This pipeline relates to data included in Figures 2 to 7, as well as in supplementary tables, part of the supplementary materials, from our study titled Combined transcriptomics and proteomics analysis of Perk toxicity pathways,
by Rebeka Popovic, Ivana Celardo, Yizhou Yu, Ana C. Costa, Samantha H. Y. Loh and L. Miguel Martins at the MRC Toxicology Unit, University of Cambridge.
AIM: Analyse transcriptomics and proteomics data from UASdPERK overexpressing flies:
1) Define targets: Compare mRNA and protein upregulation/downregulation, obtain gene lists (R/R Studio)
2) Perform upstream analysis on the obtained gene list (iRegulon)
3) Perform pathway enrichment analysis on the obtained lists (ClueGO)
Transcriptomics: Crosses were kept at 18C and moved to 29C for 15h following eclosion, 4 biological replicates were used. RNA was extracted using the TRIZOL method and analysed by microarray analysis.
Proteomics: Crosses were kept at 18C and moved to 29C for 15h following eclosion, males, 5 biological replicates were used. The samples were frozen after collection, the protein extraction was performed with RIPA, and analysed by Tandem Mass Tagging (TMT) proteomics analysis.
The chosen FC value is 1.6 (or for logged values 0.7).
## Warning: package 'tidyverse' was built under R version 3.5.2
## Warning: package 'tidyr' was built under R version 3.5.2
## Warning: package 'purrr' was built under R version 3.5.2
## Warning: package 'stringr' was built under R version 3.5.2
## Warning: package 'forcats' was built under R version 3.5.2
## Warning: package 'ggthemes' was built under R version 3.5.2
# install.packages("ggpubr")
## Warning: package 'ggrepel' was built under R version 3.5.2
# Load dataset with inner joined dPERK transcripts and proteins (matched only) # Supplementary Table 12
dPERK_inner_join <- read.delim("1.6_data/dPERK_inner_join.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
# Define thresholds for transcripts: FC=1.6 and FDR=0.05
dPERK_inner_join$trans_reg <- ifelse(dPERK_inner_join$trans_FC >= 1.6 & dPERK_inner_join$trans_FDR <= 0.05, 1, ifelse(dPERK_inner_join$trans_FC <= -1.6 & dPERK_inner_join$trans_FDR <= 0.05, -1, 0))
# Define thresholds for proteins: FC=0.7 (the values are loged) and FDR=0.05
dPERK_inner_join$prot_reg <- ifelse(dPERK_inner_join$prot_FC >= 0.7 & dPERK_inner_join$prot_FDR <= 0.05, 1, ifelse(dPERK_inner_join$prot_FC <= -0.7 & dPERK_inner_join$prot_FDR <= 0.05, -1, 0))
# Save
write.csv(dPERK_inner_join, "1.6_data_output/dPERK_inner_join_FC1.6.csv")
# Load the dataset with all transcripts (not all matched to proteins) # Supplementary Table 1
dPERK_full_join <- read.delim("1.6_data/dPERK_full_join.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
# Define thresholds for transcripts and proteins
dPERK_full_join$trans_reg <- ifelse(dPERK_full_join$trans_FC >= 1.6 & dPERK_full_join$trans_FDR <= 0.05, 1, ifelse(dPERK_full_join$trans_FC <= -1.6 & dPERK_full_join$trans_FDR <= 0.05, -1, 0))
dPERK_full_join$prot_reg <- ifelse(dPERK_full_join$prot_FC >= 0.7 & dPERK_full_join$prot_FDR <= 0.05, 1, ifelse(dPERK_full_join$prot_FC <= -0.7 & dPERK_full_join$prot_FDR <= 0.05, -1, 0))
write.csv(dPERK_full_join, "1.6_data_output/dPERK_full_join_FC1.6.csv")
# no of unique proteins
count_proteomics <- dPERK_inner_join$Protein.ID %>% unique() # 5,739
count_gene <- dPERK_inner_join$ %>% unique() # 5,586
# no of unique transcripts
count_transcriptomics <- dPERK_full_join$Transcript.ID %>% unique() #32,503
# no of unique genes, based on all transcripts
dPERK_full_join_unique_genes2 <- dPERK_full_join %>% select( %>% unique() # 15,635
This figure is related to Figure 4.
yy <- dPERK_inner_join # creating another object to avoid changing original data
# Transforming the transcriptomics values so they can be logged and more equally represented
# The data was transformed previously by the person who processed this data via inverse or reciprocal transformation, meaning all the FCvalue < 1 were -1/FCvalue. Whilst this does convert the expression ratio into a fold change, the problem with this method is that the mapping space is discontinuous between -1 and 1 & hence becomes a problem for most mathematical steps downstream of this step...
# Convert the values that have been transformed in trans_FC in this inner join dataset too, so I can log2 transform them
yy$trans_FC_true = case_when (yy$trans_FC <= 0 ~ -1/yy$trans_FC, TRUE ~ as.numeric(yy$trans_FC))
# Define different subgroups
yy$ind <- "Not regulated"
for (i in 1:dim(yy)[1]){
if (yy$prot_reg[i] > 0 & yy$trans_reg[i] == 0) {
yy$ind[i] <- "Up in proteomics, no change in transcriptomics"
if (yy$prot_reg[i] < 0 & yy$trans_reg[i] == 0) {
yy$ind[i] <- "Down in proteomics, no change in transcriptomics"
if (yy$trans_reg[i] > 0 & yy$prot_reg[i] == 0) {
yy$ind[i] <- "Up in transcriptomics, no change in proteomics"
if (yy$trans_reg[i] < 0 & yy$prot_reg[i] == 0) {
yy$ind[i] <- "Down in transcriptomics, no change in proteomics"
if (yy$prot_reg[i] > 0 & yy$trans_reg[i] > 0) {
yy$ind[i] <- "Up in proteomics and transcriptomics"
if (yy$prot_reg[i] < 0 & yy$trans_reg[i] < 0) {
yy$ind[i] <- "Down in proteomics and transcriptomics"
if (yy$prot_reg[i] > 0 & yy$trans_reg[i] < 0) {
yy$ind[i] <- "Up in proteomics and down in transcriptomics"
if (yy$prot_reg[i] < 0 & yy$trans_reg[i] > 0) {
yy$ind[i] <- "Down in proteomics and up in transcriptomics"
if (yy$prot_reg[i] > 0 & yy$trans_reg[i] < 0) {
yy$ind[i] <- "Up in proteomics and down in transcriptomics"
#yy <- yy %>% arrange((ind))
yy_transFDR = subset(yy, trans_FDR <= 0.05)
yy_bothFDR = subset(yy_transFDR, prot_FDR <= 0.05)
# PERK label
yy_bothFDR$genelabels <- ""
yy_bothFDR$genelabels <- ifelse(yy_bothFDR$ == "PEK", TRUE,FALSE)
# Plot
ggplot(yy_bothFDR, aes(x = log2(trans_FC_true), y = prot_FC)) +
geom_point(data = yy_bothFDR, size = 1, alpha = 0.6, aes(colour = factor(ind))) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm")+
geom_vline(xintercept = log2(1.6), colour="#990000", linetype="dashed") +
geom_vline(xintercept = -log2(1.6), colour="#990000", linetype="dashed") +
geom_hline(yintercept = log2(1.6), colour="#990000", linetype="dashed") +
geom_hline(yintercept = -log2(1.6), colour="#990000", linetype="dashed") +
theme_classic(base_size = 14) +
ylab(expression(log[2]("Proteome FC"))) +
xlab(expression(log[2]("Transcriptome FC"))) + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-8, 8), ylim = c(-8, 8)) +
#theme(legend.position = "none") +
scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(-8,8,2)) + scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(-8,8,2)) + scale_colour_tableau(name = "") + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=2))) +
geom_text_repel(aes(x = log2(trans_FC_true), y = prot_FC, label = ifelse(genelabels == TRUE, as.character(,""))) + theme(legend.title = element_text(size = 6), legend.text = element_text(size = 6))
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
ggsave("1.6_figure_output/MA_transformed1.6_2_yy.pdf", scale = 1, limitsize = TRUE, width = 11, height = 6)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
# Correlation
## Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data: log2(yy_bothFDR$trans_FC_true) and yy_bothFDR$prot_FC
## t = 32.631, df = 3140, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## 0.4766447 0.5288871
## sample estimates:
## cor
## 0.5032256
Count: 977 transcripts, 517 genes
This table is related to Supplementary Table 2.
# Filter rows which have FC bigger or equal to 1.6 and FDR value smaller or equal to 0.05, as predefined earlier
TUP_full_FC1.6 <- dPERK_full_join %>% filter (trans_reg == 1)
# Create another list without duplicates
TUP_full_FC1.6_unq <- TUP_full_FC1.6 %>% dplyr::select( %>% unique()
write.csv(TUP_full_FC1.6, "1.6_data_output/TUP_full_FC1.6.csv")
write.csv(TUP_full_FC1.6_unq, "1.6_data_output/TUP_full_FC1.6_unq.csv")
Transcript ID | Gene ID | Transcript FC |
FBtr0073252 | Cpr64Ac | 119.00 |
FBtr0087451 | Cyp6a17 | 117.00 |
FBtr0345527 | Cyp6a17 | 117.00 |
FBtr0088591 | Cyp4p2 | 115.00 |
FBtr0100559 | Hsp22 | 74.60 |
FBtr0078596 | Osi6 | 74.30 |
FBtr0346344 | Osi6 | 74.30 |
FBtr0077958 | MFS3 | 70.50 |
FBtr0302379 | CG5999 | 69.40 |
FBtr0100655 | Hsp67Bb | 29.20 |
FBtr0100558 | Hsp22 | 29.20 |
FBtr0113169 | CG12520 | 27.80 |
FBtr0343628 | CG12520 | 27.80 |
FBtr0086774 | Dgp-1 | 25.80 |
FBtr0086773 | Dgp-1 | 21.20 |
FBtr0082657 | CG5724 | 21.00 |
FBtr0330026 | PEK | 16.90 |
FBtr0330027 | PEK | 16.90 |
FBtr0078770 | PEK | 16.60 |
FBtr0077008 | ImpL3 | 16.30 |
FBtr0332066 | ImpL3 | 16.20 |
FBtr0332067 | ImpL3 | 16.10 |
FBtr0332065 | ImpL3 | 16.00 |
FBtr0334132 | CG44006 | 13.10 |
FBtr0332623 | CG12057 | 9.59 |
FBtr0071304 | CG12057 | 9.41 |
FBtr0084870 | CG10420 | 8.58 |
FBtr0091787 | CG33786 | 8.08 |
FBtr0091786 | CG33785 | 8.08 |
FBtr0343000 | CG4269 | 8.01 |
FBtr0306924 | CG43320 | 7.85 |
FBtr0071854 | CG4269 | 7.77 |
FBtr0343001 | CG4269 | 7.73 |
FBtr0289990 | CG30022 | 7.58 |
FBtr0082569 | GstD2 | 7.49 |
FBtr0086749 | CG10916 | 7.12 |
FBtr0273384 | CG8213 | 7.10 |
FBtr0273385 | CG8213 | 7.10 |
FBtr0339307 | CG8213 | 7.10 |
FBtr0332853 | CG10916 | 7.09 |
FBtr0089055 | Cyp9b2 | 6.96 |
FBtr0078098 | CG11911 | 6.96 |
FBtr0343842 | CG43402 | 6.77 |
FBtr0308745 | CG43402 | 6.77 |
FBtr0085210 | CG5646 | 6.11 |
FBtr0089049 | Gadd45 | 5.89 |
FBtr0345581 | CG3264 | 5.84 |
FBtr0071781 | CG3264 | 5.84 |
FBtr0079299 | Aatf | 5.73 |
FBtr0331433 | CG10778 | 5.41 |
FBtr0340400 | cactin | 5.39 |
FBtr0082334 | Tpc1 | 5.36 |
FBtr0336761 | Nmdmc | 5.34 |
FBtr0081996 | Nmdmc | 5.33 |
FBtr0301935 | Sfp26Ad | 5.32 |
FBtr0333233 | Sfp26Ad | 5.32 |
FBtr0086133 | Cyp6a2 | 5.32 |
FBtr0082333 | Tpc1 | 5.30 |
FBtr0071131 | CG10778 | 5.01 |
FBtr0339391 | Aats-asp | 4.91 |
FBtr0342608 | JhI-21 | 4.87 |
FBtr0344927 | CR45141 | 4.87 |
FBtr0300233 | Uhg8 | 4.84 |
FBtr0074730 | CG14205 | 4.84 |
FBtr0305089 | JhI-21 | 4.83 |
FBtr0087784 | Aats-asp | 4.83 |
FBtr0332882 | Aats-asp | 4.82 |
FBtr0087735 | Aats-val | 4.81 |
FBtr0089656 | JhI-21 | 4.80 |
FBtr0089655 | JhI-21 | 4.78 |
FBtr0346427 | JhI-21 | 4.76 |
FBtr0087734 | Aats-val | 4.75 |
FBtr0333148 | Aats-val | 4.75 |
FBtr0081997 | Nmdmc | 4.74 |
FBtr0084035 | CG7044 | 4.65 |
FBtr0085849 | FeCH | 4.60 |
FBtr0085850 | FeCH | 4.58 |
FBtr0080912 | Ugt36Bc | 4.58 |
FBtr0080911 | Ugt36Bc | 4.58 |
FBtr0085851 | FeCH | 4.57 |
FBtr0344850 | Ugt36Bc | 4.53 |
FBtr0347325 | CR46092 | 4.47 |
FBtr0100353 | ade3 | 4.45 |
FBtr0075665 | CG12310 | 4.44 |
FBtr0342974 | wus | 4.35 |
FBtr0074418 | wus | 4.35 |
FBtr0078066 | CG2789 | 4.35 |
FBtr0089463 | asparagine-synthetase | 4.30 |
FBtr0079253 | CG9505 | 4.28 |
FBtr0077721 | daw | 4.28 |
FBtr0077720 | daw | 4.26 |
FBtr0335151 | daw | 4.26 |
FBtr0084511 | Aats-glupro | 4.24 |
FBtr0273217 | CG17751 | 4.23 |
FBtr0086828 | POSH | 4.22 |
FBtr0075120 | rpr | 4.20 |
FBtr0089056 | Cyp9b1 | 4.19 |
FBtr0089419 | Cyp12d1-p | 4.13 |
FBtr0073729 | CG32641 | 4.12 |
FBtr0079442 | CG15818 | 4.12 |
FBtr0086325 | CG16898 | 4.11 |
FBtr0303763 | rempA | 4.07 |
FBtr0074739 | Shawn | 4.01 |
FBtr0334308 | Irbp | 3.98 |
FBtr0081981 | Aats-trp | 3.97 |
FBtr0081953 | CG9773 | 3.96 |
FBtr0080288 | Qtzl | 3.96 |
FBtr0074979 | CG9451 | 3.94 |
FBtr0333845 | CG9451 | 3.94 |
FBtr0087547 | Arc2 | 3.92 |
FBtr0339524 | Qtzl | 3.89 |
FBtr0344263 | GstD9 | 3.87 |
FBtr0082608 | GstD9 | 3.87 |
FBtr0073061 | Drsl4 | 3.87 |
FBtr0078235 | trbl | 3.86 |
FBtr0301717 | CG42588 | 3.85 |
FBtr0082385 | Irbp | 3.84 |
FBtr0084047 | CG17278 | 3.82 |
FBtr0078500 | Aats-ile | 3.80 |
FBtr0078499 | Aats-ile | 3.80 |
FBtr0078498 | Aats-ile | 3.79 |
FBtr0345800 | CG12164 | 3.79 |
FBtr0088963 | CG12164 | 3.79 |
FBtr0345640 | CG33123 | 3.77 |
FBtr0077562 | CG33123 | 3.77 |
FBtr0301144 | CG5953 | 3.77 |
FBtr0079486 | Uro | 3.73 |
FBtr0304053 | CG42588 | 3.72 |
FBtr0089418 | Cyp12d1-d | 3.72 |
FBtr0334282 | Rgk1 | 3.71 |
FBtr0334284 | Rgk1 | 3.71 |
FBtr0084828 | CG13659 | 3.71 |
FBtr0080615 | NimC1 | 3.67 |
FBtr0074736 | Tyler | 3.66 |
FBtr0074737 | Shawn | 3.66 |
FBtr0332909 | asrij | 3.66 |
FBtr0079431 | ade3 | 3.66 |
FBtr0339663 | ade3 | 3.66 |
FBtr0346617 | Tyler | 3.65 |
FBtr0074738 | Shawn | 3.65 |
FBtr0346616 | Tyler | 3.65 |
FBtr0344069 | Shawn | 3.65 |
FBtr0321281 | CG7632 | 3.63 |
FBtr0086842 | Uhg1 | 3.61 |
FBtr0333558 | Uhg1 | 3.61 |
FBtr0344740 | Skp2 | 3.61 |
FBtr0078339 | CG7632 | 3.57 |
FBtr0071902 | asrij | 3.54 |
FBtr0344998 | CG44004 | 3.53 |
FBtr0344997 | CG44004 | 3.53 |
FBtr0086912 | l(2)k01209 | 3.52 |
FBtr0113321 | Ugt86Dd | 3.48 |
FBtr0070272 | b6 | 3.43 |
FBtr0081095 | CG10336 | 3.43 |
FBtr0084512 | Aats-glupro | 3.42 |
FBtr0086913 | l(2)k01209 | 3.39 |
FBtr0086914 | l(2)k01209 | 3.39 |
FBtr0080402 | CG15483 | 3.39 |
FBtr0111206 | CG14636 | 3.38 |
FBtr0078988 | CG14636 | 3.38 |
FBtr0086915 | l(2)k01209 | 3.36 |
FBtr0074593 | Aats-his | 3.36 |
FBtr0333805 | Aats-his | 3.34 |
FBtr0070777 | CG15784 | 3.34 |
FBtr0302360 | Lectin-galC1 | 3.34 |
FBtr0075904 | CG32115 | 3.33 |
FBtr0340460 | CG15784 | 3.33 |
FBtr0333804 | Aats-his | 3.32 |
FBtr0273194 | CG10336 | 3.31 |
FBtr0302027 | Mrp4 | 3.29 |
FBtr0086813 | CG5773 | 3.28 |
FBtr0345472 | CG5773 | 3.28 |
FBtr0340281 | CG5773 | 3.28 |
FBtr0333806 | Aats-his | 3.26 |
FBtr0302331 | Cyp6a14 | 3.26 |
FBtr0081201 | Lectin-galC1 | 3.26 |
FBtr0310075 | NimC1 | 3.24 |
FBtr0343644 | NimC1 | 3.24 |
FBtr0072013 | eIF2B-delta | 3.23 |
FBtr0290232 | InR | 3.22 |
FBtr0290231 | InR | 3.22 |
FBtr0079925 | Cyp4e3 | 3.22 |
FBtr0082438 | CG6834 | 3.21 |
FBtr0084121 | InR | 3.21 |
FBtr0345575 | Cyp6a14 | 3.20 |
FBtr0290230 | InR | 3.20 |
FBtr0086675 | GstE7 | 3.19 |
FBtr0079722 | Aats-ala | 3.18 |
FBtr0302315 | eIF2B-delta | 3.18 |
FBtr0072014 | eIF2B-delta | 3.16 |
FBtr0087677 | CG13334 | 3.16 |
FBtr0081162 | Aats-asn | 3.13 |
FBtr0079721 | Aats-ala | 3.12 |
FBtr0306923 | CG43319 | 3.12 |
FBtr0332578 | Aats-asn | 3.11 |
FBtr0304877 | CG43095 | 3.09 |
FBtr0073520 | CG1703 | 3.09 |
FBtr0343647 | CG1703 | 3.09 |
FBtr0333357 | Pbgs | 3.08 |
FBtr0076011 | Pbgs | 3.08 |
FBtr0073777 | CG1673 | 3.08 |
FBtr0083792 | tRNA:V3b:92Bb | 3.07 |
FBtr0073249 | ImpL2 | 3.07 |
FBtr0333569 | ImpL2 | 3.07 |
FBtr0072015 | eIF2B-delta | 3.06 |
FBtr0076457 | aay | 3.06 |
FBtr0073172 | CG12766 | 3.05 |
FBtr0083354 | CG14907 | 3.05 |
FBtr0087139 | JhI-26 | 3.02 |
FBtr0331609 | CG10802 | 3.02 |
FBtr0076894 | CG14820 | 3.02 |
FBtr0081276 | CG10337 | 3.02 |
FBtr0340614 | Ranbp21 | 3.01 |
FBtr0082420 | Elp1 | 3.01 |
FBtr0335447 | Elp1 | 3.01 |
FBtr0335448 | Elp1 | 3.01 |
FBtr0074759 | Ranbp21 | 3.00 |
FBtr0113093 | CG10924 | 3.00 |
FBtr0071326 | c11.1 | 2.98 |
FBtr0343368 | c11.1 | 2.98 |
FBtr0085172 | CG3348 | 2.97 |
FBtr0070568 | CG10802 | 2.96 |
FBtr0073250 | ImpL2 | 2.95 |
FBtr0082600 | lig3 | 2.95 |
FBtr0073248 | ImpL2 | 2.94 |
FBtr0305955 | CG13334 | 2.92 |
FBtr0303475 | Fdxh | 2.91 |
FBtr0076498 | Fdxh | 2.91 |
FBtr0088360 | JhI-1 | 2.90 |
FBtr0079891 | CG5846 | 2.90 |
FBtr0346717 | CG5846 | 2.90 |
FBtr0345628 | GstE11 | 2.90 |
FBtr0086697 | GstE11 | 2.90 |
FBtr0339359 | slbo | 2.90 |
FBtr0078099 | CG11912 | 2.90 |
FBtr0077547 | CG16713 | 2.87 |
FBtr0335480 | CG17259 | 2.87 |
FBtr0077667 | CG17259 | 2.87 |
FBtr0072272 | slbo | 2.87 |
FBtr0305607 | CG43155 | 2.87 |
FBtr0082570 | GstD3 | 2.86 |
FBtr0077165 | CG4611 | 2.84 |
FBtr0078226 | CG11796 | 2.82 |
FBtr0078225 | CG11796 | 2.81 |
FBtr0086855 | snoRNA:U31:54Ed | 2.81 |
FBtr0070283 | CG3740 | 2.79 |
FBtr0078663 | CG2017 | 2.78 |
FBtr0345440 | CR43358 | 2.78 |
FBtr0307108 | CR43358 | 2.78 |
FBtr0086911 | Prosalpha5 | 2.75 |
FBtr0300127 | Cyp6a20 | 2.74 |
FBtr0345939 | CG42362 | 2.74 |
FBtr0345940 | CG42363 | 2.74 |
FBtr0299962 | CG42363 | 2.74 |
FBtr0299961 | CG42362 | 2.74 |
FBtr0084913 | CG14545 | 2.73 |
FBtr0088834 | CG1882 | 2.73 |
FBtr0345697 | CG1882 | 2.73 |
FBtr0339120 | CG1882 | 2.73 |
FBtr0070625 | CG6428 | 2.72 |
FBtr0087121 | CG8311 | 2.71 |
FBtr0333962 | RhoGEF3 | 2.70 |
FBtr0086676 | GstE8 | 2.70 |
FBtr0345798 | GstE8 | 2.70 |
FBtr0082338 | Ugt86Da | 2.69 |
FBtr0345543 | CG31955 | 2.69 |
FBtr0087684 | CG33156 | 2.69 |
FBtr0339606 | DNApol-iota | 2.67 |
FBtr0077540 | CG31955 | 2.67 |
FBtr0345639 | CG31955 | 2.67 |
FBtr0088836 | CG1882 | 2.66 |
FBtr0335167 | Cyp309a1 | 2.66 |
FBtr0335166 | Cyp309a1 | 2.66 |
FBtr0333961 | RhoGEF3 | 2.65 |
FBtr0080587 | Cyp28a5 | 2.65 |
FBtr0332960 | CG2004 | 2.65 |
FBtr0339598 | tx | 2.63 |
FBtr0085009 | tx | 2.63 |
FBtr0086699 | CG10924 | 2.63 |
FBtr0081797 | DNApol-iota | 2.62 |
FBtr0081729 | Neurochondrin | 2.62 |
FBtr0089643 | CG11710 | 2.62 |
FBtr0089642 | CG11710 | 2.62 |
FBtr0339682 | CG11710 | 2.62 |
FBtr0075159 | CG5535 | 2.61 |
FBtr0273277 | CG5535 | 2.61 |
FBtr0078661 | CG2017 | 2.60 |
FBtr0114518 | CG2017 | 2.60 |
FBtr0078664 | CG2017 | 2.60 |
FBtr0078662 | CG2017 | 2.60 |
FBtr0113450 | CG33156 | 2.59 |
FBtr0087683 | CG33156 | 2.58 |
FBtr0075968 | eIF-2beta | 2.57 |
FBtr0081798 | DNApol-iota | 2.56 |
FBtr0347257 | CG5791 | 2.56 |
FBtr0084180 | CG5791 | 2.56 |
FBtr0070714 | Proc-R | 2.55 |
FBtr0080333 | Aats-thr | 2.55 |
FBtr0088564 | Dbp45A | 2.54 |
FBtr0088928 | CG1942 | 2.54 |
FBtr0332957 | CG2004 | 2.53 |
FBtr0346167 | CG2004 | 2.53 |
FBtr0332958 | CG2004 | 2.53 |
FBtr0071281 | CG2004 | 2.53 |
FBtr0335196 | CG5791 | 2.53 |
FBtr0070713 | Proc-R | 2.52 |
FBtr0345320 | Proc-R | 2.52 |
FBtr0077306 | mal | 2.52 |
FBtr0100551 | Proc-R | 2.51 |
FBtr0100552 | Proc-R | 2.51 |
FBtr0089941 | scf | 2.50 |
FBtr0344987 | mal | 2.50 |
FBtr0345350 | CG10638 | 2.50 |
FBtr0089321 | CG10638 | 2.50 |
FBtr0075632 | Aats-gly | 2.49 |
FBtr0333934 | Aats-gly | 2.49 |
FBtr0088835 | CG1882 | 2.49 |
FBtr0331342 | CD98hc | 2.48 |
FBtr0332157 | CD98hc | 2.48 |
FBtr0081824 | CD98hc | 2.48 |
FBtr0331344 | CD98hc | 2.48 |
FBtr0337091 | CG5953 | 2.48 |
FBtr0080873 | CG5953 | 2.48 |
FBtr0089942 | scf | 2.47 |
FBtr0080914 | CG13272 | 2.47 |
FBtr0345053 | CR45176 | 2.47 |
FBtr0346428 | l(2)37Cc | 2.46 |
FBtr0081164 | l(2)37Cc | 2.46 |
FBtr0075633 | Aats-gly | 2.46 |
FBtr0300251 | Uhg5 | 2.46 |
FBtr0343672 | CG33307 | 2.46 |
FBtr0080565 | CG33307 | 2.46 |
FBtr0336814 | CG44194 | 2.46 |
FBtr0082721 | CG17327 | 2.46 |
FBtr0345503 | CG3746 | 2.46 |
FBtr0071929 | CG3746 | 2.46 |
FBtr0081165 | l(2)37Cc | 2.43 |
FBtr0080331 | Aats-thr | 2.43 |
FBtr0073264 | RfC4 | 2.43 |
FBtr0112724 | CG34423 | 2.43 |
FBtr0344419 | CG45061 | 2.43 |
FBtr0088837 | CG1882 | 2.42 |
FBtr0339119 | CG1882 | 2.42 |
FBtr0302518 | CG13793 | 2.42 |
FBtr0346436 | Aats-thr | 2.41 |
FBtr0080332 | Aats-thr | 2.41 |
FBtr0073105 | CG32271 | 2.41 |
FBtr0079389 | CG3476 | 2.41 |
FBtr0299617 | CG42272 | 2.40 |
FBtr0301854 | CG34423 | 2.40 |
FBtr0080892 | ChLD3 | 2.39 |
FBtr0300231 | Uhg5 | 2.38 |
FBtr0088838 | phr | 2.37 |
FBtr0087452 | Cyp6a23 | 2.37 |
FBtr0080874 | CG5953 | 2.37 |
FBtr0339979 | CG33469 | 2.36 |
FBtr0113458 | CG33282 | 2.36 |
FBtr0088980 | az2 | 2.35 |
FBtr0343971 | CR43730 | 2.35 |
FBtr0070146 | Rbf | 2.34 |
FBtr0333952 | RhoGEF3 | 2.34 |
FBtr0342583 | CG31870 | 2.34 |
FBtr0087504 | CG33469 | 2.34 |
FBtr0084216 | CG18596 | 2.34 |
FBtr0080138 | CG31870 | 2.33 |
FBtr0342584 | CG31870 | 2.33 |
FBtr0080137 | CG31870 | 2.33 |
FBtr0339924 | CG40002 | 2.33 |
FBtr0344448 | CG44194 | 2.32 |
FBtr0336813 | CG17327 | 2.32 |
FBtr0086627 | CG15100 | 2.31 |
FBtr0086674 | GstE6 | 2.30 |
FBtr0336735 | CR44168 | 2.30 |
FBtr0076946 | Prat2 | 2.30 |
FBtr0078101 | galectin | 2.29 |
FBtr0339167 | CG7720 | 2.29 |
FBtr0332459 | NTPase | 2.28 |
FBtr0112379 | Rpb12 | 2.28 |
FBtr0343642 | NimA | 2.28 |
FBtr0344056 | CR44990 | 2.28 |
FBtr0332460 | NTPase | 2.27 |
FBtr0333956 | RhoGEF3 | 2.27 |
FBtr0300625 | CG42496 | 2.27 |
FBtr0071672 | Ppcdc | 2.27 |
FBtr0342959 | Ppcdc | 2.27 |
FBtr0342958 | CG42496 | 2.27 |
FBtr0331621 | CG13272 | 2.27 |
FBtr0304720 | NimA | 2.27 |
FBtr0304719 | NimA | 2.27 |
FBtr0088839 | phr | 2.27 |
FBtr0074794 | Alr | 2.26 |
FBtr0299616 | CG42272 | 2.26 |
FBtr0336486 | CG14906 | 2.26 |
FBtr0331680 | galectin | 2.25 |
FBtr0336848 | CG17107 | 2.25 |
FBtr0336847 | CG17107 | 2.25 |
FBtr0080107 | CG17107 | 2.25 |
FBtr0088494 | CG1648 | 2.25 |
FBtr0077682 | NTPase | 2.24 |
FBtr0077683 | NTPase | 2.24 |
FBtr0077680 | NTPase | 2.24 |
FBtr0301200 | CG7720 | 2.24 |
FBtr0301199 | CG7720 | 2.24 |
FBtr0083678 | CG7720 | 2.24 |
FBtr0343706 | CG15282 | 2.23 |
FBtr0302946 | CG15282 | 2.23 |
FBtr0078218 | CG5059 | 2.23 |
FBtr0077389 | CG3008 | 2.23 |
FBtr0089573 | CG6686 | 2.22 |
FBtr0089572 | CG6686 | 2.22 |
FBtr0301171 | CG6686 | 2.22 |
FBtr0302164 | galectin | 2.22 |
FBtr0331567 | CG5059 | 2.22 |
FBtr0300460 | CG31909 | 2.22 |
FBtr0078219 | CG5059 | 2.20 |
FBtr0078217 | CG5059 | 2.20 |
FBtr0084405 | CG31457 | 2.19 |
FBtr0100537 | bocksbeutel | 2.19 |
FBtr0113214 | CG12945 | 2.18 |
FBtr0334685 | CG12945 | 2.18 |
FBtr0308094 | Mp | 2.18 |
FBtr0081138 | CG31793 | 2.18 |
FBtr0083679 | CG7720 | 2.18 |
FBtr0078216 | CG5059 | 2.17 |
FBtr0301735 | CG12868 | 2.17 |
FBtr0086669 | GstE1 | 2.17 |
FBtr0344942 | f | 2.16 |
FBtr0344220 | CG32280 | 2.16 |
FBtr0073031 | CG32280 | 2.16 |
FBtr0073030 | CG32280 | 2.16 |
FBtr0300561 | Atg1 | 2.16 |
FBtr0340318 | CG31793 | 2.16 |
FBtr0305960 | dia | 2.16 |
FBtr0301201 | CG7720 | 2.16 |
FBtr0073032 | CG32280 | 2.15 |
FBtr0100669 | CG14457 | 2.15 |
FBtr0331774 | CG14457 | 2.15 |
FBtr0075945 | Atg1 | 2.15 |
FBtr0070350 | eIF2B-epsilon | 2.15 |
FBtr0077524 | Thor | 2.15 |
FBtr0345289 | Thor | 2.15 |
FBtr0339974 | CG42402 | 2.14 |
FBtr0081693 | Ccp84Ac | 2.14 |
FBtr0086214 | GNBP-like3 | 2.14 |
FBtr0333958 | RhoGEF3 | 2.13 |
FBtr0088831 | mus205 | 2.13 |
FBtr0080547 | CenG1A | 2.13 |
FBtr0070351 | eIF2B-epsilon | 2.13 |
FBtr0080548 | CenG1A | 2.12 |
FBtr0086706 | CG5323 | 2.12 |
FBtr0085456 | CG15506 | 2.11 |
FBtr0082105 | bocksbeutel | 2.11 |
FBtr0087450 | Cyp6a22 | 2.11 |
FBtr0345526 | Cyp6a22 | 2.11 |
FBtr0339983 | Cyp6a22 | 2.11 |
FBtr0110796 | CG13624 | 2.10 |
FBtr0084674 | CG13624 | 2.10 |
FBtr0084673 | CG13624 | 2.10 |
FBtr0084054 | ETHR | 2.10 |
FBtr0334869 | Orct2 | 2.10 |
FBtr0084598 | Orct2 | 2.10 |
FBtr0112863 | Phb2 | 2.09 |
FBtr0086615 | Phb2 | 2.09 |
FBtr0086614 | Phb2 | 2.09 |
FBtr0113248 | Ire1 | 2.09 |
FBtr0306540 | galectin | 2.09 |
FBtr0110795 | CG13624 | 2.09 |
FBtr0084672 | CG13624 | 2.09 |
FBtr0339194 | ETHR | 2.09 |
FBtr0078611 | Osi18 | 2.09 |
FBtr0076945 | Prat2 | 2.09 |
FBtr0345204 | CG13624 | 2.08 |
FBtr0084675 | CG13624 | 2.08 |
FBtr0301733 | galectin | 2.08 |
FBtr0347271 | CR43132 | 2.08 |
FBtr0086616 | Phb2 | 2.07 |
FBtr0345716 | CG2658 | 2.07 |
FBtr0070502 | CG2658 | 2.07 |
FBtr0078484 | CG7130 | 2.07 |
FBtr0087336 | eIF2B-gamma | 2.06 |
FBtr0077429 | Traf4 | 2.06 |
FBtr0078517 | CG14457 | 2.05 |
FBtr0080546 | CenG1A | 2.05 |
FBtr0301252 | CG42553 | 2.03 |
FBtr0340059 | Hmgs | 2.03 |
FBtr0087149 | Hmgs | 2.03 |
FBtr0084182 | CG5778 | 2.03 |
FBtr0344052 | CR44987 | 2.02 |
FBtr0084304 | Cyp6d4 | 2.02 |
FBtr0086677 | GstE9 | 2.02 |
FBtr0337048 | CG3999 | 2.02 |
FBtr0082225 | CG3999 | 2.02 |
FBtr0344597 | CR43130 | 2.02 |
FBtr0344598 | CR43130 | 2.02 |
FBtr0112861 | Phb2 | 2.01 |
FBtr0071827 | Mes4 | 2.01 |
FBtr0301243 | Mes4 | 2.01 |
FBtr0077586 | CG3285 | 2.01 |
FBtr0339547 | CG3285 | 2.01 |
FBtr0084403 | unk | 2.01 |
FBtr0079561 | spz3 | 2.01 |
FBtr0081697 | agt | 2.01 |
FBtr0305571 | unk | 2.00 |
FBtr0075251 | CG6512 | 1.99 |
FBtr0301455 | Nipped-B | 1.99 |
FBtr0301456 | Nipped-B | 1.99 |
