectum; rectum primordium; and yolk nucleus. Orthologous to human MTHFD2L (methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 2 like) and MTHFD2 (methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 2, methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase). CH-NH oxidoreductases with NAD or NADP as acceptor, include dehydrogenases that oxidize a CH-NH with the reduction of NAD or NADP. Other Carbon-Nitrogen hydrolases of cyclic amidines are a collection of Carbon-Nitrogen hydrolases of cyclic amidines that do not fit into any other major hydrolases.ATF4-dependant target.

  • CG5059: BNIP3. Predicted to be involved in mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization and regulation of programmed cell death. Localizes to nucleus. Is expressed in several structures, including adult head; apoptotic amnioserosa; ectoderm; ectoderm anlage; and extended germ band embryo. Orthologous to several human genes including BNIP3 (BCL2 interacting protein 3).

  • MRPS31: Mitochondrial ribosomal protein S31.Mitochondrial 28S ribosomal protein S31. Predicted to be a structural constituent of ribosome. Predicted to be involved in translation. Predicted to localize to mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit. Is expressed in several structures, including adult head; embryonic/larval muscle system; extended germ band embryo; gut section; and spermatozoon. Orthologous to human MRPS31 (mitochondrial ribosomal protein S31). Mitochondrial ribosomes are found in the mitochondrial matrix and translate genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation encoded by the mitochondrial genome. Ribosomes are formed by two ribonucleoprotein subunits, large and small. The principle function of the small subunit is to bind mRNA. (Adapted from FBrf0205398).

  • CG1319: Fdx2. Ferredoxin 2. Predicted to have electron transfer activity. Involved in positive regulation of ecdysteroid biosynthetic process. Predicted to localize to mitochondrial matrix. Is expressed in several structures, including adult heart; gut section; posterior endoderm; and presumptive embryonic/larval digestive system. Orthologous to human FDX1 (ferredoxin 1). The Other oxidoreductases, is a collection of oxidoreductases that do not fit into any of the other major oxidoreductases. Required for ecdysteroidogenesis in the prothoracic gland which is necessary for larval to pupal transition.

  • MTSSB: Mitochondrial single stranded DNA-binding protein. Exhibits single-stranded DNA binding activity. Involved in several processes, including DNA replication; positive regulation of exodeoxyribonuclease activity; and regulation of DNA-dependent DNA replication. Localizes to mitochondrial chromosome. Is expressed in several structures, including adult heart; embryonic/larval midgut; embryonic/larval midgut primordium; ovary; and wing disc. Orthologous to human SSBP1 (single stranded DNA binding protein 1). Binds preferentially and cooperatively to pyrimidine rich single-stranded DNA (ss-DNA) (PubMed:7673145, PubMed:8206370, PubMed:21953457). Required to maintain the copy number of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and plays crucial roles during mtDNA replication that stimulate activity of the gamma complex polymerase tam at the replication fork (PubMed:21953457, PubMed:26446790, PubMed:14754882, PubMed:28318978, PubMed:7673145, PubMed:11294889). Promotes tam activity largely by organizing the template DNA and eliminating secondary structures to favor ss-DNA conformations that facilitate tam activity (PubMed:26446790, PubMed:21953457, PubMed:7673145).

  • CG3999: Predicted to have glycine binding activity; glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) activity; and pyridoxal phosphate binding activity. Predicted to be involved in glycine decarboxylation via glycine cleavage system. Predicted to localize to glycine cleavage complex and mitochondrion. Is expressed in adult head; adult heart; embryonic/larval fat body; fat body/gonad primordium; and yolk nucleus. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in glycine encephalopathy. Orthologous to human GLDC (glycine decarboxylase). CH-NH2 oxidoreductases with disulfide as acceptor, include dehydrogenases that oxidize a CH-NH2 group with the reduction of disulfide group.

  • CG1673 Predicted to have branched-chain-amino-acid transaminase activity. Predicted to be involved in leucine biosynthetic process and valine biosynthetic process. Predicted to localize to mitochondrion. Is expressed in adult head and spermatozoon. Orthologous to human BCAT1 (branched chain amino acid transaminase 1) and BCAT2 (branched chain amino acid transaminase 2). Transaminases catalyze the interconversion of amino acids and oxoacids by transfer of amino groups.

  • Puml Pummelig. Exhibits carboxylic ester hydrolase activity. Predicted to be involved in lipid homeostasis and phosphatidic acid biosynthetic process. Predicted to localize to lipid droplet; mitochondrion; and peroxisome. Is expressed in several structures, including embryonic/larval fat body; embryonic/larval midgut primordium; embryonic/larval posterior spiracle; germ layer; and spermatozoon. Used to study obesity. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis 1 and neutral lipid storage disease. Orthologous to human ABHD4 (abhydrolase domain containing 4, N-acyl phospholipase B) and ABHD5 (abhydrolase domain containing 5, lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase). Its molecular function is described by: carboxylic ester hydrolase activity; lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase activity. OTHER CARBOXYLESTERASES are carboxylesterases that do not fall into any other major carboxylesterase group. The other lysophospholipid acyltransferases are a collection of transferases that do not fit into any of the other major lysophospholipid acyltransferases.

  • Dronc Death regulator Nedd2-like caspase (Dronc) encodes an initiator caspase that is essential for caspase-dependent cell death. It is also implicated in the DNA damage response, sperm differentiation and cell specification. Exhibits cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic signaling pathway and protein homodimerization activity. Involved in several processes, including positive regulation of cell death; programmed cell death involved in cell development; and protein processing. Localizes to apoptosome; nucleus; and plasma membrane. Is expressed in several structures, including extended germ band embryo; eye disc; foregut primordium; germline cyst; and gut section. Used to study testicular cancer. Orthologous to human CASP2 (caspase 2). The apoptosome is a ring-like multisubunit complex assembled upon receiving a pro-apoptotic signal. In Drosophila, Dark assembles into two stacked rings of eight subunits each. This scaffold binds ADP and an initiator caspase (Dronc in D.mel) which cleaves effector caspase(s). Involved in the activation cascade of caspases responsible for apoptosis execution. Effector of steroid-mediated apoptosis during insect metamorphosis. Overexpression promotes programmed cell death. Interaction with Diap1 is required to suppress Dronc-mediated cell death; via Diap1-mediated ubiquitination of Dronc. Rate-limiting caspase in rpr and hid death pathway. Cysteine protease - a functional homolog of CED-3/caspase-9 - initiator caspase - involved in programmed cell death - activated by interaction with the Apaf-containing apoptosome

  • CG10924 Pepck2. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 2. Predicted to have manganese ion binding activity and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (GTP) activity. Predicted to be involved in several processes, including cellular response to glucose stimulus; gluconeogenesis; and monocarboxylic acid metabolic process. Predicted to localize to cytosol and mitochondrion. Is expressed in several structures, including embryonic/larval midgut primordium; extended germ band embryo; gastrula embryo; posterior ectoderm anlage; and yolk. Orthologous to human PCK2 (phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 2, mitochondrial). Carboxy-lyases are involved in the the addition of a carboxyl group to a compound (carboxylases) or the removal of a carboxyl group from a compound (decarboxylases).

ClueGo results: Downregulated transcripts and proteins

ClueGO: Molecular Function & Biological Process

This table is related to Supplementary Table 21 .

ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/TDOWN_PDOWN_ClueGOResultTable_detail.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",")

Table 18: ClueGO Results Table: Downregulated transcripts and proteins
GO ID GO Term Ontology Term P-value corrected Group P-value corrected % Associated Genes No. Genes Associated Genes
GO:0004553 hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds GO_MF 0.0000368 0.0000011 6.45 6 LManIII, LManV, LManVI, Mal-A4, Mal-B1, tobi
GO:0004553 hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds GO_MF 0.0000368 0.0000037 6.45 6 LManIII, LManV, LManVI, Mal-A4, Mal-B1, tobi
R-DME:8853383 Lysosomal oligosaccharide catabolism REACTOME 0.0000599 0.0000011 42.86 3 LManIII, LManV, LManVI
R-DME:8853383 Lysosomal oligosaccharide catabolism REACTOME 0.0000599 0.0000037 42.86 3 LManIII, LManV, LManVI
R-DME:8939242 RUNX1 regulates transcription of genes involved in differentiation of keratinocytes REACTOME 0.0001647 0.0075793 12.90 4 CG4847, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
GO:0006013 mannose metabolic process GO_BP 0.0001940 0.0000011 30.00 3 LManIII, LManV, LManVI
GO:0006013 mannose metabolic process GO_BP 0.0001940 0.0000037 30.00 3 LManIII, LManV, LManVI
GO:0005996 monosaccharide metabolic process GO_BP 0.0003632 0.0000011 6.17 5 Gnmt, LManIII, LManV, LManVI, smp-30
GO:0005996 monosaccharide metabolic process GO_BP 0.0003632 0.0000037 6.17 5 Gnmt, LManIII, LManV, LManVI, smp-30
GO:0004559 alpha-mannosidase activity GO_MF 0.0005527 0.0000011 21.43 3 LManIII, LManV, LManVI
GO:0004559 alpha-mannosidase activity GO_MF 0.0005527 0.0000037 21.43 3 LManIII, LManV, LManVI
GO:0015923 mannosidase activity GO_MF 0.0006705 0.0000011 20.00 3 LManIII, LManV, LManVI
GO:0015923 mannosidase activity GO_MF 0.0006705 0.0000037 20.00 3 LManIII, LManV, LManVI
R-DME:1474290 Collagen formation REACTOME 0.0007187 0.0075793 8.70 4 CG4847, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
GO:0006805 xenobiotic metabolic process GO_BP 0.0011273 0.0002321 16.67 3 CG17322, Cyp6t1, St3
GO:0071466 cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus GO_BP 0.0011273 0.0002321 16.67 3 CG17322, Cyp6t1, St3
KEGG:00511 Other glycan degradation KEGG 0.0023452 0.0000011 13.04 3 LManIII, LManV, LManVI
KEGG:00511 Other glycan degradation KEGG 0.0023452 0.0000037 13.04 3 LManIII, LManV, LManVI
GO:0019318 hexose metabolic process GO_BP 0.0036665 0.0000011 5.63 4 Gnmt, LManIII, LManV, LManVI
GO:0019318 hexose metabolic process GO_BP 0.0036665 0.0000037 5.63 4 Gnmt, LManIII, LManV, LManVI
R-DME:194002 Glucocorticoid biosynthesis REACTOME 0.0049632 0.0075793 10.00 3 Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
R-DME:140837 Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation REACTOME 0.0053045 0.0075793 9.68 3 Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
R-DME:140875 Common Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation REACTOME 0.0053045 0.0075793 9.68 3 Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
R-DME:140877 Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) REACTOME 0.0053045 0.0075793 9.68 3 Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
R-DME:3000178 ECM proteoglycans REACTOME 0.0061930 0.0075793 9.09 3 Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
R-DME:375276 Peptide ligand-binding receptors REACTOME 0.0063081 0.0075793 8.82 3 Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
R-DME:1474244 Extracellular matrix organization REACTOME 0.0064470 0.0075793 4.71 4 CG4847, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