FBtr0301454 | Nipped-B | 1.99 |
FBtr0083700 | Xrp1 | 1.99 |
FBtr0345625 | CR45311 | 1.99 |
FBtr0345624 | CR45310 | 1.99 |
FBtr0290268 | Sur | 1.98 |
FBtr0335467 | CG44140 | 1.98 |
FBtr0305998 | bor | 1.97 |
FBtr0083276 | bor | 1.97 |
FBtr0111118 | Nipped-B | 1.97 |
FBtr0111119 | Nipped-B | 1.97 |
FBtr0273232 | CG10625 | 1.97 |
FBtr0332210 | kek1 | 1.96 |
FBtr0307394 | CG33969 | 1.96 |
FBtr0100010 | CG33969 | 1.96 |
FBtr0084402 | unk | 1.96 |
FBtr0305572 | unk | 1.96 |
FBtr0273233 | CG10625 | 1.96 |
FBtr0087518 | pea | 1.96 |
FBtr0075252 | CG6512 | 1.95 |
FBtr0075656 | CG16959 | 1.95 |
FBtr0087148 | Hmgs | 1.95 |
FBtr0335197 | CG5778 | 1.95 |
FBtr0307520 | CG5151 | 1.94 |
FBtr0300248 | CG42458 | 1.94 |
FBtr0081690 | Ccp84Ad | 1.94 |
FBtr0083600 | CG7142 | 1.94 |
FBtr0329896 | mthl8 | 1.94 |
FBtr0301492 | olf413 | 1.93 |
FBtr0085508 | eIF2B-alpha | 1.93 |
FBtr0074873 | HLH106 | 1.93 |
FBtr0333877 | HLH106 | 1.93 |
FBtr0074875 | HLH106 | 1.93 |
FBtr0083542 | sr | 1.93 |
FBtr0330050 | sr | 1.93 |
FBtr0273231 | CG10625 | 1.93 |
FBtr0345048 | CR45171 | 1.93 |
FBtr0080656 | CG15282 | 1.92 |
FBtr0112862 | Phb2 | 1.92 |
FBtr0333219 | olf413 | 1.92 |
FBtr0334994 | Nipped-B | 1.92 |
FBtr0074874 | HLH106 | 1.92 |
FBtr0079477 | Tep3 | 1.92 |
FBtr0081692 | Ccp84Ab | 1.92 |
FBtr0333935 | CG16959 | 1.92 |
FBtr0305573 | unk | 1.92 |
FBtr0337052 | unk | 1.92 |
FBtr0071610 | cv-2 | 1.92 |
FBtr0076193 | Cpr67Fb | 1.92 |
FBtr0075655 | CG16959 | 1.91 |
FBtr0088463 | GstT1 | 1.91 |
FBtr0301942 | CG42402 | 1.91 |
FBtr0336454 | CG42402 | 1.91 |
FBtr0072321 | Cyp9c1 | 1.91 |
FBtr0073217 | Ero1L | 1.90 |
FBtr0346702 | kek1 | 1.90 |
FBtr0303782 | CG31955 | 1.90 |
FBtr0308925 | CR31781 | 1.89 |
FBtr0308929 | CR31781 | 1.89 |
FBtr0308926 | CR31781 | 1.89 |
FBtr0346590 | CR31781 | 1.89 |
FBtr0086906 | Ns2 | 1.89 |
FBtr0331957 | CR43787 | 1.89 |
FBtr0344633 | sr | 1.89 |
FBtr0083543 | sr | 1.89 |
FBtr0336664 | Dpit47 | 1.89 |
FBtr0334401 | Traf4 | 1.89 |
FBtr0342785 | CR44691 | 1.89 |
FBtr0308927 | CR31781 | 1.88 |
FBtr0346508 | CG32152 | 1.88 |
FBtr0346525 | CG5151 | 1.88 |
FBtr0307519 | CG5151 | 1.88 |
FBtr0346507 | CG32152 | 1.88 |
FBtr0307521 | CG5151 | 1.88 |
FBtr0086146 | Dpit47 | 1.88 |
FBtr0086820 | CG30110 | 1.88 |
FBtr0300128 | Cyp6a9 | 1.88 |
FBtr0303378 | CG16959 | 1.87 |
FBtr0080891 | CG17904 | 1.87 |
FBtr0078194 | CG5872 | 1.87 |
FBtr0344821 | CG5872 | 1.87 |
FBtr0075143 | CG7402 | 1.87 |
FBtr0304797 | CG13887 | 1.86 |
FBtr0331981 | CG13565 | 1.86 |
FBtr0072605 | CG13895 | 1.86 |
FBtr0331771 | CG13895 | 1.86 |
FBtr0344053 | CR44987 | 1.86 |
FBtr0081284 | CG10189 | 1.86 |
FBtr0071038 | CG3040 | 1.85 |
FBtr0072584 | CG13887 | 1.85 |
FBtr0345588 | CG13887 | 1.85 |
FBtr0087146 | Hmgs | 1.85 |
FBtr0087147 | Hmgs | 1.85 |
FBtr0087682 | CG33156 | 1.85 |
FBtr0110781 | CG11598 | 1.85 |
FBtr0071250 | CG1785 | 1.85 |
FBtr0088957 | Drat | 1.85 |
FBtr0080290 | CG12264 | 1.84 |
FBtr0087560 | Arc1 | 1.84 |
FBtr0301109 | Mp | 1.84 |
FBtr0301106 | Mp | 1.84 |
FBtr0301107 | Mp | 1.84 |
FBtr0309957 | Mp | 1.84 |
FBtr0301114 | Mp | 1.84 |
FBtr0301105 | Mp | 1.84 |
FBtr0306638 | Mp | 1.84 |
FBtr0301113 | Mp | 1.84 |
FBtr0301111 | Mp | 1.84 |
FBtr0301108 | Mp | 1.84 |
FBtr0081541 | Nlg1 | 1.84 |
FBtr0331327 | CG10189 | 1.84 |
FBtr0301615 | sr | 1.84 |
FBtr0343270 | Nxt1 | 1.84 |
FBtr0072241 | Nxt1 | 1.84 |
FBtr0303445 | CG31808 | 1.84 |
FBtr0084874 | Cad96Ca | 1.83 |
FBtr0072583 | CG13887 | 1.83 |
FBtr0072129 | ken | 1.83 |
FBtr0301839 | Ppn | 1.83 |
FBtr0300337 | Ppn | 1.83 |
FBtr0301837 | Ppn | 1.83 |
FBtr0086892 | P32 | 1.83 |
FBtr0072694 | rho | 1.83 |
FBtr0333207 | rho | 1.83 |
FBtr0073908 | CG1461 | 1.83 |
FBtr0305969 | Nlg1 | 1.83 |
FBtr0072563 | Kah | 1.83 |
FBtr0333578 | mib1 | 1.83 |
FBtr0332144 | ltl | 1.82 |
FBtr0304066 | f | 1.82 |
FBtr0342730 | CG11409 | 1.82 |
FBtr0340363 | Bx | 1.82 |
FBtr0301838 | Ppn | 1.82 |
FBtr0085410 | ligatin | 1.82 |
FBtr0339497 | CG1461 | 1.82 |
FBtr0077366 | CG12576 | 1.82 |
FBtr0339904 | Mp | 1.82 |
FBtr0113590 | snoRNA:Psi28S-3405c | 1.82 |
FBtr0075520 | mib1 | 1.82 |
FBtr0299667 | CG42287 | 1.81 |
FBtr0344235 | CG16959 | 1.81 |
FBtr0339903 | Mp | 1.81 |
FBtr0301958 | Mp | 1.81 |
FBtr0343750 | pre-mod(mdg4)-C | 1.81 |
FBtr0339905 | Mp | 1.81 |
FBtr0340393 | CG42306 | 1.80 |
FBtr0340392 | Gint3 | 1.80 |
FBtr0332781 | CR43868 | 1.80 |
FBtr0081200 | CG31798 | 1.80 |
FBtr0334163 | CG31798 | 1.80 |
FBtr0070763 | XRCC1 | 1.80 |
FBtr0081374 | La | 1.80 |
FBtr0073202 | Rcd5 | 1.80 |
FBtr0301110 | Mp | 1.80 |
FBtr0321322 | snRNA:LU | 1.80 |
FBtr0083779 | CG17752 | 1.80 |
FBtr0088958 | Drat | 1.80 |
FBtr0299688 | CG42306 | 1.79 |
FBtr0086654 | Gint3 | 1.79 |
FBtr0299689 | CG42306 | 1.79 |
FBtr0086655 | Gint3 | 1.79 |
FBtr0076793 | ltl | 1.79 |
FBtr0113773 | CG40002 | 1.79 |
FBtr0084116 | CG6353 | 1.79 |
FBtr0086266 | CG30148 | 1.79 |
FBtr0342706 | CG30148 | 1.79 |
FBtr0073696 | CG4407 | 1.79 |
FBtr0087456 | Cyp6a21 | 1.79 |
FBtr0081218 | CG17544 | 1.79 |
FBtr0088923 | CG2064 | 1.79 |
FBtr0075394 | mbf1 | 1.78 |
FBtr0344373 | sima | 1.78 |
FBtr0334300 | CG33978 | 1.78 |
FBtr0310437 | CG33978 | 1.78 |
FBtr0310435 | CG33978 | 1.78 |
FBtr0084492 | CG31142 | 1.78 |
FBtr0082074 | P58IPK | 1.78 |
FBtr0070366 | Pgam5 | 1.78 |
FBtr0339601 | Pgam5 | 1.78 |
FBtr0091708 | scaRNA:MeU5-U42 | 1.78 |
FBtr0306159 | CG43218 | 1.78 |
FBtr0080909 | Ugt36Ba | 1.78 |
FBtr0305570 | mbf1 | 1.77 |
FBtr0075393 | mbf1 | 1.77 |
FBtr0330137 | mbf1 | 1.77 |
FBtr0080959 | CG6115 | 1.77 |
FBtr0345447 | CG6115 | 1.77 |
FBtr0075969 | Gcn5 | 1.77 |
FBtr0070431 | bcn92 | 1.77 |
FBtr0088146 | sprt | 1.77 |
FBtr0333151 | CG4630 | 1.77 |
FBtr0305569 | mbf1 | 1.76 |
FBtr0113494 | snoRNA:Psi28S-2949 | 1.76 |
FBtr0075344 | CG9674 | 1.76 |
FBtr0333608 | CG9674 | 1.76 |
FBtr0305916 | CG9674 | 1.76 |
FBtr0089699 | Tim17b2 | 1.76 |
FBtr0343734 | Tim17b2 | 1.76 |
FBtr0100653 | Hsp67Bb | 1.76 |
FBtr0087765 | CG4630 | 1.76 |
FBtr0088863 | Odc1 | 1.76 |
FBtr0072447 | tRNA:CR30200 | 1.76 |
FBtr0081216 | CG17544 | 1.76 |
FBtr0300822 | CG17544 | 1.76 |
FBtr0081217 | CG17544 | 1.76 |
FBtr0332780 | CR43868 | 1.75 |
FBtr0345074 | CG9674 | 1.75 |
FBtr0070961 | CG14438 | 1.75 |
FBtr0072357 | CG15873 | 1.75 |
FBtr0075519 | mRpS31 | 1.75 |
FBtr0339539 | babos | 1.75 |
FBtr0071845 | babos | 1.75 |
FBtr0080104 | CG31871 | 1.75 |
FBtr0088956 | Drat | 1.75 |
FBtr0336939 | Drat | 1.75 |
FBtr0080074 | CG5604 | 1.74 |
FBtr0088882 | CG8728 | 1.74 |
FBtr0078716 | Atg17 | 1.74 |
FBtr0334946 | Atg17 | 1.74 |
FBtr0345807 | HBS1 | 1.74 |
FBtr0072866 | HBS1 | 1.74 |
FBtr0070962 | CG14438 | 1.74 |
FBtr0339464 | CG14438 | 1.74 |
FBtr0078277 | CG11399 | 1.74 |
FBtr0077580 | CG15406 | 1.74 |
FBtr0303000 | CG13062 | 1.74 |
FBtr0304481 | mir-966 | 1.74 |
FBtr0309684 | mir-4943 | 1.74 |
FBtr0077483 | CG3714 | 1.73 |
FBtr0077482 | CG3714 | 1.73 |
FBtr0310440 | CG34422 | 1.73 |
FBtr0306541 | CG11374 | 1.73 |
FBtr0300583 | CG42494 | 1.73 |
FBtr0081205 | CG9987 | 1.73 |
FBtr0340181 | CR44396 | 1.73 |
FBtr0113020 | CG3714 | 1.72 |
FBtr0336619 | CG13077 | 1.72 |
FBtr0303473 | Hsp67Bb | 1.72 |
FBtr0072300 | CG13581 | 1.72 |
FBtr0085370 | Atg14 | 1.72 |
FBtr0085470 | CG31041 | 1.72 |
FBtr0305483 | CG43145 | 1.72 |
FBtr0307592 | CG43386 | 1.72 |
FBtr0079868 | CG17633 | 1.72 |
FBtr0345629 | oys | 1.71 |
FBtr0073763 | Jafrac1 | 1.71 |
FBtr0339700 | Jafrac1 | 1.71 |
FBtr0073764 | Jafrac1 | 1.71 |
FBtr0339699 | Jafrac1 | 1.71 |
FBtr0345161 | Jafrac1 | 1.71 |
FBtr0302272 | mtTFB1 | 1.71 |
FBtr0302271 | Ccdc56 | 1.71 |
FBtr0303474 | Hsp67Bb | 1.71 |
FBtr0080837 | CaBP1 | 1.71 |
FBtr0345544 | CaBP1 | 1.71 |
FBtr0305619 | CG10178 | 1.71 |
FBtr0072462 | mthl8 | 1.71 |
FBtr0082765 | CG9813 | 1.70 |
FBtr0335460 | CG9813 | 1.70 |
FBtr0082768 | CG9813 | 1.70 |
FBtr0082769 | CG9813 | 1.70 |
FBtr0082766 | CG9813 | 1.70 |
FBtr0082770 | CG9813 | 1.70 |
FBtr0082767 | CG9813 | 1.70 |
FBtr0302045 | qm | 1.70 |
FBtr0070141 | Sec22 | 1.70 |
FBtr0310162 | Sec22 | 1.70 |
FBtr0335046 | CG12576 | 1.70 |
FBtr0077365 | CG12576 | 1.70 |
FBtr0079464 | santa-maria | 1.70 |
FBtr0346571 | santa-maria | 1.70 |
FBtr0346429 | CG12576 | 1.70 |
FBtr0075067 | CG6843 | 1.70 |
FBtr0084053 | ETHR | 1.70 |
FBtr0081068 | CG10178 | 1.70 |
FBtr0344041 | CR44977 | 1.70 |
FBtr0331620 | Ugt36Ba | 1.70 |
FBtr0083724 | CG14291 | 1.69 |
FBtr0332729 | qm | 1.69 |
FBtr0083703 | Xrp1 | 1.69 |
FBtr0334523 | Xrp1 | 1.69 |
FBtr0076846 | qm | 1.69 |
FBtr0302490 | lft | 1.69 |
FBtr0080002 | lft | 1.69 |
FBtr0333954 | RhoGEF3 | 1.69 |
FBtr0333960 | RhoGEF3 | 1.69 |
FBtr0333953 | RhoGEF3 | 1.69 |
FBtr0081257 | CG13077 | 1.69 |
FBtr0075240 | Cad74A | 1.69 |
FBtr0075239 | Cad74A | 1.69 |
FBtr0078631 | CG10979 | 1.69 |
FBtr0335518 | CG10979 | 1.69 |
FBtr0072966 | CG16758 | 1.69 |
FBtr0081468 | CG9253 | 1.69 |
FBtr0077481 | CG3714 | 1.68 |
FBtr0345630 | oys | 1.68 |
FBtr0339416 | oys | 1.68 |
FBtr0088434 | oys | 1.68 |
FBtr0075341 | CG9674 | 1.68 |
FBtr0333609 | CG9674 | 1.68 |
FBtr0305915 | CG9674 | 1.68 |
FBtr0333957 | RhoGEF3 | 1.68 |
FBtr0333959 | RhoGEF3 | 1.68 |
FBtr0333955 | RhoGEF3 | 1.68 |
FBtr0302212 | Kr-h2 | 1.68 |
FBtr0310365 | CG34422 | 1.68 |
FBtr0345932 | CG13565 | 1.68 |
FBtr0087681 | CG33156 | 1.68 |
FBtr0347189 | CG46025 | 1.68 |
FBtr0305649 | CG33267 | 1.68 |
FBtr0307593 | CG43386 | 1.68 |
FBtr0308759 | CR43414 | 1.68 |
FBtr0086057 | CG7791 | 1.67 |
FBtr0088901 | Nop17l | 1.67 |
FBtr0079602 | CG14275 | 1.67 |
FBtr0334145 | CG44009 | 1.67 |
FBtr0089767 | gukh | 1.66 |
FBtr0084368 | CenB1A | 1.66 |
FBtr0086893 | CCHa1-R | 1.66 |
FBtr0343126 | Kr-h2 | 1.66 |
FBtr0079192 | Kr-h2 | 1.66 |
FBtr0305961 | dia | 1.66 |
FBtr0086212 | CG15237 | 1.66 |
FBtr0081157 | l(2)37Ce | 1.66 |
FBtr0087206 | Rrp42 | 1.66 |
FBtr0075548 | CG7272 | 1.66 |
FBtr0333614 | CG5895 | 1.66 |
FBtr0100317 | gukh | 1.65 |
FBtr0083852 | Xport | 1.65 |
FBtr0310518 | CG42508 | 1.65 |
FBtr0300643 | CG42508 | 1.65 |
FBtr0113246 | Xrp1 | 1.65 |
FBtr0343991 | gukh | 1.65 |
FBtr0070238 | CG11409 | 1.65 |
FBtr0074095 | Rhp | 1.65 |
FBtr0088906 | Cyt-b5 | 1.65 |
FBtr0309231 | Cad74A | 1.65 |
FBtr0303864 | CR31144 | 1.65 |
FBtr0088349 | Ndg | 1.65 |
FBtr0339459 | Ndg | 1.65 |
FBtr0071108 | Gclc | 1.65 |
FBtr0340139 | Gclc | 1.65 |
FBtr0300775 | CG1319 | 1.65 |
FBtr0339739 | CR44340 | 1.65 |
FBtr0345052 | CR45175 | 1.65 |
FBtr0076145 | CG33268 | 1.65 |
FBtr0087205 | CG8389 | 1.65 |
FBtr0336738 | LysB | 1.65 |
FBtr0072628 | LysB | 1.65 |
FBtr0346292 | CR45611 | 1.65 |
FBtr0299668 | CG42288 | 1.64 |
FBtr0307217 | CG42288 | 1.64 |
FBtr0091659 | CG33679 | 1.64 |
FBtr0084237 | CG5382 | 1.64 |
FBtr0080358 | CG6583 | 1.64 |
FBtr0084743 | CG5805 | 1.64 |
FBtr0339255 | CG5805 | 1.64 |
FBtr0074031 | CG11655 | 1.64 |
FBtr0088212 | Elp2 | 1.64 |
FBtr0087145 | Hmgs | 1.64 |
FBtr0308928 | CR31781 | 1.64 |
FBtr0083277 | mtSSB | 1.64 |
FBtr0081438 | RPA2 | 1.64 |
FBtr0333011 | RPA2 | 1.64 |
FBtr0081449 | CG14400 | 1.64 |
FBtr0083711 | CG14285 | 1.64 |
FBtr0076347 | Dronc | 1.64 |
FBtr0273278 | CG12379 | 1.64 |
FBtr0089768 | gukh | 1.63 |
FBtr0334283 | Rgk1 | 1.63 |
FBtr0084017 | meigo | 1.63 |
FBtr0074096 | Rhp | 1.63 |
FBtr0088902 | Nop17l | 1.63 |
FBtr0077374 | CG32500 | 1.63 |
FBtr0343751 | pre-mod(mdg4)-AB | 1.63 |
FBtr0343749 | pre-mod(mdg4)-E | 1.63 |
FBtr0343748 | pre-mod(mdg4)-E | 1.63 |
FBtr0076098 | CG7394 | 1.63 |
FBtr0076604 | CG7083 | 1.63 |
FBtr0310018 | haf | 1.63 |
FBtr0310020 | haf | 1.63 |
FBtr0310017 | haf | 1.63 |
FBtr0310019 | haf | 1.63 |
FBtr0082883 | Nsf2 | 1.63 |
FBtr0344767 | Nsf2 | 1.63 |
FBtr0344766 | Nsf2 | 1.63 |
FBtr0073591 | Sclp | 1.63 |
FBtr0332672 | CNMa | 1.63 |
FBtr0300713 | CNMa | 1.63 |
FBtr0088592 | Cyp4p1 | 1.63 |
FBtr0079429 | CG31908 | 1.62 |
FBtr0345638 | CG31908 | 1.62 |
FBtr0077480 | CG3714 | 1.62 |
FBtr0077479 | CG3714 | 1.62 |
FBtr0334792 | CG3714 | 1.62 |
FBtr0083701 | Xrp1 | 1.62 |
FBtr0334524 | Xrp1 | 1.62 |
FBtr0331763 | Alr | 1.62 |
FBtr0113259 | meigo | 1.62 |
FBtr0304285 | mir-281-1 | 1.62 |
FBtr0344846 | brat | 1.62 |
FBtr0081159 | brat | 1.62 |
FBtr0082347 | RpL3 | 1.62 |
FBtr0081160 | brat | 1.62 |
FBtr0074989 | Bet1 | 1.62 |
FBtr0332705 | CG42575 | 1.62 |
FBtr0084279 | CG33107 | 1.62 |
FBtr0081411 | dia | 1.62 |
FBtr0302658 | CG42666 | 1.62 |
FBtr0340109 | CG4313 | 1.62 |
FBtr0333409 | CG31717 | 1.62 |
FBtr0334034 | CG6769 | 1.62 |
FBtr0074493 | CG6769 | 1.62 |
FBtr0344146 | haf | 1.62 |
FBtr0088789 | Gasz | 1.62 |
FBtr0340064 | CG8303 | 1.62 |
FBtr0074799 | Nup205 | 1.62 |
FBtr0301275 | Larp7 | 1.62 |
FBtr0082679 | Hsp70Ba | 1.62 |
FBtr0079430 | CG31908 | 1.61 |
FBtr0074300 | eIF-2alpha | 1.61 |
FBtr0343016 | eIF-2alpha | 1.61 |
FBtr0070425 | Nmd3 | 1.61 |
FBtr0305648 | CG7394 | 1.61 |
FBtr0333215 | CG7394 | 1.61 |
FBtr0082410 | CG10898 | 1.61 |
FBtr0302222 | CG42615 | 1.61 |
FBtr0301134 | CG5521 | 1.61 |
FBtr0085069 | CG5521 | 1.61 |
FBtr0070460 | gt | 1.61 |
FBtr0081410 | dia | 1.61 |
FBtr0335145 | dia | 1.61 |
FBtr0344848 | CG17104 | 1.61 |
FBtr0071107 | Gclc | 1.61 |
FBtr0340138 | Gclc | 1.61 |
FBtr0309969 | CG42666 | 1.61 |
FBtr0331204 | CG4213 | 1.61 |
FBtr0078093 | CG4213 | 1.61 |
FBtr0072965 | CG16758 | 1.61 |
FBtr0079977 | CG31717 | 1.61 |
FBtr0340107 | CG4313 | 1.61 |
FBtr0340162 | p115 | 1.61 |
FBtr0071089 | p115 | 1.61 |
FBtr0084201 | CG7084 | 1.61 |
FBtr0085356 | wdn | 1.61 |
FBtr0072963 | CG16758 | 1.61 |
FBtr0075437 | CG5895 | 1.61 |
FBtr0087204 | CG8389 | 1.61 |
FBtr0088760 | Cyp4ad1 | 1.61 |
FBtr0334458 | B-H2 | 1.61 |
FBtr0074429 | B-H2 | 1.61 |
FBtr0074798 | Nup205 | 1.61 |
FBtr0070140 | CG16989 | 1.60 |
FBtr0343325 | CG16989 | 1.60 |
FBtr0082325 | Leash | 1.60 |
FBtr0075338 | Rh4 | 1.60 |
FBtr0085241 | ALiX | 1.60 |
FBtr0080105 | CG17104 | 1.60 |
FBtr0336846 | CG17104 | 1.60 |
FBtr0087418 | CG8089 | 1.60 |
FBtr0079423 | Pvf2 | 1.60 |
FBtr0075965 | CG4069 | 1.60 |
FBtr0300863 | List | 1.60 |
FBtr0304745 | CG7342 | 1.60 |
FBtr0083777 | CG7342 | 1.60 |
FBtr0072964 | CG16758 | 1.60 |
FBtr0301190 | CG7084 | 1.60 |
FBtr0071928 | Cyp6d2 | 1.60 |
FBtr0340065 | CG8303 | 1.60 |
FBtr0071179 | Corp | 1.60 |
FBtr0307283 | Corp | 1.60 |
FBtr0085895 | His-Psi:CR31614 | 1.60 |
Count: 1022 transcripts, matching to 642 genes
This table is related to Supplementary Table 3.
TDOWN_full_FC1.6 <- dPERK_full_join %>% filter (trans_reg == -1)
TDOWN_full_FC1.6_unq <- TDOWN_full_FC1.6 %>% dplyr::select( %>% unique()
write.csv(TDOWN_full_FC1.6, "1.6_data_output/TDOWN_full_FC1.6.csv")
write.csv(TDOWN_full_FC1.6_unq, "1.6_data_output/TDOWN_full_FC1.6_unq.csv")
Transcript ID | Gene ID | Transcript FC |
FBtr0332792 | syd | -1.60 |
FBtr0332789 | syd | -1.60 |
FBtr0300412 | syd | -1.60 |
FBtr0332787 | syd | -1.60 |
FBtr0332790 | syd | -1.60 |
FBtr0343591 | CG2145 | -1.60 |
FBtr0073387 | CG2145 | -1.60 |
FBtr0100323 | fabp | -1.60 |
FBtr0100464 | sea | -1.60 |
FBtr0345804 | CG12974 | -1.60 |
FBtr0332860 | CG12974 | -1.60 |
FBtr0078411 | CG12974 | -1.60 |
FBtr0086286 | CG16739 | -1.60 |
FBtr0071773 | CG11291 | -1.60 |
FBtr0339625 | Chrac-16 | -1.60 |
FBtr0073642 | Chrac-16 | -1.60 |
FBtr0302446 | CG13492 | -1.60 |
FBtr0075471 | CG4962 | -1.60 |
FBtr0299776 | CG42323 | -1.60 |
FBtr0086917 | Lhr | -1.60 |
FBtr0086634 | l(2)08717 | -1.60 |
FBtr0290062 | CG31812 | -1.60 |
FBtr0073362 | CG7509 | -1.60 |
FBtr0114521 | CG30051 | -1.60 |
FBtr0344914 | CR45133 | -1.60 |
FBtr0100870 | mt:ND3 | -1.60 |
FBtr0113082 | CG12963 | -1.60 |
FBtr0302458 | CG42658 | -1.60 |
FBtr0085025 | CG6503 | -1.60 |
FBtr0302899 | CG6503 | -1.60 |
FBtr0309031 | CG6503 | -1.60 |
FBtr0081237 | CG10026 | -1.60 |
FBtr0081238 | CG10026 | -1.60 |
FBtr0332317 | CG10026 | -1.60 |
FBtr0080213 | mre11 | -1.60 |
FBtr0339415 | CR44297 | -1.60 |
FBtr0339251 | CG13627 | -1.60 |
FBtr0110944 | CG34136 | -1.60 |
FBtr0089324 | Lsp2 | -1.60 |
FBtr0345352 | Lsp2 | -1.60 |
FBtr0100860 | mt:tRNA:Y | -1.60 |
FBtr0333382 | CG6910 | -1.61 |
FBtr0290130 | CG6910 | -1.61 |
FBtr0301707 | Men-b | -1.61 |
FBtr0332788 | syd | -1.61 |
FBtr0345912 | syd | -1.61 |
FBtr0332791 | syd | -1.61 |
FBtr0086258 | qsm | -1.61 |
FBtr0074961 | Oat | -1.61 |
FBtr0074509 | Dhc16F | -1.61 |
FBtr0079526 | CG14537 | -1.61 |
FBtr0088579 | GstE13 | -1.61 |
FBtr0335462 | CG9886 | -1.61 |
FBtr0331355 | CG15522 | -1.61 |
FBtr0082290 | Fdh | -1.61 |
FBtr0309986 | CR43629 | -1.61 |
FBtr0332394 | CG8028 | -1.61 |
FBtr0332393 | CG8028 | -1.61 |
FBtr0100321 | fabp | -1.61 |
FBtr0086635 | l(2)08717 | -1.61 |
FBtr0345426 | l(2)08717 | -1.61 |
FBtr0300184 | CG7231 | -1.61 |
FBtr0304902 | CG13203 | -1.61 |
FBtr0334105 | CG7255 | -1.61 |
FBtr0304119 | Lip4 | -1.61 |
FBtr0344047 | CR44982 | -1.61 |
FBtr0332817 | CG43896 | -1.61 |
FBtr0345688 | CG43896 | -1.61 |
FBtr0110814 | CG15661 | -1.61 |
FBtr0076589 | CG13311 | -1.61 |
FBtr0305612 | CR43158 | -1.61 |
FBtr0070866 | CG5966 | -1.61 |
FBtr0343294 | CG5966 | -1.61 |
FBtr0079058 | mRpL24 | -1.62 |
FBtr0080212 | Ppt2 | -1.62 |
FBtr0343011 | CG13516 | -1.62 |
FBtr0100554 | CG13516 | -1.62 |
FBtr0077751 | CG4267 | -1.62 |
FBtr0081550 | alpha-Est7 | -1.62 |
FBtr0085503 | CG15522 | -1.62 |
FBtr0100320 | fabp | -1.62 |
FBtr0306336 | CG7231 | -1.62 |
FBtr0079531 | CG7231 | -1.62 |
FBtr0073473 | CG15199 | -1.62 |
FBtr0344246 | CR45024 | -1.62 |
FBtr0084918 | CG31380 | -1.62 |
FBtr0071624 | CG15661 | -1.62 |
FBtr0083140 | Spn88Eb | -1.62 |
FBtr0078025 | Lsp1beta | -1.62 |
FBtr0345738 | Lsp1beta | -1.62 |
FBtr0084317 | CG4721 | -1.63 |
FBtr0073555 | m | -1.63 |
FBtr0344884 | CR9284 | -1.63 |
FBtr0070558 | CG3603 | -1.63 |
FBtr0299774 | CG42323 | -1.63 |
FBtr0345485 | Cyp6w1 | -1.63 |
FBtr0085987 | Cyp6w1 | -1.63 |
FBtr0113197 | CG1208 | -1.63 |
FBtr0084038 | r-l | -1.63 |
FBtr0088176 | dare | -1.63 |
FBtr0083615 | CG14313 | -1.63 |
FBtr0089608 | Dup99B | -1.63 |
FBtr0347179 | CR11538 | -1.63 |
FBtr0076769 | syd | -1.64 |
FBtr0300413 | syd | -1.64 |
FBtr0087906 | CG30049 | -1.64 |
FBtr0344893 | LRP1 | -1.64 |
FBtr0304022 | CG42806 | -1.64 |
FBtr0082715 | CG7966 | -1.64 |
FBtr0082776 | CG15887 | -1.64 |
FBtr0343596 | CG5321 | -1.64 |
FBtr0084548 | Npc2f | -1.64 |
FBtr0305053 | Dup99B | -1.64 |
FBtr0344894 | LRP1 | -1.65 |
FBtr0306574 | CG6805 | -1.65 |
FBtr0084101 | CG3301 | -1.65 |
FBtr0100481 | CG9510 | -1.65 |
FBtr0340263 | CG9510 | -1.65 |
FBtr0299780 | CG9510 | -1.65 |
FBtr0085213 | CG5402 | -1.65 |
FBtr0100088 | CG34033 | -1.65 |
FBtr0079857 | Mtpalpha | -1.65 |
FBtr0308944 | CR9284 | -1.65 |
FBtr0309648 | mir-4954 | -1.65 |
FBtr0331635 | CG5853 | -1.65 |
FBtr0345347 | CG13026 | -1.65 |
FBtr0113405 | CG31414 | -1.65 |
FBtr0334767 | CG31414 | -1.65 |
FBtr0081321 | fbp | -1.65 |
FBtr0084292 | CG5376 | -1.65 |
FBtr0340008 | CR44370 | -1.65 |
FBtr0340009 | CR44370 | -1.65 |
FBtr0075187 | CG7460 | -1.66 |
FBtr0074445 | CG8664 | -1.66 |
FBtr0339779 | CG8664 | -1.66 |
FBtr0075895 | AdenoK | -1.66 |
FBtr0346531 | AdenoK | -1.66 |
FBtr0086299 | CG11200 | -1.66 |
FBtr0339195 | CG3301 | -1.66 |
FBtr0344185 | CG11200 | -1.66 |
FBtr0079858 | Mtpalpha | -1.66 |
FBtr0332040 | CG12182 | -1.66 |
FBtr0072255 | Dat | -1.66 |
FBtr0072393 | CG3770 | -1.66 |
FBtr0299542 | CG13026 | -1.66 |
FBtr0342721 | CG16799 | -1.66 |
FBtr0086249 | CG16799 | -1.66 |
FBtr0343856 | fbp | -1.66 |
FBtr0309068 | CR43434 | -1.66 |
FBtr0307213 | ventrally-expressed-protein-D | -1.66 |
FBtr0082625 | CG4830 | -1.66 |
FBtr0331991 | CG13397 | -1.66 |
FBtr0303856 | CR42836 | -1.66 |
FBtr0340638 | CR44511 | -1.66 |
FBtr0332816 | CG43896 | -1.66 |
FBtr0075744 | CG13482 | -1.66 |
FBtr0339240 | CG14245 | -1.66 |
FBtr0089685 | CRMP | -1.67 |
FBtr0070115 | CG13369 | -1.67 |
FBtr0078504 | CG11438 | -1.67 |
FBtr0345586 | CG11438 | -1.67 |
FBtr0075637 | CG13458 | -1.67 |
FBtr0087702 | arr | -1.67 |
FBtr0086300 | CG11200 | -1.67 |
FBtr0079894 | CG5853 | -1.67 |
FBtr0345615 | CG5853 | -1.67 |
FBtr0343502 | CG3770 | -1.67 |
FBtr0080937 | CG17996 | -1.67 |
FBtr0088467 | CG1773 | -1.67 |
FBtr0113583 | snoRNA:Psi18S-301 | -1.67 |
FBtr0086853 | snoRNA:U31:54Eb | -1.67 |
FBtr0079711 | CG13397 | -1.67 |
FBtr0343003 | CR42868 | -1.67 |
FBtr0073405 | Ork1 | -1.67 |
FBtr0079469 | CG5149 | -1.67 |
FBtr0345642 | CR43239 | -1.67 |
FBtr0339798 | CR43239 | -1.67 |
FBtr0306294 | CR43239 | -1.67 |
FBtr0100553 | CG14245 | -1.67 |
FBtr0310393 | CR43669 | -1.67 |
FBtr0089686 | CRMP | -1.68 |
FBtr0114453 | CRMP | -1.68 |
FBtr0075017 | CG9629 | -1.68 |
FBtr0333692 | CG7460 | -1.68 |
FBtr0086966 | CG6805 | -1.68 |
FBtr0091697 | snoRNA:Psi28S-3186 | -1.68 |
FBtr0073015 | CG12093 | -1.68 |
FBtr0075223 | qjt | -1.68 |
FBtr0079242 | Ugt37b1 | -1.68 |
FBtr0307037 | fusl | -1.68 |
FBtr0079078 | fusl | -1.68 |
FBtr0084259 | CG7046 | -1.68 |
FBtr0100862 | mt:tRNA:L:UUR | -1.68 |
FBtr0113334 | CG14132 | -1.69 |
FBtr0330647 | Amnionless | -1.69 |
FBtr0079485 | CG7191 | -1.69 |
FBtr0343400 | CG7191 | -1.69 |
FBtr0332493 | CG3603 | -1.69 |
FBtr0078195 | CG5910 | -1.69 |
FBtr0302854 | Phae2 | -1.69 |
FBtr0345718 | Phae2 | -1.69 |
FBtr0301483 | CG7046 | -1.69 |
FBtr0077557 | odd | -1.69 |
FBtr0088133 | CG7759 | -1.69 |
FBtr0113596 | snoRNA:Psi18S-1377c | -1.69 |
FBtr0072062 | Dcp-1 | -1.70 |
FBtr0346480 | CG16772 | -1.70 |
FBtr0081302 | CG16772 | -1.70 |
FBtr0289953 | alpha-Est10 | -1.70 |
FBtr0072955 | CG12182 | -1.70 |
FBtr0077973 | CG5011 | -1.70 |
FBtr0335382 | CG5011 | -1.70 |
FBtr0075459 | l(3)72Dp | -1.70 |
FBtr0339901 | CG32320 | -1.70 |
FBtr0310142 | CG12910 | -1.70 |
FBtr0310469 | CG42790 | -1.70 |
FBtr0082026 | CG8129 | -1.70 |
FBtr0076832 | Cyp4d8 | -1.70 |
FBtr0303855 | CR42836 | -1.70 |
FBtr0346624 | bgm | -1.70 |
FBtr0080590 | bgm | -1.70 |
FBtr0114456 | Hr51 | -1.70 |
FBtr0306697 | CG12224 | -1.70 |
FBtr0335436 | CG12224 | -1.70 |
FBtr0075127 | CG7330 | -1.70 |
FBtr0332861 | CG7330 | -1.70 |
FBtr0077863 | CG15353 | -1.71 |
FBtr0075040 | CG18136 | -1.71 |
FBtr0307504 | CG18814 | -1.71 |
FBtr0075896 | AdenoK | -1.71 |
FBtr0075465 | CG13067 | -1.71 |
FBtr0087622 | CG16935 | -1.71 |
FBtr0073208 | CG14990 | -1.71 |
FBtr0077770 | CG9886 | -1.71 |
FBtr0073284 | CG11594 | -1.71 |
FBtr0083370 | CG3534 | -1.71 |
FBtr0071779 | Oatp58Da | -1.71 |
FBtr0113196 | CG1208 | -1.71 |
FBtr0078454 | CG14567 | -1.71 |
FBtr0346304 | Ork1 | -1.71 |
FBtr0073404 | Ork1 | -1.71 |
FBtr0343584 | Ork1 | -1.71 |
FBtr0087291 | CG8299 | -1.71 |
FBtr0346492 | CR45712 | -1.72 |
FBtr0077884 | CG31937 | -1.72 |
FBtr0085215 | CG5590 | -1.72 |
FBtr0100833 | CG34056 | -1.72 |
FBtr0339954 | CG16935 | -1.72 |
FBtr0346795 | CG33082 | -1.72 |
FBtr0300818 | CG17324 | -1.72 |
FBtr0075190 | Adgf-A | -1.72 |
FBtr0075191 | Adgf-A | -1.72 |
FBtr0081734 | CG1041 | -1.72 |
FBtr0086821 | CG30325 | -1.72 |
FBtr0114353 | snoRNA:Me18S-G962 | -1.72 |
FBtr0321259 | CG5322 | -1.72 |
FBtr0342643 | CG42876 | -1.72 |
FBtr0304142 | CG42876 | -1.72 |
FBtr0080224 | CG31867 | -1.72 |
FBtr0080539 | CAH1 | -1.73 |
FBtr0300691 | Kdm2 | -1.73 |
FBtr0077542 | CG31777 | -1.73 |
FBtr0081881 | CG8036 | -1.73 |
FBtr0334521 | CG14298 | -1.73 |
FBtr0083695 | CG14298 | -1.73 |
FBtr0347031 | Ccy | -1.73 |
FBtr0078134 | Amnionless | -1.73 |
FBtr0347061 | CG11241 | -1.73 |
FBtr0079491 | LanB1 | -1.73 |
FBtr0110774 | CG1041 | -1.73 |
FBtr0344293 | CG1041 | -1.73 |
FBtr0347005 | CG1041 | -1.73 |
FBtr0087463 | NaPi-T | -1.73 |
FBtr0343768 | yellow-b | -1.73 |
FBtr0080894 | yellow-b | -1.73 |
FBtr0082101 | Fst | -1.73 |
FBtr0084100 | CG3301 | -1.74 |
FBtr0113389 | CG31103 | -1.74 |
FBtr0336758 | Kdm2 | -1.74 |
FBtr0072561 | Reg-2 | -1.74 |
FBtr0332429 | CG15515 | -1.74 |
FBtr0300411 | CG5910 | -1.74 |
FBtr0345717 | Phae1 | -1.74 |
FBtr0300301 | CG42465 | -1.74 |
FBtr0088337 | CG12910 | -1.74 |
FBtr0076510 | GNBP3 | -1.74 |
FBtr0308768 | CR43419 | -1.74 |
FBtr0329884 | NaPi-T | -1.74 |
FBtr0310051 | qjt | -1.74 |
FBtr0339534 | ventrally-expressed-protein-D | -1.74 |
FBtr0071826 | ventrally-expressed-protein-D | -1.74 |
FBtr0110771 | Spn75F | -1.74 |
FBtr0080042 | CG5322 | -1.74 |
FBtr0336759 | Kdm2 | -1.75 |
FBtr0336760 | Kdm2 | -1.75 |
FBtr0081882 | CG8036 | -1.75 |
FBtr0304891 | CG43103 | -1.75 |
FBtr0087420 | Obp51a | -1.75 |
FBtr0112749 | CG34445 | -1.75 |
FBtr0076316 | CG14160 | -1.75 |
FBtr0336865 | CR44182 | -1.75 |
FBtr0299856 | CG42336 | -1.75 |
FBtr0079751 | CG9289 | -1.75 |
FBtr0346275 | CG2444 | -1.75 |
FBtr0073531 | CG2444 | -1.75 |
FBtr0305896 | CG43167 | -1.75 |
FBtr0070913 | Spat | -1.75 |
FBtr0343627 | CG31867 | -1.75 |
FBtr0087014 | tef | -1.75 |
FBtr0307596 | CG13827 | -1.76 |
FBtr0076905 | CG14823 | -1.76 |
FBtr0086640 | CG15093 | -1.76 |
FBtr0082902 | CG9649 | -1.76 |
FBtr0342844 | CR44705 | -1.76 |
FBtr0081077 | Cyp310a1 | -1.76 |
FBtr0078556 | slif | -1.76 |
FBtr0310046 | CG11594 | -1.76 |
FBtr0082027 | CG8129 | -1.76 |
FBtr0346572 | CG31821 | -1.76 |
FBtr0080809 | CG31821 | -1.76 |
FBtr0340252 | CR44413 | -1.76 |
FBtr0085307 | CG9989 | -1.76 |
FBtr0087954 | CG8834 | -1.76 |
FBtr0082969 | BigH1 | -1.76 |
FBtr0344540 | SclB | -1.77 |
FBtr0344543 | SclA | -1.77 |
FBtr0344541 | SclB | -1.77 |
FBtr0344544 | SclA | -1.77 |
FBtr0334005 | CG10062 | -1.77 |
FBtr0086522 | CG10062 | -1.77 |
FBtr0088502 | CG12926 | -1.77 |
FBtr0086639 | CG15093 | -1.77 |
FBtr0303846 | CG15093 | -1.77 |
FBtr0078555 | slif | -1.77 |
FBtr0078206 | CG18281 | -1.77 |
FBtr0080255 | Vha100-5 | -1.77 |
FBtr0335471 | Vha100-5 | -1.77 |
FBtr0307189 | CG15199 | -1.77 |
FBtr0075975 | CG10657 | -1.77 |
FBtr0336709 | TwdlG | -1.77 |
FBtr0084486 | CG10182 | -1.77 |
FBtr0334006 | CG10062 | -1.78 |
FBtr0309192 | CR43458 | -1.78 |
FBtr0081883 | CG8036 | -1.78 |
FBtr0080334 | Phae1 | -1.78 |
FBtr0078557 | slif | -1.78 |
FBtr0073283 | CG11594 | -1.78 |
FBtr0086292 | Obp57c | -1.78 |
FBtr0113516 | snoRNA:Psi28S-3316a | -1.78 |
FBtr0305591 | CG3775 | -1.78 |
FBtr0073690 | CG3775 | -1.78 |
FBtr0303218 | CG14607 | -1.78 |
FBtr0078005 | CG13947 | -1.78 |
FBtr0346432 | CR45682 | -1.78 |
FBtr0079055 | Jon25Bii | -1.78 |
FBtr0345335 | Jon25Bii | -1.78 |
FBtr0113436 | CG32425 | -1.79 |
FBtr0303818 | CG42808 | -1.79 |
FBtr0084376 | CG13827 | -1.79 |
FBtr0073237 | Hexo1 | -1.79 |
FBtr0071338 | su(r) | -1.79 |
FBtr0081251 | CG13082 | -1.79 |
FBtr0300655 | CG42514 | -1.79 |
FBtr0299610 | CG42269 | -1.79 |
FBtr0086986 | Gbp | -1.79 |
FBtr0335458 | CG14377 | -1.79 |
FBtr0344542 | SclB | -1.80 |
FBtr0344539 | SclB | -1.80 |
FBtr0078204 | CG32425 | -1.80 |
FBtr0300774 | Hexo1 | -1.80 |
FBtr0333776 | CR43964 | -1.80 |
FBtr0070175 | CG14630 | -1.80 |
FBtr0309791 | CG11594 | -1.80 |
FBtr0303377 | CG31664 | -1.80 |
FBtr0334829 | CG31664 | -1.80 |
FBtr0081439 | Mtp | -1.80 |
FBtr0080273 | CG31704 | -1.80 |
FBtr0333421 | CG31704 | -1.80 |
FBtr0345152 | CR45192 | -1.80 |
FBtr0345151 | CR45192 | -1.80 |
FBtr0086935 | CG4847 | -1.80 |
FBtr0086934 | CG4847 | -1.80 |
FBtr0086933 | CG4847 | -1.80 |
FBtr0086937 | CG4847 | -1.80 |
FBtr0334151 | CG44013 | -1.80 |
FBtr0334150 | CG44013 | -1.80 |
FBtr0346519 | CG42512 | -1.81 |
FBtr0342579 | CG16964 | -1.81 |
FBtr0080282 | CG16964 | -1.81 |
FBtr0084863 | CG31098 | -1.81 |
FBtr0077700 | CG9879 | -1.81 |
FBtr0077671 | CG17224 | -1.81 |
FBtr0308618 | eas | -1.81 |
FBtr0333189 | CG40198 | -1.81 |
FBtr0301809 | CG40198 | -1.81 |
FBtr0086854 | snoRNA:U31:54Ec | -1.81 |
FBtr0344126 | CR45013 | -1.81 |
FBtr0077997 | CG4375 | -1.82 |
FBtr0079984 | CG4953 | -1.82 |
FBtr0333820 | CG1969 | -1.82 |
FBtr0330296 | CG1969 | -1.82 |
FBtr0085474 | CG1969 | -1.82 |
FBtr0345371 | CG13321 | -1.82 |
FBtr0087792 | CG13321 | -1.82 |
FBtr0082259 | Irp-1B | -1.82 |
FBtr0300761 | CG12560 | -1.82 |
FBtr0310267 | CG1969 | -1.82 |
FBtr0083790 | CG11407 | -1.82 |
FBtr0083278 | CG6126 | -1.82 |
FBtr0300815 | CG17224 | -1.82 |
FBtr0300656 | CG42514 | -1.82 |
FBtr0100007 | CG33966 | -1.82 |
FBtr0080006 | CG5096 | -1.83 |
FBtr0071611 | CG17974 | -1.83 |
FBtr0333567 | Hexo1 | -1.83 |
FBtr0073235 | Hexo1 | -1.83 |
FBtr0077672 | CG17224 | -1.83 |
FBtr0310457 | CG43679 | -1.83 |
FBtr0310456 | CG43679 | -1.83 |
FBtr0309300 | CR43471 | -1.83 |
FBtr0300657 | CG42514 | -1.83 |
FBtr0085755 | CG1544 | -1.83 |
FBtr0078221 | ZnT77C | -1.83 |
FBtr0077544 | CG10031 | -1.83 |
FBtr0079768 | Toll-4 | -1.83 |
FBtr0083780 | CG16727 | -1.83 |
FBtr0091959 | pncr015:3L | -1.83 |
FBtr0343908 | CR44938 | -1.83 |
FBtr0072254 | Dat | -1.84 |
FBtr0078298 | CG10512 | -1.84 |
FBtr0112403 | CG34210 | -1.84 |
FBtr0085475 | CG1969 | -1.84 |
FBtr0333821 | CG1969 | -1.84 |
FBtr0085766 | CG11340 | -1.84 |
FBtr0077942 | NLaz | -1.84 |
FBtr0343844 | NLaz | -1.84 |
FBtr0329947 | NLaz | -1.84 |
FBtr0331629 | CG17224 | -1.84 |
FBtr0332297 | CG11816 | -1.84 |
FBtr0332774 | CR43872 | -1.84 |
FBtr0310470 | CG42790 | -1.84 |
FBtr0085649 | CDase | -1.84 |
FBtr0290201 | CG15553 | -1.84 |
FBtr0344545 | SclA | -1.85 |
FBtr0071625 | CG4302 | -1.85 |
FBtr0306104 | CG1969 | -1.85 |
FBtr0343383 | CG12560 | -1.85 |
FBtr0347182 | mdy | -1.85 |
FBtr0332298 | CG11816 | -1.85 |
FBtr0082025 | CG18473 | -1.85 |
FBtr0085647 | CDase | -1.85 |
FBtr0085648 | CDase | -1.85 |
FBtr0085101 | TwdlT | -1.85 |
FBtr0331816 | Spn77Bc | -1.85 |
FBtr0078172 | Spn77Bc | -1.85 |
FBtr0072091 | CG5532 | -1.86 |
FBtr0345535 | CG5532 | -1.86 |
FBtr0333446 | CG1246 | -1.86 |
FBtr0072938 | CG1246 | -1.86 |
FBtr0303022 | CG1246 | -1.86 |
FBtr0310141 | CG12910 | -1.86 |
FBtr0072556 | Gale | -1.87 |
FBtr0078297 | CG10512 | -1.87 |
FBtr0302718 | Cpr47Ef | -1.87 |
FBtr0302719 | Cpr47Ef | -1.87 |
FBtr0345027 | CG1246 | -1.87 |
FBtr0085646 | CDase | -1.87 |
FBtr0078220 | ZnT77C | -1.87 |
FBtr0085861 | CG2187 | -1.87 |
FBtr0300408 | CG34043 | -1.87 |
FBtr0306917 | Gale | -1.88 |
FBtr0100356 | Spn43Ab | -1.88 |
FBtr0077588 | CG8838 | -1.88 |
FBtr0070186 | CG3699 | -1.88 |
FBtr0345610 | CG16712 | -1.88 |
FBtr0077546 | CG16712 | -1.88 |
FBtr0074212 | eas | -1.88 |
FBtr0339106 | CG44251 | -1.88 |
FBtr0085645 | CDase | -1.88 |
FBtr0075942 | CG10960 | -1.88 |
FBtr0075942 | CG10960 | -1.88 |
FBtr0334776 | CR44054 | -1.88 |
FBtr0073474 | ssp7 | -1.88 |
FBtr0344128 | CR43936 | -1.88 |
FBtr0083026 | CG3987 | -1.88 |
FBtr0302527 | CG33346 | -1.88 |
FBtr0083510 | Lgr1 | -1.89 |
FBtr0073322 | CG32243 | -1.89 |
FBtr0347018 | CR45925 | -1.89 |
FBtr0340495 | Vsx1 | -1.89 |
FBtr0070781 | Vsx1 | -1.89 |
FBtr0078300 | CG10512 | -1.89 |
FBtr0075076 | CG3902 | -1.89 |
FBtr0080566 | mRpS23 | -1.89 |
FBtr0077310 | GstT3 | -1.89 |
FBtr0075699 | bmm | -1.89 |
FBtr0300190 | bmm | -1.89 |
FBtr0334830 | CR44076 | -1.89 |
FBtr0100857 | mt:ND2 | -1.89 |
FBtr0289973 | CG13905 | -1.89 |
FBtr0078299 | CG10512 | -1.90 |
FBtr0070844 | CG33080 | -1.90 |
FBtr0342971 | CG33080 | -1.90 |
FBtr0308619 | eas | -1.90 |
FBtr0080917 | mdy | -1.90 |
FBtr0073785 | CG11816 | -1.90 |
FBtr0331357 | CDase | -1.90 |
FBtr0345735 | CR45341 | -1.90 |
FBtr0303376 | CG2187 | -1.90 |
FBtr0075750 | Fbp1 | -1.90 |
FBtr0339515 | Fbp1 | -1.90 |
FBtr0075749 | Fbp1 | -1.90 |
FBtr0332135 | CG7201 | -1.90 |
FBtr0076527 | Tequila | -1.91 |
FBtr0303835 | CG42828 | -1.91 |
FBtr0080915 | mdy | -1.91 |
FBtr0302029 | CG14946 | -1.91 |
FBtr0070088 | arg | -1.91 |
FBtr0339107 | CG44251 | -1.91 |
FBtr0345617 | CG7300 | -1.91 |
FBtr0336849 | CR44181 | -1.91 |
FBtr0080125 | CG7300 | -1.91 |
FBtr0088184 | TpnC47D | -1.91 |
FBtr0345540 | TpnC47D | -1.91 |
FBtr0339346 | CG42326 | -1.91 |
FBtr0079438 | gudu | -1.91 |
FBtr0071600 | CG9485 | -1.92 |
FBtr0300394 | CG9485 | -1.92 |
FBtr0071599 | CG9485 | -1.92 |
FBtr0343519 | eas | -1.92 |
FBtr0074211 | eas | -1.92 |
FBtr0074214 | eas | -1.92 |
FBtr0080916 | mdy | -1.92 |
FBtr0080095 | CG18302 | -1.92 |
FBtr0087935 | CG8550 | -1.92 |
FBtr0339398 | AdamTS-A | -1.92 |
FBtr0334629 | AdamTS-A | -1.92 |
FBtr0331736 | CG11816 | -1.92 |
FBtr0335261 | CR42646 | -1.92 |
FBtr0302350 | CR42646 | -1.92 |
FBtr0084853 | CG10553 | -1.92 |
FBtr0080549 | CG7916 | -1.92 |
FBtr0086667 | CG15065 | -1.92 |
FBtr0083509 | Lgr1 | -1.93 |
FBtr0071601 | CG9485 | -1.93 |
FBtr0300395 | CG9485 | -1.93 |
FBtr0310327 | CG9485 | -1.93 |
FBtr0343520 | eas | -1.93 |
FBtr0308617 | eas | -1.93 |
FBtr0305265 | CG14946 | -1.93 |
FBtr0342607 | CG14946 | -1.93 |
FBtr0308830 | CG6294 | -1.93 |
FBtr0083160 | AdamTS-A | -1.93 |
FBtr0332794 | CR43893 | -1.93 |
FBtr0273320 | CG13024 | -1.93 |
FBtr0340430 | CG44426 | -1.93 |
FBtr0074444 | CG8661 | -1.93 |
FBtr0082981 | CG8066 | -1.94 |
FBtr0309193 | CR43458 | -1.94 |
FBtr0334312 | tsl | -1.94 |
FBtr0084164 | tsl | -1.94 |
FBtr0309099 | CG9837 | -1.94 |
FBtr0336680 | St3 | -1.95 |
FBtr0113345 | CG18748 | -1.95 |
FBtr0346481 | CR45701 | -1.95 |
FBtr0084352 | CG6733 | -1.95 |
FBtr0083755 | CG3734 | -1.95 |
FBtr0083329 | CG17562 | -1.96 |
FBtr0070201 | CG11380 | -1.96 |
FBtr0345506 | CG11380 | -1.96 |
FBtr0343860 | scw | -1.96 |
FBtr0081261 | scw | -1.96 |
FBtr0079466 | CG5958 | -1.96 |
FBtr0339152 | CG3734 | -1.96 |
FBtr0334331 | CG9837 | -1.96 |
FBtr0076716 | CG7201 | -1.96 |
FBtr0080573 | adat | -1.97 |
FBtr0300132 | CG11891 | -1.97 |
FBtr0300959 | fa2h | -1.97 |
FBtr0113188 | CG11241 | -1.97 |
FBtr0072599 | CG13898 | -1.97 |
FBtr0345489 | Mal-A7 | -1.98 |
FBtr0088757 | Mal-A7 | -1.98 |
FBtr0086972 | CG9640 | -1.98 |
FBtr0078536 | CG11241 | -1.98 |
FBtr0070806 | CG15773 | -1.98 |
FBtr0081303 | CG10680 | -1.99 |
FBtr0332182 | CG10680 | -1.99 |
FBtr0072635 | CG9119 | -1.99 |
FBtr0084165 | tsl | -1.99 |
FBtr0113344 | CG18748 | -1.99 |
FBtr0339631 | Cpr49Ac | -1.99 |
FBtr0086807 | CG10912 | -1.99 |
FBtr0084056 | CG17298 | -1.99 |
FBtr0075091 | Cyp12c1 | -2.00 |
FBtr0345812 | Cyp12c1 | -2.00 |
FBtr0085737 | CG15556 | -2.00 |
FBtr0071733 | CG13494 | -2.00 |
FBtr0334571 | Ela | -2.00 |
FBtr0084708 | Ela | -2.00 |
FBtr0309098 | CG9837 | -2.00 |
FBtr0087514 | Cpr51A | -2.01 |
FBtr0345306 | sxe2 | -2.01 |
FBtr0087916 | Cpr49Ac | -2.01 |
FBtr0299788 | CG42326 | -2.01 |
FBtr0344981 | Tequila | -2.02 |
FBtr0076525 | Tequila | -2.02 |
FBtr0309195 | CG15556 | -2.02 |
FBtr0332253 | CR43810 | -2.02 |
FBtr0071240 | CG12116 | -2.02 |
FBtr0083225 | sxe2 | -2.02 |
FBtr0343666 | CG7953 | -2.02 |
FBtr0080550 | CG7953 | -2.02 |
FBtr0334959 | CG8066 | -2.03 |
FBtr0309194 | CG15556 | -2.03 |
FBtr0079607 | Mur29B | -2.03 |
FBtr0086123 | CG3270 | -2.03 |
FBtr0080093 | Lip4 | -2.03 |
FBtr0088204 | CG13230 | -2.03 |
FBtr0339104 | CG44250 | -2.03 |
FBtr0339105 | CG44250 | -2.03 |
FBtr0301372 | Cpr49Ac | -2.03 |
FBtr0344129 | CR43936 | -2.03 |
FBtr0339490 | CG44303 | -2.03 |
FBtr0347095 | CR45978 | -2.03 |
FBtr0075943 | CG10960 | -2.04 |
FBtr0075941 | CG10960 | -2.04 |
FBtr0087917 | Cpr49Ac | -2.04 |
FBtr0339630 | Cpr49Ac | -2.04 |
FBtr0074843 | Spn77Bb | -2.04 |
FBtr0078315 | CG33056 | -2.05 |
FBtr0078311 | CG33056 | -2.05 |
FBtr0084824 | CG31300 | -2.05 |
FBtr0079339 | CG11236 | -2.05 |
FBtr0309812 | CG11236 | -2.05 |
FBtr0078312 | CG33056 | -2.06 |
FBtr0336460 | CG14526 | -2.06 |
FBtr0071607 | Acox57D-d | -2.06 |
FBtr0084709 | Ela | -2.06 |
FBtr0078314 | CG33056 | -2.07 |
FBtr0075511 | CG17032 | -2.07 |
FBtr0308817 | CG8249 | -2.07 |
FBtr0080127 | CG17108 | -2.07 |
FBtr0347273 | CR46058 | -2.07 |
FBtr0071472 | Gip | -2.08 |
FBtr0340044 | GstT3 | -2.08 |
FBtr0300210 | GstT3 | -2.08 |
FBtr0100230 | CG18003 | -2.08 |
FBtr0302916 | Ir60c | -2.08 |
FBtr0071832 | CG4752 | -2.09 |
FBtr0089053 | Spn43Ad | -2.09 |
FBtr0070423 | CG18031 | -2.09 |
FBtr0330695 | CG43755 | -2.10 |
FBtr0333574 | CG17032 | -2.10 |
FBtr0309709 | mir-4914 | -2.10 |
FBtr0112396 | CG34203 | -2.10 |
FBtr0077163 | CG15212 | -2.10 |
FBtr0331672 | Lip4 | -2.10 |
FBtr0305913 | CG13024 | -2.10 |
FBtr0078313 | CG33056 | -2.11 |
FBtr0075321 | CG9701 | -2.11 |
FBtr0300308 | CG42470 | -2.11 |
FBtr0309185 | CR43452 | -2.11 |
FBtr0080564 | CG33306 | -2.11 |
FBtr0084255 | Pebp1 | -2.11 |
FBtr0304880 | CG43092 | -2.12 |
FBtr0300709 | CG13795 | -2.13 |
FBtr0343407 | CG13795 | -2.13 |
FBtr0082323 | CG6465 | -2.13 |
FBtr0084634 | CG5715 | -2.13 |
FBtr0344980 | Tequila | -2.14 |
FBtr0082179 | CG3940 | -2.14 |
FBtr0344391 | CG3940 | -2.14 |
FBtr0344392 | CG3940 | -2.14 |
FBtr0343602 | CG12715 | -2.14 |
FBtr0073750 | CG12715 | -2.14 |
FBtr0072768 | Gk | -2.14 |
FBtr0072767 | Gk | -2.14 |
FBtr0345817 | Gk | -2.14 |
FBtr0085966 | CG7882 | -2.14 |
FBtr0335266 | CG7882 | -2.14 |
FBtr0087117 | Amyrel | -2.14 |
FBtr0079495 | LKR | -2.14 |
FBtr0343404 | LKR | -2.14 |
FBtr0300805 | CG18284 | -2.15 |
FBtr0339130 | CG18284 | -2.15 |
FBtr0343380 | CG9509 | -2.15 |
FBtr0073978 | CG9509 | -2.15 |
FBtr0084151 | dnd | -2.16 |
FBtr0070845 | CG33080 | -2.16 |
FBtr0072769 | Gk | -2.16 |
FBtr0088759 | Mal-A1 | -2.17 |
FBtr0079322 | Galt | -2.17 |
FBtr0333352 | Galt | -2.17 |
FBtr0305959 | CG17374 | -2.17 |
FBtr0342972 | CG33080 | -2.17 |
FBtr0083106 | CG6125 | -2.17 |
FBtr0082506 | CG18547 | -2.18 |
FBtr0345120 | TpnC73F | -2.18 |
FBtr0089585 | TpnC73F | -2.18 |
FBtr0332548 | CR43846 | -2.18 |
FBtr0307187 | CG15202 | -2.18 |
FBtr0083105 | CG6125 | -2.18 |
FBtr0346109 | CG6125 | -2.18 |
FBtr0070490 | w | -2.19 |
FBtr0091499 | lectin-37Db | -2.19 |
FBtr0302362 | lectin-37Db | -2.19 |
FBtr0100869 | mt:tRNA:G | -2.19 |
FBtr0307505 | CG31076 | -2.20 |
FBtr0082111 | CG9396 | -2.21 |
FBtr0073438 | CG15202 | -2.21 |
FBtr0110768 | Acp54A1 | -2.21 |
FBtr0072770 | Gk | -2.22 |
FBtr0333800 | CG4020 | -2.22 |
FBtr0070824 | CG4020 | -2.22 |
FBtr0073651 | Lsp1alpha | -2.22 |
FBtr0082143 | CG8534 | -2.22 |
FBtr0310421 | alpha-Est2 | -2.23 |
FBtr0071560 | CG9993 | -2.23 |
FBtr0334683 | CR44035 | -2.23 |
FBtr0081540 | alpha-Est2 | -2.24 |
FBtr0077791 | CG3609 | -2.24 |
FBtr0331441 | CG3609 | -2.24 |
FBtr0303027 | CG3609 | -2.25 |
FBtr0100144 | pug | -2.25 |
FBtr0082264 | pug | -2.25 |
FBtr0308753 | CR43411 | -2.25 |
FBtr0300296 | Sfp24Ba | -2.25 |
FBtr0082565 | CG17738 | -2.25 |
FBtr0308818 | CG8249 | -2.26 |
FBtr0079073 | TotM | -2.26 |
FBtr0085329 | CG14528 | -2.27 |
FBtr0336635 | CG9864 | -2.27 |
FBtr0086320 | CG9864 | -2.27 |
FBtr0084431 | CG4408 | -2.27 |
FBtr0339619 | CG4408 | -2.27 |
FBtr0113600 | snoRNA:Psi18S-110 | -2.27 |
FBtr0307036 | TotM | -2.27 |
FBtr0336678 | St3 | -2.28 |
FBtr0078848 | CG14661 | -2.29 |
FBtr0305965 | CG14661 | -2.29 |
FBtr0079066 | Cyp4ac1 | -2.29 |
FBtr0082265 | pug | -2.29 |
FBtr0082266 | pug | -2.29 |
FBtr0305662 | pug | -2.29 |
FBtr0074559 | Tsf1 | -2.29 |
FBtr0346625 | Tsf1 | -2.29 |
FBtr0299796 | CG42329 | -2.29 |
FBtr0343671 | CG8997 | -2.29 |
FBtr0080563 | CG8997 | -2.29 |
FBtr0071123 | CG2233 | -2.30 |
FBtr0072929 | CG16985 | -2.30 |
FBtr0302992 | CG9465 | -2.31 |
FBtr0336679 | St3 | -2.31 |
FBtr0087310 | CG8249 | -2.31 |
FBtr0080693 | dyn-p25 | -2.32 |
FBtr0332601 | CR43866 | -2.32 |
FBtr0075157 | CG5506 | -2.32 |
FBtr0304645 | CG43061 | -2.32 |
FBtr0076914 | CG8628 | -2.32 |
FBtr0301218 | CG8628 | -2.32 |
FBtr0330696 | CG43755 | -2.33 |
FBtr0076003 | Est-6 | -2.33 |
FBtr0333383 | Est-6 | -2.33 |
FBtr0085472 | CG7567 | -2.33 |
FBtr0078644 | CG1213 | -2.34 |
FBtr0307274 | alpha-Est5 | -2.34 |
FBtr0074494 | CG12985 | -2.34 |
FBtr0344411 | CG31517 | -2.34 |
FBtr0078642 | CG1213 | -2.35 |
FBtr0072771 | Gk | -2.35 |
FBtr0079741 | CG9468 | -2.35 |
FBtr0082864 | CG31517 | -2.35 |
FBtr0088752 | Mal-A8 | -2.36 |
FBtr0340616 | CG5162 | -2.36 |
FBtr0074393 | CG5162 | -2.36 |
FBtr0347303 | CR46074 | -2.36 |
FBtr0077212 | Cyp6t1 | -2.36 |
FBtr0081547 | alpha-Est5 | -2.37 |
FBtr0082651 | Gnmt | -2.37 |
FBtr0087399 | Hex-C | -2.38 |
FBtr0332376 | UK114 | -2.38 |
FBtr0083330 | CG17560 | -2.39 |
FBtr0086134 | CG9436 | -2.39 |
FBtr0305954 | CG1213 | -2.40 |
FBtr0078643 | CG1213 | -2.40 |
FBtr0087171 | CG7997 | -2.40 |
FBtr0080746 | UK114 | -2.40 |
FBtr0336977 | CG3679 | -2.40 |
FBtr0078656 | Obp83a | -2.40 |
FBtr0309293 | CR43468 | -2.41 |
FBtr0087172 | CG7997 | -2.42 |
FBtr0300902 | CG18563 | -2.42 |
FBtr0087042 | CG6426 | -2.43 |
FBtr0346581 | CG3604 | -2.43 |
FBtr0079230 | Gal | -2.43 |
FBtr0332603 | Gal | -2.43 |
FBtr0345251 | Obp83a | -2.43 |
FBtr0079282 | CG9498 | -2.43 |
FBtr0114541 | St1 | -2.44 |
FBtr0077689 | CG18557 | -2.45 |
FBtr0339575 | CG16704 | -2.46 |
FBtr0077550 | CG16704 | -2.46 |
FBtr0081102 | CG17325 | -2.47 |
FBtr0299687 | CG42305 | -2.47 |
FBtr0087813 | CG3814 | -2.47 |
FBtr0077141 | CG13285 | -2.48 |
FBtr0073961 | dob | -2.48 |
FBtr0075434 | CG13043 | -2.49 |
FBtr0345443 | CG17325 | -2.49 |
FBtr0299685 | CG17325 | -2.49 |
FBtr0345444 | CG42305 | -2.49 |
FBtr0299686 | CG42305 | -2.49 |
FBtr0077545 | CG3604 | -2.49 |
FBtr0075221 | CG7589 | -2.49 |
FBtr0333690 | CG7589 | -2.49 |
FBtr0087814 | CG3814 | -2.49 |
FBtr0333710 | CG3819 | -2.49 |
FBtr0075048 | CG3819 | -2.49 |
FBtr0070776 | CG16756 | -2.49 |
FBtr0084028 | CG10824 | -2.50 |
FBtr0086733 | Spn55B | -2.53 |
FBtr0086215 | CG30154 | -2.54 |
FBtr0087279 | CG30090 | -2.55 |
FBtr0306384 | CG4019 | -2.55 |
FBtr0072103 | CG4019 | -2.55 |
FBtr0072105 | CG4019 | -2.55 |
FBtr0336929 | CG4019 | -2.55 |
FBtr0072102 | CG4019 | -2.55 |
FBtr0081107 | CG17322 | -2.56 |
FBtr0081108 | CG17322 | -2.56 |
FBtr0081106 | CG17322 | -2.56 |
FBtr0345382 | CG32191 | -2.56 |
FBtr0307509 | CG32191 | -2.56 |
FBtr0332884 | CG3814 | -2.57 |
FBtr0072104 | CG4019 | -2.57 |
FBtr0083538 | DNaseII | -2.57 |
FBtr0332885 | CG3814 | -2.58 |
FBtr0071782 | CG3290 | -2.58 |
FBtr0077063 | CG10467 | -2.59 |
FBtr0307099 | CG43351 | -2.59 |
FBtr0113597 | snoRNA:Psi18S-1377b | -2.59 |
FBtr0306841 | CG11034 | -2.62 |
FBtr0342609 | CG11034 | -2.62 |
FBtr0344769 | CG11034 | -2.62 |
FBtr0079063 | TpnC25D | -2.64 |
FBtr0346458 | TpnC25D | -2.64 |
FBtr0345250 | Obp83a | -2.64 |
FBtr0345621 | CG34457 | -2.67 |
FBtr0112763 | CG34457 | -2.67 |
FBtr0346059 | CG9914 | -2.67 |
FBtr0074240 | CG9914 | -2.67 |
FBtr0085510 | CG31202 | -2.67 |
FBtr0081105 | CG17322 | -2.67 |
FBtr0084825 | CG31104 | -2.68 |
FBtr0290287 | CG12917 | -2.69 |
FBtr0346058 | CR45485 | -2.69 |
FBtr0071745 | lox2 | -2.70 |
FBtr0086752 | CG14500 | -2.73 |
FBtr0079240 | Vm26Ac | -2.74 |
FBtr0100081 | CG34026 | -2.75 |
FBtr0343410 | CG34026 | -2.75 |
FBtr0342931 | TpnC25D | -2.76 |
FBtr0079275 | Tig | -2.78 |
FBtr0343152 | Tig | -2.78 |
FBtr0331962 | CG43789 | -2.81 |
FBtr0083967 | CG15695 | -2.82 |
FBtr0306593 | CG13285 | -2.82 |
FBtr0080162 | Art8 | -2.85 |
FBtr0077239 | Npc1b | -2.85 |
FBtr0085305 | CG9988 | -2.86 |
FBtr0310441 | CG7322 | -2.89 |
FBtr0074654 | CG7322 | -2.89 |
FBtr0346018 | CG7322 | -2.89 |
FBtr0343681 | CG42682 | -2.92 |
FBtr0078370 | CG33290 | -2.92 |
FBtr0082726 | CG7381 | -2.94 |
FBtr0078207 | CG17637 | -2.95 |
FBtr0076314 | CG32054 | -2.95 |
FBtr0072011 | yellow-d | -2.96 |
FBtr0076084 | CG10361 | -2.98 |
FBtr0087956 | CG13155 | -2.98 |
FBtr0301219 | CG7381 | -2.99 |
FBtr0310149 | CG16965 | -3.00 |
FBtr0071740 | CG4363 | -3.04 |
FBtr0300456 | Cyp4ac2 | -3.04 |
FBtr0342846 | phm | -3.04 |
FBtr0074603 | phm | -3.04 |
FBtr0331428 | CG7381 | -3.06 |
FBtr0080336 | CG17211 | -3.07 |
FBtr0331429 | CG7381 | -3.07 |
FBtr0082727 | CG7381 | -3.07 |
FBtr0332034 | CG9259 | -3.11 |
FBtr0083038 | CG6912 | -3.13 |
FBtr0332033 | CG9259 | -3.14 |
FBtr0081464 | CG9259 | -3.14 |
FBtr0075348 | PGRP-SB1 | -3.16 |
FBtr0087732 | AGBE | -3.17 |
FBtr0088758 | Mal-A3 | -3.18 |
FBtr0085977 | CG7849 | -3.19 |
FBtr0080450 | CG5945 | -3.20 |
FBtr0334754 | CG5945 | -3.20 |
FBtr0085077 | CG6295 | -3.25 |
FBtr0076906 | CG14823 | -3.27 |
FBtr0344119 | CG31091 | -3.29 |
FBtr0076908 | CG14823 | -3.31 |
FBtr0306838 | CR43304 | -3.32 |
FBtr0073334 | CG11345 | -3.35 |
FBtr0078591 | Osi24 | -3.38 |
FBtr0078424 | CG32444 | -3.40 |
FBtr0306299 | CR43242 | -3.40 |
FBtr0077803 | CG17242 | -3.41 |
FBtr0335162 | CG17242 | -3.41 |
FBtr0087406 | CG12853 | -3.49 |
FBtr0085511 | Jon99Ci | -3.57 |
FBtr0073073 | Drs | -3.59 |
FBtr0080639 | l(2)34Fd | -3.66 |
FBtr0081472 | CG9246 | -3.67 |
FBtr0347058 | CR45955 | -3.69 |
FBtr0089560 | Sardh | -3.69 |
FBtr0074436 | CG8568 | -3.75 |
FBtr0074028 | Cyp4s3 | -3.75 |
FBtr0303833 | CG42825 | -3.82 |
FBtr0300297 | Sfp24Bb | -3.84 |
FBtr0309041 | CG31091 | -3.87 |
FBtr0088562 | CG8083 | -3.88 |
FBtr0088561 | CG8083 | -3.88 |
FBtr0088560 | CG8083 | -3.88 |
FBtr0304879 | CG43093 | -3.91 |
FBtr0112514 | CG34316 | -3.98 |
FBtr0335233 | CG31087 | -4.10 |
FBtr0084855 | CG31087 | -4.10 |
FBtr0077025 | CG5568 | -4.14 |
FBtr0081517 | CG8665 | -4.16 |
FBtr0346232 | CR45600 | -4.17 |
FBtr0084847 | tobi | -4.20 |
FBtr0346185 | CG42807 | -4.27 |
FBtr0303819 | CG42807 | -4.27 |
FBtr0305582 | Ag5r | -4.33 |
FBtr0333658 | Ag5r | -4.33 |
FBtr0310321 | CG10073 | -4.38 |
FBtr0083025 | CG3984 | -4.39 |
FBtr0330667 | CG3597 | -4.40 |
FBtr0077792 | CG3597 | -4.40 |
FBtr0086523 | CG10073 | -4.52 |
FBtr0081350 | CG10659 | -4.53 |
FBtr0088798 | CG30371 | -4.57 |
FBtr0086903 | CG6484 | -4.57 |
FBtr0083017 | smp-30 | -4.58 |
FBtr0083016 | smp-30 | -4.60 |
FBtr0336878 | smp-30 | -4.61 |
FBtr0336877 | smp-30 | -4.61 |
FBtr0088747 | Mal-A2 | -4.62 |
FBtr0073937 | Ag5r | -4.64 |
FBtr0303828 | CG42821 | -4.82 |
FBtr0084441 | CG31148 | -4.85 |
FBtr0074392 | CG18258 | -4.95 |
FBtr0085626 | CG15533 | -4.95 |
FBtr0088707 | PGRP-SC1a | -5.07 |
FBtr0335216 | CG4757 | -5.18 |
FBtr0082339 | CG4757 | -5.18 |
FBtr0343688 | CG31832 | -5.34 |
FBtr0073916 | CG9411 | -5.37 |
FBtr0083971 | TotA | -5.37 |
FBtr0340492 | CG15096 | -5.38 |
FBtr0086632 | CG15096 | -5.53 |
FBtr0332756 | Cpr76Bd | -5.55 |
FBtr0113181 | Cpr76Bd | -5.55 |
FBtr0332755 | Cpr76Bd | -5.55 |
FBtr0077024 | Cpr65Av | -5.74 |
FBtr0086633 | CG15096 | -5.75 |
FBtr0071739 | CG4377 | -5.76 |
FBtr0112391 | CG34198 | -5.76 |
FBtr0088709 | PGRP-SC2 | -5.81 |
FBtr0345752 | CG9466 | -5.84 |
FBtr0079742 | CG9466 | -5.84 |
FBtr0343173 | CG9572 | -6.29 |
FBtr0077047 | CG6602 | -6.34 |
FBtr0303428 | CG42782 | -6.42 |
FBtr0347196 | CG42782 | -6.42 |
FBtr0070006 | CG9572 | -6.56 |
FBtr0303256 | CG9572 | -6.56 |
FBtr0080729 | CG15263 | -6.60 |
FBtr0072633 | LysP | -6.76 |
FBtr0339932 | Sodh-1 | -6.88 |
FBtr0081627 | Sodh-1 | -6.88 |
FBtr0080275 | Mal-B1 | -6.98 |
FBtr0339153 | CG3739 | -7.34 |
FBtr0085007 | CR31084 | -7.51 |
FBtr0112487 | CG34291 | -8.02 |
FBtr0088748 | Mal-A4 | -8.65 |
FBtr0339748 | CG13325 | -8.96 |
FBtr0087722 | CG13325 | -10.00 |
FBtr0310455 | CG43680 | -10.10 |
FBtr0300448 | Cp38 | -10.30 |
FBtr0339997 | CG8093 | -10.70 |
FBtr0087401 | CG8093 | -10.70 |
FBtr0345931 | CG13325 | -11.40 |
FBtr0345194 | CG13325 | -11.40 |
FBtr0340230 | CG9463 | -12.20 |
FBtr0079744 | CG9463 | -12.50 |
FBtr0086475 | CG15126 | -13.20 |
FBtr0085150 | CG6277 | -13.70 |
FBtr0076810 | CG7409 | -14.10 |
FBtr0076388 | CG18179 | -15.80 |
FBtr0077128 | CG10591 | -17.20 |
FBtr0345611 | CG16826 | -20.90 |
FBtr0080464 | CG16826 | -20.90 |
FBtr0289974 | CG14325 | -25.20 |
FBtr0085151 | CG6283 | -25.50 |
FBtr0084153 | fit | -29.70 |
FBtr0083985 | TotX | -31.70 |
FBtr0346383 | CG1678 | -36.70 |
FBtr0077219 | CG1678 | -36.70 |
FBtr0100095 | CG34040 | -39.20 |
FBtr0335461 | CG44142 | -41.20 |
FBtr0075099 | CG32198 | -59.00 |
FBtr0077220 | lcs | -63.20 |
FBtr0302826 | CG34212 | -76.20 |
FBtr0082900 | CG33109 | -77.50 |
FBtr0344451 | CG45080 | -79.10 |
FBtr0112405 | CG34212 | -116.00 |
Count: 100 proteins
This table is related to Supplementary Table 4.