GO:0004867 serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity GO_BP 0.0064470 0.0075793 4.71 4 Sfp24Ba, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
R-DME:1650814 Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes REACTOME 0.0084787 0.0075793 7.89 3 Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
R-DME:5694530 Cargo concentration in the ER REACTOME 0.0105451 0.0075793 7.14 3 Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
GO:0046662 regulation of oviposition GO_BP 0.0109753 0.0029724 22.22 2 Dup99B, Est-6
GO:0000023 maltose metabolic process GO_BP 0.0125930 0.0000037 20.00 2 Mal-A4, Mal-B1
GO:0032450 maltose alpha-glucosidase activity GO_BP 0.0125930 0.0000037 20.00 2 Mal-A4, Mal-B1
GO:0004558 alpha-1,4-glucosidase activity GO_MF 0.0125930 0.0000037 20.00 2 Mal-A4, Mal-B1
KEGG:00040 Pentose and glucuronate interconversions KEGG 0.0136176 0.0136176 4.00 2 CG17322, Sodh-1
GO:0090599 alpha-glucosidase activity GO_MF 0.0175867 0.0000037 16.67 2 Mal-A4, Mal-B1
GO:0060180 female mating behavior GO_BP 0.0213179 0.0029724 4.55 2 Dup99B, Est-6
R-DME:192456 Digestion of dietary lipid REACTOME 0.0215175 0.0024768 5.36 3 CG18258, CG18284, CG5162
KEGG:00061 Fatty acid biosynthesis KEGG 0.0219442 0.0026087 14.29 2 FASN3, bgm
GO:0046364 monosaccharide biosynthetic process GO_BP 0.0219442 0.0000011 14.29 2 Gnmt, smp-30
R-DME:196071 Metabolism of steroid hormones REACTOME 0.0259664 0.0075793 4.76 3 Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
GO:0009311 oligosaccharide metabolic process GO_BP 0.0266042 0.0000037 5.00 2 Mal-A4, Mal-B1
GO:0015926 glucosidase activity GO_MF 0.0273663 0.0000037 12.50 2 Mal-A4, Mal-B1
GO:0004806 triglyceride lipase activity GO_MF 0.0280498 0.0024768 4.55 3 CG18258, CG18284, CG5162
R-DME:373076 Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) REACTOME 0.0280498 0.0075793 4.55 3 Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
GO:0018991 oviposition GO_BP 0.0292499 0.0029724 11.11 2 Dup99B, Est-6
R-DME:204005 COPII-mediated vesicle transport REACTOME 0.0305319 0.0075793 4.23 3 Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
R-DME:500792 GPCR ligand binding REACTOME 0.0308563 0.0075793 4.11 3 Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc
GO:0080030 methyl indole-3-acetate esterase activity GO_MF 0.0321150 0.0024768 5.26 2 CG5162, Est-6
GO:0080030 methyl indole-3-acetate esterase activity GO_MF 0.0321150 0.0029724 5.26 2 CG5162, Est-6
GO:0005984 disaccharide metabolic process GO_BP 0.0323987 0.0000037 9.52 2 Mal-A4, Mal-B1
GO:0046008 regulation of female receptivity, post-mating GO_BP 0.0328228 0.0029724 9.09 2 Dup99B, Est-6
R-DME:189200 Cellular hexose transport REACTOME 0.0357865 0.0065066 8.33 2 CG1208, CG6484
GO:0045924 regulation of female receptivity GO_BP 0.0381167 0.0029724 5.41 2 Dup99B, Est-6
GO:0004467 long-chain fatty acid-CoA ligase activity GO_BP 0.0410941 0.0026087 7.41 2 CG4830, bgm
KEGG:00052 Galactose metabolism KEGG 0.0433653 0.0000037 5.56 2 Mal-A4, Mal-B1
R-DME:1482801 Acyl chain remodelling of PS REACTOME 0.0452553 0.0024768 5.88 2 CG18258, CG5162
GO:0016878 acid-thiol ligase activity GO_MF 0.0452553 0.0026087 5.88 2 CG4830, bgm
R-DME:1482801 Acyl chain remodelling of PS REACTOME 0.0452553 0.0029724 5.88 2 CG18258, CG5162
GO:0016405 CoA-ligase activity GO_MF 0.0455262 0.0026087 6.67 2 CG4830, bgm
GO:0015645 fatty acid ligase activity GO_MF 0.0455262 0.0026087 6.67 2 CG4830, bgm
GO:0001676 long-chain fatty acid metabolic process GO_BP 0.0459347 0.0026087 6.25 2 CG4830, bgm
KEGG:00500 Starch and sucrose metabolism KEGG 0.0459347 0.0000037 6.25 2 Mal-A4, Mal-B1

This figure is related to Figure 7 (right)

ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_det_results_curated.csv",  header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur <-
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur  <- ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur %>% arrange((Term_Pvalue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down))
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur <- ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur %>% mutate(GOTerm = fct_reorder(GOTerm, desc(Term_Pvalue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down))) # lock in factor level order

## 'data.frame':    15 obs. of  11 variables:
##  $ GOID                                            : Factor w/ 15 levels "GO:0004553","GO:0004806",..: 1 15 4 10 5 13 9 3 14 7 ...
##  $ GOTerm                                          : Factor w/ 15 levels "Acyl chain remodelling of PS",..: 15 14 13 12 11 10 8 9 7 6 ...
##  $ OS_short                                        : Factor w/ 4 levels "GO_BP","GO_MF",..: 2 4 1 4 1 4 4 1 4 3 ...
##  $ Ontology_Source                                 : Factor w/ 4 levels "GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00",..: 2 4 1 4 1 4 4 1 4 3 ...
##  $ Term_PValue                                     : num  9.00e-07 1.50e-06 9.60e-06 2.05e-05 3.32e-05 ...
##  $ Term_Pvalue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down : num  3.68e-05 5.99e-05 3.63e-04 7.19e-04 1.13e-03 ...
##  $ Group_PValue                                    : num  1.00e-07 1.00e-07 1.00e-07 2.53e-03 3.32e-05 ...
##  $ Group_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down: num  1.10e-06 1.10e-06 1.10e-06 7.58e-03 2.32e-04 ...
##  $ X._Associated_Genes                             : num  6.45 42.86 6.17 8.7 16.67 ...
##  $ No_Genes                                        : int  6 3 5 4 3 3 4 4 3 2 ...
##  $ Associated_Genes_Found                          : Factor w/ 13 levels "CG1208, CG6484",..: 11 10 9 6 2 13 6 12 13 3 ...
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur_plot <- ggplot( ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur, aes(x = -log10(Term_Pvalue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down), y = GOTerm, fill= OS_short)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdBu") +  theme_bw() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("-log10(term adjusted p value)") + theme(legend.position="right", text = element_text(size=15)) + geom_text(aes(label=No_Genes ), size=3, nudge_x = .7, color = "black" )  + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 8)) + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Ontology"))


ggsave("1.6_figure_output/ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 9, limitsize = TRUE)
## Saving 9 x 5 in image

uORF Analysis

**uORF data taken from Supplementary Table 1 “Genome-wide maps of ribosomal occupancy provide insights into adaptive evolution and regulatory roles of uORFs during Drosophila development, Zhang et al., 2018” (**

This analysis is related to Figure 5.

# Load datasets  

ORF <- read_csv("1.6_data/ORF.csv") # Table S1 from the Zhang et al., 2018 paper 
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   Chromosome = col_character(),
##   Start = col_double(),
##   End = col_double(),
##   Strand = col_character(),
##   Gene_ID = col_character(),
##   Isoform = col_character()
## )
Group1 <- read_csv("1.6_data/FlyBase_ID_Group1.csv")  # Group 1 genes 
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   Isoform = col_character(),
##   Gene_ID = col_character(),
##   symbol = col_character()
## )
Group2 <- read_csv("1.6_data/FlyBase_IDs_Group2.csv") # Group 2 genes 
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   Isoform = col_character(),
##   Gene_ID = col_character(),
##   Symbol = col_character()
## )
# Inner join 

# Group 1 genes 
ORF_G1 <- inner_join(ORF, Group1, by = "Isoform")
ORF_G1unq <- ORF_G1 %>% select(symbol) %>% unique() # 8/27 targets 29.6%
write.csv(ORF_G1, "1.6_data_output/ORF_G1_merge_group1.csv") # Supplemntary figure 17