protein FC values are logged
PUP_inner_FC1.6 <- dPERK_inner_join %>% filter (prot_reg == 1)
PUP_inner_FC1.6_unq <- PUP_inner_FC1.6 %>% dplyr::select(Protein.ID, %>% unique()
write.csv(PUP_inner_FC1.6, "1.6_data_output/PUP_inner_FC1.6.csv")
write.csv(PUP_inner_FC1.6_unq, "1.6_data_output/PUP_inner_FC1.6_unq.csv")
Transcript ID | Gene ID | Protein FC |
FBtr0299943 | Jabba | 4.84 |
FBtr0100558 | Hsp22 | 4.82 |
FBtr0100559 | Hsp22 | 4.82 |
FBtr0087451 | Cyp6a17 | 4.25 |
FBtr0345527 | Cyp6a17 | 4.25 |
FBtr0302379 | CG5999 | 3.73 |
FBtr0081201 | Lectin-galC1 | 3.28 |
FBtr0302360 | Lectin-galC1 | 3.28 |
FBtr0078098 | CG11911 | 3.22 |
FBtr0078770 | PEK | 2.32 |
FBtr0347257 | CG5791 | 1.97 |
FBtr0084180 | CG5791 | 1.97 |
FBtr0335196 | CG5791 | 1.97 |
FBtr0082569 | GstD2 | 1.88 |
FBtr0070337 | CG4199 | 1.87 |
FBtr0113321 | Ugt86Dd | 1.74 |
FBtr0077065 | CG13295 | 1.64 |
FBtr0079925 | Cyp4e3 | 1.57 |
FBtr0330618 | CG6191 | 1.43 |
FBtr0112408 | CG34215 | 1.43 |
FBtr0303445 | CG31808 | 1.39 |
FBtr0084832 | rha | 1.39 |
FBtr0304903 | Taf1 | 1.39 |
FBtr0113104 | Vrp1 | 1.38 |
FBtr0077460 | CG3652 | 1.29 |
FBtr0085992 | bin3 | 1.28 |
FBtr0336519 | bin3 | 1.28 |
FBtr0346718 | bin3 | 1.28 |
FBtr0085993 | bin3 | 1.28 |
FBtr0077059 | Lcp65Ag2 | 1.27 |
FBtr0077058 | Lcp65Ag1 | 1.27 |
FBtr0301735 | CG12868 | 1.24 |
FBtr0084407 | Rassf | 1.24 |
FBtr0082195 | gammaSnap2 | 1.24 |
FBtr0086774 | Dgp-1 | 1.20 |
FBtr0086773 | Dgp-1 | 1.20 |
FBtr0089463 | asparagine-synthetase | 1.20 |
FBtr0089055 | Cyp9b2 | 1.19 |
FBtr0074255 | Tob | 1.19 |
FBtr0310446 | Tob | 1.19 |
FBtr0087105 | RpLP2 | 1.18 |
FBtr0343842 | CG43402 | 1.14 |
FBtr0308745 | CG43402 | 1.14 |
FBtr0073544 | CG1572 | 1.12 |
FBtr0073543 | CG1572 | 1.12 |
FBtr0339693 | CG1572 | 1.12 |
FBtr0339694 | CG1572 | 1.12 |
FBtr0088020 | SkpB | 1.12 |
FBtr0113204 | CG7900 | 1.09 |
FBtr0086676 | GstE8 | 1.06 |
FBtr0345798 | GstE8 | 1.06 |
FBtr0079424 | Nuf2 | 1.04 |
FBtr0072954 | Pxn | 1.04 |
FBtr0072950 | Pxn | 1.04 |
FBtr0072951 | Pxn | 1.04 |
FBtr0072953 | Pxn | 1.04 |
FBtr0072952 | Pxn | 1.04 |
FBtr0332594 | CG10543 | 1.04 |
FBtr0086673 | GstE5 | 1.02 |
FBtr0072150 | Fmo-1 | 1.02 |
FBtr0087601 | Prosap | 1.02 |
FBtr0337049 | CG43143 | 1.01 |
FBtr0070434 | CG16903 | 1.01 |
FBtr0086807 | CG10912 | 1.00 |
FBtr0331535 | CG10089 | 0.99 |
FBtr0085498 | CG31038 | 0.99 |
FBtr0085494 | CG31038 | 0.99 |
FBtr0070429 | wapl | 0.98 |
FBtr0344159 | wapl | 0.98 |
FBtr0301854 | CG34423 | 0.97 |
FBtr0344361 | CG45049 | 0.97 |
FBtr0078507 | CG11425 | 0.97 |
FBtr0344358 | CG45049 | 0.97 |
FBtr0078339 | CG7632 | 0.96 |
FBtr0302646 | axo | 0.96 |
FBtr0290243 | NimC3 | 0.96 |
FBtr0078868 | atms | 0.96 |
FBtr0334899 | atms | 0.96 |
FBtr0085652 | Jon99Fi | 0.96 |
FBtr0089324 | Lsp2 | 0.93 |
FBtr0345352 | Lsp2 | 0.93 |
FBtr0073034 | CG32281 | 0.92 |
FBtr0079388 | Pcp | 0.91 |
FBtr0078752 | CG2926 | 0.91 |
FBtr0331303 | CG3711 | 0.91 |
FBtr0079996 | CG31715 | 0.89 |
FBtr0113149 | CG10274 | 0.88 |
FBtr0087455 | Cyp6a8 | 0.88 |
FBtr0345816 | Spn77Ba | 0.87 |
FBtr0074841 | Spn77Ba | 0.87 |
FBtr0074842 | Spn77Ba | 0.87 |
FBtr0340576 | CG5758 | 0.87 |
FBtr0081035 | CG5758 | 0.87 |
FBtr0340577 | CG5758 | 0.87 |
FBtr0081036 | CG5758 | 0.87 |
FBtr0340575 | CG5758 | 0.87 |
FBtr0081037 | CG5758 | 0.87 |
FBtr0087157 | CG4398 | 0.86 |
FBtr0084434 | GILT3 | 0.86 |
FBtr0075944 | CG10754 | 0.86 |
FBtr0084870 | CG10420 | 0.85 |
FBtr0309880 | dila | 0.85 |
FBtr0079486 | Uro | 0.84 |
FBtr0084809 | CG11852 | 0.84 |
FBtr0336634 | Ate1 | 0.84 |
FBtr0081974 | St2 | 0.84 |
FBtr0346096 | St2 | 0.84 |
FBtr0087406 | CG12853 | 0.83 |
FBtr0083609 | mTerf5 | 0.83 |
FBtr0076567 | Cpr66D | 0.83 |
FBtr0086255 | Hil | 0.83 |
FBtr0086256 | Hil | 0.83 |
FBtr0081692 | Ccp84Ab | 0.82 |
FBtr0333095 | baf | 0.80 |
FBtr0079535 | baf | 0.80 |
FBtr0083779 | CG17752 | 0.79 |
FBtr0088760 | Cyp4ad1 | 0.78 |
FBtr0113248 | Ire1 | 0.77 |
FBtr0089254 | MED26 | 0.77 |
FBtr0089253 | MED26 | 0.77 |
FBtr0086476 | Obp56a | 0.77 |
FBtr0078661 | CG2017 | 0.76 |
FBtr0080592 | NimC4 | 0.75 |
FBtr0076089 | Tim13 | 0.75 |
FBtr0072012 | yellow-d2 | 0.74 |
FBtr0111043 | sns | 0.73 |
FBtr0073499 | HP5 | 0.73 |
FBtr0086699 | CG10924 | 0.72 |
FBtr0346348 | RpII15 | 0.72 |
FBtr0082925 | RpII15 | 0.72 |
FBtr0309995 | RpII15 | 0.72 |
FBtr0082648 | Dtg | 0.72 |
FBtr0083164 | CG5399 | 0.71 |
FBtr0334027 | CG5399 | 0.71 |
FBtr0075020 | nes | 0.70 |
FBtr0075019 | nes | 0.70 |
FBtr0075021 | nes | 0.70 |
FBtr0333351 | Spn27A | 0.70 |
FBtr0079321 | Spn27A | 0.70 |
FBtr0076421 | CG3088 | 0.70 |
FBtr0080326 | Pex19 | 0.70 |
FBtr0342602 | Pex19 | 0.70 |
Count: 145 genes
This table is related to Supplementary Table 5.
protein FC values are logged
PDOWN_inner_FC1.6 <- dPERK_inner_join %>% filter (prot_reg == -1)
PDOWN_inner_FC1.6_unq <- PDOWN_inner_FC1.6 %>% dplyr::select(Protein.ID) %>% unique()
write.csv(PDOWN_inner_FC1.6, "1.6_data_output/PDOWN_inner_FC1.6.csv")
Transcript ID | Gene ID | Protein FC |
FBtr0346624 | bgm | -0.70 |
FBtr0080590 | bgm | -0.70 |
FBtr0071670 | CG10306 | -0.70 |
FBtr0081347 | vls | -0.70 |
FBtr0084186 | CG6028 | -0.71 |
FBtr0300956 | CG30427 | -0.71 |
FBtr0300957 | CG30427 | -0.71 |
FBtr0072414 | CG30427 | -0.71 |
FBtr0075512 | CG10516 | -0.71 |
FBtr0100081 | CG34026 | -0.72 |
FBtr0343410 | CG34026 | -0.72 |
FBtr0079507 | CG13794 | -0.72 |
FBtr0082504 | CG3397 | -0.72 |
FBtr0304888 | CG43101 | -0.72 |
FBtr0079062 | Cyp28d1 | -0.72 |
FBtr0073723 | CG15717 | -0.73 |
FBtr0344608 | CG15717 | -0.73 |
FBtr0084210 | Sar1 | -0.73 |
FBtr0084206 | Sar1 | -0.73 |
FBtr0084208 | Sar1 | -0.73 |
FBtr0084209 | Sar1 | -0.73 |
FBtr0339676 | CG15717 | -0.73 |
FBtr0086903 | CG6484 | -0.74 |
FBtr0077212 | Cyp6t1 | -0.74 |
FBtr0084879 | CG5107 | -0.74 |
FBtr0086935 | CG4847 | -0.74 |
FBtr0345706 | Vha36-3 | -0.74 |
FBtr0339401 | Vha36-3 | -0.74 |
FBtr0080101 | CG17097 | -0.74 |
FBtr0082651 | Gnmt | -0.75 |
FBtr0089608 | Dup99B | -0.75 |
FBtr0332091 | dop | -0.75 |
FBtr0075562 | dop | -0.75 |
FBtr0075207 | Jon74E | -0.75 |
FBtr0082179 | CG3940 | -0.76 |
FBtr0344391 | CG3940 | -0.76 |
FBtr0344392 | CG3940 | -0.76 |
FBtr0345027 | CG1246 | -0.76 |
FBtr0333446 | CG1246 | -0.76 |
FBtr0072938 | CG1246 | -0.76 |
FBtr0303022 | CG1246 | -0.76 |
FBtr0100088 | CG34033 | -0.76 |
FBtr0332538 | CG14606 | -0.76 |
FBtr0081603 | CG14606 | -0.76 |
FBtr0080452 | CG16820 | -0.76 |
FBtr0083850 | CG4462 | -0.76 |
FBtr0113171 | Zip71B | -0.76 |
FBtr0347146 | Zip71B | -0.76 |
FBtr0071739 | CG4377 | -0.77 |
FBtr0332755 | Cpr76Bd | -0.77 |
FBtr0079878 | CG4594 | -0.77 |
FBtr0331631 | CG4594 | -0.77 |
FBtr0300805 | CG18284 | -0.78 |
FBtr0339130 | CG18284 | -0.78 |
FBtr0112350 | CG34159 | -0.78 |
FBtr0084255 | Pebp1 | -0.78 |
FBtr0079829 | CG31883 | -0.78 |
FBtr0331223 | Cpr | -0.79 |
FBtr0082625 | CG4830 | -0.79 |
FBtr0331224 | Cpr | -0.79 |
FBtr0079250 | Cpr | -0.79 |
FBtr0335171 | CG15394 | -0.79 |
FBtr0335172 | CG15394 | -0.79 |
FBtr0076758 | nmo | -0.80 |
FBtr0076756 | nmo | -0.80 |
FBtr0333223 | nmo | -0.80 |
FBtr0076759 | nmo | -0.80 |
FBtr0070006 | CG9572 | -0.81 |
FBtr0078297 | CG10512 | -0.81 |
FBtr0306695 | mtd | -0.81 |
FBtr0334320 | Mkk4 | -0.81 |
FBtr0081892 | Mkk4 | -0.81 |
FBtr0300443 | Mkk4 | -0.81 |
FBtr0077547 | CG16713 | -0.82 |
FBtr0302944 | CG9331 | -0.82 |
FBtr0302945 | CG9331 | -0.82 |
FBtr0081420 | CG9331 | -0.82 |
FBtr0345687 | CG9331 | -0.82 |
FBtr0078089 | CG11885 | -0.82 |
FBtr0087444 | hui | -0.82 |
FBtr0087445 | hui | -0.82 |
FBtr0342615 | CG9029 | -0.83 |
FBtr0089105 | CG1970 | -0.83 |
FBtr0333676 | CG1970 | -0.83 |
FBtr0088158 | CG30025 | -0.83 |
FBtr0089712 | CG1677 | -0.83 |
FBtr0339819 | CG1677 | -0.83 |
FBtr0303415 | CG1677 | -0.83 |
FBtr0334297 | CG9922 | -0.84 |
FBtr0082870 | CG9922 | -0.84 |
FBtr0340319 | RpL30 | -0.84 |
FBtr0302491 | RpL30 | -0.84 |
FBtr0081181 | RpL30 | -0.84 |
FBtr0346715 | Sfp35C | -0.84 |
FBtr0300311 | Sfp35C | -0.84 |
FBtr0084149 | CG6690 | -0.84 |
FBtr0079076 | H15 | -0.85 |
FBtr0343225 | H15 | -0.85 |
FBtr0084847 | tobi | -0.86 |
FBtr0072029 | CG3530 | -0.86 |
FBtr0076591 | CG5804 | -0.86 |
FBtr0074712 | CG12203 | -0.86 |
FBtr0082656 | CG12279 | -0.86 |
FBtr0071091 | CG1444 | -0.86 |
FBtr0072172 | eIF-5A | -0.86 |
FBtr0072173 | eIF-5A | -0.86 |
FBtr0071014 | CG4607 | -0.87 |
FBtr0071013 | CG4607 | -0.87 |
FBtr0082437 | CG6908 | -0.87 |
FBtr0290280 | CG8736 | -0.88 |
FBtr0087783 | bic | -0.88 |
FBtr0113049 | CG1701 | -0.88 |
FBtr0332995 | CG1701 | -0.88 |
FBtr0087782 | bic | -0.88 |
FBtr0345637 | CG31872 | -0.89 |
FBtr0080099 | CG31872 | -0.89 |
FBtr0300296 | Sfp24Ba | -0.90 |
FBtr0074843 | Spn77Bb | -0.90 |
FBtr0082980 | Cys | -0.90 |
FBtr0346168 | CG3106 | -0.91 |
FBtr0071403 | CG3106 | -0.91 |
FBtr0336877 | smp-30 | -0.92 |
FBtr0081107 | CG17322 | -0.92 |
FBtr0081108 | CG17322 | -0.92 |
FBtr0081106 | CG17322 | -0.92 |
FBtr0081105 | CG17322 | -0.92 |
FBtr0080557 | CG16884 | -0.92 |
FBtr0075284 | CG7724 | -0.93 |
FBtr0085001 | Ald | -0.93 |
FBtr0306657 | Ald | -0.93 |
FBtr0310661 | Ald | -0.93 |
FBtr0076810 | CG7409 | -0.94 |
FBtr0113196 | CG1208 | -0.94 |
FBtr0078848 | CG14661 | -0.95 |
FBtr0305965 | CG14661 | -0.95 |
FBtr0346813 | CG14974 | -0.96 |
FBtr0304879 | CG43093 | -0.97 |
FBtr0331816 | Spn77Bc | -0.97 |
FBtr0078172 | Spn77Bc | -0.97 |
FBtr0110802 | CG14034 | -0.97 |
FBtr0346459 | CG14034 | -0.97 |
FBtr0088746 | Cyp4e1 | -0.98 |
FBtr0110771 | Spn75F | -0.99 |
FBtr0078511 | CG11523 | -0.99 |
FBtr0079624 | Spn28F | -1.01 |
FBtr0079741 | CG9468 | -1.02 |
FBtr0075115 | Met75Ca | -1.04 |
FBtr0082727 | CG7381 | -1.05 |
FBtr0331634 | CG42367 | -1.05 |
FBtr0344123 | CG45011 | -1.05 |
FBtr0344124 | CG45011 | -1.05 |
FBtr0088748 | Mal-A4 | -1.06 |
FBtr0079042 | Rtnl1 | -1.06 |
FBtr0332034 | CG9259 | -1.07 |
FBtr0332033 | CG9259 | -1.07 |
FBtr0081464 | CG9259 | -1.07 |
FBtr0075033 | CG10424 | -1.08 |
FBtr0076003 | Est-6 | -1.09 |
FBtr0333383 | Est-6 | -1.09 |
FBtr0088380 | CG30008 | -1.09 |
FBtr0334715 | Syp | -1.12 |
FBtr0331931 | Cyt-b5-r | -1.12 |
FBtr0080932 | Cyt-b5-r | -1.12 |
FBtr0087420 | Obp51a | -1.13 |
FBtr0306923 | CG43319 | -1.13 |
FBtr0300489 | CG13585 | -1.13 |
FBtr0300488 | CG13585 | -1.13 |
FBtr0072303 | CG13585 | -1.13 |
FBtr0072304 | CG13585 | -1.13 |
FBtr0301928 | CG31624 | -1.13 |
FBtr0343874 | CG31624 | -1.13 |
FBtr0081491 | CG31624 | -1.13 |
FBtr0305959 | CG17374 | -1.14 |
FBtr0085616 | CecC | -1.14 |
FBtr0303818 | CG42808 | -1.15 |
FBtr0336680 | St3 | -1.16 |
FBtr0072164 | PebIII | -1.18 |
FBtr0343340 | PebIII | -1.18 |
FBtr0343341 | PebIII | -1.18 |
FBtr0339932 | Sodh-1 | -1.19 |
FBtr0081627 | Sodh-1 | -1.19 |
FBtr0100353 | ade3 | -1.20 |
FBtr0083025 | CG3984 | -1.21 |
FBtr0340616 | CG5162 | -1.23 |
FBtr0074393 | CG5162 | -1.23 |
FBtr0343490 | CG33228 | -1.27 |
FBtr0301037 | CG33228 | -1.27 |
FBtr0333037 | Gbs-70E | -1.30 |
FBtr0075724 | Gbs-70E | -1.30 |
FBtr0301934 | Sfp24Bc | -1.30 |
FBtr0083712 | NP15.6 | -1.30 |
FBtr0306288 | CG43235 | -1.33 |
FBtr0078207 | CG17637 | -1.35 |
FBtr0345752 | CG9466 | -1.35 |
FBtr0079742 | CG9466 | -1.35 |
FBtr0074392 | CG18258 | -1.55 |
FBtr0082248 | Rrp46 | -1.55 |
FBtr0300313 | Sfp60F | -1.59 |
FBtr0072096 | CG4091 | -1.62 |
FBtr0072097 | CG4091 | -1.62 |
FBtr0072098 | CG4091 | -1.62 |
FBtr0072937 | CG1143 | -1.64 |
FBtr0333445 | CG1143 | -1.64 |
FBtr0088928 | CG1942 | -1.71 |
FBtr0304645 | CG43061 | -1.71 |
FBtr0303828 | CG42821 | -1.74 |
FBtr0083972 | TotC | -1.77 |
FBtr0077803 | CG17242 | -1.80 |
FBtr0335162 | CG17242 | -1.80 |
FBtr0336732 | l(2)06496 | -1.94 |
FBtr0071985 | l(2)06496 | -1.94 |
FBtr0079499 | CG7214 | -2.08 |
FBtr0340230 | CG9463 | -2.11 |
FBtr0079744 | CG9463 | -2.11 |
FBtr0309866 | CanB2 | -2.59 |
FBtr0088930 | CanB2 | -2.59 |
FBtr0080275 | Mal-B1 | -2.66 |
FBtr0290272 | CG7203 | -2.83 |
FBtr0346499 | CG7203 | -2.83 |
FBtr0079500 | Acp1 | -2.87 |
FBtr0073937 | Ag5r | -3.12 |
FBtr0305582 | Ag5r | -3.12 |
FBtr0333658 | Ag5r | -3.12 |
FBtr0082900 | CG33109 | -3.52 |
FBtr0088592 | Cyp4p1 | -3.90 |
FBtr0345611 | CG16826 | -5.02 |
FBtr0080464 | CG16826 | -5.02 |
Count: 27 genes
This table is related to Supplementary Table 13.
protein FC values are logged
TUP_PUP_FC1.6 <- dPERK_inner_join %>% filter (trans_reg == 1, prot_reg == 1)
TUP_PUP_FC1.6_unq <- TUP_PUP_FC1.6 %>% dplyr::select( %>% unique() # for the count
write.csv(TUP_PUP_FC1.6, "1.6_data_output/TUP_PUP_FC1.6.csv")
Transcript ID | Gene ID | Transcript FC | Protein FC |
FBtr0087451 | Cyp6a17 | 117.00 | 4.25 |
FBtr0345527 | Cyp6a17 | 117.00 | 4.25 |
FBtr0100559 | Hsp22 | 74.60 | 4.82 |
FBtr0302379 | CG5999 | 69.40 | 3.73 |
FBtr0100558 | Hsp22 | 29.20 | 4.82 |
FBtr0086774 | Dgp-1 | 25.80 | 1.20 |
FBtr0086773 | Dgp-1 | 21.20 | 1.20 |
FBtr0078770 | PEK | 16.60 | 2.32 |
FBtr0084870 | CG10420 | 8.58 | 0.85 |
FBtr0082569 | GstD2 | 7.49 | 1.88 |
FBtr0089055 | Cyp9b2 | 6.96 | 1.19 |
FBtr0078098 | CG11911 | 6.96 | 3.22 |
FBtr0343842 | CG43402 | 6.77 | 1.14 |
FBtr0308745 | CG43402 | 6.77 | 1.14 |
FBtr0089463 | asparagine-synthetase | 4.30 | 1.20 |
FBtr0079486 | Uro | 3.73 | 0.84 |
FBtr0078339 | CG7632 | 3.57 | 0.96 |
FBtr0113321 | Ugt86Dd | 3.48 | 1.74 |
FBtr0302360 | Lectin-galC1 | 3.34 | 3.28 |
FBtr0081201 | Lectin-galC1 | 3.26 | 3.28 |
FBtr0079925 | Cyp4e3 | 3.22 | 1.57 |
FBtr0086676 | GstE8 | 2.70 | 1.06 |
FBtr0345798 | GstE8 | 2.70 | 1.06 |
FBtr0086699 | CG10924 | 2.63 | 0.72 |
FBtr0078661 | CG2017 | 2.60 | 0.76 |
FBtr0347257 | CG5791 | 2.56 | 1.97 |
FBtr0084180 | CG5791 | 2.56 | 1.97 |
FBtr0335196 | CG5791 | 2.53 | 1.97 |
FBtr0301854 | CG34423 | 2.40 | 0.97 |
FBtr0301735 | CG12868 | 2.17 | 1.24 |
FBtr0113248 | Ire1 | 2.09 | 0.77 |
FBtr0081692 | Ccp84Ab | 1.92 | 0.82 |
FBtr0303445 | CG31808 | 1.84 | 1.39 |
FBtr0083779 | CG17752 | 1.80 | 0.79 |
FBtr0088760 | Cyp4ad1 | 1.61 | 0.78 |
Count: 102 genes
This table is related to Supplementary Table 14.