# Group 2 genes 
ORF_G2 <- inner_join(ORF, Group2, by = "Isoform")
ORF_G2unq <- ORF_G2 %>% select(Symbol) %>% unique() # 40/102 targets 39.2%
write.csv(ORF_G2, "1.6_data_output/ORF_G2_merge_group2.csv") # Supplemntary figure 18

#Total targets inner join - only matched transcripts and proteins 

Total_ORF <- read_csv("1.6_data/dPERK_inner_join_FC1.6_ORF.csv") # changed column name Transcript ID to Isoform for the merging in excel 
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   Isoform = col_character(),
## = col_character(),
##   Protein.ID = col_character(),
##   trans_FC = col_double(),
##   trans_FDR = col_double(),
##   prot_FC = col_double(),
##   prot_FDR = col_double(),
##   trans_reg = col_double(),
##   prot_reg = col_double()
## )
Total_ORFunq <- Total_ORF %>% select( %>% unique() # 5,586 genes 

# Merge datasets 
ORF_total <- inner_join(ORF, Total_ORF, by = "Isoform") # 9,059 transcripts
ORF_totalunq <- ORF_total %>% select( %>% unique() # 2,425 genes with uORF
write.csv(ORF_total, "1.6_data_output/ORFtotala_merge_dPERK_inner_join.csv") # Supplemntary figure 16

Percentage of uORFs

group_names <- c("Total", "Group 1", "Group 2")
percentages_uORF <- c((2425/5586*100), (7/26*100), (40/102*100))

Fig5a <- data.frame(group_names, percentages_uORF)

Fig5a_plot <-ggplot(data= Fig5a , aes(x= group_names, y= percentages_uORF )) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity") + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,50), breaks = seq(0, 50, by = 25))

ggsave("1.6_figure_output/Fig5a.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 9, limitsize = TRUE)
## Saving 9 x 5 in image

Group 1 uORFs

first_column <- c("CG43402", "CG31808", "Dgp-1", "Hsp22", "CG2017", "Ire1", "BomBc3" )
second_column <- c(1, 3, 6, 15, 2, 4, 1)

Group1_nouORF <- data.frame(first_column, second_column)
##   first_column second_column
## 1      CG43402             1
## 2      CG31808             3
## 3        Dgp-1             6
## 4        Hsp22            15
## 5       CG2017             2
## 6         Ire1             4
## 7       BomBc3             1
Group1_nouORF_plot <-ggplot(data=Group1_nouORF , aes(x=first_column, y=second_column)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity") + scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 15, by = 1))

ggsave("1.6_figure_output/Group1_nouORF_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 9, limitsize = TRUE)
## Saving 9 x 5 in image

Monte carlo

# Groups    | uORFpresent   | uORF absent   | Sum
# -------------------------------------------
# Total   | 2,425         | 3161          | 5,586
# Group 1 | 7             | 19          | 26
# Group 2   | 40            | 62            | 102

orf_pior = 2425/5586

# Group 1
group1_size = 26
group1_test = 7
# generate int values of size 27 based on orf prior

#variance: mean - 3sd = 0
sd_g1 = orf_pior*group1_size/(3)
mc_dt = round(rnorm(1000, mean=orf_pior*group1_size, sd=sd_g1))

t.test(mc_dt, mu = group1_test, alternative = "two.sided")
##  One Sample t-test
## data:  mc_dt
## t = 36.217, df = 999, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 7
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  11.06607 11.53193
## sample estimates:
## mean of x 
##    11.299
p_val_list1 = c()
for (i in 1:1000){
  sd_g1 = orf_pior*group1_size/(3)
  mc_dt_g1 = round(rnorm(100, mean=orf_pior*group1_size, sd=sd_g1))
  t = t.test(mc_dt_g1, mu = group1_test, alternative = "two.sided") 
  p_val_list1 = c(p_val_list1, t$p.value)
adj_p_val1 = sum(p_val_list1 >= 0.05, na.rm = TRUE)/1000
## [1] 0
#negative control:
t.test(mc_dt, mu = orf_pior*group1_size, alternative = "two.sided") # not sig
##  One Sample t-test
## data:  mc_dt
## t = 0.099862, df = 999, p-value = 0.9205
## alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 11.28715
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  11.06607 11.53193
## sample estimates:
## mean of x 
##    11.299
# Group 2
group2_size = 102
group2_test = 40
# generate int values of size 27 based on orf prior