protein FC values are logged
TUP_PZERO_FC1.6 <- dPERK_inner_join %>% filter (trans_reg == 1, prot_reg == 0, prot_FDR <= 0.05 )
TUP_PZERO_FC1.6_unq <- TUP_PZERO_FC1.6 %>% dplyr::select( %>% unique()
write.csv(TUP_PZERO_FC1.6, "1.6_data_output/TUP_PZERO_FC1.6.csv")
Transcript ID | Gene ID | Transcript FC | Protein FC |
FBtr0100655 | Hsp67Bb | 29.20 | -0.42 |
FBtr0077008 | ImpL3 | 16.30 | 0.33 |
FBtr0332066 | ImpL3 | 16.20 | 0.33 |
FBtr0332067 | ImpL3 | 16.10 | 0.33 |
FBtr0332065 | ImpL3 | 16.00 | 0.33 |
FBtr0289990 | CG30022 | 7.58 | -0.23 |
FBtr0086749 | CG10916 | 7.12 | 0.67 |
FBtr0332853 | CG10916 | 7.09 | 0.67 |
FBtr0079299 | Aatf | 5.73 | 0.29 |
FBtr0082334 | Tpc1 | 5.36 | 0.21 |
FBtr0336761 | Nmdmc | 5.34 | 0.59 |
FBtr0081996 | Nmdmc | 5.33 | 0.59 |
FBtr0301935 | Sfp26Ad | 5.32 | 0.44 |
FBtr0333233 | Sfp26Ad | 5.32 | 0.44 |
FBtr0082333 | Tpc1 | 5.30 | 0.21 |
FBtr0081997 | Nmdmc | 4.74 | 0.59 |
FBtr0084035 | CG7044 | 4.65 | 0.51 |
FBtr0085849 | FeCH | 4.60 | 0.33 |
FBtr0085850 | FeCH | 4.58 | 0.33 |
FBtr0080912 | Ugt36Bc | 4.58 | 0.12 |
FBtr0080911 | Ugt36Bc | 4.58 | 0.12 |
FBtr0085851 | FeCH | 4.57 | 0.33 |
FBtr0344850 | Ugt36Bc | 4.53 | 0.12 |
FBtr0089056 | Cyp9b1 | 4.19 | 0.25 |
FBtr0344263 | GstD9 | 3.87 | 0.34 |
FBtr0082608 | GstD9 | 3.87 | 0.34 |
FBtr0073061 | Drsl4 | 3.87 | -0.61 |
FBtr0084828 | CG13659 | 3.71 | 0.33 |
FBtr0332909 | asrij | 3.66 | 0.17 |
FBtr0086913 | l(2)k01209 | 3.39 | 0.29 |
FBtr0086914 | l(2)k01209 | 3.39 | 0.29 |
FBtr0086915 | l(2)k01209 | 3.36 | 0.29 |
FBtr0310075 | NimC1 | 3.24 | -0.36 |
FBtr0343644 | NimC1 | 3.24 | -0.36 |
FBtr0082438 | CG6834 | 3.21 | 0.16 |
FBtr0086675 | GstE7 | 3.19 | 0.22 |
FBtr0073777 | CG1673 | 3.08 | 0.66 |
FBtr0073249 | ImpL2 | 3.07 | 0.16 |
FBtr0333569 | ImpL2 | 3.07 | 0.16 |
FBtr0076457 | aay | 3.06 | 0.67 |
FBtr0076894 | CG14820 | 3.02 | 0.48 |
FBtr0335448 | Elp1 | 3.01 | 0.14 |
FBtr0070568 | CG10802 | 2.96 | 0.15 |
FBtr0073250 | ImpL2 | 2.95 | 0.16 |
FBtr0073248 | ImpL2 | 2.94 | 0.16 |
FBtr0335480 | CG17259 | 2.87 | -0.37 |
FBtr0077667 | CG17259 | 2.87 | -0.37 |
FBtr0082570 | GstD3 | 2.86 | 0.30 |
FBtr0077165 | CG4611 | 2.84 | 0.30 |
FBtr0078225 | CG11796 | 2.81 | 0.64 |
FBtr0086911 | Prosalpha5 | 2.75 | -0.44 |
FBtr0300127 | Cyp6a20 | 2.74 | 0.11 |
FBtr0088834 | CG1882 | 2.73 | 0.22 |
FBtr0345697 | CG1882 | 2.73 | 0.22 |
FBtr0339120 | CG1882 | 2.73 | 0.22 |
FBtr0335167 | Cyp309a1 | 2.66 | -0.46 |
FBtr0335166 | Cyp309a1 | 2.66 | -0.46 |
FBtr0080587 | Cyp28a5 | 2.65 | -0.30 |
FBtr0346428 | l(2)37Cc | 2.46 | 0.14 |
FBtr0081164 | l(2)37Cc | 2.46 | 0.14 |
FBtr0343672 | CG33307 | 2.46 | 0.24 |
FBtr0080565 | CG33307 | 2.46 | 0.24 |
FBtr0081165 | l(2)37Cc | 2.43 | 0.14 |
FBtr0346436 | Aats-thr | 2.41 | 0.16 |
FBtr0080332 | Aats-thr | 2.41 | 0.16 |
FBtr0079389 | CG3476 | 2.41 | -0.30 |
FBtr0087452 | Cyp6a23 | 2.37 | -0.61 |
FBtr0070146 | Rbf | 2.34 | 0.23 |
FBtr0339924 | CG40002 | 2.33 | 0.11 |
FBtr0332460 | NTPase | 2.27 | 0.17 |
FBtr0336848 | CG17107 | 2.25 | 0.38 |
FBtr0336847 | CG17107 | 2.25 | 0.38 |
FBtr0080107 | CG17107 | 2.25 | 0.38 |
FBtr0077389 | CG3008 | 2.23 | 0.58 |
FBtr0100537 | bocksbeutel | 2.19 | 0.20 |
FBtr0081138 | CG31793 | 2.18 | 0.39 |
FBtr0078216 | CG5059 | 2.17 | 0.53 |
FBtr0086669 | GstE1 | 2.17 | 0.52 |
FBtr0082105 | bocksbeutel | 2.11 | 0.20 |
FBtr0087450 | Cyp6a22 | 2.11 | -0.19 |
FBtr0345526 | Cyp6a22 | 2.11 | -0.19 |
FBtr0339983 | Cyp6a22 | 2.11 | -0.19 |
FBtr0334869 | Orct2 | 2.10 | 0.17 |
FBtr0084598 | Orct2 | 2.10 | 0.17 |
FBtr0345716 | CG2658 | 2.07 | 0.14 |
FBtr0070502 | CG2658 | 2.07 | 0.14 |
FBtr0078484 | CG7130 | 2.07 | 0.49 |
FBtr0087336 | eIF2B-gamma | 2.06 | -0.31 |
FBtr0301252 | CG42553 | 2.03 | 0.43 |
FBtr0086677 | GstE9 | 2.02 | -0.58 |
FBtr0337048 | CG3999 | 2.02 | -0.15 |
FBtr0082225 | CG3999 | 2.02 | -0.15 |
FBtr0077586 | CG3285 | 2.01 | 0.50 |
FBtr0339547 | CG3285 | 2.01 | 0.50 |
FBtr0075251 | CG6512 | 1.99 | 0.16 |
FBtr0111118 | Nipped-B | 1.97 | 0.21 |
FBtr0111119 | Nipped-B | 1.97 | 0.21 |
FBtr0088463 | GstT1 | 1.91 | 0.16 |
FBtr0336664 | Dpit47 | 1.89 | 0.22 |
FBtr0086146 | Dpit47 | 1.88 | 0.22 |
FBtr0088957 | Drat | 1.85 | 0.14 |
FBtr0080290 | CG12264 | 1.84 | -0.35 |
FBtr0087560 | Arc1 | 1.84 | 0.63 |
FBtr0301839 | Ppn | 1.83 | 0.49 |
FBtr0300337 | Ppn | 1.83 | 0.49 |
FBtr0301837 | Ppn | 1.83 | 0.49 |
FBtr0073908 | CG1461 | 1.83 | 0.42 |
FBtr0332144 | ltl | 1.82 | 0.28 |
FBtr0301838 | Ppn | 1.82 | 0.49 |
FBtr0339497 | CG1461 | 1.82 | 0.42 |
FBtr0340393 | CG42306 | 1.80 | 0.23 |
FBtr0340392 | Gint3 | 1.80 | 0.21 |
FBtr0081374 | La | 1.80 | 0.58 |
FBtr0088958 | Drat | 1.80 | 0.14 |
FBtr0299688 | CG42306 | 1.79 | 0.23 |
FBtr0086654 | Gint3 | 1.79 | 0.21 |
FBtr0299689 | CG42306 | 1.79 | 0.23 |
FBtr0086655 | Gint3 | 1.79 | 0.21 |
FBtr0076793 | ltl | 1.79 | 0.28 |
FBtr0113773 | CG40002 | 1.79 | 0.11 |
FBtr0088923 | CG2064 | 1.79 | 0.33 |
FBtr0082074 | P58IPK | 1.78 | -0.14 |
FBtr0330137 | mbf1 | 1.77 | 0.16 |
FBtr0080959 | CG6115 | 1.77 | 0.41 |
FBtr0345447 | CG6115 | 1.77 | 0.41 |
FBtr0070431 | bcn92 | 1.77 | 0.28 |
FBtr0100653 | Hsp67Bb | 1.76 | -0.42 |
FBtr0075519 | mRpS31 | 1.75 | 0.30 |
FBtr0339539 | babos | 1.75 | 0.28 |
FBtr0071845 | babos | 1.75 | 0.28 |
FBtr0081205 | CG9987 | 1.73 | 0.15 |
FBtr0303473 | Hsp67Bb | 1.72 | -0.42 |
FBtr0079868 | CG17633 | 1.72 | 0.19 |
FBtr0073763 | Jafrac1 | 1.71 | -0.33 |
FBtr0339700 | Jafrac1 | 1.71 | -0.33 |
FBtr0073764 | Jafrac1 | 1.71 | -0.33 |
FBtr0339699 | Jafrac1 | 1.71 | -0.33 |
FBtr0345161 | Jafrac1 | 1.71 | -0.33 |
FBtr0303474 | Hsp67Bb | 1.71 | -0.42 |
FBtr0080837 | CaBP1 | 1.71 | -0.09 |
FBtr0345544 | CaBP1 | 1.71 | -0.09 |
FBtr0335460 | CG9813 | 1.70 | 0.20 |
FBtr0079464 | santa-maria | 1.70 | 0.34 |
FBtr0346571 | santa-maria | 1.70 | 0.34 |
FBtr0345630 | oys | 1.68 | 0.32 |
FBtr0339416 | oys | 1.68 | 0.32 |
FBtr0088434 | oys | 1.68 | 0.32 |
FBtr0088901 | Nop17l | 1.67 | 0.26 |
FBtr0079602 | CG14275 | 1.67 | 0.30 |
FBtr0087206 | Rrp42 | 1.66 | 0.33 |
FBtr0088349 | Ndg | 1.65 | 0.28 |
FBtr0339459 | Ndg | 1.65 | 0.28 |
FBtr0071108 | Gclc | 1.65 | -0.16 |
FBtr0340139 | Gclc | 1.65 | -0.16 |
FBtr0300775 | CG1319 | 1.65 | -0.46 |
FBtr0080358 | CG6583 | 1.64 | 0.21 |
FBtr0083277 | mtSSB | 1.64 | 0.27 |
FBtr0083711 | CG14285 | 1.64 | 0.52 |
FBtr0076347 | Dronc | 1.64 | 0.50 |
FBtr0088902 | Nop17l | 1.63 | 0.26 |
FBtr0334792 | CG3714 | 1.62 | 0.37 |
FBtr0331763 | Alr | 1.62 | 0.42 |
FBtr0082347 | RpL3 | 1.62 | -0.21 |
FBtr0071107 | Gclc | 1.61 | -0.16 |
FBtr0340138 | Gclc | 1.61 | -0.16 |
FBtr0072963 | CG16758 | 1.61 | -0.22 |
FBtr0074798 | Nup205 | 1.61 | 0.16 |
FBtr0075338 | Rh4 | 1.60 | 0.56 |
FBtr0075965 | CG4069 | 1.60 | 0.16 |
Count: 107 genes
protein FC values are logged
TUP_PZERO_DOWN_FC1.6 <- dPERK_inner_join %>% filter (trans_reg == 1, prot_reg <= 0, prot_FDR <= 0.05 )
TUP_PZERO_DOWN_FC1.6_unq <- TUP_PZERO_DOWN_FC1.6 %>% dplyr::select( %>% unique()
write.csv(TUP_PZERO_DOWN_FC1.6, "1.6_data_output/TUP_PZERO_DOWN_FC1.6.csv")
Transcript ID | Gene ID | Transcript FC | Protein FC |
FBtr0100655 | Hsp67Bb | 29.20 | -0.42 |
FBtr0077008 | ImpL3 | 16.30 | 0.33 |
FBtr0332066 | ImpL3 | 16.20 | 0.33 |
FBtr0332067 | ImpL3 | 16.10 | 0.33 |
FBtr0332065 | ImpL3 | 16.00 | 0.33 |
FBtr0289990 | CG30022 | 7.58 | -0.23 |
FBtr0086749 | CG10916 | 7.12 | 0.67 |
FBtr0332853 | CG10916 | 7.09 | 0.67 |
FBtr0079299 | Aatf | 5.73 | 0.29 |
FBtr0082334 | Tpc1 | 5.36 | 0.21 |
FBtr0336761 | Nmdmc | 5.34 | 0.59 |
FBtr0081996 | Nmdmc | 5.33 | 0.59 |
FBtr0301935 | Sfp26Ad | 5.32 | 0.44 |
FBtr0333233 | Sfp26Ad | 5.32 | 0.44 |
FBtr0082333 | Tpc1 | 5.30 | 0.21 |
FBtr0081997 | Nmdmc | 4.74 | 0.59 |
FBtr0084035 | CG7044 | 4.65 | 0.51 |
FBtr0085849 | FeCH | 4.60 | 0.33 |
FBtr0085850 | FeCH | 4.58 | 0.33 |
FBtr0080912 | Ugt36Bc | 4.58 | 0.12 |
FBtr0080911 | Ugt36Bc | 4.58 | 0.12 |
FBtr0085851 | FeCH | 4.57 | 0.33 |
FBtr0344850 | Ugt36Bc | 4.53 | 0.12 |
FBtr0100353 | ade3 | 4.45 | -1.20 |
FBtr0089056 | Cyp9b1 | 4.19 | 0.25 |
FBtr0344263 | GstD9 | 3.87 | 0.34 |
FBtr0082608 | GstD9 | 3.87 | 0.34 |
FBtr0073061 | Drsl4 | 3.87 | -0.61 |
FBtr0084828 | CG13659 | 3.71 | 0.33 |
FBtr0332909 | asrij | 3.66 | 0.17 |
FBtr0086913 | l(2)k01209 | 3.39 | 0.29 |
FBtr0086914 | l(2)k01209 | 3.39 | 0.29 |
FBtr0086915 | l(2)k01209 | 3.36 | 0.29 |
FBtr0310075 | NimC1 | 3.24 | -0.36 |
FBtr0343644 | NimC1 | 3.24 | -0.36 |
FBtr0082438 | CG6834 | 3.21 | 0.16 |
FBtr0086675 | GstE7 | 3.19 | 0.22 |
FBtr0306923 | CG43319 | 3.12 | -1.13 |
FBtr0073777 | CG1673 | 3.08 | 0.66 |
FBtr0073249 | ImpL2 | 3.07 | 0.16 |
FBtr0333569 | ImpL2 | 3.07 | 0.16 |
FBtr0076457 | aay | 3.06 | 0.67 |
FBtr0076894 | CG14820 | 3.02 | 0.48 |
FBtr0335448 | Elp1 | 3.01 | 0.14 |
FBtr0070568 | CG10802 | 2.96 | 0.15 |
FBtr0073250 | ImpL2 | 2.95 | 0.16 |
FBtr0073248 | ImpL2 | 2.94 | 0.16 |
FBtr0077547 | CG16713 | 2.87 | -0.82 |
FBtr0335480 | CG17259 | 2.87 | -0.37 |
FBtr0077667 | CG17259 | 2.87 | -0.37 |
FBtr0082570 | GstD3 | 2.86 | 0.30 |
FBtr0077165 | CG4611 | 2.84 | 0.30 |
FBtr0078225 | CG11796 | 2.81 | 0.64 |
FBtr0086911 | Prosalpha5 | 2.75 | -0.44 |
FBtr0300127 | Cyp6a20 | 2.74 | 0.11 |
FBtr0088834 | CG1882 | 2.73 | 0.22 |
FBtr0345697 | CG1882 | 2.73 | 0.22 |
FBtr0339120 | CG1882 | 2.73 | 0.22 |
FBtr0335167 | Cyp309a1 | 2.66 | -0.46 |
FBtr0335166 | Cyp309a1 | 2.66 | -0.46 |
FBtr0080587 | Cyp28a5 | 2.65 | -0.30 |
FBtr0088928 | CG1942 | 2.54 | -1.71 |
FBtr0346428 | l(2)37Cc | 2.46 | 0.14 |
FBtr0081164 | l(2)37Cc | 2.46 | 0.14 |
FBtr0343672 | CG33307 | 2.46 | 0.24 |
FBtr0080565 | CG33307 | 2.46 | 0.24 |
FBtr0081165 | l(2)37Cc | 2.43 | 0.14 |
FBtr0346436 | Aats-thr | 2.41 | 0.16 |
FBtr0080332 | Aats-thr | 2.41 | 0.16 |
FBtr0079389 | CG3476 | 2.41 | -0.30 |
FBtr0087452 | Cyp6a23 | 2.37 | -0.61 |
FBtr0070146 | Rbf | 2.34 | 0.23 |
FBtr0339924 | CG40002 | 2.33 | 0.11 |
FBtr0332460 | NTPase | 2.27 | 0.17 |
FBtr0336848 | CG17107 | 2.25 | 0.38 |
FBtr0336847 | CG17107 | 2.25 | 0.38 |
FBtr0080107 | CG17107 | 2.25 | 0.38 |
FBtr0077389 | CG3008 | 2.23 | 0.58 |
FBtr0100537 | bocksbeutel | 2.19 | 0.20 |
FBtr0081138 | CG31793 | 2.18 | 0.39 |
FBtr0078216 | CG5059 | 2.17 | 0.53 |
FBtr0086669 | GstE1 | 2.17 | 0.52 |
FBtr0082105 | bocksbeutel | 2.11 | 0.20 |
FBtr0087450 | Cyp6a22 | 2.11 | -0.19 |
FBtr0345526 | Cyp6a22 | 2.11 | -0.19 |
FBtr0339983 | Cyp6a22 | 2.11 | -0.19 |
FBtr0334869 | Orct2 | 2.10 | 0.17 |
FBtr0084598 | Orct2 | 2.10 | 0.17 |
FBtr0345716 | CG2658 | 2.07 | 0.14 |
FBtr0070502 | CG2658 | 2.07 | 0.14 |
FBtr0078484 | CG7130 | 2.07 | 0.49 |
FBtr0087336 | eIF2B-gamma | 2.06 | -0.31 |
FBtr0301252 | CG42553 | 2.03 | 0.43 |
FBtr0086677 | GstE9 | 2.02 | -0.58 |
FBtr0337048 | CG3999 | 2.02 | -0.15 |
FBtr0082225 | CG3999 | 2.02 | -0.15 |
FBtr0077586 | CG3285 | 2.01 | 0.50 |
FBtr0339547 | CG3285 | 2.01 | 0.50 |
FBtr0075251 | CG6512 | 1.99 | 0.16 |
FBtr0111118 | Nipped-B | 1.97 | 0.21 |
FBtr0111119 | Nipped-B | 1.97 | 0.21 |
FBtr0088463 | GstT1 | 1.91 | 0.16 |
FBtr0336664 | Dpit47 | 1.89 | 0.22 |
FBtr0086146 | Dpit47 | 1.88 | 0.22 |
FBtr0088957 | Drat | 1.85 | 0.14 |
FBtr0080290 | CG12264 | 1.84 | -0.35 |
FBtr0087560 | Arc1 | 1.84 | 0.63 |
FBtr0301839 | Ppn | 1.83 | 0.49 |
FBtr0300337 | Ppn | 1.83 | 0.49 |
FBtr0301837 | Ppn | 1.83 | 0.49 |
FBtr0073908 | CG1461 | 1.83 | 0.42 |
FBtr0332144 | ltl | 1.82 | 0.28 |
FBtr0301838 | Ppn | 1.82 | 0.49 |
FBtr0339497 | CG1461 | 1.82 | 0.42 |
FBtr0340393 | CG42306 | 1.80 | 0.23 |
FBtr0340392 | Gint3 | 1.80 | 0.21 |
FBtr0081374 | La | 1.80 | 0.58 |
FBtr0088958 | Drat | 1.80 | 0.14 |
FBtr0299688 | CG42306 | 1.79 | 0.23 |
FBtr0086654 | Gint3 | 1.79 | 0.21 |
FBtr0299689 | CG42306 | 1.79 | 0.23 |
FBtr0086655 | Gint3 | 1.79 | 0.21 |
FBtr0076793 | ltl | 1.79 | 0.28 |
FBtr0113773 | CG40002 | 1.79 | 0.11 |
FBtr0088923 | CG2064 | 1.79 | 0.33 |
FBtr0082074 | P58IPK | 1.78 | -0.14 |
FBtr0330137 | mbf1 | 1.77 | 0.16 |
FBtr0080959 | CG6115 | 1.77 | 0.41 |
FBtr0345447 | CG6115 | 1.77 | 0.41 |
FBtr0070431 | bcn92 | 1.77 | 0.28 |
FBtr0100653 | Hsp67Bb | 1.76 | -0.42 |
FBtr0075519 | mRpS31 | 1.75 | 0.30 |
FBtr0339539 | babos | 1.75 | 0.28 |
FBtr0071845 | babos | 1.75 | 0.28 |
FBtr0081205 | CG9987 | 1.73 | 0.15 |
FBtr0303473 | Hsp67Bb | 1.72 | -0.42 |
FBtr0079868 | CG17633 | 1.72 | 0.19 |
FBtr0073763 | Jafrac1 | 1.71 | -0.33 |
FBtr0339700 | Jafrac1 | 1.71 | -0.33 |
FBtr0073764 | Jafrac1 | 1.71 | -0.33 |
FBtr0339699 | Jafrac1 | 1.71 | -0.33 |
FBtr0345161 | Jafrac1 | 1.71 | -0.33 |
FBtr0303474 | Hsp67Bb | 1.71 | -0.42 |
FBtr0080837 | CaBP1 | 1.71 | -0.09 |
FBtr0345544 | CaBP1 | 1.71 | -0.09 |
FBtr0335460 | CG9813 | 1.70 | 0.20 |
FBtr0079464 | santa-maria | 1.70 | 0.34 |
FBtr0346571 | santa-maria | 1.70 | 0.34 |
FBtr0345630 | oys | 1.68 | 0.32 |
FBtr0339416 | oys | 1.68 | 0.32 |
FBtr0088434 | oys | 1.68 | 0.32 |
FBtr0088901 | Nop17l | 1.67 | 0.26 |
FBtr0079602 | CG14275 | 1.67 | 0.30 |
FBtr0087206 | Rrp42 | 1.66 | 0.33 |
FBtr0088349 | Ndg | 1.65 | 0.28 |
FBtr0339459 | Ndg | 1.65 | 0.28 |
FBtr0071108 | Gclc | 1.65 | -0.16 |
FBtr0340139 | Gclc | 1.65 | -0.16 |
FBtr0300775 | CG1319 | 1.65 | -0.46 |
FBtr0080358 | CG6583 | 1.64 | 0.21 |
FBtr0083277 | mtSSB | 1.64 | 0.27 |
FBtr0083711 | CG14285 | 1.64 | 0.52 |
FBtr0076347 | Dronc | 1.64 | 0.50 |
FBtr0088902 | Nop17l | 1.63 | 0.26 |
FBtr0088592 | Cyp4p1 | 1.63 | -3.90 |
FBtr0334792 | CG3714 | 1.62 | 0.37 |
FBtr0331763 | Alr | 1.62 | 0.42 |
FBtr0082347 | RpL3 | 1.62 | -0.21 |
FBtr0071107 | Gclc | 1.61 | -0.16 |
FBtr0340138 | Gclc | 1.61 | -0.16 |
FBtr0072963 | CG16758 | 1.61 | -0.22 |
FBtr0074798 | Nup205 | 1.61 | 0.16 |
FBtr0075338 | Rh4 | 1.60 | 0.56 |
FBtr0075965 | CG4069 | 1.60 | 0.16 |
Count: 75 transcripts, matching to 51 genes
This table is related to Supplementary Table 15.
TDOWN_PDOWN_FC1.6 <- dPERK_full_join %>% filter (trans_reg == -1, prot_reg == -1)
TDOWN_PDOWN_FC1.6_unq <- TDOWN_PDOWN_FC1.6 %>% dplyr::select( %>% unique()
write.csv(TDOWN_PDOWN_FC1.6 , "1.6_data_output/TDOWN_PDOWN_FC1.6 .csv")
write.csv(TDOWN_PDOWN_FC1.6_unq, "1.6_data_output/TDOWN_PDOWN_FC1.6_unq.csv")
Transcript ID | Gene ID | Transcript FC | Protein FC |
FBtr0089608 | Dup99B | -1.63 | -0.75 |
FBtr0100088 | CG34033 | -1.65 | -0.76 |
FBtr0082625 | CG4830 | -1.66 | -0.79 |
FBtr0346624 | bgm | -1.70 | -0.70 |
FBtr0080590 | bgm | -1.70 | -0.70 |
FBtr0113196 | CG1208 | -1.71 | -0.94 |
FBtr0110771 | Spn75F | -1.74 | -0.99 |
FBtr0087420 | Obp51a | -1.75 | -1.13 |
FBtr0303818 | CG42808 | -1.79 | -1.15 |
FBtr0086935 | CG4847 | -1.80 | -0.74 |
FBtr0331816 | Spn77Bc | -1.85 | -0.97 |
FBtr0078172 | Spn77Bc | -1.85 | -0.97 |
FBtr0333446 | CG1246 | -1.86 | -0.76 |
FBtr0072938 | CG1246 | -1.86 | -0.76 |
FBtr0303022 | CG1246 | -1.86 | -0.76 |
FBtr0078297 | CG10512 | -1.87 | -0.81 |
FBtr0345027 | CG1246 | -1.87 | -0.76 |
FBtr0336680 | St3 | -1.95 | -1.16 |
FBtr0074843 | Spn77Bb | -2.04 | -0.90 |
FBtr0084255 | Pebp1 | -2.11 | -0.78 |
FBtr0082179 | CG3940 | -2.14 | -0.76 |
FBtr0344391 | CG3940 | -2.14 | -0.76 |
FBtr0344392 | CG3940 | -2.14 | -0.76 |
FBtr0300805 | CG18284 | -2.15 | -0.78 |
FBtr0339130 | CG18284 | -2.15 | -0.78 |
FBtr0305959 | CG17374 | -2.17 | -1.14 |
FBtr0300296 | Sfp24Ba | -2.25 | -0.90 |
FBtr0078848 | CG14661 | -2.29 | -0.95 |
FBtr0305965 | CG14661 | -2.29 | -0.95 |
FBtr0304645 | CG43061 | -2.32 | -1.71 |
FBtr0076003 | Est-6 | -2.33 | -1.09 |
FBtr0333383 | Est-6 | -2.33 | -1.09 |
FBtr0079741 | CG9468 | -2.35 | -1.02 |
FBtr0340616 | CG5162 | -2.36 | -1.23 |
FBtr0074393 | CG5162 | -2.36 | -1.23 |
FBtr0077212 | Cyp6t1 | -2.36 | -0.74 |
FBtr0082651 | Gnmt | -2.37 | -0.75 |
FBtr0081107 | CG17322 | -2.56 | -0.92 |
FBtr0081108 | CG17322 | -2.56 | -0.92 |
FBtr0081106 | CG17322 | -2.56 | -0.92 |
FBtr0081105 | CG17322 | -2.67 | -0.92 |
FBtr0100081 | CG34026 | -2.75 | -0.72 |
FBtr0343410 | CG34026 | -2.75 | -0.72 |
FBtr0078207 | CG17637 | -2.95 | -1.35 |
FBtr0082727 | CG7381 | -3.07 | -1.05 |
FBtr0332034 | CG9259 | -3.11 | -1.07 |
FBtr0332033 | CG9259 | -3.14 | -1.07 |
FBtr0081464 | CG9259 | -3.14 | -1.07 |
FBtr0077803 | CG17242 | -3.41 | -1.80 |
FBtr0335162 | CG17242 | -3.41 | -1.80 |
FBtr0304879 | CG43093 | -3.91 | -0.97 |
FBtr0084847 | tobi | -4.20 | -0.86 |
FBtr0305582 | Ag5r | -4.33 | -3.12 |
FBtr0333658 | Ag5r | -4.33 | -3.12 |
FBtr0083025 | CG3984 | -4.39 | -1.21 |
FBtr0086903 | CG6484 | -4.57 | -0.74 |
FBtr0336877 | smp-30 | -4.61 | -0.92 |
FBtr0073937 | Ag5r | -4.64 | -3.12 |
FBtr0303828 | CG42821 | -4.82 | -1.74 |
FBtr0074392 | CG18258 | -4.95 | -1.55 |
FBtr0332755 | Cpr76Bd | -5.55 | -0.77 |
FBtr0071739 | CG4377 | -5.76 | -0.77 |
FBtr0345752 | CG9466 | -5.84 | -1.35 |
FBtr0079742 | CG9466 | -5.84 | -1.35 |
FBtr0070006 | CG9572 | -6.56 | -0.81 |
FBtr0339932 | Sodh-1 | -6.88 | -1.19 |
FBtr0081627 | Sodh-1 | -6.88 | -1.19 |
FBtr0080275 | Mal-B1 | -6.98 | -2.66 |
FBtr0088748 | Mal-A4 | -8.65 | -1.06 |
FBtr0340230 | CG9463 | -12.20 | -2.11 |
FBtr0079744 | CG9463 | -12.50 | -2.11 |
FBtr0076810 | CG7409 | -14.10 | -0.94 |
FBtr0345611 | CG16826 | -20.90 | -5.02 |
FBtr0080464 | CG16826 | -20.90 | -5.02 |
FBtr0082900 | CG33109 | -77.50 | -3.52 |
I will be using iRegulon, a Cytoscape app for upstream analysis. Before submitting IDs, I converted the transcript IDs by FlyBase converter into most recent gene names. This conversion allows optimal results in iRegulon (most recognised IDs).
Reference: Janky R, Verfaillie A, Imrichová H, Van de Sande B, Standaert L, Christiaens V, et al. (2014) iRegulon: From a Gene List to a Gene Regulatory Network Using Large Motif and Track Collections. PLoS Comput Biol 10(7): e1003731.
This figure is related to Figure 2 and Supplementary Table 6.
# Load the transcription factor table
iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/iRegulon_short_TUP_full_FC1.6_unq.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote =
## quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'Analysis/
## iRegulon_short_TUP_full_FC1.6_unq.csv'
iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6 <-
iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6$NES <- as.numeric(iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6$NES)
iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6 <- iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6 %>% arrange(desc(NES)) # Arrage the data how you want it in the plot
iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6 <- iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6 %>% mutate(TF = fct_reorder(TF, (NES))) # Lock in factor level order
# Make the plot
iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6_plot <- ggplot(iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6, aes(x = NES, y = TF, fill=TF)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdBu") + theme_classic() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("NES score") + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(vjust=-0.5)) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(face = "plain", colour = "black")) + theme(axis.ticks = element_blank()) + theme(legend.position="none", text = element_text(size=25, color = "black")) + geom_text(aes(label=Targets ), size=6, nudge_x = .4, color = "black" ) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 9), breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 6))
# Save
ggsave("1.6_figure_output/iRegulon_TUP_FC1.6_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, limitsize = TRUE)
## Saving 7 x 5 in image
This figure is related to Figure 2 and Supplementary Table 7.
iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/iRegulon_short_PUP_inner_FC1.6_unq.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote =
## quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'Analysis/
## iRegulon_short_PUP_inner_FC1.6_unq.csv'
iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6 <-
iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6$NES <- as.numeric(iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6$NES)
iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6 <- iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6 %>% arrange(desc(NES)) # arrage the data how you want it in the plot
iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6 <- iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6 %>% mutate(TF = fct_reorder(TF, (NES))) # lock in factor level order
iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6_plot <- ggplot(iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6, aes(x = NES, y = TF, fill=TF)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdBu") + theme_classic() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("NES score") + theme(axis.title.x = element_text(vjust=-0.5)) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(face = "plain", colour = "black")) + theme(axis.ticks = element_blank()) + theme(legend.position="none", text = element_text(size=25, color = "black")) + geom_text(aes(label=Targets ), size=6, nudge_x = .4, color = "black" ) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 5), breaks = scales::pretty_breaks(n = 6))
ggsave("1.6_figure_output/iRegulon_PUP_FC1.6_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, limitsize = TRUE)
## Saving 7 x 5 in image
I will be using ClueGO analysis, a Cytoscape application for pathway enrichment analysis. I will use protein Uniprot IDs or Gene names as identifiers.
Reference: Bindea G, Mlecnik B, Hackl H, et al. ClueGO: a Cytoscape plug-in to decipher functionally grouped gene ontology and pathway annotation networks. Bioinformatics. 2009;25(8):1091-1093. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btp101
This table is related to Supplementary Table 8.
# Import table into R
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_TUP_full_1.6.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
# Arrange based on adjucted Term p-value
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6 = ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6 %>% arrange(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)
GO ID | GO Term | Ontology | Term P-value corrected | Group P-value corrected | % Associated Genes | No. Genes | Associated Genes |
GO:0006399 | tRNA metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000000 | 0 | 18.18 | 26 | Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10189, CG10802, CG12264, CG17259, CG18596, CG33123, CG33785, CG33786, CG4611, CG6353, CG9987, Elp1, Elp2, JhI-1, MetRS, Rrp42 |
GO:0004812 | aminoacyl-tRNA ligase activity | GO_MF | 0.0000000 | 0 | 35.90 | 14 | Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10802, CG17259, CG33123, MetRS |
GO:0006418 | tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation | GO_BP | 0.0000000 | 0 | 35.90 | 14 | Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10802, CG17259, CG33123, MetRS |
GO:0004812 | aminoacyl-tRNA ligase activity | GO_BP | 0.0000000 | 0 | 35.90 | 14 | Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10802, CG17259, CG33123, MetRS |
GO:0006418 | tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation | GO_BP | 0.0000000 | 0 | 35.90 | 14 | Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10802, CG17259, CG33123, MetRS |
GO:0020037 | heme binding | GO_MF | 0.0000001 | 0 | 16.11 | 24 | CG10337, CG13077, Cyp12d1-d, Cyp12d1-p, Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp4ad1, Cyp4e3, Cyp4p1, Cyp4p2, Cyp6a14, Cyp6a17, Cyp6a2, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a21, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp6a9, Cyp6d2, Cyp6d4, Cyp9b1, Cyp9b2, Cyp9c1, Cyt-b5 |
KEGG:00982 | Drug metabolism | KEGG | 0.0000002 | 0 | 23.53 | 16 | CG10178, CG5724, CG5999, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, Ugt36Ba, Ugt36Bc, Ugt86Dd |
KEGG:00980 | Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome P450 | KEGG | 0.0000003 | 0 | 23.19 | 16 | CG10178, CG5724, CG5999, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, Ugt36Ba, Ugt36Bc, Ugt86Dd |
GO:0005506 | iron ion binding | GO_MF | 0.0000020 | 0 | 14.11 | 23 | CG30022, CG32500, Cyp12d1-d, Cyp12d1-p, Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp4ad1, Cyp4e3, Cyp4p1, Cyp4p2, Cyp6a14, Cyp6a17, Cyp6a2, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a21, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp6a9, Cyp6d2, Cyp6d4, Cyp9b1, Cyp9b2, Cyp9c1 |
GO:0034660 | ncRNA metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000038 | 0 | 9.89 | 35 | Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10189, CG10802, CG12264, CG14906, CG17259, CG1785, CG18596, CG3008, CG33123, CG33785, CG33786, CG4611, CG6353, CG6686, CG9253, CG9987, Dbp45A, Elp1, Elp2, Gasz, JhI-1, MetRS, Rrp42, mtTFB1, tx |
KEGG:00983 | Drug metabolism | KEGG | 0.0000063 | 0 | 17.71 | 17 | CG10178, CG5724, CG5999, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, Ugt36Ba, Ugt36Bc, Ugt86Dd, l(2)k01209 |
GO:0006749 | glutathione metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000083 | 0 | 23.64 | 13 | CG30022, Gclc, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, MetRS |
GO:0006520 | cellular amino acid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000093 | 0 | 12.57 | 24 | Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, AsnS, CG10802, CG11796, CG1461, CG1673, CG17259, CG33123, CG3999, CG6428, CG9674, MetRS, Odc1, Ppn, aay |
GO:0006450 | regulation of translational fidelity | GO_BP | 0.0000099 | 0 | 47.06 | 8 | Aats-ala, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-val, CG10802, CG33123, CG33785, CG33786 |
R-DME:72731 | Recycling of eIF2:GDP | REACTOME | 0.0000126 | 0 | 75.00 | 6 | eIF-2alpha, eIF-2beta, eIF2B-alpha, eIF2B-delta, eIF2B-epsilon, eIF2B-gamma |
KEGG:00970 | Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis | KEGG | 0.0000562 | 0 | 20.31 | 13 | Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG17259, CG33123, MetRS |
GO:0140101 | catalytic activity, acting on a tRNA | GO_BP | 0.0000616 | 0 | 16.16 | 16 | Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10802, CG17259, CG17327, CG18596, CG33123, MetRS |
GO:0005851 | eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B complex | GO_CC | 0.0000829 | 0 | 83.33 | 5 | eIF-2alpha, eIF2B-alpha, eIF2B-delta, eIF2B-epsilon, eIF2B-gamma |
GO:0006518 | peptide metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000944 | 0 | 7.50 | 46 | Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10802, CG17259, CG2017, CG30022, CG33123, CG7791, Dgp-1, Gclc, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, HBS1, JhI-1, MetRS, P32, PEK, RpL3, Thor, brat, eIF-2alpha, eIF-2beta, eIF2B-alpha, eIF2B-delta, eIF2B-epsilon, eIF2B-gamma, eIF2D, mRpS31, mtTFB1, rho |
GO:0006518 | peptide metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000944 | 0 | 7.50 | 46 | Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, CG10802, CG17259, CG2017, CG30022, CG33123, CG7791, Dgp-1, Gclc, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, HBS1, JhI-1, MetRS, P32, PEK, RpL3, Thor, brat, eIF-2alpha, eIF-2beta, eIF2B-alpha, eIF2B-delta, eIF2B-epsilon, eIF2B-gamma, eIF2D, mRpS31, mtTFB1, rho |
GO:0043603 | cellular amide metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0001904 | 0 | 7.04 | 50 | Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, AsnS, CG10802, CG17259, CG2017, CG30022, CG33123, CG7791, CG8303, Dgp-1, Gclc, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, HBS1, Hmgs, JhI-1, MetRS, P32, PEK, RpL3, Thor, Uro, brat, eIF-2alpha, eIF-2beta, eIF2B-alpha, eIF2B-delta, eIF2B-epsilon, eIF2B-gamma, eIF2D, mRpS31, mtTFB1, rho |
GO:0004364 | glutathione transferase activity | GO_MF | 0.0001940 | 0 | 25.00 | 10 | GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1 |
GO:0006575 | cellular modified amino acid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0002006 | 0 | 15.79 | 15 | CG30022, CG34423, Gclc, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, MetRS, Nmdmc |
GO:0002161 | aminoacyl-tRNA editing activity | GO_BP | 0.0003630 | 0 | 50.00 | 6 | Aats-ala, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-val, CG10802, CG33123 |
GO:0016765 | transferase activity, transferring alkyl or aryl (other than methyl) groups | GO_MF | 0.0005750 | 0 | 18.18 | 12 | CG10778, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, qm |
GO:0098827 | endoplasmic reticulum subcompartment | GO_CC | 0.0006440 | 0 | 8.25 | 33 | CG11796, CG13887, CG1942, CG42508, CG8311, Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp4ad1, Cyp4e3, Cyp4p1, Cyp4p2, Cyp6a14, Cyp6a17, Cyp6a2, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a21, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp6a9, Cyp6d2, Cyp6d4, Cyp9b1, Cyp9b2, Cyp9c1, Cyt-b5, Ero1L, Ire1, PEK, SREBP, Sec22, Vti1b, meigo, p115 |
GO:0005737 | cytoplasm | GO_CC | 0.0010501 | 0 | 4.31 | 212 | ALiX, Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, Alr, Arc1, AsnS, Atg1, Atg14, Atg17, Bet1, CD98hc, CG10189, CG10336, CG10420, CG10638, CG10778, CG10924, CG11796, CG12264, CG12379, CG12766, CG13887, CG15483, CG1673, CG16758, CG17259, CG17327, CG17544, CG17904, CG1942, CG2658, CG30022, CG3008, CG32280, CG32500, CG33123, CG33156, CG33785, CG33786, CG34423, CG3476, CG3714, CG3740, CG3999, CG42496, CG42508, CG43319, CG43320, CG44194, CG4611, CG5059, CG5323, CG5382, CG5521, CG5805, CG6512, CG6583, CG6769, CG7083, CG7272, CG7394, CG7791, CG8303, CG8311, CG8728, CG9773, CaBP1, Ccdc56, Cyp12d1-d, Cyp12d1-p, Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp4ad1, Cyp4e3, Cyp4p1, Cyp4p2, Cyp6a14, Cyp6a17, Cyp6a2, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a21, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp6a9, Cyp6d2, Cyp6d4, Cyp9b1, Cyp9b2, Cyp9c1, Cyt-b5, DCTN6-p27, Dpit47, Dronc, Elp1, Elp2, Ero1L, Fdx1, Fdx2, FeCH, Gadd45, Gasz, Gclc, Gcn5, Gint3, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, HBS1, Hsp22, Hsp70Ba, ImpL3, Ire1, Jafrac1, JhI-1, Kr-h2, Leash, MFS3, MetRS, ND-AGGG, NTPase, Nmd3, Nmdmc, Nop17l, Nsf2, Nxt1, Odc1, P32, P58IPK, PEK, POSH, Pbgs, Pgam5, Phb2, Ppcdc, Ppn, Prosalpha5, Qtzl, REPTOR, Ranbp21, Rbf, RpL3, Rrp42, SREBP, Sec22, Shawn, Thor, Tim17b2, Tpc1, Traf4, Tspo, Uro, Vti1b, Xport, aay, ade3, asrij, bcn92, bor, brat, c11.1, cactin, daw, dia, eIF-2alpha, eIF-2beta, eIF2B-alpha, eIF2B-delta, eIF2B-epsilon, eIF2B-gamma, eIF2D, f, galectin, gt, gukh, l(2)37Cc, l(2)k01209, lft, lig3, mRpS31, mal, mbf1, meigo, mib1, mtSSB, mtTFB1, olf413, p115, rempA, rho, rpr, santa-maria, scf, sima, trbl, tx, unk, wus |
R-DME:8949664 | Processing of SMDT1 | REACTOME | 0.0015576 | 0 | 55.56 | 5 | CG2658, CG6512, CG8728, Phb2, l(2)37Cc |
GO:0006790 | sulfur compound metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0016522 | 0 | 10.70 | 20 | CG12264, CG17904, CG30022, CG32500, CG8303, Gclc, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, Hmgs, MetRS, Qtzl, bcn92 |
GO:0046914 | transition metal ion binding | GO_MF | 0.0024232 | 0 | 6.49 | 49 | Aats-ala, B-H2, CG10916, CG10924, CG11710, CG12379, CG14820, CG17633, CG2658, CG30022, CG31457, CG32500, CG33785, CG42496, CG5382, CG6512, CG6769, CG8089, Cyp12d1-d, Cyp12d1-p, Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp4ad1, Cyp4e3, Cyp4p1, Cyp4p2, Cyp6a14, Cyp6a17, Cyp6a2, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a21, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp6a9, Cyp6d2, Cyp6d4, Cyp9b1, Cyp9b2, Cyp9c1, POSH, Pbgs, Rpb12, Traf4, az2, brat, mal, mib1, olf413, unk |
KEGG:00480 | Glutathione metabolism | KEGG | 0.0039490 | 0 | 15.19 | 12 | Gclc, GstD2, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE11, GstE6, GstE7, GstE8, GstE9, GstT1, Odc1 |
GO:0048280 | vesicle fusion with Golgi apparatus | GO_BP | 0.0058077 | 0 | 66.67 | 4 | Bet1, Sec22, Vti1b, p115 |
KEGG:00860 | Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism | KEGG | 0.0060275 | 0 | 19.57 | 9 | Aats-glupro, CG10178, CG5724, CG5999, FeCH, Pbgs, Ugt36Ba, Ugt36Bc, Ugt86Dd |
R-DME:196849 | Metabolism of water-soluble vitamins and cofactors | REACTOME | 0.0060836 | 0 | 12.73 | 14 | CG11912, CG12264, CG17751, CG17752, CG3714, CG4407, CG7084, CG7342, CG7720, Cyt-b5, Nmdmc, Ppcdc, Tpc1, mal |
GO:0006082 | organic acid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0064924 | 0 | 7.49 | 32 | Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, AsnS, CG10802, CG10924, CG11796, CG13334, CG1461, CG1673, CG17259, CG17544, CG33123, CG3999, CG5805, CG6428, CG9674, ImpL3, MetRS, Nmdmc, Odc1, Ppn, SREBP, Uro, aay |
R-DME:8949215 | Mitochondrial calcium ion transport | REACTOME | 0.0138688 | 0 | 38.46 | 5 | CG2658, CG6512, CG8728, Phb2, l(2)37Cc |
GO:0005739 | mitochondrion | GO_CC | 0.0158553 | 0 | 5.80 | 55 | Aats-ala, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-thr, Alr, CG10924, CG12264, CG12379, CG1673, CG17327, CG2658, CG30022, CG32500, CG34423, CG3476, CG3740, CG3999, CG42496, CG44194, CG4611, CG5059, CG5805, CG6512, CG7394, CG7791, CG8728, Ccdc56, Cyp12d1-d, Cyp12d1-p, Fdx1, Fdx2, FeCH, Gasz, Hsp22, JhI-1, ND-AGGG, Nmdmc, P32, Pgam5, Phb2, Ppn, Qtzl, Shawn, Tim17b2, Tpc1, Tspo, bcn92, bor, l(2)37Cc, lig3, mRpS31, mal, mtSSB, mtTFB1, rpr |
GO:0019752 | carboxylic acid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0198820 | 0 | 7.28 | 30 | Aats-ala, Aats-asn, Aats-asp, Aats-glupro, Aats-gly, Aats-his, Aats-ile, Aats-thr, Aats-trp, Aats-val, AsnS, CG10802, CG10924, CG11796, CG13334, CG1461, CG1673, CG17259, CG17544, CG33123, CG3999, CG6428, CG9674, ImpL3, MetRS, Nmdmc, Odc1, Ppn, SREBP, aay |
GO:0005783 | endoplasmic reticulum | GO_CC | 0.0204861 | 0 | 6.32 | 42 | CG10420, CG10778, CG11796, CG13887, CG1942, CG3740, CG42508, CG8311, CaBP1, Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp4ad1, Cyp4e3, Cyp4p1, Cyp4p2, Cyp6a14, Cyp6a17, Cyp6a2, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a21, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp6a9, Cyp6d2, Cyp6d4, Cyp9b1, Cyp9b2, Cyp9c1, Cyt-b5, Ero1L, Ire1, Kr-h2, P58IPK, PEK, SREBP, Sec22, Vti1b, Xport, gt, meigo, p115, scf |
R-DME:381119 | Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) | REACTOME | 0.0250343 | 0 | 50.00 | 4 | Ire1, PEK, eIF-2alpha, eIF-2beta |
GO:0045182 | translation regulator activity | GO_BP | 0.0257336 | 0 | 11.82 | 13 | CG2017, Dgp-1, P32, PEK, Thor, brat, eIF-2alpha, eIF-2beta, eIF2B-alpha, eIF2B-delta, eIF2B-epsilon, eIF2B-gamma, eIF2D |
GO:0008033 | tRNA processing | GO_BP | 0.0277313 | 0 | 12.50 | 12 | Aats-ala, CG10189, CG12264, CG18596, CG33785, CG33786, CG4611, CG6353, CG9987, Elp1, Elp2, JhI-1 |
GO:0031984 | organelle subcompartment | GO_CC | 0.0307778 | 0 | 6.37 | 39 | Bet1, CG11796, CG13887, CG1942, CG42508, CG7083, CG7272, CG8311, CG9773, Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp4ad1, Cyp4e3, Cyp4p1, Cyp4p2, Cyp6a14, Cyp6a17, Cyp6a2, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a21, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp6a9, Cyp6d2, Cyp6d4, Cyp9b1, Cyp9b2, Cyp9c1, Cyt-b5, Ero1L, Ire1, Nsf2, PEK, SREBP, Sec22, Vti1b, meigo, p115, rho |
GO:0034982 | mitochondrial protein processing | GO_BP | 0.0432995 | 0 | 44.44 | 4 | CG2658, CG6512, CG7791, CG8728 |
GO:0015803 | branched-chain amino acid transport | GO_BP | 0.0456372 | 0 | 75.00 | 3 | CD98hc, CG5805, JhI-21 |
R-DME:381042 | PERK regulates gene expression | REACTOME | 0.0456372 | 0 | 75.00 | 3 | PEK, eIF-2alpha, eIF-2beta |
This figure is related to Figure 3a
I removed overlapping or similar terms for figure simplicity.