p_val_list2 = c()

for (i in 1:1000){
  sd_g2 = orf_pior*group2_size/(3)
  mc_dt_g2 = round(rnorm(100, mean=orf_pior*group2_size, sd=sd_g2))
  t = t.test(mc_dt_g2, mu = group2_test, alternative = "two.sided") 
  p_val_list2 = c(p_val_list2, t$p.value)

adj_p_val2 = sum(p_val_list2 >= 0.05, na.rm = TRUE)/1000
## [1] 0.188
#negative control:
t.test(mc_dt_g2, mu = orf_pior*group2_size, alternative = "two.sided") # not sig
##  One Sample t-test
## data:  mc_dt_g2
## t = -1.0456, df = 99, p-value = 0.2983
## alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 44.28034
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  39.44016 45.77984
## sample estimates:
## mean of x 
##     42.61

Comparison of number of uORFs per genes

#Total merged minus group 1

g1 = ORF_G1
g1 <- g1 %>% dplyr::rename(Gene_ID = Gene_ID.x) #rename for antijoin 
ORF_total_minusg1_antijoin <- anti_join(ORF_total, g1, by = "Gene_ID")   #return all rows from x where there are not matching values in y, keeping just columns from x
ORF_total_minusg1 <- ORF_total_minusg1_antijoin
ORF_total_minusg1 <- data.frame(Gene = ORF_total_minusg1$Gene_ID) #dataframe with just genes 
ORF_total_minusg1 = ORF_total_minusg1 %>% 
  group_by(Gene) %>%
  summarise(count = length(Gene))
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
# group 1

g1_grouped = g1
g1_grouped <- g1_grouped %>% filter(!symbol == "PEK")
g1_grouped = g1_grouped %>% 
  group_by(symbol) %>%
  summarise(count = length(symbol)) 
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
#group 2

g2 = ORF_G2
g2_grouped = g2
g2_grouped = g2_grouped %>% 
  group_by(Symbol) %>%
  summarise(count = length(Symbol))
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
#compare them 

wilcox.test(g2_grouped$count,g1_grouped$count, exact = FALSE)
##  Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
## data:  g2_grouped$count and g1_grouped$count
## W = 129, p-value = 0.7484
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
# does not have a different number of uORFs

##  Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
## data:  ORF_total_minusg1$count and g1_grouped$count
## W = 7278.5, p-value = 0.51
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
# does not have a different number of uORFs

Comparison of lenght of uORFs per genes

#check length

# group 1
g1_length = g1
g1_length = g1_length %>% filter(!symbol == "PEK")
g1_length$l = g1_length$End-g1_length$Start
##  [1]   15   27  129   69   21 1127   15   63   12   18  470  186  168   21  206
## [16]   77   57   57   21   87   87   57   12   84   84   18    6   27   18    6
## [31]   27   48

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    6.00   18.00   52.50  103.75   84.75 1127.00
# Total merged minus group 1
ORF_total_minusg1_length = ORF_total_minusg1_antijoin
ORF_total_minusg1_length$l = ORF_total_minusg1_length$End - ORF_total_minusg1_length$Start

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##     3.0    18.0    36.0   329.9    84.0 73938.0
# group 2
g2_length = g2
g2_length$l = g2_length$End-g2_length$Start

##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##       6      18      42     111      78    4919
##  Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
## data:  g2_length$l and g1_length$l
## W = 3031.5, p-value = 0.7636
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
# does not have a different lenghts of uORFs

##  Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
## data:  ORF_total_minusg1_length$l and g1_length$l
## W = 138150, p-value = 0.6727
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
# does not have a different lenghts of uORFs