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_TUP_full_1.6_curated.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr <- )
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr <- ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr %>% arrange((Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)) # arrage the data how you want it in the plot
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr <- ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr %>% mutate(GOTerm = fct_reorder(GOTerm, desc(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down))) # lock in factor level order
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr_plot <- ggplot( ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr , aes(x = -log10(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down), y = GOTerm, fill= OS_short)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdBu") + theme_bw() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("-log10(term adjusted p value)") + theme(legend.position="right", text = element_text(size=15)) + geom_text(aes(label=Nr_Genes ), size=3, nudge_x = .7, color = "black" ) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 12)) + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Ontology"))
ggsave("1.6_figure_output/ClueGOResultTable_TUP_1.6_curr_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 11, height = 6, limitsize = TRUE)
This table is related to Supplementary Table 10.
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_full_FC1.6.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6 = ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6 %>% arrange(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)
GO ID | GO Term | Ontology | Term P-value corrected | Group P-value corrected | % Associated Genes | No. Genes | Associated Genes |
GO:0016798 | hydrolase activity, acting on glycosyl bonds | GO_MF | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 30.09 | 34 | AGBE, Amyrel, CG13397, CG14823, CG15533, CG16756, CG16799, CG16965, CG31148, CG31414, CG33056, CG33080, CG6426, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, alpha-Man-Ic, tobi |
GO:0004553 | hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds | GO_MF | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 34.41 | 32 | AGBE, Amyrel, CG13397, CG14823, CG16756, CG16799, CG16965, CG31148, CG31414, CG33080, CG6426, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, alpha-Man-Ic, tobi |
GO:0016798 | hydrolase activity, acting on glycosyl bonds | GO_MF | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 30.09 | 34 | AGBE, Amyrel, CG13397, CG14823, CG15533, CG16756, CG16799, CG16965, CG31148, CG31414, CG33056, CG33080, CG6426, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, alpha-Man-Ic, tobi |
GO:0004553 | hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds | GO_MF | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 34.41 | 32 | AGBE, Amyrel, CG13397, CG14823, CG16756, CG16799, CG16965, CG31148, CG31414, CG33080, CG6426, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, alpha-Man-Ic, tobi |
GO:0004553 | hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds | GO_MF | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 34.41 | 32 | AGBE, Amyrel, CG13397, CG14823, CG16756, CG16799, CG16965, CG31148, CG31414, CG33080, CG6426, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, alpha-Man-Ic, tobi |
GO:0016798 | hydrolase activity, acting on glycosyl bonds | GO_MF | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 30.09 | 34 | AGBE, Amyrel, CG13397, CG14823, CG15533, CG16756, CG16799, CG16965, CG31148, CG31414, CG33056, CG33080, CG6426, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, alpha-Man-Ic, tobi |
GO:0004553 | hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds | GO_MF | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 34.41 | 32 | AGBE, Amyrel, CG13397, CG14823, CG16756, CG16799, CG16965, CG31148, CG31414, CG33080, CG6426, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, alpha-Man-Ic, tobi |
R-DME:1430728 | Metabolism | REACTOME | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 9.62 | 117 | Acox57D-d, AdenoK, Amnionless, CAH1, CDase, CG10026, CG11200, CG11236, CG11241, CG11438, CG12926, CG13369, CG13397, CG13898, CG14946, CG15093, CG1544, CG15553, CG16727, CG16756, CG16799, CG16935, CG16985, CG17224, CG18003, CG18258, CG18814, CG2187, CG31103, CG31414, CG33966, CG3534, CG3902, CG3940, CG42269, CG42514, CG4267, CG4752, CG4757, CG5162, CG5321, CG5958, CG5966, CG6126, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6465, CG6805, CG6910, CG7322, CG7882, CG7997, CG8028, CG8036, CG8534, CG8665, CG9509, CG9510, CG9629, CG9701, CG9886, CG9914, CRAT, CRMP, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Est-6, Fdh, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gk, Gnmt, GstT3, Hex-C, LKRSDH, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Oat, Oatp58Da, Ppt2, Sardh, Spat, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, St1, UK114, arg, bgm, bmm, dare, dob, eas, fa2h, fabp, fbp, mdy, phm, pug, r-l, sea, su(r), sxe2 |
GO:0005615 | extracellular space | GO_CC | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 9.88 | 73 | Adgf-A, Ag5r, CG14132, CG14661, CG14990, CG15065, CG15199, CG15202, CG15533, CG16756, CG16799, CG17242, CG17974, CG18258, CG18284, CG18557, CG18563, CG2444, CG31148, CG31414, CG31704, CG31832, CG34033, CG34457, CG3534, CG3604, CG42326, CG4267, CG4408, CG4757, CG4847, CG5162, CG5402, CG5945, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6426, CG7509, CG8093, CG9572, Cpr51A, Drs, Dup99B, Est-6, Fst, Gbp, IM33, Lsp1alpha, Lsp1beta, Lsp2, LysP, NLaz, Obp51a, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, TotA, TotM, TotX, Tsf1, l(3)72Dp, scw, ssp7, sxe2, tsl |
GO:0005975 | carbohydrate metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 14.48 | 42 | AGBE, Adgf-A, Amyrel, CG10467, CG11594, CG13369, CG1544, CG16965, CG32444, CG33080, CG3534, CG6805, CG6910, CG7322, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gk, Gnmt, Hex-C, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, Sodh-1, alpha-Man-Ic, fbp, smp-30, tobi |
GO:0005975 | carbohydrate metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 14.48 | 42 | AGBE, Adgf-A, Amyrel, CG10467, CG11594, CG13369, CG1544, CG16965, CG32444, CG33080, CG3534, CG6805, CG6910, CG7322, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gk, Gnmt, Hex-C, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, Sodh-1, alpha-Man-Ic, fbp, smp-30, tobi |
GO:0005975 | carbohydrate metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 14.48 | 42 | AGBE, Adgf-A, Amyrel, CG10467, CG11594, CG13369, CG1544, CG16965, CG32444, CG33080, CG3534, CG6805, CG6910, CG7322, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gk, Gnmt, Hex-C, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, Sodh-1, alpha-Man-Ic, fbp, smp-30, tobi |
GO:0005975 | carbohydrate metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 14.48 | 42 | AGBE, Adgf-A, Amyrel, CG10467, CG11594, CG13369, CG1544, CG16965, CG32444, CG33080, CG3534, CG6805, CG6910, CG7322, CG7997, CG9485, CG9701, GNBP3, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gk, Gnmt, Hex-C, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, Sodh-1, alpha-Man-Ic, fbp, smp-30, tobi |
KEGG:00052 | Galactose metabolism | KEGG | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 41.67 | 15 | CG10467, CG32444, CG7997, CG9436, Gal, Gale, Galt, Hex-C, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1 |
KEGG:00052 | Galactose metabolism | KEGG | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 41.67 | 15 | CG10467, CG32444, CG7997, CG9436, Gal, Gale, Galt, Hex-C, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1 |
KEGG:00052 | Galactose metabolism | KEGG | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 41.67 | 15 | CG10467, CG32444, CG7997, CG9436, Gal, Gale, Galt, Hex-C, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1 |
R-DME:556833 | Metabolism of lipids | REACTOME | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 12.00 | 48 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11438, CG14946, CG16935, CG16985, CG18003, CG18258, CG18814, CG31414, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG7997, CG8534, CG9701, CRAT, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Est-6, Gal, Gk, Mtpalpha, Ppt2, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, bgm, bmm, dob, eas, fa2h, fabp, mdy, phm, sea, sxe2 |
R-DME:556833 | Metabolism of lipids | REACTOME | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 12.00 | 48 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11438, CG14946, CG16935, CG16985, CG18003, CG18258, CG18814, CG31414, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG7997, CG8534, CG9701, CRAT, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Est-6, Gal, Gk, Mtpalpha, Ppt2, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, bgm, bmm, dob, eas, fa2h, fabp, mdy, phm, sea, sxe2 |
R-DME:556833 | Metabolism of lipids | REACTOME | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 12.00 | 48 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11438, CG14946, CG16935, CG16985, CG18003, CG18258, CG18814, CG31414, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG7997, CG8534, CG9701, CRAT, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Est-6, Gal, Gk, Mtpalpha, Ppt2, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, bgm, bmm, dob, eas, fa2h, fabp, mdy, phm, sea, sxe2 |
R-DME:556833 | Metabolism of lipids | REACTOME | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 12.00 | 48 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11438, CG14946, CG16935, CG16985, CG18003, CG18258, CG18814, CG31414, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG7997, CG8534, CG9701, CRAT, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Est-6, Gal, Gk, Mtpalpha, Ppt2, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, bgm, bmm, dob, eas, fa2h, fabp, mdy, phm, sea, sxe2 |
GO:0015926 | glucosidase activity | GO_MF | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 62.50 | 10 | CG16965, CG9485, CG9701, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1 |
GO:0015926 | glucosidase activity | GO_MF | 0.0000000 | 0.0000000 | 62.50 | 10 | CG16965, CG9485, CG9701, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1 |
GO:0044282 | small molecule catabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000001 | 0.0000000 | 15.47 | 28 | Acox57D-d, Adgf-A, CG10361, CG10467, CG11236, CG13369, CG15093, CG32444, CG3699, CG6805, CG6910, CG8129, CG8665, CRAT, Cp38, Dat, Fdh, Gale, Galt, Gk, LKRSDH, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Sodh-1, Spat, arg, dare |
GO:0090599 | alpha-glucosidase activity | GO_MF | 0.0000007 | 0.0000000 | 66.67 | 8 | CG9485, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1 |
GO:0006082 | organic acid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000020 | 0.0000000 | 10.07 | 43 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG10361, CG11236, CG11407, CG15093, CG1544, CG16935, CG31076, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG6465, CG6733, CG8129, CG8534, CG8665, CG8834, CG9510, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, Cp38, FASN3, Gip, Gnmt, Hex-C, Irp-1B, LKRSDH, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg, bgm, fa2h, mdy, phm, pug, smp-30, su(r) |
GO:0006082 | organic acid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000020 | 0.0000000 | 10.07 | 43 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG10361, CG11236, CG11407, CG15093, CG1544, CG16935, CG31076, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG6465, CG6733, CG8129, CG8534, CG8665, CG8834, CG9510, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, Cp38, FASN3, Gip, Gnmt, Hex-C, Irp-1B, LKRSDH, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg, bgm, fa2h, mdy, phm, pug, smp-30, su(r) |
GO:0019752 | carboxylic acid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000021 | 0.0000000 | 10.19 | 42 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG10361, CG11236, CG11407, CG15093, CG1544, CG16935, CG31076, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG6465, CG6733, CG8129, CG8534, CG8665, CG8834, CG9510, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, Cp38, FASN3, Gip, Gnmt, Hex-C, Irp-1B, LKRSDH, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg, bgm, fa2h, mdy, pug, smp-30, su(r) |
GO:0019752 | carboxylic acid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000021 | 0.0000000 | 10.19 | 42 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG10361, CG11236, CG11407, CG15093, CG1544, CG16935, CG31076, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG6465, CG6733, CG8129, CG8534, CG8665, CG8834, CG9510, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, Cp38, FASN3, Gip, Gnmt, Hex-C, Irp-1B, LKRSDH, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg, bgm, fa2h, mdy, pug, smp-30, su(r) |
GO:0043436 | oxoacid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000026 | 0.0000000 | 10.12 | 42 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG10361, CG11236, CG11407, CG15093, CG1544, CG16935, CG31076, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG6465, CG6733, CG8129, CG8534, CG8665, CG8834, CG9510, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, Cp38, FASN3, Gip, Gnmt, Hex-C, Irp-1B, LKRSDH, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg, bgm, fa2h, mdy, pug, smp-30, su(r) |
GO:0043436 | oxoacid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000026 | 0.0000000 | 10.12 | 42 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG10361, CG11236, CG11407, CG15093, CG1544, CG16935, CG31076, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG6465, CG6733, CG8129, CG8534, CG8665, CG8834, CG9510, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, Cp38, FASN3, Gip, Gnmt, Hex-C, Irp-1B, LKRSDH, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg, bgm, fa2h, mdy, pug, smp-30, su(r) |
GO:0005996 | monosaccharide metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000030 | 0.0000000 | 20.99 | 17 | CG10467, CG13369, CG32444, CG3534, CG7322, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gnmt, Hex-C, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, fbp, smp-30 |
GO:0005996 | monosaccharide metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000030 | 0.0000000 | 20.99 | 17 | CG10467, CG13369, CG32444, CG3534, CG7322, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gnmt, Hex-C, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, fbp, smp-30 |
GO:0005996 | monosaccharide metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000030 | 0.0000000 | 20.99 | 17 | CG10467, CG13369, CG32444, CG3534, CG7322, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gnmt, Hex-C, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, fbp, smp-30 |
GO:0000023 | maltose metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000049 | 0.0000000 | 70.00 | 7 | Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1 |
GO:0032450 | maltose alpha-glucosidase activity | GO_BP | 0.0000049 | 0.0000000 | 70.00 | 7 | Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1 |
GO:0004558 | alpha-1,4-glucosidase activity | GO_MF | 0.0000049 | 0.0000000 | 70.00 | 7 | Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1 |
R-DME:71387 | Metabolism of carbohydrates | REACTOME | 0.0000050 | 0.0000000 | 15.23 | 23 | CG13369, CG13397, CG13898, CG16756, CG16799, CG3534, CG7322, CG7882, CG8036, CG9886, CG9914, Gal, Gale, Galt, Hex-C, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, LysP, fbp, sea |
R-DME:8963743 | Digestion and absorption | REACTOME | 0.0000054 | 0.0000000 | 20.24 | 17 | Amyrel, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG7882, CG8093, CG9701, Lip4, Npc1b, sxe2 |
KEGG:00500 | Starch and sucrose metabolism | KEGG | 0.0000055 | 0.0000000 | 34.38 | 11 | AGBE, Amyrel, CG9485, Hex-C, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1 |
KEGG:00500 | Starch and sucrose metabolism | KEGG | 0.0000055 | 0.0000000 | 34.38 | 11 | AGBE, Amyrel, CG9485, Hex-C, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1 |
GO:0004867 | serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity | GO_BP | 0.0000065 | 0.0000000 | 20.00 | 17 | CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
GO:0004867 | serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity | GO_BP | 0.0000065 | 0.0000235 | 20.00 | 17 | CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
GO:0016042 | lipid catabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000068 | 0.0000000 | 14.46 | 24 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG15533, CG18258, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG3699, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG7997, CG8093, CRAT, Lip4, Mtpalpha, bmm, dare, dob, sxe2 |
GO:0016042 | lipid catabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000068 | 0.0000000 | 14.46 | 24 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG15533, CG18258, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG3699, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG7997, CG8093, CRAT, Lip4, Mtpalpha, bmm, dare, dob, sxe2 |
GO:0016042 | lipid catabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000068 | 0.0000000 | 14.46 | 24 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG15533, CG18258, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG3699, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG7997, CG8093, CRAT, Lip4, Mtpalpha, bmm, dare, dob, sxe2 |
GO:0004806 | triglyceride lipase activity | GO_MF | 0.0000073 | 0.0000000 | 22.73 | 15 | CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG8093, Lip4, bmm, dob, sxe2 |
GO:0004806 | triglyceride lipase activity | GO_MF | 0.0000073 | 0.0000000 | 22.73 | 15 | CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG8093, Lip4, bmm, dob, sxe2 |
GO:0017171 | serine hydrolase activity | GO_BP | 0.0000132 | 0.0000235 | 10.31 | 37 | CG10031, CG11034, CG14298, CG14990, CG16704, CG17242, CG1773, CG18179, CG18557, CG18563, CG30090, CG30371, CG31777, CG31821, CG34457, CG3604, CG3734, CG3739, CG42465, CG42828, CG8299, CG9649, IM33, Jon25Bii, Jon99Ci, Phae1, Phae2, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, Tequila |
GO:0008236 | serine-type peptidase activity | GO_BP | 0.0000132 | 0.0000235 | 10.31 | 37 | CG10031, CG11034, CG14298, CG14990, CG16704, CG17242, CG1773, CG18179, CG18557, CG18563, CG30090, CG30371, CG31777, CG31821, CG34457, CG3604, CG3734, CG3739, CG42465, CG42828, CG8299, CG9649, IM33, Jon25Bii, Jon99Ci, Phae1, Phae2, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, Tequila |
GO:0004866 | endopeptidase inhibitor activity | GO_BP | 0.0000190 | 0.0000235 | 17.65 | 18 | CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
GO:0061135 | endopeptidase regulator activity | GO_BP | 0.0000258 | 0.0000235 | 17.31 | 18 | CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
GO:0030414 | peptidase inhibitor activity | GO_BP | 0.0000300 | 0.0000235 | 17.14 | 18 | CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
GO:0010951 | negative regulation of endopeptidase activity | GO_BP | 0.0000300 | 0.0000235 | 17.14 | 18 | CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
KEGG:00511 | Other glycan degradation | KEGG | 0.0000313 | 0.0000000 | 39.13 | 9 | CG31148, CG31414, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI |
KEGG:00511 | Other glycan degradation | KEGG | 0.0000313 | 0.0000000 | 39.13 | 9 | CG31148, CG31414, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI |
GO:0052689 | carboxylic ester hydrolase activity | GO_MF | 0.0000330 | 0.0000000 | 14.29 | 22 | CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG8093, Est-6, Lip4, alpha-Est10, alpha-Est2, alpha-Est5, alpha-Est7, bmm, dob, smp-30, sxe2 |
GO:0010466 | negative regulation of peptidase activity | GO_BP | 0.0000466 | 0.0000235 | 16.67 | 18 | CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
R-DME:192456 | Digestion of dietary lipid | REACTOME | 0.0000494 | 0.0000000 | 23.21 | 13 | CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG8093, Lip4, sxe2 |
GO:0006629 | lipid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000529 | 0.0000000 | 8.25 | 51 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11200, CG11407, CG11438, CG15533, CG16935, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG3603, CG3699, CG4020, CG4267, CG4830, CG5162, CG5568, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG7997, CG8093, CG8534, CG8834, CG9509, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, FASN3, Gk, Lip4, Mtpalpha, NLaz, Npc1b, bgm, bmm, dare, dob, eas, fa2h, mdy, phm, sxe2 |
GO:0006629 | lipid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000529 | 0.0000000 | 8.25 | 51 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11200, CG11407, CG11438, CG15533, CG16935, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG3603, CG3699, CG4020, CG4267, CG4830, CG5162, CG5568, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG7997, CG8093, CG8534, CG8834, CG9509, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, FASN3, Gk, Lip4, Mtpalpha, NLaz, Npc1b, bgm, bmm, dare, dob, eas, fa2h, mdy, phm, sxe2 |
GO:0006629 | lipid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000529 | 0.0000000 | 8.25 | 51 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11200, CG11407, CG11438, CG15533, CG16935, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG3603, CG3699, CG4020, CG4267, CG4830, CG5162, CG5568, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG7997, CG8093, CG8534, CG8834, CG9509, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, FASN3, Gk, Lip4, Mtpalpha, NLaz, Npc1b, bgm, bmm, dare, dob, eas, fa2h, mdy, phm, sxe2 |
GO:0006629 | lipid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000529 | 0.0000000 | 8.25 | 51 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11200, CG11407, CG11438, CG15533, CG16935, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG3603, CG3699, CG4020, CG4267, CG4830, CG5162, CG5568, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG7997, CG8093, CG8534, CG8834, CG9509, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, FASN3, Gk, Lip4, Mtpalpha, NLaz, Npc1b, bgm, bmm, dare, dob, eas, fa2h, mdy, phm, sxe2 |
R-DME:8935690 | Digestion | REACTOME | 0.0000639 | 0.0000000 | 19.48 | 15 | Amyrel, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG8093, CG9701, Lip4, sxe2 |
GO:0061134 | peptidase regulator activity | GO_BP | 0.0000817 | 0.0000235 | 16.07 | 18 | CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
GO:0044262 | cellular carbohydrate metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000927 | 0.0000000 | 15.20 | 19 | AGBE, CG11594, CG13369, CG3534, CG6805, CG6910, CG9485, Gk, Gnmt, Hex-C, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, Sodh-1, fbp |
GO:0044262 | cellular carbohydrate metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0000927 | 0.0000000 | 15.20 | 19 | AGBE, CG11594, CG13369, CG3534, CG6805, CG6910, CG9485, Gk, Gnmt, Hex-C, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, Sodh-1, fbp |
KEGG:00040 | Pentose and glucuronate interconversions | KEGG | 0.0001012 | 0.0000026 | 24.00 | 12 | CG15661, CG17322, CG17324, CG3534, CG3597, CG3609, CG4302, CG7322, CG9436, CG9914, Sodh-1, Ugt37b1 |
GO:0019318 | hexose metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0001400 | 0.0000000 | 19.72 | 14 | CG10467, CG32444, CG7322, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gnmt, Hex-C, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, fbp |
GO:0019318 | hexose metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0001400 | 0.0000000 | 19.72 | 14 | CG10467, CG32444, CG7322, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gnmt, Hex-C, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, fbp |
GO:0019318 | hexose metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0001400 | 0.0000000 | 19.72 | 14 | CG10467, CG32444, CG7322, Gal, Gale, Galt, Gnmt, Hex-C, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, fbp |
GO:0005984 | disaccharide metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0002111 | 0.0000000 | 38.10 | 8 | Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, fbp |
KEGG:00260 | Glycine, serine and threonine metabolism | KEGG | 0.0002168 | 0.0000050 | 32.14 | 9 | CG10361, CG11236, CG11241, CG8129, CG9629, CG9886, Gnmt, Sardh, Spat |
GO:0046394 | carboxylic acid biosynthetic process | GO_BP | 0.0002220 | 0.0000000 | 13.79 | 20 | CDase, CG11407, CG16935, CG3603, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9510, CG9993, FASN3, Gnmt, LKRSDH, Oat, Spat, bgm, fa2h, pug, smp-30, su(r) |
GO:0004252 | serine-type endopeptidase activity | GO_BP | 0.0002339 | 0.0000235 | 9.79 | 33 | CG10031, CG14298, CG14990, CG16704, CG17242, CG1773, CG18179, CG18557, CG18563, CG30090, CG30371, CG31777, CG34457, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8299, CG9649, IM33, Jon25Bii, Jon99Ci, Phae1, Phae2, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, Tequila |
KEGG:04142 | Lysosome | KEGG | 0.0002624 | 0.0000000 | 14.88 | 18 | CG13397, CG13516, CG31148, CG31414, CG4847, CG7997, DNaseII, Gal, Hexo1, LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, Lip4, Npc1b, Ppt2, Vha100-5 |
GO:0045861 | negative regulation of proteolysis | GO_BP | 0.0002964 | 0.0000235 | 14.75 | 18 | CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
GO:0016053 | organic acid biosynthetic process | GO_BP | 0.0003807 | 0.0000000 | 13.33 | 20 | CDase, CG11407, CG16935, CG3603, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9510, CG9993, FASN3, Gnmt, LKRSDH, Oat, Spat, bgm, fa2h, pug, smp-30, su(r) |
GO:1901575 | organic substance catabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0005840 | 0.0000000 | 6.84 | 67 | Acox57D-d, Adgf-A, CDase, CG10361, CG10467, CG11236, CG12917, CG13369, CG15093, CG1544, CG15533, CG17224, CG18258, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG32444, CG33346, CG3699, CG3819, CG4267, CG4847, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG6910, CG7997, CG8093, CG8129, CG8665, CG9485, CRAT, CRMP, Cp38, DNaseII, Dat, Dcp-1, Est-6, Fdh, Gale, Galt, Gk, Gnmt, Hex-C, Kdm2, LKRSDH, Lip4, Mtpalpha, Oat, PGRP-SB1, PGRP-SC1a, PGRP-SC2, Sardh, Sid, Sodh-1, Spat, UK114, arg, bmm, dare, dob, su(r), sxe2 |
GO:1901575 | organic substance catabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0005840 | 0.0000000 | 6.84 | 67 | Acox57D-d, Adgf-A, CDase, CG10361, CG10467, CG11236, CG12917, CG13369, CG15093, CG1544, CG15533, CG17224, CG18258, CG18302, CG31091, CG31148, CG31414, CG32444, CG33346, CG3699, CG3819, CG4267, CG4847, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG6910, CG7997, CG8093, CG8129, CG8665, CG9485, CRAT, CRMP, Cp38, DNaseII, Dat, Dcp-1, Est-6, Fdh, Gale, Galt, Gk, Gnmt, Hex-C, Kdm2, LKRSDH, Lip4, Mtpalpha, Oat, PGRP-SB1, PGRP-SC1a, PGRP-SC2, Sardh, Sid, Sodh-1, Spat, UK114, arg, bmm, dare, dob, su(r), sxe2 |
R-DME:8853383 | Lysosomal oligosaccharide catabolism | REACTOME | 0.0005867 | 0.0000000 | 71.43 | 5 | LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI |
GO:0016614 | oxidoreductase activity, acting on CH-OH group of donors | GO_MF | 0.0006674 | 0.0000139 | 13.38 | 19 | CG11200, CG12116, CG14946, CG15093, CG18003, CG18814, CG3301, CG3603, CG3699, CG7322, CG9436, CG9509, CG9914, FASN3, Fdh, Hex-C, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Sodh-1 |
GO:0016298 | lipase activity | GO_MF | 0.0007767 | 0.0000000 | 15.24 | 16 | CG15533, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG8093, Lip4, bmm, dob, sxe2 |
GO:0016298 | lipase activity | GO_MF | 0.0007767 | 0.0000000 | 15.24 | 16 | CG15533, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG31091, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG8093, Lip4, bmm, dob, sxe2 |
GO:0032787 | monocarboxylic acid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0008206 | 0.0000000 | 11.50 | 23 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11407, CG1544, CG16935, CG31076, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, FASN3, Gip, Hex-C, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Spat, bgm, fa2h |
GO:0009410 | response to xenobiotic stimulus | GO_BP | 0.0009185 | 0.0000169 | 38.89 | 7 | CG17322, CG17324, Cyp6t1, Cyp6w1, St1, St3, phm |
GO:0006805 | xenobiotic metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0009185 | 0.0000169 | 38.89 | 7 | CG17322, CG17324, Cyp6t1, Cyp6w1, St1, St3, phm |
GO:0071466 | cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus | GO_BP | 0.0009185 | 0.0000169 | 38.89 | 7 | CG17322, CG17324, Cyp6t1, Cyp6w1, St1, St3, phm |
GO:0016616 | oxidoreductase activity, acting on the CH-OH group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor | GO_MF | 0.0009292 | 0.0000139 | 14.29 | 17 | CG11200, CG12116, CG14946, CG15093, CG18814, CG3301, CG3603, CG3699, CG7322, CG9436, CG9914, FASN3, Fdh, Hex-C, Men-b, Mtpalpha, Sodh-1 |
R-DME:196071 | Metabolism of steroid hormones | REACTOME | 0.0013614 | 0.0000000 | 19.05 | 12 | CG14946, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
R-DME:196071 | Metabolism of steroid hormones | REACTOME | 0.0013614 | 0.0000235 | 19.05 | 12 | CG14946, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
GO:0004175 | endopeptidase activity | GO_BP | 0.0017231 | 0.0000235 | 7.88 | 43 | AdamTS-A, CG10031, CG14298, CG14526, CG14528, CG14990, CG16704, CG17242, CG1773, CG18179, CG18557, CG18563, CG30090, CG30371, CG31777, CG34457, CG3604, CG3775, CG42465, CG42828, CG4721, CG4847, CG5715, CG8066, CG8299, CG8550, CG9649, Dcp-1, IM33, Jon25Bii, Jon99Ci, Phae1, Phae2, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, Tequila |
GO:0004857 | enzyme inhibitor activity | GO_BP | 0.0019638 | 0.0000235 | 12.95 | 18 | CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
GO:0051346 | negative regulation of hydrolase activity | GO_BP | 0.0024017 | 0.0000235 | 12.77 | 18 | CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
GO:0052548 | regulation of endopeptidase activity | GO_BP | 0.0024017 | 0.0000235 | 12.77 | 18 | CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
GO:0004559 | alpha-mannosidase activity | GO_MF | 0.0025232 | 0.0000000 | 42.86 | 6 | LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, alpha-Man-Ic |
GO:0035337 | fatty-acyl-CoA metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0027452 | 0.0000016 | 24.32 | 9 | CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993 |
GO:0035337 | fatty-acyl-CoA metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0027452 | 0.0000000 | 24.32 | 9 | CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993 |
R-DME:8957322 | Metabolism of steroids | REACTOME | 0.0027944 | 0.0000000 | 14.56 | 15 | Acox57D-d, CG14946, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, fabp, phm |
R-DME:8957322 | Metabolism of steroids | REACTOME | 0.0027944 | 0.0000000 | 14.56 | 15 | Acox57D-d, CG14946, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, fabp, phm |
R-DME:8957322 | Metabolism of steroids | REACTOME | 0.0027944 | 0.0000235 | 14.56 | 15 | Acox57D-d, CG14946, Cyp4ac1, Cyp4ac2, Cyp4d8, Cyp4s3, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, fabp, phm |
R-DME:1483206 | Glycerophospholipid biosynthesis | REACTOME | 0.0031450 | 0.0000000 | 14.42 | 15 | CG18258, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, Est-6, Mtpalpha, bmm, dob, eas, mdy, sxe2 |
R-DME:1483206 | Glycerophospholipid biosynthesis | REACTOME | 0.0031450 | 0.0000000 | 14.42 | 15 | CG18258, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, Est-6, Mtpalpha, bmm, dob, eas, mdy, sxe2 |
GO:0015923 | mannosidase activity | GO_MF | 0.0040271 | 0.0000000 | 40.00 | 6 | LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI, alpha-Man-Ic |
GO:0052547 | regulation of peptidase activity | GO_BP | 0.0046761 | 0.0000235 | 12.16 | 18 | CG10031, CG14298, CG16704, CG31777, CG3604, CG42465, CG42828, CG8066, IM33, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
GO:1901568 | fatty acid derivative metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0053783 | 0.0000016 | 22.50 | 9 | CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993 |
GO:0009311 | oligosaccharide metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0053783 | 0.0000000 | 22.50 | 9 | CG7997, Mal-A1, Mal-A2, Mal-A3, Mal-A4, Mal-A7, Mal-A8, Mal-B1, fbp |
GO:1901568 | fatty acid derivative metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0053783 | 0.0000000 | 22.50 | 9 | CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993 |
R-DME:8939242 | RUNX1 regulates transcription of genes involved in differentiation of keratinocytes | REACTOME | 0.0054760 | 0.0000000 | 25.81 | 8 | CG4847, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
R-DME:8939242 | RUNX1 regulates transcription of genes involved in differentiation of keratinocytes | REACTOME | 0.0054760 | 0.0000235 | 25.81 | 8 | CG4847, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
GO:0006013 | mannose metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0061010 | 0.0000000 | 50.00 | 5 | LManI, LManIII, LManIV, LManV, LManVI |
GO:0006631 | fatty acid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0061557 | 0.0000000 | 12.41 | 17 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11407, CG16935, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, FASN3, Mtpalpha, bgm, fa2h |
GO:0006631 | fatty acid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0061557 | 0.0000000 | 12.41 | 17 | Acox57D-d, CDase, CG11407, CG16935, CG3603, CG3699, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9914, CG9993, CRAT, FASN3, Mtpalpha, bgm, fa2h |
R-DME:425407 | SLC-mediated transmembrane transport | REACTOME | 0.0070223 | 0.0000965 | 10.09 | 23 | CG10960, CG1208, CG1213, CG13795, CG15096, CG16727, CG2187, CG31103, CG42269, CG6126, CG6484, CG7255, CG7882, CG8028, CG8083, CG8249, CG9864, MFS14, Mal-A2, NaPi-T, Oatp58Da, ZnT77C, slif |
GO:0046395 | carboxylic acid catabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0085313 | 0.0000000 | 13.27 | 15 | Acox57D-d, CG10361, CG11236, CG15093, CG3699, CG8129, CG8665, CRAT, Cp38, LKRSDH, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg |
GO:0046395 | carboxylic acid catabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0085313 | 0.0000000 | 13.27 | 15 | Acox57D-d, CG10361, CG11236, CG15093, CG3699, CG8129, CG8665, CRAT, Cp38, LKRSDH, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg |
GO:0044283 | small molecule biosynthetic process | GO_BP | 0.0089933 | 0.0000000 | 9.09 | 27 | Adgf-A, CDase, CG11407, CG12116, CG16935, CG17224, CG3603, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9510, CG9993, FASN3, Gnmt, LKRSDH, Npc1b, Oat, Spat, bgm, dare, fa2h, fbp, phm, pug, smp-30, su(r) |
R-DME:8979227 | Triglyceride metabolism | REACTOME | 0.0106881 | 0.0001184 | 45.45 | 5 | Gk, bmm, dob, fabp, mdy |
GO:0006012 | galactose metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0106881 | 0.0000000 | 45.45 | 5 | CG10467, CG32444, Gal, Gale, Galt |
GO:0006012 | galactose metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0106881 | 0.0000000 | 45.45 | 5 | CG10467, CG32444, Gal, Gale, Galt |
GO:0006012 | galactose metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0106881 | 0.0000000 | 45.45 | 5 | CG10467, CG32444, Gal, Gale, Galt |
R-DME:2022377 | Metabolism of Angiotensinogen to Angiotensins | REACTOME | 0.0107758 | 0.0000000 | 13.73 | 14 | CG14526, CG14528, CG3775, CG4721, CG4757, CG8550, Est-6, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
R-DME:2022377 | Metabolism of Angiotensinogen to Angiotensins | REACTOME | 0.0107758 | 0.0000235 | 13.73 | 14 | CG14526, CG14528, CG3775, CG4721, CG4757, CG8550, Est-6, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
R-DME:1482801 | Acyl chain remodelling of PS | REACTOME | 0.0111505 | 0.0000000 | 23.53 | 8 | CG18258, CG4267, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, sxe2 |
GO:0016054 | organic acid catabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0127703 | 0.0000000 | 12.82 | 15 | Acox57D-d, CG10361, CG11236, CG15093, CG3699, CG8129, CG8665, CRAT, Cp38, LKRSDH, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg |
GO:0016054 | organic acid catabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0127703 | 0.0000000 | 12.82 | 15 | Acox57D-d, CG10361, CG11236, CG15093, CG3699, CG8129, CG8665, CRAT, Cp38, LKRSDH, Mtpalpha, Oat, Sardh, Spat, arg |
R-DME:196854 | Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors | REACTOME | 0.0142894 | 0.0001201 | 11.18 | 18 | Amnionless, CG10026, CG11200, CG12926, CG13898, CG15553, CG16727, CG2187, CG31103, CG33966, CG42269, CG42514, CG5958, CG6126, CG7882, CG8665, fabp, pug |
GO:0008233 | peptidase activity | GO_BP | 0.0150124 | 0.0000235 | 6.85 | 49 | AdamTS-A, CG10031, CG11034, CG14298, CG14526, CG14528, CG14990, CG16704, CG17242, CG1773, CG18179, CG18557, CG18563, CG30090, CG30371, CG31777, CG31821, CG34457, CG3604, CG3734, CG3739, CG3775, CG42465, CG42828, CG4408, CG4721, CG4847, CG5715, CG8066, CG8299, CG8550, CG9649, Dcp-1, IM33, Jon25Bii, Jon99Ci, Phae1, Phae2, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bb, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, Tequila, l(3)72Dp |
GO:0016788 | hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds | GO_MF | 0.0166178 | 0.0000000 | 7.10 | 44 | Alp2, CG11291, CG11438, CG12917, CG15533, CG16985, CG18258, CG18284, CG18302, CG18473, CG2145, CG31091, CG31812, CG32191, CG33082, CG33346, CG3819, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, CG8093, CG9119, DNaseII, Est-6, FASN3, LanB1, Lip4, Ppt2, Sid, alpha-Est10, alpha-Est2, alpha-Est5, alpha-Est7, bmm, dob, fbp, mre11, smp-30, sxe2 |
R-DME:1474290 | Collagen formation | REACTOME | 0.0170197 | 0.0000000 | 19.57 | 9 | CG4847, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, lox2 |
R-DME:1474290 | Collagen formation | REACTOME | 0.0170197 | 0.0000235 | 19.57 | 9 | CG4847, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, lox2 |
GO:0006633 | fatty acid biosynthetic process | GO_BP | 0.0181162 | 0.0000016 | 14.81 | 12 | CDase, CG11407, CG16935, CG3603, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9993, FASN3, bgm, fa2h |
GO:0006633 | fatty acid biosynthetic process | GO_BP | 0.0181162 | 0.0000000 | 14.81 | 12 | CDase, CG11407, CG16935, CG3603, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9993, FASN3, bgm, fa2h |
R-DME:1483257 | Phospholipid metabolism | REACTOME | 0.0184855 | 0.0000000 | 11.85 | 16 | CG18258, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, Est-6, Mtpalpha, bmm, dob, eas, mdy, sxe2 |
R-DME:1483257 | Phospholipid metabolism | REACTOME | 0.0184855 | 0.0000000 | 11.85 | 16 | CG18258, CG4267, CG4757, CG5162, CG5966, CG6277, CG6283, CG6295, CG6805, Est-6, Mtpalpha, bmm, dob, eas, mdy, sxe2 |
GO:0006066 | alcohol metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0186299 | 0.0001062 | 12.40 | 15 | CDase, CG11200, CG12116, CG18814, CG6805, CG6910, Dat, Fdh, Gbp, Gk, Npc1b, Sodh-1, dare, mdy, phm |
R-DME:1482883 | Acyl chain remodeling of DAG and TAG | REACTOME | 0.0190705 | 0.0001184 | 100.00 | 3 | bmm, dob, mdy |
GO:0035383 | thioester metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0234473 | 0.0000016 | 16.95 | 10 | CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993, LKRSDH |
GO:0006637 | acyl-CoA metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0234473 | 0.0000016 | 16.95 | 10 | CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993, LKRSDH |
GO:0035383 | thioester metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0234473 | 0.0000000 | 16.95 | 10 | CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993, LKRSDH |
GO:0006637 | acyl-CoA metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0234473 | 0.0000000 | 16.95 | 10 | CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993, LKRSDH |
GO:0016620 | oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors, NAD or NADP as acceptor | GO_MF | 0.0254699 | 0.0000016 | 21.05 | 8 | CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG31076, CG4020, CG8665, CG9629, Fdh |
GO:0072330 | monocarboxylic acid biosynthetic process | GO_BP | 0.0256621 | 0.0000016 | 14.29 | 12 | CDase, CG11407, CG16935, CG3603, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9993, FASN3, bgm, fa2h |
GO:0072330 | monocarboxylic acid biosynthetic process | GO_BP | 0.0256621 | 0.0000000 | 14.29 | 12 | CDase, CG11407, CG16935, CG3603, CG4830, CG5568, CG8534, CG8834, CG9993, FASN3, bgm, fa2h |
R-DME:1474244 | Extracellular matrix organization | REACTOME | 0.0287875 | 0.0000000 | 14.12 | 12 | AdamTS-A, CG4847, LanB1, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, lox2, scw |
R-DME:1474244 | Extracellular matrix organization | REACTOME | 0.0287875 | 0.0000235 | 14.12 | 12 | AdamTS-A, CG4847, LanB1, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb, lox2, scw |
R-DME:2980736 | Peptide hormone metabolism | REACTOME | 0.0295000 | 0.0000000 | 12.50 | 14 | CG14526, CG14528, CG3775, CG4721, CG4757, CG8550, Est-6, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
R-DME:2980736 | Peptide hormone metabolism | REACTOME | 0.0295000 | 0.0000235 | 12.50 | 14 | CG14526, CG14528, CG3775, CG4721, CG4757, CG8550, Est-6, Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
GO:0006790 | sulfur compound metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0315648 | 0.0000016 | 10.16 | 19 | CG11407, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG4020, CG4752, CG4830, CG5568, CG8834, CG9993, Cp38, Gnmt, GstE13, GstT3, LKRSDH, Sardh, St1, St3, pug |
GO:0016052 | carbohydrate catabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0348944 | 0.0000000 | 14.86 | 11 | CG10467, CG13369, CG1544, CG32444, CG6910, CG9485, Gale, Galt, Gk, Hex-C, Sodh-1 |
GO:0016052 | carbohydrate catabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0348944 | 0.0000000 | 14.86 | 11 | CG10467, CG13369, CG1544, CG32444, CG6910, CG9485, Gale, Galt, Gk, Hex-C, Sodh-1 |
R-DME:194002 | Glucocorticoid biosynthesis | REACTOME | 0.0355662 | 0.0000000 | 23.33 | 7 | Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
R-DME:194002 | Glucocorticoid biosynthesis | REACTOME | 0.0355662 | 0.0000235 | 23.33 | 7 | Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
GO:0046514 | ceramide catabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0434632 | 0.0001275 | 50.00 | 4 | CDase, CG31148, CG31414, CG7997 |
GO:0019388 | galactose catabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0434632 | 0.0000000 | 50.00 | 4 | CG10467, CG32444, Gale, Galt |
GO:0033499 | galactose catabolic process via UDP-galactose | GO_BP | 0.0434632 | 0.0000000 | 50.00 | 4 | CG10467, CG32444, Gale, Galt |
GO:0019388 | galactose catabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0434632 | 0.0000000 | 50.00 | 4 | CG10467, CG32444, Gale, Galt |
GO:0033499 | galactose catabolic process via UDP-galactose | GO_BP | 0.0434632 | 0.0000000 | 50.00 | 4 | CG10467, CG32444, Gale, Galt |
GO:0019388 | galactose catabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0434632 | 0.0000000 | 50.00 | 4 | CG10467, CG32444, Gale, Galt |
GO:0033499 | galactose catabolic process via UDP-galactose | GO_BP | 0.0434632 | 0.0000000 | 50.00 | 4 | CG10467, CG32444, Gale, Galt |
R-DME:140837 | Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation | REACTOME | 0.0441913 | 0.0000000 | 22.58 | 7 | Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
R-DME:140875 | Common Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation | REACTOME | 0.0441913 | 0.0000000 | 22.58 | 7 | Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
R-DME:140877 | Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) | REACTOME | 0.0441913 | 0.0000000 | 22.58 | 7 | Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
R-DME:140837 | Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation | REACTOME | 0.0441913 | 0.0000235 | 22.58 | 7 | Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
R-DME:140875 | Common Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation | REACTOME | 0.0441913 | 0.0000235 | 22.58 | 7 | Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
R-DME:140877 | Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) | REACTOME | 0.0441913 | 0.0000235 | 22.58 | 7 | Spn43Ab, Spn43Ad, Spn55B, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, Spn88Eb |
GO:0016903 | oxidoreductase activity, acting on the aldehyde or oxo group of donors | GO_MF | 0.0444580 | 0.0000016 | 17.31 | 9 | CG1544, CG17560, CG17562, CG18031, CG31076, CG4020, CG8665, CG9629, Fdh |
This figure is related to Figure 3c
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_full_FC1.6_curated.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr <-
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr<- ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr %>% arrange((Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)) # arrage the data how you want it in the plot
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr<- ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr %>% mutate(GOTerm = fct_reorder(GOTerm, desc(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down))) # lock in factor level order
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr_plot <- ggplot( ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr, aes(x = -log10(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down), y = GOTerm, fill= OS_short)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdBu") + theme_bw() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("-log10(term adjusted p value)") + theme(legend.position="right", text = element_text(size=15)) + geom_text(aes(label= Nr_Genes ), size=3, nudge_x = .7, color = "black" ) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 25)) + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Ontology"))
ggsave("1.6_figure_output/ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_1.6_curr_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 11, height = 6, limitsize = TRUE)
This table is related to Supplementary Table 9.
ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_PUP_results.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6 = ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6 %>% arrange(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)
GO ID | GO Term | Ontology | Term P-value corrected | Group P-value corrected | % Associated Genes | No. Genes | Associated Genes |
KEGG:00982 | Drug metabolism | KEGG | 0.0002751 | 0.0006024 | 8.82 | 6 | CG5999, Fmo-1, GstD2, GstE5, GstE8, Ugt86Dd |
KEGG:00980 | Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome P450 | KEGG | 0.0038868 | 0.0006024 | 7.25 | 5 | CG5999, GstD2, GstE5, GstE8, Ugt86Dd |
GO:0035009 | Negative regulation of melanization defense response | GO_BP | 0.0039896 | 0.0049293 | 66.67 | 2 | Spn27A, Spn77Ba |
KEGG:00983 | Drug metabolism | KEGG | 0.0166977 | 0.0006024 | 5.21 | 5 | CG5999, GstD2, GstE5, GstE8, Ugt86Dd |
R-DME:196071 | Metabolism of steroid hormones | REACTOME | 0.0269267 | 0.0049293 | 6.35 | 4 | Cyp4ad1, Cyp4e3, Spn27A, Spn77Ba |
R-DME:381119 | Unfolded Protein Response | REACTOME | 0.0319907 | 0.0058165 | 25.00 | 2 | Ire1, PEK |
GO:0006368 | Transcription elongation from RNA polymerase II promoter | GO_BP | 0.0347940 | 0.0347940 | 5.00 | 2 | RpII15, atms |
GO:0006414 | Translational elongation | GO_BP | 0.0390224 | 0.0039022 | 8.82 | 3 | CG2017, Dgp-1, RpLP2 |
GO:0035007 | Regulation of melanization defense response | GO_BP | 0.0390736 | 0.0049293 | 22.22 | 2 | Spn27A, Spn77Ba |
This figure is related to Figure 3b
ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_PUP_results_curated.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr <-
ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr <- ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr %>% arrange((Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)) # arrage the data how you want it in the plot
ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr <- ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr %>% mutate(GOTerm = fct_reorder(GOTerm, desc(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down))) # lock in factor level order
ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr_plot <- ggplot( ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr, aes(x = -log10(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down), y = GOTerm, fill= OS_short)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdBu") + theme_bw() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("-log10(term adjusted p value)") + theme(legend.position="right", text = element_text(size=15)) + geom_text(aes(label=No_Genes ), size=3, nudge_x = .7, color = "black" ) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 6)) + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Ontology"))
ggsave("1.6_figure_output/ClueGOResultTable_PUP_1.6_curr_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 11, height = 6, limitsize = TRUE)
This table is related to Supplementary Table 11.
ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_results.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6 = ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6 %>% arrange(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)
GO ID | GO Term | Ontology | Term P-value corrected | Group P-value corrected | % Associated Genes | No. Genes | Associated Genes |
GO:0005615 | extracellular space | GO_CC | 0.0000000 | 0.000000 | 4.47 | 33 | Ag5r, CG14034, CG14661, CG16820, CG1701, CG17097, CG17242, CG18258, CG18284, CG31872, CG31883, CG34033, CG43319, CG4847, CG5162, CG6690, CG9029, CG9572, CecC, Cys, Dup99B, Est-6, Met75Ca, Obp51a, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Sfp35C, Sfp60F, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, TotC |
GO:0004866 | endopeptidase inhibitor activity | GO_BP | 0.0001106 | 0.000029 | 8.82 | 9 | CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar |
GO:0061135 | endopeptidase regulator activity | GO_BP | 0.0001290 | 0.000029 | 8.65 | 9 | CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar |
GO:0030414 | peptidase inhibitor activity | GO_BP | 0.0001384 | 0.000029 | 8.57 | 9 | CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar |
GO:0010951 | negative regulation of endopeptidase activity | GO_BP | 0.0001384 | 0.000029 | 8.57 | 9 | CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar |
GO:0010466 | negative regulation of peptidase activity | GO_BP | 0.0001736 | 0.000029 | 8.33 | 9 | CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar |
GO:0061134 | peptidase regulator activity | GO_BP | 0.0002329 | 0.000029 | 8.04 | 9 | CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar |
R-DME:196071 | Metabolism of steroid hormones | REACTOME | 0.0003627 | 0.000029 | 11.11 | 7 | CG1444, Cyp4e1, Cyp4p1, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
R-DME:556833 | Metabolism of lipids | REACTOME | 0.0003800 | 0.000029 | 4.00 | 16 | CG14034, CG1444, CG18258, CG1942, CG30008, CG3530, CG5162, Cyp4e1, Cyp4p1, Est-6, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, bgm, sigmar |
GO:0045861 | negative regulation of proteolysis | GO_BP | 0.0004582 | 0.000029 | 7.38 | 9 | CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar |
GO:0004857 | enzyme inhibitor activity | GO_BP | 0.0013110 | 0.000029 | 6.47 | 9 | CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar |
R-DME:8939242 | RUNX1 regulates transcription of genes involved in differentiation of keratinocytes | REACTOME | 0.0013867 | 0.000029 | 16.13 | 5 | CG4847, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
GO:0051346 | negative regulation of hydrolase activity | GO_BP | 0.0014375 | 0.000029 | 6.38 | 9 | CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar |
GO:0052548 | regulation of endopeptidase activity | GO_BP | 0.0014375 | 0.000029 | 6.38 | 9 | CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar |
R-DME:192456 | Digestion of dietary lipid | REACTOME | 0.0020873 | 0.001302 | 10.71 | 6 | CG14034, CG17097, CG18258, CG18284, CG31872, CG5162 |
GO:0052547 | regulation of peptidase activity | GO_BP | 0.0020928 | 0.000029 | 6.08 | 9 | CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar |
GO:0004867 | serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity | GO_BP | 0.0024417 | 0.000029 | 8.24 | 7 | CG16713, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
R-DME:8853383 | Lysosomal oligosaccharide catabolism | REACTOME | 0.0031390 | 0.001999 | 42.86 | 3 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI |
GO:0004806 | triglyceride lipase activity | GO_MF | 0.0051737 | 0.001302 | 9.09 | 6 | CG14034, CG17097, CG18258, CG18284, CG31872, CG5162 |
R-DME:8957322 | Metabolism of steroids | REACTOME | 0.0080892 | 0.000029 | 6.80 | 7 | CG1444, Cyp4e1, Cyp4p1, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
R-DME:189200 | Cellular hexose transport | REACTOME | 0.0082248 | 0.000514 | 16.67 | 4 | CG1208, CG14606, CG4607, CG6484 |
R-DME:1474290 | Collagen formation | REACTOME | 0.0088586 | 0.000029 | 10.87 | 5 | CG4847, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
GO:0043086 | negative regulation of catalytic activity | GO_BP | 0.0091051 | 0.000029 | 4.97 | 9 | CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar |
GO:0006013 | mannose metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0097572 | 0.001999 | 30.00 | 3 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI |
R-DME:8935690 | Digestion | REACTOME | 0.0113927 | 0.001302 | 7.79 | 6 | CG14034, CG17097, CG18258, CG18284, CG31872, CG5162 |
GO:0005996 | monosaccharide metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0148740 | 0.001999 | 7.41 | 6 | Gbs-70E, Gnmt, LManIII, LManV, LManVI, smp-30 |
GO:0052689 | carboxylic ester hydrolase activity | GO_MF | 0.0154597 | 0.001302 | 5.19 | 8 | CG14034, CG17097, CG18258, CG18284, CG31872, CG5162, Est-6, smp-30 |
GO:0005975 | carbohydrate metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0166610 | 0.001999 | 3.79 | 11 | Ald, Gbs-70E, Gnmt, LManIII, LManV, LManVI, Mal-A4, Mal-B1, Sodh-1, smp-30, tobi |
R-DME:8963743 | Digestion and absorption | REACTOME | 0.0171912 | 0.001302 | 7.14 | 6 | CG14034, CG17097, CG18258, CG18284, CG31872, CG5162 |
GO:0016836 | hydro-lyase activity | GO_MF | 0.0174234 | 0.001610 | 9.26 | 5 | CG10424, CG3940, CG4594, CG6028, FASN3 |
R-DME:194002 | Glucocorticoid biosynthesis | REACTOME | 0.0176812 | 0.000029 | 13.33 | 4 | Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
R-DME:140837 | Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation | REACTOME | 0.0198495 | 0.000029 | 12.90 | 4 | Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
R-DME:140875 | Common Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation | REACTOME | 0.0198495 | 0.000029 | 12.90 | 4 | Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
R-DME:140877 | Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) | REACTOME | 0.0198495 | 0.000029 | 12.90 | 4 | Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
GO:0044092 | negative regulation of molecular function | GO_BP | 0.0241268 | 0.000029 | 4.29 | 9 | CG16713, Cys, Sfp24Ba, Sfp24Bc, Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc, sigmar |
GO:0004559 | alpha-mannosidase activity | GO_MF | 0.0246031 | 0.001999 | 21.43 | 3 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI |
R-DME:3000178 | ECM proteoglycans | REACTOME | 0.0246642 | 0.000029 | 12.12 | 4 | Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
R-DME:375276 | Peptide ligand-binding receptors | REACTOME | 0.0269002 | 0.000029 | 11.76 | 4 | Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
GO:0004553 | hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds | GO_MF | 0.0269177 | 0.001999 | 6.45 | 6 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI, Mal-A4, Mal-B1, tobi |
GO:0015923 | mannosidase activity | GO_MF | 0.0291322 | 0.001999 | 20.00 | 3 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI |
GO:0016835 | carbon-oxygen lyase activity | GO_MF | 0.0332794 | 0.001610 | 7.81 | 5 | CG10424, CG3940, CG4594, CG6028, FASN3 |
R-DME:1650814 | Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes | REACTOME | 0.0389050 | 0.000029 | 10.53 | 4 | Spn28F, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
GO:0009410 | response to xenobiotic stimulus | GO_BP | 0.0478194 | 0.001621 | 16.67 | 3 | CG17322, Cyp6t1, St3 |
GO:0006805 | xenobiotic metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0478194 | 0.001621 | 16.67 | 3 | CG17322, Cyp6t1, St3 |
GO:0071466 | cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus | GO_BP | 0.0478194 | 0.001621 | 16.67 | 3 | CG17322, Cyp6t1, St3 |
GO:0016298 | lipase activity | GO_MF | 0.0481179 | 0.001302 | 5.71 | 6 | CG14034, CG17097, CG18258, CG18284, CG31872, CG5162 |
This figure is related to Figure 3d
ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_results_curated.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr <-
ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr <- ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr %>% arrange((Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)) # arrage the data how you want it in the plot
ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr<- ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr %>% mutate(GOTerm = fct_reorder(GOTerm, desc(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down))) # lock in factor level order
ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr_plot <- ggplot( ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr, aes(x = -log10(Term_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down), y = GOTerm, fill= OS_short)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdBu") + theme_bw() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("-log10(term adjusted p value)") + theme(legend.position="right", text = element_text(size=15)) + geom_text(aes(label=No_Genes ), size=3, nudge_x = .7, color = "black" ) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 12)) + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Ontology"))
ggsave("1.6_figure_output/ClueGOResultTable_PDOWN_1.6_curr_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 11, height = 6, limitsize = TRUE)
This table is related to Table 1
Table 16: Summary Table
webshot::install_phantomjs() # need this for save_kable
## phantomjs has been installed to /Users/rp636/Library/Application Support/PhantomJS
brief_summary <- read.csv("1.6_data/Table1_Brief_summary.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
brief_summary2 <- brief_summary[c(2:5, 7:8, 10:17, 19:21, 23:24, 26:33), ]
write.csv(brief_summary2, "1.6_data_output/brief_summary2.csv") # need to remove the first column with numbers
brief_summary3 <- read.csv("1.6_data_output/brief_summary3.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
Summary <- kable(brief_summary3[, 1:4], booktabs = TRUE, col.names = gsub("[.]", " ", names(brief_summary3)), "html") %>% pack_rows(index = c("UPR-related molecules" = 4, "Translation" = 2 , "Detoxification" = 8, "Mitochondrial proteins" = 3, "Immunity-related proteins" = 2, "Other" = 7 )) %>% kable_styling(bootstrap_options = "striped", "scale_down", full_width = F, font_size = 10) %>% row_spec(0, font_size=11, bold = T) %>%
kable_classic_2 %>% save_kable("1.6_figure_output/Summary.pdf")
## Note that HTML color may not be displayed on PDF properly.
## save_kable will have the best result with magick installed.
Gene name | Brief summary | Transcript FC | Protein FC |
UPR-related molecules | |||
PERK | UPR kinase | 16.60 | 4.99 |
Sil1 | Nucleotide exchange factor required for protein translocation and folding in the endoplasmic reticulum | 8.58 | 1.80 |
AsnS | Asparagine synthase | 4.30 | 2.30 |
Ire1 | UPR kinase and endoribonuclease | 2.09 | 1.71 |
Translation | |||
Dgp-1 | Translational GTPase predicted to be involved in translational elongation | 21.20 | 2.30 |
CG2017 | Translational GTPase predicted to be involved in translational elongation | 2.60 | 1.69 |
Detoxification | |||
Cyp6a17 | Cytochrome P450 enzyme | 117.00 | 19.03 |
Cyp9b2 | Cytochrome P450 enzyme | 6.96 | 2.28 |
Cyp4e3 | Cytochrome P450 enzyme | 3.22 | 2.97 |
Cyp4ad1 | Cytochrome P450 enzyme | 1.61 | 1.72 |
Ugt37A3 | UDP-glycosyltransferase | 69.40 | 13.27 |
Ugt86Dd | UDP-glycosyltransferase | 3.48 | 3.34 |
GstD2 | Glutathione S transferase | 7.49 | 3.68 |
GstE8 | Glutathione S transferase | 2.70 | 2.08 |
Mitochondrial proteins | |||
Hsp22 | Mitochondrial molecular chaperone | 29.20 | 28.25 |
Pepck2 | Mitochondrial and cytoplasmic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, plays a role in gluconeogenesis | 2.63 | 1.65 |
CG34423 | Mitochondrial ATPase inhibitor | 2.40 | 1.96 |
Immunity-related proteins | |||
Lectin-galC1 | Galactose binding protein involved in the induction of bacterial agglutination and cell-cell adhesion | 3.26 | 9.71 |
BomBc3 | Member of the Bombamin family of small, secreted immune-induced peptides that are induced by Toll signalling and may function to confer resistance to bacterial infection | 2.56 | 3.92 |
Other | |||
CG11911 | Predicted to have serine-type endopeptidase activity and be involved in proteolysis | 6.96 | 9.32 |
Uro | Urate oxidase, involved in allantoin biosynthetic process | 3.73 | 1.79 |
Ccp84Ab | Predicted to be a structural constituent of chitin-based larval cuticle | 1.92 | 1.77 |
CG17752 | A member of the Solute carrier family 22 (SLC22), predicted to have transmembrane transporter activity | 1.80 | 1.73 |
CG7632 | Predicted to have hydrolase activity | 3.57 | 1.95 |
CG43402 | Uncharacterized protein | 6.77 | 2.20 |
CG12868 | Uncharacterized protein | 2.17 | 2.36 |
CG31808 | Uncharacterized protein | 1.84 | 2.62 |
ClueGO: Molecular Function & Biological Process
This table is related to Supplementary Table 20 .
ClueGOResultTable_raw_TUP_PZERO_1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6_R.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
GO ID | GO Term | Ontology | Term P-value corrected | Group P-value corrected | % Associated Genes | No. Genes | Associated Genes |
GO:0015695 | Organic cation transport | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0018548 | 0.0006451 | 25.00 | 3 | CG3476, Orct2, Tpc1 |
GO:0097190 | Apoptotic signaling pathway | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0422428 | 0.0253457 | 5.26 | 3 | CG5059, Dronc, Rbf |
KEGG:00270 | Cysteine and methionine metabolism | KEGG_15.01.2021 | 0.0028284 | 0.0009428 | 11.11 | 4 | CG1461, CG1673, Gclc, ImpL3 |
GO:0001666 | Response to hypoxia | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0362782 | 0.0147623 | 4.62 | 3 | Drat, eIF2B-gamma, l(2)37Cc |
GO:0036293 | Response to decreased oxygen levels | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0147623 | 0.0147623 | 4.29 | 3 | Drat, eIF2B-gamma, l(2)37Cc |
R-DME:1362409 | Mitochondrial iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis | REACTOME_Pathways_15.01.2021 | 0.0014593 | 0.0082155 | 27.27 | 3 | CG12264, Fdx2, bcn92 |
GO:0051536 | Iron-sulfur cluster binding | GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0252045 | 0.0082155 | 4.55 | 3 | CG12264, Fdx2, FeCH |
KEGG:00240 | Pyrimidine metabolism | KEGG_15.01.2021 | 0.0343269 | 0.0262478 | 7.50 | 3 | CG16758, NTPase, l(2)k01209 |
R-DME:15869 | Metabolism of nucleotides | REACTOME_Pathways_15.01.2021 | 0.0393091 | 0.0262478 | 5.77 | 3 | CG16758, NTPase, l(2)k01209 |
R-DME:8949215 | Mitochondrial calcium ion transport | REACTOME_Pathways_15.01.2021 | 0.0022941 | 0.0054885 | 23.08 | 3 | CG2658, CG6512, l(2)37Cc |
R-DME:8949664 | Processing of SMDT1 | REACTOME_Pathways_15.01.2021 | 0.0007822 | 0.0054885 | 33.33 | 3 | CG2658, CG6512, l(2)37Cc |
GO:0007006 | Mitochondrial membrane organization | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0411042 | 0.0054885 | 6.00 | 3 | CG2658, CG5059, CG6512 |
GO:0004497 | Monooxygenase activity | GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0056805 | 0.0071724 | 4.84 | 6 | Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp9b1 |
GO:0046906 | Tetrapyrrole binding | GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0123261 | 0.0071724 | 4.00 | 6 | Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp9b1 |
GO:0020037 | Heme binding | GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0126962 | 0.0071724 | 4.03 | 6 | Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp9b1 |
GO:0005506 | Iron ion binding | GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0038858 | 0.0071724 | 4.29 | 7 | CG30022, Cyp28a5, Cyp309a1, Cyp6a20, Cyp6a22, Cyp6a23, Cyp9b1 |
KEGG:00480 | Glutathione metabolism | KEGG_15.01.2021 | 0.0000506 | 0.0000107 | 8.86 | 7 | Gclc, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1 |
KEGG:00980 | Metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome P450 | KEGG_15.01.2021 | 0.0000214 | 0.0000107 | 10.14 | 7 | GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1, Ugt36Bc |
KEGG:00982 | Drug metabolism | KEGG_15.01.2021 | 0.0000199 | 0.0000107 | 10.29 | 7 | GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1, Ugt36Bc |
KEGG:00983 | Drug metabolism | KEGG_15.01.2021 | 0.0000163 | 0.0000107 | 8.33 | 8 | GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1, Ugt36Bc, l(2)k01209 |
GO:0006790 | Sulfur compound metabolic process | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0000330 | 0.0000107 | 5.35 | 10 | CG12264, CG30022, Gclc, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1, bcn92 |
GO:0016765 | Transferase activity, transferring alkyl or aryl (other than methyl) groups | GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0002397 | 0.0000107 | 9.09 | 6 | GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1 |
GO:0006575 | Cellular modified amino acid metabolic process | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0000010 | 0.0000107 | 9.47 | 9 | CG30022, Gclc, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1, Nmdmc |
GO:0004364 | Glutathione transferase activity | GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0000143 | 0.0000107 | 15.00 | 6 | GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1 |
GO:0006749 | Glutathione metabolic process | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0000002 | 0.0000107 | 14.55 | 8 | CG30022, Gclc, GstD3, GstD9, GstE1, GstE7, GstE9, GstT1 |
GO:0016875 | Ligase activity, forming carbon-oxygen bonds | GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0348229 | 0.0000005 | 7.69 | 3 | Aats-thr, CG10802, CG17259 |
GO:0070279 | Vitamin B6 binding | GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0350078 | 0.0000005 | 7.89 | 3 | CG12264, CG1461, CG3999 |
GO:0004812 | Aminoacyl-tRNA ligase activity | GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0348229 | 0.0000005 | 7.69 | 3 | Aats-thr, CG10802, CG17259 |
GO:0006520 | Cellular amino acid metabolic process | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0002844 | 0.0000005 | 4.71 | 9 | Aats-thr, CG10802, CG11796, CG1461, CG1673, CG17259, CG3999, Ppn, aay |
GO:0030170 | Pyridoxal phosphate binding | GO_MolecularFunction-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0350078 | 0.0000005 | 7.89 | 3 | CG12264, CG1461, CG3999 |
GO:0043038 | Amino acid activation | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0368601 | 0.0000005 | 6.82 | 3 | Aats-thr, CG10802, CG17259 |
GO:1901605 | Alpha-amino acid metabolic process | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0284431 | 0.0000005 | 4.10 | 5 | CG11796, CG1461, CG3999, Ppn, aay |
GO:0009063 | Cellular amino acid catabolic process | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0463814 | 0.0000005 | 4.69 | 3 | CG1461, CG3999, Ppn |
GO:0009069 | Serine family amino acid metabolic process | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0072076 | 0.0000005 | 15.00 | 3 | CG3999, Ppn, aay |
GO:1901606 | Alpha-amino acid catabolic process | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0119169 | 0.0000005 | 7.27 | 4 | CG11796, CG1461, CG3999, Ppn |
GO:0043039 | tRNA aminoacylation | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0334922 | 0.0000005 | 7.32 | 3 | Aats-thr, CG10802, CG17259 |
GO:0006399 | tRNA metabolic process | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0002689 | 0.0000005 | 5.59 | 8 | Aats-thr, CG10802, CG12264, CG17259, CG4611, CG9987, Elp1, Rrp42 |
GO:0006418 | tRNA aminoacylation for protein translation | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0348229 | 0.0000005 | 7.69 | 3 | Aats-thr, CG10802, CG17259 |
GO:0008033 | tRNA processing | GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0434607 | 0.0000005 | 4.17 | 4 | CG12264, CG4611, CG9987, Elp1 |
This figure is related to Figure 7 (left)
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6_curated.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6 <-
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6 <- ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6 %>% arrange((Term_Pvalue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down)) # arrage the data how you want it in the plot
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6 <- ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6 %>% mutate(GOTerm = fct_reorder(GOTerm, desc(Term_Pvalue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down))) # lock in factor level order
ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6_plot <- ggplot( ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6, aes(x = -log10(Term_Pvalue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down), y = GOTerm, fill= OS_short)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdBu") + theme_bw() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("-log10(term adjusted p value)") + theme(legend.position="right", text = element_text(size=15)) + geom_text(aes(label=No_Genes ), size=3, nudge_x = .7, color = "black" ) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 8)) + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Ontology"))
ggsave("1.6_figure_output/ClueGOResultTable_TUP_PZERO_1.6_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 9, limitsize = TRUE)
## Saving 9 x 5 in image
ClueGO: Cellular component
This table is related to Supplementary Table 19.
ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6_R.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote =
## quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'Analysis/
## ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6_R.csv'
GO ID | GO Term | Ontology | Term P-value corrected | Group P-value corrected | % Associated Genes | No. Genes | Associated Genes |
GO:0005739 | mitochondrion | GO_CellularComponent-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0000640 | 0.0000427 | 2.11 | 20 | Aats-thr, Alr, CG12264, CG1673, CG2658, CG30022, CG3476, CG3999, CG4611, CG5059, CG6512, Fdx2, FeCH, Nmdmc, Ppn, Tpc1, bcn92, l(2)37Cc, mRpS31, mtSSB |
GO:0019866 | organelle inner membrane | GO_CellularComponent-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0176714 | 0.0088357 | 2.27 | 7 | CG2658, CG3476, CG6512, FeCH, Tpc1, bocks, l(2)37Cc |
GO:0005743 | mitochondrial inner membrane | GO_CellularComponent-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00 | 0.0234936 | 0.0088357 | 2.05 | 6 | CG2658, CG3476, CG6512, FeCH, Tpc1, l(2)37Cc |
This figure is related to Figure 7 (left)
ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6_curr <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6_curated.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
## Warning in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote =
## quote, : incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'Analysis/
## ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6_curated.csv'
ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6_plot <- ggplot( ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6_curr, aes(x = -log10(Term_Pvalue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down), y = GOTerm, fill= GOTerm)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") + theme_bw() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("-log10(term adjusted p value)") + theme(legend.position="none", text = element_text(size=20)) + geom_text(aes(label=No_Genes ), size=6, nudge_x = .7, color = "black" ) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 8)) + theme(axis.text.y = element_text(face = "plain", colour = "black"))
ggsave("1.6_figure_output/ClueGOResultTable_GOCC_TUP_PZERO_1.6_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 9, limitsize = TRUE)
## Saving 9 x 5 in image
Looking into mitochondrial genes (from FlyBase unless otherwise specified)
I also found some additional mitochondrial genes (or at least thought of as mitochondrial or related to mitochondrial function) not picked up by this analysis.
TPC1: Thiamine pyrophosphate carrier protein 1 (Tpc1) encodes an important protein for mitochondrial metabolism located at the inner mitochondrial membrane. Exhibits antiporter activity and thiamine transmembrane transporter activity. Its main role is to import thiamine pyrophosphate (ThPP) into mitochondria. ThPP is an essential coenzyme for the E1 components of pyruvate dehydrogenase and oxoglutarate dehydrogenase, which are located in the mitochondrial matrix. Orthologous to human SLC25A19 (solute carrier family 25 member 19).The solute carrier family 25 (SLC25) or mitochondrial carrier family (MCF) members shuttle metabolites, nucleotides and cofactors across the inner mitochondrial membrane. (Adapted from FBrf0212481, FBrf0212949 and PMID:23266187).
CG4611: Predicted to have RNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in tRNA 3’-end processing. Predicted to localize to mitochondrion. Orthologous to several human genes including PTCD1 (pentatricopeptide repeat domain 1). Mammalian PTCD1 was shown to be required for the proper assembly of the ETC. Loss of PTCD1 function strongly diminishes energy generation by mitochondria, forcing cells to rely on glycolysis (Fleck et al., 2019).
CG30022: Predicted to have hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds; iron ion binding activity; and sulfur dioxygenase activity. Predicted to be involved in glutathione metabolic process and hydrogen sulfide metabolic process. Predicted to localize to mitochondrion and nucleoplasm. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in ethylmalonic encephalopathy. Orthologous to human ETHE1 (ETHE1 persulfide dioxygenase) (FlyBase). This gene encodes a member of the metallo beta-lactamase family of iron-containing proteins involved in the mitochondrial sulfide oxidation pathway. The encoded protein catalyzes the oxidation of a persulfide substrate to sulfite (Entrez Gene Summary for ETHE1 Gene). Sulfur dioxygenase that plays an essential role in hydrogen sulfide catabolism in the mitochondrial matrix. Hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S) is first oxidized by SQRDL, giving rise to cysteine persulfide residues. ETHE1 consumes molecular oxygen to catalyze the oxidation of the persulfide, once it has been transferred to a thiophilic acceptor, such as glutathione (R-SSH). Plays an important role in metabolic homeostasis in mitochondria by metabolizing hydrogen sulfide and preventing the accumulation of supraphysiological H(2)S levels that have toxic effects, due to the inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Summary for ETHE1 Gene).
FECH: Ferrochelatase. Ferrochelatases catalyze the synthesis of protoheme by inserting ferrous iron into the protoporphyrin. Predicted to be involved in protoporphyrinogen IX biosynthetic process. Predicted to localize to mitochondrial inner membrane. Is expressed in several structures, including adult head; adult heart; embryonic/larval midgut; embryonic/larval muscle system; and presumptive embryonic/larval digestive system. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in cutaneous porphyria and erythropoietic protoporphyria. Orthologous to human FECH (ferrochelatase). Last step of Heme Biosynthesis.
L(2)37CC: nvolved in cellular response to hypoxia. Localizes to mitochondrion. Is expressed in several structures, including embryonic/larval muscle system; extended germ band embryo; gut section; spermatozoon; and visceral muscle primordium. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in breast cancer and sporadic breast cancer. Orthologous to human PHB (prohibitin). Required for larval metabolism or for the progression of the larva into a pupa (FlyBase). Mammalian prohibitin is evolutionarily conserved, and its product is proposed to play a role in human cellular senescence and tumor suppression. Antiproliferative activity is reported to be localized to the 3’ UTR, which is proposed to function as a trans-acting regulatory RNA. Several pseudogenes of this gene have been identified. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants (Entrez Gene Summary for PHB Gene). Regulates mitochondrial respiration activity and in aging (PubMed:11302691). In neurons, regulates the protein turnover of OMA1 in a cardiolipin-binding manner (By similarity). Inhibits DNA synthesis (By similarity) (UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot Summary for PHB Gene).
CG6512: Predicted to have metalloendopeptidase activity. ATP-dependent metalloendopeptidases belong to MEROPS family M41 and catalyse the hydrolysis of proteins in the presence of ATP. They are localized to mitochondria and are involved in protein turnover and respiratory chain complex assembly. Predicted to be involved in mitochondrial protein processing; mitochondrion organization; and protein-containing complex assembly. Predicted to localize to mitochondrial inner membrane. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior endoderm; anterior endoderm anlage; embryonic/larval muscle system; extended germ band embryo; and gut section. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in optic atrophy; spastic ataxia; spastic ataxia 5; and spinocerebellar ataxia type 28. Orthologous to human AFG3L2 (AFG3 like matrix AAA peptidase subunit 2). ts molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; metalloendopeptidase activity; ATP binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrial protein processing; mitochondrial fusion; proteolysis; cristae formation; protein-containing complex assembly. 8 alleles are reported. Human AFG3L2 is an ATP-dependent protease which is essential for axonal and neuron development. In neurons, mediates degradation of SMDT1/EMRE before its assembly with the uniporter complex, limiting the availability of SMDT1/EMRE for MCU assembly and promoting efficient assembly of gatekeeper subunits with MCU (PubMed:27642048). Required for the maturation of paraplegin (SPG7) after its cleavage by mitochondrial-processing peptidase (MPP), converting it into a proteolytically active mature form (By similarity). Required for the maturation of PINK1 into its 52kDa mature form after its cleavage by mitochondrial-processing peptidase (MPP) (PubMed:22354088) (UniProtKB).
THRRS (Aats-thr): Threonyl-tRNA synthetase. Predicted to have threonine-tRNA ligase activity. Predicted to be involved in threonyl-tRNA aminoacylation. Dual-localized aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are encoded by single genes and catalyze the ligation of amino acids to their cognate tRNAs in the cytoplasmic and mitochondrial compartments (Adapted from FBrf0230668.). Aminoacyl-tRNA editing hydrolases catalyze the hydrolysis of an incorrectly aminoacylated tRNA. Predicted to localize to mitochondrion. Is expressed in several structures, including anterior endoderm anlage; embryonic/larval digestive system; embryonic/larval muscle system; germ layer; and presumptive embryonic/larval digestive system. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency 21 and nonphotosensitive trichothiodystrophy 7. Orthologous to several human genes including TARS3 (threonyl-tRNA synthetase 3). Its molecular function is described by: ATP binding; aminoacyl-tRNA editing activity; threonine-tRNA ligase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: threonyl-tRNA aminoacylation.
CG3476: Mitochondrial Magnesium Exporter 1 (MME1). Exhibits magnesium ion transmembrane transporter activity. Involved in cellular magnesium ion homeostasis and magnesium ion export from mitochondrion. Predicted to localize to mitochondrial inner membrane. Is expressed in several structures, including adult head; anterior endoderm anlage; embryonic/larval midgut; embryonic/larval midgut primordium; and posterior endoderm. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in carnitine-acylcarnitine translocase deficiency. Orthologous to human SLC25A20 (solute carrier family 25 member 20). The solute carrier family 25 (SLC25) or mitochondrial carrier family (MCF) members shuttle metabolites, nucleotides and cofactors across the inner mitochondrial membrane. (Adapted from FBrf0212481, FBrf0212949 and PMID:23266187). Its molecular function is described by: carnitine:acyl carnitine antiporter activity; magnesium ion transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with 6 unique terms, many of which group under: cation transport; transport; nitrogen compound transport; establishment of localization; organic cation transport.
CG2658: Spg7 or Paraplegin. Predicted to have ATPase activity and metallopeptidase activity. ATP-dependent metalloendopeptidases belong to MEROPS family M41 and catalyse the hydrolysis of proteins in the presence of ATP. They are localized to mitochondria and are involved in protein turnover and respiratory chain complex assembly. Predicted to be involved in mitochondrial protein processing; mitochondrion organization; and protein-containing complex assembly. Localizes to mitochondrion. Is expressed in adult head and spermatozoon. Used to study hereditary spastic paraplegia 7. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in hereditary spastic paraplegia 7. Orthologous to human SPG7 (SPG7 matrix AAA peptidase subunit, paraplegin). Its molecular function is described by: ATPase activity; metalloendopeptidase activity; ATP binding; metallopeptidase activity; zinc ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrial fusion; mitochondrial protein processing; proteolysis; cristae formation; protein-containing complex assembly.
CG12264: Nfs1 cysteine desulfurase. Exhibits cysteine desulfurase activity. Involved in iron-sulfur cluster assembly. Localizes to L-cysteine desulfurase complex and nucleus. Is expressed in adult head; adult heart; embryonic/larval midgut; embryonic/larval visceral muscle; and organism. Orthologous to human NFS1 (NFS1 cysteine desulfurase).Sulfurtransferases catalyze the transfer of sulfur-containing groups.Catalyzes the removal of elemental sulfur from cysteine to produce alanine. It supplies the inorganic sulfur for iron-sulfur (Fe-S) clusters.
BCN92: Involved in iron-sulfur cluster assembly. Localizes to L-cysteine desulfurase complex and mitochondrion. Is expressed in adult head. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency 19. Orthologous to human LYRM4 (LYR motif containing 4). Interacts with Nfs1 (Marelja et al., 2018, Guruharsha et al., 2011).
ALR: Augmenter of liver regeneration. Predicted to have flavin adenine dinucleotide binding activity; flavin-linked sulfhydryl oxidase activity; and protein disulfide oxidoreductase activity. Involved in tissue regeneration. Predicted to localize to mitochondrion. Is expressed in adult head; ectoderm; organism; and prothoracic leg disc. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in kidney failure and renal fibrosis. Orthologous to human GFER (growth factor, augmenter of liver regeneration). Sulfur oxidoreductases with oxygen as acceptor, include dehydrogenases that oxidize sulfur-containing group with the reduction of oxygen molecule. Disulfide oxidoreductases include dehydrogenases that catalyze the oxidation of substrate with reduced sulfide groups into substrate with oxidized disulfide bonds.
CG40002: ND-AGGG. NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) AGGG subunit. Predicted to localize to mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I (NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] 1 beta subcomplex subunit 2). Is expressed in adult head and adult heart. Mitochondrial Complex I is the first and largest holoenzyme of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. It oxidizes NADH from the tricarboxylic acid cycle and β oxidation of fatty acids, reduces ubiquinone and transports protons across the inner membrane, contributing to the proton-motive force. It is also involved in the cellular production of reactive oxygen species. ‘Accessory’ or ‘supernumerary’ subunits are all encoded by nuclear DNA and are not directly involved in catalysis.
NMDMC: NAD-dependent methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase. Predicted to have several functions, including magnesium ion binding activity; methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase activity; and methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase [NAD(P)+] activity. Predicted to be involved in 10-formyltetrahydrofolate metabolic process; carbohydrate metabolic process; and tetrahydrofolate interconversion. Predicted to localize to mitochondrion. Is expressed in adult head; amnioserosa; embryonic rectum; rectum primordium; and yolk nucleus. Orthologous to human MTHFD2L (methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 2 like) and MTHFD2 (methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 2, methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase). CH-NH oxidoreductases with NAD or NADP as acceptor, include dehydrogenases that oxidize a CH-NH with the reduction of NAD or NADP. Other Carbon-Nitrogen hydrolases of cyclic amidines are a collection of Carbon-Nitrogen hydrolases of cyclic amidines that do not fit into any other major hydrolases.ATF4-dependant target.
CG5059: BNIP3. Predicted to be involved in mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization and regulation of programmed cell death. Localizes to nucleus. Is expressed in several structures, including adult head; apoptotic amnioserosa; ectoderm; ectoderm anlage; and extended germ band embryo. Orthologous to several human genes including BNIP3 (BCL2 interacting protein 3).
MRPS31: Mitochondrial ribosomal protein S31.Mitochondrial 28S ribosomal protein S31. Predicted to be a structural constituent of ribosome. Predicted to be involved in translation. Predicted to localize to mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit. Is expressed in several structures, including adult head; embryonic/larval muscle system; extended germ band embryo; gut section; and spermatozoon. Orthologous to human MRPS31 (mitochondrial ribosomal protein S31). Mitochondrial ribosomes are found in the mitochondrial matrix and translate genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation encoded by the mitochondrial genome. Ribosomes are formed by two ribonucleoprotein subunits, large and small. The principle function of the small subunit is to bind mRNA. (Adapted from FBrf0205398).
CG1319: Fdx2. Ferredoxin 2. Predicted to have electron transfer activity. Involved in positive regulation of ecdysteroid biosynthetic process. Predicted to localize to mitochondrial matrix. Is expressed in several structures, including adult heart; gut section; posterior endoderm; and presumptive embryonic/larval digestive system. Orthologous to human FDX1 (ferredoxin 1). The Other oxidoreductases, is a collection of oxidoreductases that do not fit into any of the other major oxidoreductases. Required for ecdysteroidogenesis in the prothoracic gland which is necessary for larval to pupal transition.
MTSSB: Mitochondrial single stranded DNA-binding protein. Exhibits single-stranded DNA binding activity. Involved in several processes, including DNA replication; positive regulation of exodeoxyribonuclease activity; and regulation of DNA-dependent DNA replication. Localizes to mitochondrial chromosome. Is expressed in several structures, including adult heart; embryonic/larval midgut; embryonic/larval midgut primordium; ovary; and wing disc. Orthologous to human SSBP1 (single stranded DNA binding protein 1). Binds preferentially and cooperatively to pyrimidine rich single-stranded DNA (ss-DNA) (PubMed:7673145, PubMed:8206370, PubMed:21953457). Required to maintain the copy number of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and plays crucial roles during mtDNA replication that stimulate activity of the gamma complex polymerase tam at the replication fork (PubMed:21953457, PubMed:26446790, PubMed:14754882, PubMed:28318978, PubMed:7673145, PubMed:11294889). Promotes tam activity largely by organizing the template DNA and eliminating secondary structures to favor ss-DNA conformations that facilitate tam activity (PubMed:26446790, PubMed:21953457, PubMed:7673145).
CG3999: Predicted to have glycine binding activity; glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) activity; and pyridoxal phosphate binding activity. Predicted to be involved in glycine decarboxylation via glycine cleavage system. Predicted to localize to glycine cleavage complex and mitochondrion. Is expressed in adult head; adult heart; embryonic/larval fat body; fat body/gonad primordium; and yolk nucleus. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in glycine encephalopathy. Orthologous to human GLDC (glycine decarboxylase). CH-NH2 oxidoreductases with disulfide as acceptor, include dehydrogenases that oxidize a CH-NH2 group with the reduction of disulfide group.
CG1673 Predicted to have branched-chain-amino-acid transaminase activity. Predicted to be involved in leucine biosynthetic process and valine biosynthetic process. Predicted to localize to mitochondrion. Is expressed in adult head and spermatozoon. Orthologous to human BCAT1 (branched chain amino acid transaminase 1) and BCAT2 (branched chain amino acid transaminase 2). Transaminases catalyze the interconversion of amino acids and oxoacids by transfer of amino groups.
Puml Pummelig. Exhibits carboxylic ester hydrolase activity. Predicted to be involved in lipid homeostasis and phosphatidic acid biosynthetic process. Predicted to localize to lipid droplet; mitochondrion; and peroxisome. Is expressed in several structures, including embryonic/larval fat body; embryonic/larval midgut primordium; embryonic/larval posterior spiracle; germ layer; and spermatozoon. Used to study obesity. Human ortholog(s) of this gene implicated in autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis 1 and neutral lipid storage disease. Orthologous to human ABHD4 (abhydrolase domain containing 4, N-acyl phospholipase B) and ABHD5 (abhydrolase domain containing 5, lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase). Its molecular function is described by: carboxylic ester hydrolase activity; lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase activity. OTHER CARBOXYLESTERASES are carboxylesterases that do not fall into any other major carboxylesterase group. The other lysophospholipid acyltransferases are a collection of transferases that do not fit into any of the other major lysophospholipid acyltransferases.
Dronc Death regulator Nedd2-like caspase (Dronc) encodes an initiator caspase that is essential for caspase-dependent cell death. It is also implicated in the DNA damage response, sperm differentiation and cell specification. Exhibits cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic signaling pathway and protein homodimerization activity. Involved in several processes, including positive regulation of cell death; programmed cell death involved in cell development; and protein processing. Localizes to apoptosome; nucleus; and plasma membrane. Is expressed in several structures, including extended germ band embryo; eye disc; foregut primordium; germline cyst; and gut section. Used to study testicular cancer. Orthologous to human CASP2 (caspase 2). The apoptosome is a ring-like multisubunit complex assembled upon receiving a pro-apoptotic signal. In Drosophila, Dark assembles into two stacked rings of eight subunits each. This scaffold binds ADP and an initiator caspase (Dronc in D.mel) which cleaves effector caspase(s). Involved in the activation cascade of caspases responsible for apoptosis execution. Effector of steroid-mediated apoptosis during insect metamorphosis. Overexpression promotes programmed cell death. Interaction with Diap1 is required to suppress Dronc-mediated cell death; via Diap1-mediated ubiquitination of Dronc. Rate-limiting caspase in rpr and hid death pathway. Cysteine protease - a functional homolog of CED-3/caspase-9 - initiator caspase - involved in programmed cell death - activated by interaction with the Apaf-containing apoptosome
CG10924 Pepck2. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 2. Predicted to have manganese ion binding activity and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (GTP) activity. Predicted to be involved in several processes, including cellular response to glucose stimulus; gluconeogenesis; and monocarboxylic acid metabolic process. Predicted to localize to cytosol and mitochondrion. Is expressed in several structures, including embryonic/larval midgut primordium; extended germ band embryo; gastrula embryo; posterior ectoderm anlage; and yolk. Orthologous to human PCK2 (phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 2, mitochondrial). Carboxy-lyases are involved in the the addition of a carboxyl group to a compound (carboxylases) or the removal of a carboxyl group from a compound (decarboxylases).
ClueGO: Molecular Function & Biological Process
This table is related to Supplementary Table 21 .
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6 <- read.csv("Analysis/TDOWN_PDOWN_ClueGOResultTable_detail.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
GO ID | GO Term | Ontology | Term P-value corrected | Group P-value corrected | % Associated Genes | No. Genes | Associated Genes |
GO:0004553 | hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds | GO_MF | 0.0000368 | 0.0000011 | 6.45 | 6 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI, Mal-A4, Mal-B1, tobi |
GO:0004553 | hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds | GO_MF | 0.0000368 | 0.0000037 | 6.45 | 6 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI, Mal-A4, Mal-B1, tobi |
R-DME:8853383 | Lysosomal oligosaccharide catabolism | REACTOME | 0.0000599 | 0.0000011 | 42.86 | 3 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI |
R-DME:8853383 | Lysosomal oligosaccharide catabolism | REACTOME | 0.0000599 | 0.0000037 | 42.86 | 3 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI |
R-DME:8939242 | RUNX1 regulates transcription of genes involved in differentiation of keratinocytes | REACTOME | 0.0001647 | 0.0075793 | 12.90 | 4 | CG4847, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
GO:0006013 | mannose metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0001940 | 0.0000011 | 30.00 | 3 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI |
GO:0006013 | mannose metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0001940 | 0.0000037 | 30.00 | 3 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI |
GO:0005996 | monosaccharide metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0003632 | 0.0000011 | 6.17 | 5 | Gnmt, LManIII, LManV, LManVI, smp-30 |
GO:0005996 | monosaccharide metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0003632 | 0.0000037 | 6.17 | 5 | Gnmt, LManIII, LManV, LManVI, smp-30 |
GO:0004559 | alpha-mannosidase activity | GO_MF | 0.0005527 | 0.0000011 | 21.43 | 3 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI |
GO:0004559 | alpha-mannosidase activity | GO_MF | 0.0005527 | 0.0000037 | 21.43 | 3 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI |
GO:0015923 | mannosidase activity | GO_MF | 0.0006705 | 0.0000011 | 20.00 | 3 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI |
GO:0015923 | mannosidase activity | GO_MF | 0.0006705 | 0.0000037 | 20.00 | 3 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI |
R-DME:1474290 | Collagen formation | REACTOME | 0.0007187 | 0.0075793 | 8.70 | 4 | CG4847, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
GO:0006805 | xenobiotic metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0011273 | 0.0002321 | 16.67 | 3 | CG17322, Cyp6t1, St3 |
GO:0071466 | cellular response to xenobiotic stimulus | GO_BP | 0.0011273 | 0.0002321 | 16.67 | 3 | CG17322, Cyp6t1, St3 |
KEGG:00511 | Other glycan degradation | KEGG | 0.0023452 | 0.0000011 | 13.04 | 3 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI |
KEGG:00511 | Other glycan degradation | KEGG | 0.0023452 | 0.0000037 | 13.04 | 3 | LManIII, LManV, LManVI |
GO:0019318 | hexose metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0036665 | 0.0000011 | 5.63 | 4 | Gnmt, LManIII, LManV, LManVI |
GO:0019318 | hexose metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0036665 | 0.0000037 | 5.63 | 4 | Gnmt, LManIII, LManV, LManVI |
R-DME:194002 | Glucocorticoid biosynthesis | REACTOME | 0.0049632 | 0.0075793 | 10.00 | 3 | Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
R-DME:140837 | Intrinsic Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation | REACTOME | 0.0053045 | 0.0075793 | 9.68 | 3 | Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
R-DME:140875 | Common Pathway of Fibrin Clot Formation | REACTOME | 0.0053045 | 0.0075793 | 9.68 | 3 | Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
R-DME:140877 | Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade) | REACTOME | 0.0053045 | 0.0075793 | 9.68 | 3 | Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
R-DME:3000178 | ECM proteoglycans | REACTOME | 0.0061930 | 0.0075793 | 9.09 | 3 | Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
R-DME:375276 | Peptide ligand-binding receptors | REACTOME | 0.0063081 | 0.0075793 | 8.82 | 3 | Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
R-DME:1474244 | Extracellular matrix organization | REACTOME | 0.0064470 | 0.0075793 | 4.71 | 4 | CG4847, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
GO:0004867 | serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity | GO_BP | 0.0064470 | 0.0075793 | 4.71 | 4 | Sfp24Ba, Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
R-DME:1650814 | Collagen biosynthesis and modifying enzymes | REACTOME | 0.0084787 | 0.0075793 | 7.89 | 3 | Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
R-DME:5694530 | Cargo concentration in the ER | REACTOME | 0.0105451 | 0.0075793 | 7.14 | 3 | Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
GO:0046662 | regulation of oviposition | GO_BP | 0.0109753 | 0.0029724 | 22.22 | 2 | Dup99B, Est-6 |
GO:0000023 | maltose metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0125930 | 0.0000037 | 20.00 | 2 | Mal-A4, Mal-B1 |
GO:0032450 | maltose alpha-glucosidase activity | GO_BP | 0.0125930 | 0.0000037 | 20.00 | 2 | Mal-A4, Mal-B1 |
GO:0004558 | alpha-1,4-glucosidase activity | GO_MF | 0.0125930 | 0.0000037 | 20.00 | 2 | Mal-A4, Mal-B1 |
KEGG:00040 | Pentose and glucuronate interconversions | KEGG | 0.0136176 | 0.0136176 | 4.00 | 2 | CG17322, Sodh-1 |
GO:0090599 | alpha-glucosidase activity | GO_MF | 0.0175867 | 0.0000037 | 16.67 | 2 | Mal-A4, Mal-B1 |
GO:0060180 | female mating behavior | GO_BP | 0.0213179 | 0.0029724 | 4.55 | 2 | Dup99B, Est-6 |
R-DME:192456 | Digestion of dietary lipid | REACTOME | 0.0215175 | 0.0024768 | 5.36 | 3 | CG18258, CG18284, CG5162 |
KEGG:00061 | Fatty acid biosynthesis | KEGG | 0.0219442 | 0.0026087 | 14.29 | 2 | FASN3, bgm |
GO:0046364 | monosaccharide biosynthetic process | GO_BP | 0.0219442 | 0.0000011 | 14.29 | 2 | Gnmt, smp-30 |
R-DME:196071 | Metabolism of steroid hormones | REACTOME | 0.0259664 | 0.0075793 | 4.76 | 3 | Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
GO:0009311 | oligosaccharide metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0266042 | 0.0000037 | 5.00 | 2 | Mal-A4, Mal-B1 |
GO:0015926 | glucosidase activity | GO_MF | 0.0273663 | 0.0000037 | 12.50 | 2 | Mal-A4, Mal-B1 |
GO:0004806 | triglyceride lipase activity | GO_MF | 0.0280498 | 0.0024768 | 4.55 | 3 | CG18258, CG18284, CG5162 |
R-DME:373076 | Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) | REACTOME | 0.0280498 | 0.0075793 | 4.55 | 3 | Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
GO:0018991 | oviposition | GO_BP | 0.0292499 | 0.0029724 | 11.11 | 2 | Dup99B, Est-6 |
R-DME:204005 | COPII-mediated vesicle transport | REACTOME | 0.0305319 | 0.0075793 | 4.23 | 3 | Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
R-DME:500792 | GPCR ligand binding | REACTOME | 0.0308563 | 0.0075793 | 4.11 | 3 | Spn75F, Spn77Bb, Spn77Bc |
GO:0080030 | methyl indole-3-acetate esterase activity | GO_MF | 0.0321150 | 0.0024768 | 5.26 | 2 | CG5162, Est-6 |
GO:0080030 | methyl indole-3-acetate esterase activity | GO_MF | 0.0321150 | 0.0029724 | 5.26 | 2 | CG5162, Est-6 |
GO:0005984 | disaccharide metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0323987 | 0.0000037 | 9.52 | 2 | Mal-A4, Mal-B1 |
GO:0046008 | regulation of female receptivity, post-mating | GO_BP | 0.0328228 | 0.0029724 | 9.09 | 2 | Dup99B, Est-6 |
R-DME:189200 | Cellular hexose transport | REACTOME | 0.0357865 | 0.0065066 | 8.33 | 2 | CG1208, CG6484 |
GO:0045924 | regulation of female receptivity | GO_BP | 0.0381167 | 0.0029724 | 5.41 | 2 | Dup99B, Est-6 |
GO:0004467 | long-chain fatty acid-CoA ligase activity | GO_BP | 0.0410941 | 0.0026087 | 7.41 | 2 | CG4830, bgm |
KEGG:00052 | Galactose metabolism | KEGG | 0.0433653 | 0.0000037 | 5.56 | 2 | Mal-A4, Mal-B1 |
R-DME:1482801 | Acyl chain remodelling of PS | REACTOME | 0.0452553 | 0.0024768 | 5.88 | 2 | CG18258, CG5162 |
GO:0016878 | acid-thiol ligase activity | GO_MF | 0.0452553 | 0.0026087 | 5.88 | 2 | CG4830, bgm |
R-DME:1482801 | Acyl chain remodelling of PS | REACTOME | 0.0452553 | 0.0029724 | 5.88 | 2 | CG18258, CG5162 |
GO:0016405 | CoA-ligase activity | GO_MF | 0.0455262 | 0.0026087 | 6.67 | 2 | CG4830, bgm |
GO:0015645 | fatty acid ligase activity | GO_MF | 0.0455262 | 0.0026087 | 6.67 | 2 | CG4830, bgm |
GO:0001676 | long-chain fatty acid metabolic process | GO_BP | 0.0459347 | 0.0026087 | 6.25 | 2 | CG4830, bgm |
KEGG:00500 | Starch and sucrose metabolism | KEGG | 0.0459347 | 0.0000037 | 6.25 | 2 | Mal-A4, Mal-B1 |
This figure is related to Figure 7 (right)
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur <- read.csv("Analysis/ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_det_results_curated.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",")
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur <-
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur <- ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur %>% arrange((Term_Pvalue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down))
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur <- ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur %>% mutate(GOTerm = fct_reorder(GOTerm, desc(Term_Pvalue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down))) # lock in factor level order
## 'data.frame': 15 obs. of 11 variables:
## $ GOID : Factor w/ 15 levels "GO:0004553","GO:0004806",..: 1 15 4 10 5 13 9 3 14 7 ...
## $ GOTerm : Factor w/ 15 levels "Acyl chain remodelling of PS",..: 15 14 13 12 11 10 8 9 7 6 ...
## $ OS_short : Factor w/ 4 levels "GO_BP","GO_MF",..: 2 4 1 4 1 4 4 1 4 3 ...
## $ Ontology_Source : Factor w/ 4 levels "GO_BiologicalProcess-EBI-UniProt-GOA-ACAP-ARAP_15.01.2021_00h00",..: 2 4 1 4 1 4 4 1 4 3 ...
## $ Term_PValue : num 9.00e-07 1.50e-06 9.60e-06 2.05e-05 3.32e-05 ...
## $ Term_Pvalue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down : num 3.68e-05 5.99e-05 3.63e-04 7.19e-04 1.13e-03 ...
## $ Group_PValue : num 1.00e-07 1.00e-07 1.00e-07 2.53e-03 3.32e-05 ...
## $ Group_PValue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down: num 1.10e-06 1.10e-06 1.10e-06 7.58e-03 2.32e-04 ...
## $ X._Associated_Genes : num 6.45 42.86 6.17 8.7 16.67 ...
## $ No_Genes : int 6 3 5 4 3 3 4 4 3 2 ...
## $ Associated_Genes_Found : Factor w/ 13 levels "CG1208, CG6484",..: 11 10 9 6 2 13 6 12 13 3 ...
ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur_plot <- ggplot( ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur, aes(x = -log10(Term_Pvalue_Corrected_with_Bonferroni_step_down), y = GOTerm, fill= OS_short)) + geom_bar(stat="identity", width=0.7 ) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="RdBu") + theme_bw() + ylab(NULL) + xlab("-log10(term adjusted p value)") + theme(legend.position="right", text = element_text(size=15)) + geom_text(aes(label=No_Genes ), size=3, nudge_x = .7, color = "black" ) + scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0, 0), limits = c(0, 8)) + guides(fill=guide_legend(title="Ontology"))
ggsave("1.6_figure_output/ClueGOResultTable_TDOWN_PDOWN_1.6_cur_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 9, limitsize = TRUE)
## Saving 9 x 5 in image
**uORF data taken from Supplementary Table 1 “Genome-wide maps of ribosomal occupancy provide insights into adaptive evolution and regulatory roles of uORFs during Drosophila development, Zhang et al., 2018” (**
This analysis is related to Figure 5.
# Load datasets
ORF <- read_csv("1.6_data/ORF.csv") # Table S1 from the Zhang et al., 2018 paper
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## Chromosome = col_character(),
## Start = col_double(),
## End = col_double(),
## Strand = col_character(),
## Gene_ID = col_character(),
## Isoform = col_character()
## )
Group1 <- read_csv("1.6_data/FlyBase_ID_Group1.csv") # Group 1 genes
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## Isoform = col_character(),
## Gene_ID = col_character(),
## symbol = col_character()
## )
Group2 <- read_csv("1.6_data/FlyBase_IDs_Group2.csv") # Group 2 genes
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## Isoform = col_character(),
## Gene_ID = col_character(),
## Symbol = col_character()
## )
# Inner join
# Group 1 genes
ORF_G1 <- inner_join(ORF, Group1, by = "Isoform")
ORF_G1unq <- ORF_G1 %>% select(symbol) %>% unique() # 8/27 targets 29.6%
write.csv(ORF_G1, "1.6_data_output/ORF_G1_merge_group1.csv") # Supplemntary figure 17
# Group 2 genes
ORF_G2 <- inner_join(ORF, Group2, by = "Isoform")
ORF_G2unq <- ORF_G2 %>% select(Symbol) %>% unique() # 40/102 targets 39.2%
write.csv(ORF_G2, "1.6_data_output/ORF_G2_merge_group2.csv") # Supplemntary figure 18
#Total targets inner join - only matched transcripts and proteins
Total_ORF <- read_csv("1.6_data/dPERK_inner_join_FC1.6_ORF.csv") # changed column name Transcript ID to Isoform for the merging in excel
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
## Isoform = col_character(),
## = col_character(),
## Protein.ID = col_character(),
## trans_FC = col_double(),
## trans_FDR = col_double(),
## prot_FC = col_double(),
## prot_FDR = col_double(),
## trans_reg = col_double(),
## prot_reg = col_double()
## )
Total_ORFunq <- Total_ORF %>% select( %>% unique() # 5,586 genes
# Merge datasets
ORF_total <- inner_join(ORF, Total_ORF, by = "Isoform") # 9,059 transcripts
ORF_totalunq <- ORF_total %>% select( %>% unique() # 2,425 genes with uORF
write.csv(ORF_total, "1.6_data_output/ORFtotala_merge_dPERK_inner_join.csv") # Supplemntary figure 16
group_names <- c("Total", "Group 1", "Group 2")
percentages_uORF <- c((2425/5586*100), (7/26*100), (40/102*100))
Fig5a <- data.frame(group_names, percentages_uORF)
Fig5a_plot <-ggplot(data= Fig5a , aes(x= group_names, y= percentages_uORF )) +
geom_bar(stat="identity") + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,50), breaks = seq(0, 50, by = 25))
ggsave("1.6_figure_output/Fig5a.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 9, limitsize = TRUE)
## Saving 9 x 5 in image
first_column <- c("CG43402", "CG31808", "Dgp-1", "Hsp22", "CG2017", "Ire1", "BomBc3" )
second_column <- c(1, 3, 6, 15, 2, 4, 1)
Group1_nouORF <- data.frame(first_column, second_column)
## first_column second_column
## 1 CG43402 1
## 2 CG31808 3
## 3 Dgp-1 6
## 4 Hsp22 15
## 5 CG2017 2
## 6 Ire1 4
## 7 BomBc3 1
Group1_nouORF_plot <-ggplot(data=Group1_nouORF , aes(x=first_column, y=second_column)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity") + scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 15, by = 1))
ggsave("1.6_figure_output/Group1_nouORF_plot.pdf", scale = 1, dpi = 320, width = 9, limitsize = TRUE)
## Saving 9 x 5 in image
# Groups | uORFpresent | uORF absent | Sum
# -------------------------------------------
# Total | 2,425 | 3161 | 5,586
# Group 1 | 7 | 19 | 26
# Group 2 | 40 | 62 | 102
orf_pior = 2425/5586
# Group 1
group1_size = 26
group1_test = 7
# generate int values of size 27 based on orf prior
#variance: mean - 3sd = 0
sd_g1 = orf_pior*group1_size/(3)
mc_dt = round(rnorm(1000, mean=orf_pior*group1_size, sd=sd_g1))
t.test(mc_dt, mu = group1_test, alternative = "two.sided")
## One Sample t-test
## data: mc_dt
## t = 36.217, df = 999, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 7
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## 11.06607 11.53193
## sample estimates:
## mean of x
## 11.299
p_val_list1 = c()
for (i in 1:1000){
sd_g1 = orf_pior*group1_size/(3)
mc_dt_g1 = round(rnorm(100, mean=orf_pior*group1_size, sd=sd_g1))
t = t.test(mc_dt_g1, mu = group1_test, alternative = "two.sided")
p_val_list1 = c(p_val_list1, t$p.value)
adj_p_val1 = sum(p_val_list1 >= 0.05, na.rm = TRUE)/1000
## [1] 0
#negative control:
t.test(mc_dt, mu = orf_pior*group1_size, alternative = "two.sided") # not sig
## One Sample t-test
## data: mc_dt
## t = 0.099862, df = 999, p-value = 0.9205
## alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 11.28715
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## 11.06607 11.53193
## sample estimates:
## mean of x
## 11.299
# Group 2
group2_size = 102
group2_test = 40
# generate int values of size 27 based on orf prior
p_val_list2 = c()
for (i in 1:1000){
sd_g2 = orf_pior*group2_size/(3)
mc_dt_g2 = round(rnorm(100, mean=orf_pior*group2_size, sd=sd_g2))
t = t.test(mc_dt_g2, mu = group2_test, alternative = "two.sided")
p_val_list2 = c(p_val_list2, t$p.value)
adj_p_val2 = sum(p_val_list2 >= 0.05, na.rm = TRUE)/1000
## [1] 0.188
#negative control:
t.test(mc_dt_g2, mu = orf_pior*group2_size, alternative = "two.sided") # not sig
## One Sample t-test
## data: mc_dt_g2
## t = -1.0456, df = 99, p-value = 0.2983
## alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 44.28034
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## 39.44016 45.77984
## sample estimates:
## mean of x
## 42.61
#Total merged minus group 1
g1 = ORF_G1
g1 <- g1 %>% dplyr::rename(Gene_ID = Gene_ID.x) #rename for antijoin
ORF_total_minusg1_antijoin <- anti_join(ORF_total, g1, by = "Gene_ID") #return all rows from x where there are not matching values in y, keeping just columns from x
ORF_total_minusg1 <- ORF_total_minusg1_antijoin
ORF_total_minusg1 <- data.frame(Gene = ORF_total_minusg1$Gene_ID) #dataframe with just genes
ORF_total_minusg1 = ORF_total_minusg1 %>%
group_by(Gene) %>%
summarise(count = length(Gene))
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
# group 1
g1_grouped = g1
g1_grouped <- g1_grouped %>% filter(!symbol == "PEK")
g1_grouped = g1_grouped %>%
group_by(symbol) %>%
summarise(count = length(symbol))
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
#group 2
g2 = ORF_G2
g2_grouped = g2
g2_grouped = g2_grouped %>%
group_by(Symbol) %>%
summarise(count = length(Symbol))
## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
#compare them
wilcox.test(g2_grouped$count,g1_grouped$count, exact = FALSE)
## Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
## data: g2_grouped$count and g1_grouped$count
## W = 129, p-value = 0.7484
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
# does not have a different number of uORFs
## Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
## data: ORF_total_minusg1$count and g1_grouped$count
## W = 7278.5, p-value = 0.51
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
# does not have a different number of uORFs
#check length
# group 1
g1_length = g1
g1_length = g1_length %>% filter(!symbol == "PEK")
g1_length$l = g1_length$End-g1_length$Start
## [1] 15 27 129 69 21 1127 15 63 12 18 470 186 168 21 206
## [16] 77 57 57 21 87 87 57 12 84 84 18 6 27 18 6
## [31] 27 48
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 6.00 18.00 52.50 103.75 84.75 1127.00
# Total merged minus group 1
ORF_total_minusg1_length = ORF_total_minusg1_antijoin
ORF_total_minusg1_length$l = ORF_total_minusg1_length$End - ORF_total_minusg1_length$Start
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 3.0 18.0 36.0 329.9 84.0 73938.0
# group 2
g2_length = g2
g2_length$l = g2_length$End-g2_length$Start
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 6 18 42 111 78 4919
## Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
## data: g2_length$l and g1_length$l
## W = 3031.5, p-value = 0.7636
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
# does not have a different lenghts of uORFs
## Wilcoxon rank sum test with continuity correction
## data: ORF_total_minusg1_length$l and g1_length$l
## W = 138150, p-value = 0.6727
## alternative hypothesis: true location shift is not equal to 0
# does not have a different lenghts of uORFs